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G3S #2 - The great famine | Indy wins!


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Request replacement on Joey with Detective Sherlock Hound
If I get replaced by a slot like that, then it will be Red Ryu alone. Either I'm playing or I'm not, and I'm not going to be giving Red Ryu the idea that he will be working with me when in reality he would just be replacing me.

Probably replacing out. 3 V/LA's really screwed me over this game. Sorry Gheb/players. Will try to not let it happen in my next few games.


#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
i came in here expecting ******** ****posts from bardull that have zero sense in analyzing scum interactions

he delivered. sadly ganondorf never defeats link mr warlock



Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Scum interaction post:

Marshy/Zen is the most plausible scum team at this point and is the only one that makes sense.

BarDulL/Nabe doesn't make sense (just looking at it from a 3rd perspective; Nabe has been tunneling my slot ALL game. Guess it could be seen as distancing attempts from Nabe, but Nabe has tried to set up a wagon on me at least three times now, twice in what would appear to be LyLo. This is not an appropriate scum play imho.)

BarDulL/Circus - Eh...maybe? I don't really see it considering Circus' recent push on my slot as well as the fact that we're on two different wave lengths right now. He thinks Badwolf tried to get out of his situation as scum while I'm pretty sure Badwolf was just being silly, etc. I feel like we would have both come to the same conclusions if we were scum together.

Circus/Nabe is possible I guess since I have no clue where Nabe's scum read on Circus was coming from before Circus' oddball posts, so it might be a bad distancing attempt (but I don't get Nabe ever so I'm just going to leave this tangent alone.) Note: Circus did not hammer on Nabe, but I don't necessarily find scummy rationale in him doing this because he seems to have a.

Circus/Zen is possible but it feels a little unlikely.

Badwolf is Town and basically indisputable as such at this point.

Joey is null and could be paired with anyone. I could see him being paired with scum baker since baker (if there is one) had no excuse giving Joey food. Joey is basically screwing us over with his lack of interactions, so shout outs to whoever gave him food I guess (definitely going to ***** about it post-game.)

Zen/BarDulL - If this is the scum team, we won already. LOL. We distanced each other so hard, and we could have easily hammered on Nabe (although it would be wise for me to put up appearances before changing my read on Nabe, but still, it would have been kinda easy for me.)

Zen/Nabe - Doesn't make sense since Zen has pretty much wanted Nabe dead since D3 start, doesn't seem like a LyLo play or a distancing attempt since he was pushing for Circus/Joey to hammer at L-1.

Zen/Marshy - This is the one that makes the most sense. Will talk about this in an entirely different post.

Marshy/BarDulL - Definitely not possible. Our interactions spell absolutely nothing of the sort in regards to SvS.

Marshy/Circus - Maybe? Circus was ok with Marshy's lynch the other day, but for whatever reason toDay he isn't?

Marshy/Nabe - Maybe, it's possible. Not much to say here, from what I can remember, Nabe was ok with Marshy's lynch at one point, but he's not really anymore? Don't really know what happened here. Actually, the biggest controversy was that Nabe put his vote on Marshy when Marshy was at L-1 as a proclaimed way to "bring out the aggro Marshy." I don't think Marshy's reaction to Nabe spells SvS though since Marshy reacted relatively aggressive and in a fashion where TownMarshy or ScumMarshy would have reacted to a player of unknown alignment putting Marshy at L-1.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Some reasons why Zen/Marshy makes the most sense:

Zen has been attacking my slot and proclaiming that I'm scum/dumb/stubborn for pushing on Marshy so hard. Spells chainsaw defense.

Zen wanted Marshy dead, like dead dead, like super dead on D2, but his read suddenly changed out of nowhere? Seems more like a distancing attempt in hindsight.

Zen DID NOT HAMMER ON MARSHY WHEN MARSHY WAS AT L-1. Biggest clue here. Why not? Feels like Zen needs the mislynch on Nabe in order to secure a scum win considering Nabe has two hunger points (and he can't really push a case on Joey, ALTHOUGH he did say he was going to request a modkill on Joey which is something scum would do, but he wasn't quick about it and showed some hesitance so he's keeping up appearances.)

I'm going to have to really reread and dig up the dirt, but that's the scum team, nothing else really makes sense or seems right.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
I've been complaining about you NOT looking for indy. That was Circus who pointed out otherwise. I want you TO look for indy and tell me who is MAFIA and who is INDY. btw I just made a video for you but now I have to make a new one.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas

Bardull let me show you something. Let's assume that you're town. Me, Circus, and Badwolf are town. You, Badwolf, and Circus will die tonight without being fed. Let's assume that Circus is the baker and cannot feed himself.

2.) Gorf* marshy
3.) Ramen King*
4.) Circus*

6.) adumbrodeus* Bardull
8.) SangfroidWarrior* Nabe
10.) -Masquerain-*
11.) BadWolf28738*

Today we lynch the indy.
Circus feeds badwolf.
Badwolf jails me.
You & Circus die from hunger. Badwolf is night killed.

3.) Ramen King*
8.) SangfroidWarrior* Nabe
10.) -Masquerain-*

Bam. Game.
Now do you see why we need to be MAFIA hunting. And looking to NOT lynch the indy. If you don't see this I seriously don't think you can be trusted. We as a town do not know the other roles or who is the baker of course. Nor do we know if Baker can feed themselves. Third party may also have something to do with food. But based on what we do know as a town as a whole, lynching third-party today will put us in a severely detrimental state. We aren't just lynching "obv scum lolz" today. We are thinking this through. Something you are failing to do Brodull. Let's run the same situation, though lynching mafia instead of indy.

2.) Gorf* marshy
3.) Ramen King*
10.) -Masquerain-*

Both situations are horrible. If we have two townies die of starvation tonight, we are likely screwed. As I said though, this is all based on what we know as town as a whole. There may be other factors such as one of the mafia also dying of starvation tonight. Or baker being able to split up the portions of bread he has to more than one player. Regardless the second scenario puts us in better position than the first. We do not want both mafia living through this day. We also still don't know what the indy's win condition is so if it does happen to come down to 1 town, 1 indy, 1 mafia. Town & Indy may be able to team. Where as in the first scenario, there is not chance for town to win if played out.

So people need to UNVOTE. Stop being lynch happy *****es. Let's and let's talk all this through. We need to find out today whether or not Bardull is for sure a town Bro. One of him and Joey are the last scum and we need to find out which. On top of that we need to be indy hunting/mafia hunting. Trying to determine the safest possible lynch today. I'm not 100% sure if Nabe is mafia or indy. But I am sure he is scum. I'll bring out my case on him later.
And this is where you lose your credibility, Zen.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Besides, it's obvious that Indy is probably somewhere in Circus/Nabe/Joey, none of which are distinctively obvious indies.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Well, assuming of course Zen/Marshy is the mafia team, anyway. Definitely the most likely unless you can show me something that makes more sense.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Still leaning on Marshy lynch Nabe since Zen has been trying very hard to protect Marshy.

@Badwolf - lol, what kind of question is that? If you think both of them are scum, lay on the heat. I know you respect Zen as do I, but if they're scum, it's time to lay down the law.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Actually Zen is claimed to be at 2 points and Marshy is supposedly dying toNight, so we could knock two birds out with one stone. I'll give it some thought.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
**** it, lets do this. Sorry Zen, but you're scum with Marshy.

Vote: Zen

Badwolf, letsago.

Circus, letsago.

Joey, letsago.

Hunt for Indy starts toMorrow.

Badwolf, jail Marshy toNight.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
You should have just bussed Marshy earlier, would have been a better scum play.

Besides, you kept postulating that Nabe and myself were scum together, so why are you worried for an Alpha Strike? Your logic just keeps on going down the drain.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Badwolf, he is saying that he is worried for an alpha strike because scum may lynch him, but HE SAID HIMSELF HE THINKS MYSELF AND NABE ARE SCUM PARTNERS, so there is NO REASON why an alpha strike would happen.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Woooooooooooooooow what are you doing? Don't threaten the game by saying you're going to leave the community, come on man.
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