fox: speed prevents rob from chasing, dair abuses bad shield, can out camp us, has a reflector, can juggle realllly well cause rob has AWFUL air speed
lucario: fair shield pokes hard and low percent juggles rack up % quick, again ez juggling, rob has no kill power so lucario lives forever --> he does more damage
diddy: while rob can abuse bananas well with his decent item game but diddy just does it better (obv), bananas trip due to more shield johns and he can camp well
toon link: he outcamps us really hard, all his projectiles and z-air shieldpoke really hard, kills us pretty quick
but I still think rob beats wario 55-45
i dont really see how those characters cover an unfair amount of options. imo bad matchups truely come from a character being able to cover many of your options while still having a window open to punish your other better options. not just because other characters are better at camping than you.
i get it, rob is an amazing camper, and when he's forced to approach, it takes away from the big good side of his playstyle, but that doesn't mean he strait loses the matchup because of it. alot of people judge matchups too much on whether or not their biggest plusses are abusable or not.
if i was judging matchups based on who out camped who, ddd would have rediculously bad matchups across the bored cause everyone with a decent projectile can out camp him. however his only real bad matchups are those like IC's MK or ZSS, all characters that can completely shut his approach game down, while still be able to run him over for free if they happen to have to approach.
aka their options can just beat his while still staying safe.
based on your reasons about ur "bad" matchups, i'm not really seeing that happen. the majority of the reasons came down to who out camps you, and shield pokes. the shield poke thing, imo, can get solved by having better footsies. yes this makes you change ur normal playstyle a bit, but rob's ftilt is godlike and imo is one of the best spacing moves in the game.
the other thing you said was he cant really land well and gets juggled. This will again bring me back to DDD or even snake for that matter. DDD suffers from this and DOESNT have any good means of b-reverses to change his momentum and trick up his opponent. Snake has gernades, but rob has his laser (i believe) gyro cancels a good up b for stalling in the air (except against mk cuz we can shuttle loop that for free) and a side b you can throw out to mess with someone that tries to wait under u in a shield
i duno, i just feel like just because your direct attacks (nair and stuff) don't beat outother people when they are below you, doesn't mean you lose in the air, you just need to abuse the other options rob does have to make up for that.
hope that's helped in some way, and i'm sorry if this is all info you already knew, i just don't think alot of people playing mid-ish tiers give their characters enough credit.
Just because your character isn't the best in a given situation, doesn't mean they are bad in it.