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G3S #2 - The great famine | Indy wins!


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
And I dunno man, he specifically told you not to jail him, why do you think he did that? We both know he can't be jailer either.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Anyway, that's how I'm feeling on it. Marshy seems like the right one to jail, so that's my vote. Best of luck to ya dude, I'm going to sleep.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
What even the ****.

Okay, I'm just going to blurt out exactly what I'm feeling instead of dressing it up with quotes and responses and ****. I was going to comment on some stuff that Zen and Marshy were saying that was basically convincing me to go back to Marshyscum and dropping my Bdull/Bwolf theory, but that's not really important to get too detailed anymore, I think.

Bardull, I'm sorry I flipped out on you, I now see my mistake. Zen pointed out that Badwolf claimed in order to counter the idea of Marshy being indy, which I guess I missed when I read it the first time, which did a number on my perception of you and Badwolf working together.

Badwolf's claim still drives me crazy, on like every level.

Will seriously eat my ****ing hat if Marshy isn't scum at this point. We let him weasel out of the noose again and I'm kicking myself so hard I can taste my own shoe.

Zen's death will bring us to 3town vs. 2maf and 1indy

Assuming Bardull is town, one between he and I will starve toNight, so that's -1town. Hopefully a Baker will save the other. Someone who is NOT close to starvation will likely be the NK, so that's either -1town or -1indy.

Assuming no scum starves, that puts us at either 1town vs. 2maf vs. 1indy, or 2town vs. 2maf, which are both unwinnable scenarios for us. We have to bank on at least one between Marshy and Badwolf being scum and telling the truth about their starvation situation, at this point, in order to even have a hope of victory. I cannot overstate this: DO NOT FEED MARSHY OR BADWOLF TONIGHT. If they're town, then we're ****ed anyway. We have to do whatever we can to make sure one maf starves toNight, and since Nabe and Joey aren't going to starve, we just have to cross our fingers and hope that they aren't the scum team. If the scumpair survives toNight, we lose.

Gheb's a Euro, so he should be here in a couple of hours to let us know if this game's even still going at this point. If there IS a Night phase at all, then that should suggest that at least one scum is going to starve toNight without food, so pleasepleaseplease heed my earlier warning, Baker.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Zen [Vanilla Townie] has been modkilled for posting his role PM
Night 3 begins: Send in all Night Actions until Sunday, July 15th;

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Night 3 ends & a win con has been fulfilled!

Badwolf [Jailer] has died of starvation
marshy [Vanilla Townie] has died of starvation
BarDull [Mafia Goon] has died of starvation

Nabe [Mafia Thief] and -Masquerain- [Town Baker] have been endgamed

Circus [Independent Marker] has fulfilled his wincondition and is the winner!

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Role PMs:

marshy, Gorf, Zen, July and Acrostic have gotten Vanilla Townie:

Welcome to G3S Mafia #2: The great famine, XY!

You are a Vanilla townie and have no special abilities. Your voice and your vote are your tools to win the game for your faction.

You are town aligned and you win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
X1-12 and -Masquerain- have gotten baker:

Welcome to G3S Mafia #2: The great famine, XY!

You are a Baker. Each Night Phase you may send me a PM with the name of your target. That player will receive a loaf of bread, which will prevent him from dying of starvation for the nex two full cycles [2 Day phases and 2 Night phases]. You may target yourself!

You are town aligned and you win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
Badwolf was the Jailer:

Welcome to G3S Mafia #2: The great famine, Badwolf!

You are a Jailer. Each Night Phase you may send me a PM with the name of your target. That player will be put in jail for that Night phase. Jailed players can not perform any Night actions [excluding kills] and can not be affected by Night actions themselves.

You are town aligned and you win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
Nabe was the Mafia Thief and Bardull the Goon:

Welcome to G3S Mafia #2: The great famine, SangfroidWarrior!

You are the Thief. You may communicate with your scumbuddy adumbrodeus [Mafia Goon] at any time using this quicktopic:


Each Night you may send me the name of a player via PM. During that Night you will attempt to steal an item of his possession. Should your action be successfull you will be informed of it and the item will be in your possession from that moment on. You may not pass it to adumbrodeus!

You are aligned with the mafia and you win when you have reached the voting majority or nothing can prevent this. Note: There is a 3rd party faction in this game. Should its wincon and yours come into effect at the same time then the 3rd parties wincondition takes priority over yours and you will still lose!
Welcome to G3S Mafia #2: The great famine, adumbrodeus!

You are the goon. You may communicate with your scumbuddy SangfroidWarrior [Mafia Thief] at any time using this quicktopic:


You are aligned with the mafia and you win when you have reached the voting majority or nothing can prevent this. Note: There is a 3rd party faction in this game. Should its wincon and yours come into effect at the same time then the 3rd parties wincondition takes priority over yours and you will still lose!
Circus was the independent marker:

Welcome to G3S Mafia #2: The great famine, Circus!

You are the Drug Dealer [Marker]. Each Night you may send me the name of a player via PM. That player will receive a dose of drugs from you [he will not be informed].

You're sturdy - as a low-level drug dealer you're used to the hardship of life. Therefore you will survive one Night Kill attempt and you need less food to survive: One loaf of bread will not let you survive for two complete cycles [2 Day phases and 2 Night phases] but for three.

You are independently aligned and you win when all remaining players have been given drugs from you - your wincon may trigger after your death in which case you're still declared a winner.
Your wincon is mutually exclusive. Once you fulfilled it the game ends [even if you're already dead].

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
The players:

Mafia did a decent job of avoiding the lynch - not a lot of skill was required for that - but they failed to realize the importance of food in this set-up. While Bardull and Nabe managed to avoid appearing anti-town for the longest time, they did not manage to give off a strong pro-town impression which they needed to obtain bread. Nabe could've obtained pieces of bread via stealing but he was marked and thus endgamed. While the mafia was by no means bad ... I'd estimate their performance as too minimalistic to be an impressive performance.

Town was bad, straight-up ... and contrary to what some people said over the course of the game Badwolf is absolutely not to blame for it. No, he didn't play well but considering his level of experience he was one of the few people who didn't actually push things into the wrong direction. I'm disappointed by marshy who lost his cool and never managed to get any inpact on the game. Zen started off very poorly but some of his reads did improve - too late, unfortunately. Joey was a non-factor which made things harder. Overall a weak performance with a lot of flaws.

Circus did what he had to do. Not sure if I consider it enough for MvP yet but I'll think about it.


#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
eh. not really sure what you wanted me/zen to do gheb. your criticism is lame

congrats to jerkus at any rate


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Also, I'm open to criticism on the set-up. I do not believe that it was as good as the hunger mechanic could potentially allow it to be.

Edit: Fixed a mistake in #1131. Joey gave Circus a loaf of bread so Circus didn't even starve :p



Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Circus did what he had to do. Not sure if I consider it enough for MvP yet but I'll think about it.

To be honest, while I think I set myself on a pretty good path to victory regardless, I think the modkills in this game are fair grounds for disqualifying MVP altogether. Whether or not town looked like it was moving in the right direction or not, it really wasn't in control of its own destiny for most of the game, and that definitely made things easier for me. Zen committing kamikaze on D3 was particularly nice, as that death was a lot more advantageous for me than any of the lynch candidates we were considering.

Up to you, but I wouldn't be salty if you decided on no MVP.

Joey gave Circus a loaf of bread so Circus didn't even starve :p


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Also, I apologize to everybody I **** on in this game, particularly Badwolf. Just comes with the territory sometimes. Hope there aren't any hard feelings.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
i can agree that badwolf isnt SOLELY to blame for towns loss but im pretty sure i said he was LARGELY to blame for it. not trying to be pedantic but that difference should be noted. i have no ****ing idea what youre spewing with him "not pushing things in the wrong direction" whats your point? is that reactionary playstyle supposed to not be terrible or something? i also dont even follow this line cuz yeah gheb did you miss the part where badwolf tried to push me d3 for nulltells or decided that zen was the best play due to being weakminded?

but no youre right gheb. me and zen are the main protown players deserving of criticism despite EVEN AFTER all the bull**** that happened d1 and d2 we STILL managed to wrangle a townread out of badwolfs terrible play that did nothing but help scum and conclude that bardull/nabe were good plays during crunch time. d3 ended prematurely before anything could be done. joey did nothing but feed scum and himself (i think) even when town absolutely needed his vote and badwolf was just too awful in every degree imaginable for us to even have hope of getting him to cooperate

me "losing my cool" is fine by me cuz that actually got joey to unvote and helped me figure out nabe and led to discussion that made bardull look worse

so yeah a lot of that criticism was bull****. badwolf needs to LEARN from this not have mods give crap analysis and say "its okay badwolf youre a noob marshy is disappointing and zen had garbage reads early in a game filled to the brim with replacements and bad play despite both of them coming around to scum when it mattered ^_^"


Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Apologies for my ill words towards badwolf and Bardull. Bardull's play was good. Would have been worth MVP had they won in my opinion.

My frustration stemmed from the fact that Joey was not playing the game. Since we needed every townie to preform a lynch. We were completely blocked from doing anything. We had Nabe at L-1 which suddenly switched to me being at L-1 in which indy could have hammered. Sure I could have gotten out of it, looking back, but at the time I was too flabbergasted and frustrated that I didn't have the time to defend myself when I could have easily been lynched based on how hard the maf were pressing and Badwolf's being easily influenced.

Circus played good early game.

Marshy my bad for pushing you so hard earlier :(

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
its cool zen you came around when it mattered. clearly we are doomed to lose to jerkus in every game we play together >: (



Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Nabe had an Indy read earlier on Circus (Circus' read on Nabe read was like "...wat.") I started seeing it as well but I think I was too committed to Marshy on D3 and I was mostly trying to distract Town from Nabe since Nabe was going to be mafia's saving grace.

I'm honestly not surprised by the results, that Night phase was a crap shoot.

Sorry Badwolf ~_~; actually, sorry to all of Town, I hate playing as scum. -_-

Whattheshiz at all the V/LAs -_-;. Not complaining really since it helped myself/Nabe largely, but still.

I guess I could have been more pro-town and gotten bread in theory, but keeping Nabe alive was my only real concern. I could have bussed Nabe but I didn't want to take the risk of not being fed and losing Mafia the game. I did what I could, so no shame here.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Apologies for my ill words towards badwolf and Bardull. Bardull's play was good. Would have been worth MVP had they won in my opinion.

My frustration stemmed from the fact that Joey was not playing the game. Since we needed every townie to preform a lynch. We were completely blocked from doing anything. We had Nabe at L-1 which suddenly switched to me being at L-1 in which indy could have hammered. Sure I could have gotten out of it, looking back, but at the time I was too flabbergasted and frustrated that I didn't have the time to defend myself when I could have easily been lynched based on how hard the maf were pressing and Badwolf's being easily influenced.

Circus played good early game.

Marshy my bad for pushing you so hard earlier :(
Thanks man, and it's cool. I even said it in the quicktopic that you had the right idea but you didn't have a cooperative Town.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
(Circus' read on Nabe read was like "...wat.")
Oh, and in regards to this, if it isn't obvious, yes, my read on Nabe was almost complete horse****. I mean, I do think that Nabe tends to enjoy buddying me, but there's no way I would have let Nabe slide on that alone if I were town. I just had a vested interest in keeping Nabe alive since I had marked him on N2, so I wanted to diffuse the "let's lynch Nabe" camp as much as possible by making it known that they weren't getting my vote on that. I didn't care if Nabe was scum; I needed him alive. Even if that meant that Nabe wasn't going to like me, it didn't matter.

I'm also really glad no one ever decided to care about what Joey was doing. If he had been outed as a Baker, he probably wouldn't have survived long enough to get endgamed. :p

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
i thought it was hilarious when jerkus called nabe town and was like "yeah he buddies me as scum" and one of nabes first posts was...buddying jerkus. hahah



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I fed July night 1. Myself night 2 and Circus night 3.

Sorry about this game. I'll be sure not to take on more games than I can handle next time, although going V/LA 3 times all of which were while this game was in day phase wasn't really helping me much either. :/.


#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Also, I apologize to everybody I **** on in this game, particularly Badwolf. Just comes with the territory sometimes. Hope there aren't any hard feelings.
No worries! I get pissy when I have idiots to deal with. This includes myself.

Apologies for my ill words towards badwolf and Bardull. Bardull's play was good. Would have been worth MVP had they won in my opinion.
No worries again, I was easily influenced, because of my role as Jailer. I didn't like to keep my reads on one person solid. Unfortunately for me I was most susceptible to scum.

I'm honestly not surprised by the results, that Night phase was a crap shoot.

Sorry Badwolf ~_~; actually, sorry to all of Town, I hate playing as scum. -_-
Eh, you played good scum I applaud you sir.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Aghhhh Circus. Should've stuck to my read on you, should've been way more determined to see you lynched. And then you never posted :( Give me some material.

In all seriousness, I wouldn't have had a read on you if you hadn't intentionally townread me without justification, so I can't really celebrate the fact. Well done, well deserved.

@Gheb, loved the setup. Please let this be the end to my string of scum roles, gorramn.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Followed this game as best as time allowed.

Gotta admit, when badwolf was yelling at marshy for being "terrible", it was one of the funniest things I saw in a mafia game. Less of an issue with you badwolf and more that marshy is one of the top 5 mafia players on this site, so it's really ironic.

Balance is interesting for this setup, honestly not sure what to think yet, lemme sit on it for a bit.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
i thought it was hilarious when jerkus called nabe town and was like "yeah he buddies me as scum" and one of nabes first posts was...buddying jerkus. hahah

I actually forgot about this. On D1, there actually was a decent amount of that. inconsistent stances lol :awesome:

Thanks for creating and hosting, Gheb. I really enjoyed this game. This was only my second time ever getting to try my hand at an indie role, and my first in which I did not accidentally and hilariously lynch myself on D1, so this was a nice high note to end on.

In regards to the actual balance of the set-up, honestly, it seems like, if anything, it was biased toward my role. As an indie with a one-shot bulletproof and extra tolerance to hunger, it basically just gave me every incentive to play as super obvtown as I could the whole game. Only, unlike an actual townie, I could take risks like hammering other townies without actually having to worry about being wrong. It was like being a BP vanilla, without any consequences for being stupid or lazy in regards to actual scumhunting. Add in the fact that I didn't actually even have to be alive at the end of the game in order to win, and you wind up with a pretty powerful role. The only real trick to my role was picking players to mark, but even that was pretty simple—Joey was null as null can null so there was no way he was getting NK'd or lynched, and Nabe tends to have a lot of staying power in general. And then, at the end, I figured if I didn't get fed, it would be Bardull, so I fed him and likely would have won anyway.

I don't know; I just felt lucky when I drew this role. I knew from the beginning I'd have a good shot at victory.

GG all. Hiatus from mafia starts now.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Oh, and in regards to this, if it isn't obvious, yes, my read on Nabe was almost complete horse****. I mean, I do think that Nabe tends to enjoy buddying me, but there's no way I would have let Nabe slide on that alone if I were town. I just had a vested interest in keeping Nabe alive since I had marked him on N2, so I wanted to diffuse the "let's lynch Nabe" camp as much as possible by making it known that they weren't getting my vote on that. I didn't care if Nabe was scum; I needed him alive. Even if that meant that Nabe wasn't going to like me, it didn't matter.

I'm also really glad no one ever decided to care about what Joey was doing. If he had been outed as a Baker, he probably wouldn't have survived long enough to get endgamed. :p
Yeah, when I saw your role and who you marked, it explained everything. I was like "no wonder he came up with that Town read on Nabe." Hah. GG.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
it was indeed strange to be on the receiving end of a bodying for once

btw hit me up when you play again


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Badwolf isn't largely to blame either. He's partially to blame like the other townies were.

I have some thoughts on the set-up that I will post when I have more time.



Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007

You too?

Also this game was a fun read all in all even though there were modkills.
Yeah, it's been a bit of a long time coming, really. I've struggled to maintain decent activity level if I'm in a large or more than one small game, and even then, there tend to be somewhat long stretches of time when I can't post. It's been getting to be a bit much, and my schedule's only going to get busier, if anything.

But if a mod comes up with some irresistible flavor in the near future, then who knows?
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