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Gah Rob!!


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
St. Louis, Missouri
I don't know about the rest of you, but I find that ROB is the toughest match up for Sonic. Sonic's greatest strength is his ability use his speed to punish attacks that your opponent misses, but ROB has pretty much zero lag after just about every attack he uses. His spinning top of doom manages to hit me 3 times consecutively if the first one hits and ROB's wall of pain fair perfectly catches sonic, both due to his fall speed. Sonic's inability to sweet spot the ledge out of his spring causes me to get spiked by ROB's dair fairly often and for some strange reason I am constantly hit by the bair most likely because I forget that it propels ROB forward. Am I the only one who is a victim to these things or can someone help tell me how to combat these things?

Terios the Hedgehog

Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2006
Shenandoah, PA
I haven't played that many Robs but you could try running shieldgrab. I don't remember all of Robs moves but I think you can hyphen smash right past MOST of his moves if you both stay grounded. Projectiles pose a problem then but Spinshot should get you close in a flash so you can force combos.

Sideb MIGHT be able to get past projectiles. I use it to assault Link.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2008
use something i like to call an airdodge.
and all of rob's aerials are highly predictable and you can almost always see them coming.
now for his super fast jabs and tilts and what not, i got nothing. but as a rob player, i would suggest watching out for the dsmash, it can be pulled out almost immediately with close to no lag, and it's fast.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
St. Louis, Missouri
its not that i can't see his aerials coming, its that I have no choice but to get caught in them. I'll upload a video soon where you can see me just get owned and not have any clue how I could avoid it.
Mar 15, 2008
R.O.B is an good character, but he not that hard to beat. Hell, Metaknight is a ***** to fight as Sonic. ****, even a good Sonic might get hsi *** kick by a good Mk. But I hope you can start pwning R.O.B man.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
I don't know about the rest of you, but I find that ROB is the toughest match up for Sonic. Sonic's greatest strength is his ability use his speed to punish attacks that your opponent misses, but ROB has pretty much zero lag after just about every attack he uses. His spinning top of doom manages to hit me 3 times consecutively if the first one hits and ROB's wall of pain fair perfectly catches sonic, both due to his fall speed. Sonic's inability to sweet spot the ledge out of his spring causes me to get spiked by ROB's dair fairly often and for some strange reason I am constantly hit by the bair most likely because I forget that it propels ROB forward. Am I the only one who is a victim to these things or can someone help tell me how to combat these things?
Playstyle (?):
- ROB doesn't seem to be one of those characters you can 'camp' against, since he has good control of the area in his horizontal level (laser, gyro...), so you might have to try to keep pressuring/knocking him around and/or off the level (more on this later) instead of trying to be the counter-attack freak.

Top/Beyblade/Gyro problems:
Other people can grab the top, I'm pretty sure.

Like when fighting Snake or Diddy, try doing dash attacks timed so that you grab their item at the beginning of the dash attack. Sometimes, you might even be able to catch the top as they throw it as well as hit them with the dash attack. If not, airdodging is a safer way to do it.

Getting D-aired:
- Try using the invincibility frames of the upB (it goes from the point Sonic gets off the spring until about spindash-jump height) to get through edgeguarders.
- If not, try homing attack for recovery instead.

Against Rob's b-air/f-air:
- Dodge :[ but really, I'd be more concerned about his n-air more than f/b-air
- Spring (projectile) > d-air can juggle him decently.

Random stuff:
- ROB's u-smash comes out fast, but it doesn't catch you if you're on his sides. It's primarily anti-air.
- ROB's up-B recovery uses 'fuel', which replenishes when he's on the ground. I'm not sure if hanging on edges count, but springs can keep him juggled for a while. If a ROB is coming up above ground from an up-B recovery, try knocking him back, or if you think he'll dodge, place a spring under his landing point then knock him back off the stage. No fuel = no recovery. Rob seems to be one of those people you want to keep knocking around. Sonic B-air, spring, and U/F-smash should keep him busy.
- Laser takes 2 seconds to be able to fire.
- ROB has good control of the space horizontally in front of him due to bouncing/aimable lasers and the Gyro. Go vertical and drop springs, d-air (don't always aim it at him though, d-airing into a usmash sucks.), and try to mix up his aim.


Smash Rookie
May 7, 2008
R.O.B can be hard at times, just study his moves and use air dodges, You should stay on the ground if you don't like his aerial moves


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2007
Long Island NY.
Stay grounded, I suggest that the only time you should be in the air with him is when you're trying to combo. The best combo that gets him in the air (for me at least) is running and using spindash right outside his Dsmash range, into fair.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Stay grounded, I suggest that the only time you should be in the air with him is when you're trying to combo. The best combo that gets him in the air (for me at least) is running and using spindash right outside his Dsmash range, into fair.

Also, from what I've experienced, Sonic absolutely ***** ROB whenm he's trying to recover.
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