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Funny kaillera moments

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Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
heres proof that near and his buddies have no life. Ive been banned for months so they have no reason to care about me yet here they are having a converstion

<leh fr0g> lol i could see him doin that
<ChadeMoneyh> thats what he told me
<ChadeMoneyh> thats a true story btw
<ShadeMoneh> <Novakane> unban me >
<leh fr0g> no wonder he lags so much
<ÂlÞhåKît îXî> stealing neighbor's internet FTW
<ChadeMoneyh> he was lagging so i told him "get high speed" and he said "this is not my internet, it's my neighbors"
<ShadeMoneh> lol what a coincidence
<ChadeMoneyh> olololololo!!!!!111111one
<{|N|}ear> he can't afford internet but can afford a computer that supposedly runs melee and brawl 60fps?
<ChadeMoneyh> lmfao?
<ChadeMoneyh> bro
<leh fr0g> lol
<ChadeMoneyh> he cant run ssb64 at 60 fps
<potato> why pay for internet when u can get it free?
<ChadeMoneyh> how the **** do u want him to run ssbm/ssbb
<ShadeMoneh> lol he had a vid of him running melee and brawl
<ShadeMoneh> it wasnt 60 fps
<leh fr0g> because stealin from neighbors gets you **** connection

killa k

Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2006
Brooklyn, NY
heres proof that near and his buddies have no life. Ive been banned for months so they have no reason to care about me yet here they are having a converstion

<leh fr0g> lol i could see him doin that
<ChadeMoneyh> thats what he told me
<ChadeMoneyh> thats a true story btw
<ShadeMoneh> <Novakane> unban me >
<leh fr0g> no wonder he lags so much
<ÂlÞhåKît îXî> stealing neighbor's internet FTW
<ChadeMoneyh> he was lagging so i told him "get high speed" and he said "this is not my internet, it's my neighbors"
<ShadeMoneh> lol what a coincidence
<ChadeMoneyh> olololololo!!!!!111111one
<{|N|}ear> he can't afford internet but can afford a computer that supposedly runs melee and brawl 60fps?
<ChadeMoneyh> lmfao?
<ChadeMoneyh> bro
<leh fr0g> lol
<ChadeMoneyh> he cant run ssb64 at 60 fps
<potato> why pay for internet when u can get it free?
<ChadeMoneyh> how the **** do u want him to run ssbm/ssbb
<ShadeMoneh> lol he had a vid of him running melee and brawl
<ShadeMoneh> it wasnt 60 fps
<leh fr0g> because stealin from neighbors gets you **** connection
I lol'd



Smash Master
Jun 16, 2008
Lol at potato and alphakit defending neighbor's internet stealing, considering it can only be a sh¡tty wirelees connection. Wireless = fail @ online games

killa k

Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2006
Brooklyn, NY
Some guy was talking about how the N64 and Gamecube controllers are confusing and that Sony controllers are less confusing. Then he said this:

<Raxz> The Wiimote is the best controller ever just because of the motion sensing
* Parts: Snake Eater (Normal client exit)
<Raxz> If there was no motion sensing then it would be crap, however. XD
<ShadeMoneh> lol...


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2008
heres proof that near and his buddies have no life. Ive been banned for months so they have no reason to care about me yet here they are having a converstion

<leh fr0g> lol i could see him doin that
<ChadeMoneyh> thats what he told me
<ChadeMoneyh> thats a true story btw
<ShadeMoneh> <Novakane> unban me >
<leh fr0g> no wonder he lags so much
<ÂlÞhåKît îXî> stealing neighbor's internet FTW
<ChadeMoneyh> he was lagging so i told him "get high speed" and he said "this is not my internet, it's my neighbors"
<ShadeMoneh> lol what a coincidence
<ChadeMoneyh> olololololo!!!!!111111one
<{|N|}ear> he can't afford internet but can afford a computer that supposedly runs melee and brawl 60fps?
<ChadeMoneyh> lmfao?
<ChadeMoneyh> bro
<leh fr0g> lol
<ChadeMoneyh> he cant run ssb64 at 60 fps
<potato> why pay for internet when u can get it free?
<ChadeMoneyh> how the **** do u want him to run ssbm/ssbb
<ShadeMoneh> lol he had a vid of him running melee and brawl
<ShadeMoneh> it wasnt 60 fps
<leh fr0g> because stealin from neighbors gets you **** connection
That's funny, I only see myself asking a question because people were talking about you. Somebody said you steal internet from your neighbors so I said "He can't afford internet but can afford a computer that can run Melee and brawl 60fps?"

LOL that's all I said. Nice try, Novakane.

Chademoneyh and potato aren't my buddies either.

killa k

Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2006
Brooklyn, NY
DynaDASH outtrolling smasher and making him rage:

<=X= §masherx74 =X=> dyna
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i could careless
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> of what the hell you could think about me
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> the fact is
<DynaDASH> You care.
<DynaDASH> You feel bad about it.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> your NOTHING to what i am
- =X= §masherx74 =X= has loaded Super Smash Bros. (U) [!]
<DynaDASH> You feel bad people dislikes you.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> no
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i feel good
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> people like me
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> why would i feel bad about people
<DynaDASH> Well, you live in your own bubble, I guess.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i dont care what the think
<DynaDASH> "what the think" <- what
<DynaDASH> You are made of fail, sir.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> lol
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> wonna play?
<DynaDASH> I won't even bother playing you.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> or are you going to sit there and just talk ****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> lol
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> okay well i guess you will never know
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> but i know what will happen
<DynaDASH> You must be a "future teller".
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> yep
<DynaDASH> But I know what will happen, you will die alone.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> thats why i got someone?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> if i die right now
<DynaDASH> Oops ¿spoilers too much?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i wont be alone
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> lol
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i love
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> KIDS
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> like you
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> who are only 8 years old
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> and try to act like they know
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> what they are talking about
<DynaDASH> Oh, I guess 8 years old spell better than you, mister old guy.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> you can take your parents house
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> and shove it up ur ***
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> and ur stupid *** egication
<DynaDASH> No thank you, the house is too big.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> and shove it up ur ***
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> because ill beat the livin **** out of u
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> and hang u from a ****ing tree
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> like i do gav
<DynaDASH> Sure thing kid, internet tough guy.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> u ****ing white peace of ****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> LOL
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> ill show u ****ing tough guy
<DynaDASH> Uhhh, "tell that to my face and see what happens".
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> South carolina, Jame Island, Maybank highway
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> Ill give you my zip too
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> if u want
<DynaDASH> Please do.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> come the **** on *****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i destory ur ****ing ***
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> and eat ur moms **** out
<DynaDASH> Zip code plx.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> u stupid prick
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> idk what my zip code is
<DynaDASH> And phone number, if possible.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> 843 530 7781
<DynaDASH> Thanks.
<Novakane> ill call u
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> DONT CALL THAT
* Joins: Near (Ping: 70)
<DynaDASH> ¿no? ¿you are too scared?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> near
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> FIX UR WHITE TRASh!!!!
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> this guy
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> is insulting me
<DynaDASH> Well, let's see what 4chan new***s can do about the info you just shared to me.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> I TRYED to ****ing be noce
<Camus> u ho bag =P
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> **** u *****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i tryed
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> to not say ****
* Parts: Near (user has left the universe)
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> ...
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> dyna suck my ****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> u ****ing ****
<DynaDASH> No, thank you, you probably have warts in there.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> go whipe ur ****ing *****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> r u pmsing?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> awww
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> its alright
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> its kk
* Joins: Near (Ping: 66)
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> tell your mom
<Near> lol once a troll, always a troll
<DynaDASH> No sir, I'm calling my personal army to have a look at your address and phone number.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> to take ur pills
<Near> bahahah
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> no
* Parts: Near (user has left the universe)
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> HE STARTED
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> GOD **** It
<DynaDASH> ¿who started?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> **** u dyna
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> ur a*******
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> u started
<DynaDASH> I'm a she.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i just joined
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> idc *****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> ill ****ing **** u
<DynaDASH> Of course.
<pla> Comes my here
<DynaDASH> I think my personal army will pretty much **** you up.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> dyna did ur ****ing **** fall off?
<DynaDASH> And god knows that new***s are mean.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> god can suck my **** too
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> ill ****ing ride marry and **** jesues in the ***
<DynaDASH> You might as well star in a ED article for being such a NICE drama queen.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> ?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> ed?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> WTF IS ED
<DynaDASH> Mhm.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> **** you
<DynaDASH> No thank you.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i wasnt asking
<DynaDASH> Yes, you were.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> stupid *****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i said
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> **** YOU
<DynaDASH> No. ¿Where?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> not "Can i **** you"
<DynaDASH> ¿Are you sure?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> WHY THE HELL DO U KEEP DOING UPSIDE DOWN ****ING ? u stupid *****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> stop it!!!!!!!
<ShadeMoneh> lmfaooo
<DynaDASH> OMG, you can't take it.
* Parts: =X= §masherx74 =X= (Get the NEW Pj64k 0.16 --- http://tiny.cc/Pj64k)
<DynaDASH> Your little brain can't take it.
<ShadeMoneh> LOL
<ShadeMoneh> he left
<Camus> no effin way
<DynaDASH> ;3
<Camus> OMFG
<ShadeMoneh> LOL
<Camus> dskjfkdshfklds
<ShadeMoneh> DYNA IS WIN
<ShadeMoneh> LOL
<DynaDASH> lol!
* Joins: =X= §masherx74 =X= (Ping: 58)
<Camus> i TOLD u
- =X= §masherx74 =X= has loaded Super Smash Bros. (U) [!]
<Camus> she soo is
- =X= §masherx74 =X= is now ignoring <DynaDASH> ID: 1163

Camus - after that, he just joined her chats/games, crashed them, kept on trolling, tryin to make her mad, but he ended up even mooore pissed xDD, this girl is sooo WIN LMAO xD

Camus iXi

Smash Cadet
Jul 1, 2007
oh yeah FYI ppl, it started after she kicked him from her chat, for bein, well him...


Smash Ace
Nov 18, 2004
México City
DynaDASH outtrolling smasher and making him rage:

<=X= §masherx74 =X=> dyna
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i could careless
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> of what the hell you could think about me
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> the fact is
<DynaDASH> You care.
<DynaDASH> You feel bad about it.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> your NOTHING to what i am
- =X= §masherx74 =X= has loaded Super Smash Bros. (U) [!]
<DynaDASH> You feel bad people dislikes you.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> no
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i feel good
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> people like me
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> why would i feel bad about people
<DynaDASH> Well, you live in your own bubble, I guess.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i dont care what the think
<DynaDASH> "what the think" <- what
<DynaDASH> You are made of fail, sir.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> lol
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> wonna play?
<DynaDASH> I won't even bother playing you.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> or are you going to sit there and just talk ****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> lol
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> okay well i guess you will never know
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> but i know what will happen
<DynaDASH> You must be a "future teller".
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> yep
<DynaDASH> But I know what will happen, you will die alone.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> thats why i got someone?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> if i die right now
<DynaDASH> Oops ¿spoilers too much?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i wont be alone
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> lol
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i love
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> KIDS
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> like you
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> who are only 8 years old
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> and try to act like they know
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> what they are talking about
<DynaDASH> Oh, I guess 8 years old spell better than you, mister old guy.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> you can take your parents house
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> and shove it up ur ***
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> and ur stupid *** egication
<DynaDASH> No thank you, the house is too big.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> and shove it up ur ***
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> because ill beat the livin **** out of u
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> and hang u from a ****ing tree
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> like i do gav
<DynaDASH> Sure thing kid, internet tough guy.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> u ****ing white peace of ****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> LOL
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> ill show u ****ing tough guy
<DynaDASH> Uhhh, "tell that to my face and see what happens".
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> South carolina, Jame Island, Maybank highway
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> Ill give you my zip too
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> if u want
<DynaDASH> Please do.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> come the **** on *****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i destory ur ****ing ***
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> and eat ur moms **** out
<DynaDASH> Zip code plx.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> u stupid prick
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> idk what my zip code is
<DynaDASH> And phone number, if possible.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> 843 530 7781
<DynaDASH> Thanks.
<Novakane> ill call u
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> DONT CALL THAT
* Joins: Near (Ping: 70)
<DynaDASH> ¿no? ¿you are too scared?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> near
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> FIX UR WHITE TRASh!!!!
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> this guy
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> is insulting me
<DynaDASH> Well, let's see what 4chan new***s can do about the info you just shared to me.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> I TRYED to ****ing be noce
<Camus> u ho bag =P
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> **** u *****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i tryed
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> to not say ****
* Parts: Near (user has left the universe)
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> ...
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> dyna suck my ****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> u ****ing ****
<DynaDASH> No, thank you, you probably have warts in there.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> go whipe ur ****ing *****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> r u pmsing?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> awww
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> its alright
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> its kk
* Joins: Near (Ping: 66)
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> tell your mom
<Near> lol once a troll, always a troll
<DynaDASH> No sir, I'm calling my personal army to have a look at your address and phone number.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> to take ur pills
<Near> bahahah
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> no
* Parts: Near (user has left the universe)
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> HE STARTED
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> GOD **** It
<DynaDASH> ¿who started?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> **** u dyna
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> ur a*******
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> u started
<DynaDASH> I'm a she.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i just joined
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> idc *****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> ill ****ing **** u
<DynaDASH> Of course.
<pla> Comes my here
<DynaDASH> I think my personal army will pretty much **** you up.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> dyna did ur ****ing **** fall off?
<DynaDASH> And god knows that new***s are mean.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> god can suck my **** too
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> ill ****ing ride marry and **** jesues in the ***
<DynaDASH> You might as well star in a ED article for being such a NICE drama queen.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> ?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> ed?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> WTF IS ED
<DynaDASH> Mhm.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> **** you
<DynaDASH> No thank you.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i wasnt asking
<DynaDASH> Yes, you were.
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> stupid *****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> i said
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> **** YOU
<DynaDASH> No. ¿Where?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> not "Can i **** you"
<DynaDASH> ¿Are you sure?
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> WHY THE HELL DO U KEEP DOING UPSIDE DOWN ****ING ? u stupid *****
<=X= §masherx74 =X=> stop it!!!!!!!
<ShadeMoneh> lmfaooo
<DynaDASH> OMG, you can't take it.
* Parts: =X= §masherx74 =X= (Get the NEW Pj64k 0.16 --- http://tiny.cc/Pj64k)
<DynaDASH> Your little brain can't take it.
<ShadeMoneh> LOL
<ShadeMoneh> he left
<Camus> no effin way
<DynaDASH> ;3
<Camus> OMFG
<ShadeMoneh> LOL
<Camus> dskjfkdshfklds
<ShadeMoneh> DYNA IS WIN
<ShadeMoneh> LOL
<DynaDASH> lol!
* Joins: =X= §masherx74 =X= (Ping: 58)
<Camus> i TOLD u
- =X= §masherx74 =X= has loaded Super Smash Bros. (U) [!]
<Camus> she soo is
- =X= §masherx74 =X= is now ignoring <DynaDASH> ID: 1163

Camus - after that, he just joined her chats/games, crashed them, kept on trolling, tryin to make her mad, but he ended up even mooore pissed xDD, this girl is sooo WIN LMAO xD
And then he ignored me, insulted me, and then tried to apologize.
****, bipolar dudes.


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
the shadow smasher _wrath aka Skrlzx_ posted saying he was going to the melee tourny today and wanted to play ssb with us but UNEXPECTEDLY DIDN'T ATTEND

this is a funny kaillera moment


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2009
dynadash Outtrolling Smasher And Making Him Rage:

<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Dyna
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> I Could Careless
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Of What The Hell You Could Think About Me
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> The Fact Is
<dynadash> You Care.
<dynadash> You Feel Bad About It.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Your Nothing To What I Am
- =x= §masherx74 =x= Has Loaded Super Smash Bros. (u) [!]
<dynadash> You Feel Bad People Dislikes You.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> No
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> I Feel Good
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> People Like Me
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Why Would I Feel Bad About People
<dynadash> Well, You Live In Your Own Bubble, I Guess.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> I Dont Care What The Think
<dynadash> "what The Think" <- What
<dynadash> You Are Made Of Fail, Sir.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Lol
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Wonna Play?
<dynadash> I Won't Even Bother Playing You.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Or Are You Going To Sit There And Just Talk ****
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Lol
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Okay Well I Guess You Will Never Know
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> But I Know What Will Happen
<dynadash> You Must Be A "future Teller".
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Yep
<dynadash> But I Know What Will Happen, You Will Die Alone.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Thats Why I Got Someone?
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> If I Die Right Now
<dynadash> Oops ¿spoilers Too Much?
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> I Wont Be Alone
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Lol
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> I Love
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Kids
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Like You
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Who Are Only 8 Years Old
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> And Try To Act Like They Know
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> What They Are Talking About
<dynadash> Oh, I Guess 8 Years Old Spell Better Than You, Mister Old Guy.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> You Can Take Your Parents House
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> And Shove It Up Ur ***
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> And Ur Stupid *** Egication
<dynadash> No Thank You, The House Is Too Big.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> And Shove It Up Ur ***
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Because Ill Beat The Livin **** Out Of U
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> And Hang U From A ****ing Tree
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Like I Do Gav
<dynadash> Sure Thing Kid, Internet Tough Guy.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> U ****ing White Peace Of ****
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Lol
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Ill Show U ****ing Tough Guy
<dynadash> Uhhh, "tell That To My Face And See What Happens".
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> South Carolina, Jame Island, Maybank Highway
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Ill Give You My Zip Too
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> If U Want
<dynadash> Please Do.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Come The **** On *****
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> I Destory Ur ****ing ***
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> And Eat Ur Moms **** Out
<dynadash> Zip Code Plx.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> U Stupid Prick
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Idk What My Zip Code Is
<dynadash> And Phone Number, If Possible.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> 843 530 7781
<dynadash> Thanks.
<novakane> Ill Call U
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Dont Call That
* Joins: Near (ping: 70)
<dynadash> ¿no? ¿you Are Too Scared?
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Near
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Fix Ur White Trash!!!!
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> This Guy
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Is Insulting Me
<dynadash> Well, Let's See What 4chan New***s Can Do About The Info You Just Shared To Me.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> I Tryed To ****ing Be Noce
<camus> U Ho Bag =p
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> **** U *****
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> I Tryed
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> To Not Say ****
* Parts: Near (user Has Left The Universe)
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> ...
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Dyna Suck My ****
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> U ****ing ****
<dynadash> No, Thank You, You Probably Have Warts In There.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Go Whipe Ur ****ing *****
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> R U Pmsing?
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Awww
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Its Alright
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Its Kk
* Joins: Near (ping: 66)
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Tell Your Mom
<near> Lol Once A Troll, Always A Troll
<dynadash> No Sir, I'm Calling My Personal Army To Have A Look At Your Address And Phone Number.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> To Take Ur Pills
<near> Bahahah
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> No
* Parts: Near (user Has Left The Universe)
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> He Started
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> God **** It
<dynadash> ¿who Started?
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> **** U Dyna
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Ur A*******
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> U Started
<dynadash> I'm A She.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> I Just Joined
<dynadash> Fyi
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Idc *****
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Ill ****ing **** U
<dynadash> Of Course.
<pla> Comes My Here
<dynadash> I Think My Personal Army Will Pretty Much **** You Up.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Dyna Did Ur ****ing **** Fall Off?
<dynadash> And God Knows That New***s Are Mean.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> God Can Suck My **** Too
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Ill ****ing Ride Marry And **** Jesues In The ***
<dynadash> You Might As Well Star In A Ed Article For Being Such A Nice Drama Queen.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> ?
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Ed?
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Wtf Is Ed
<dynadash> Mhm.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> **** You
<dynadash> No Thank You.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> I Wasnt Asking
<dynadash> Yes, You Were.
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Stupid *****
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> I Said
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> **** You
<dynadash> No. ¿where?
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Not "can I **** You"
<dynadash> ¿are You Sure?
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Why The Hell Do U Keep Doing Upside Down ****ing ? U Stupid *****
<=x= §masherx74 =x=> Stop It!!!!!!!
<shademoneh> Lmfaooo
<dynadash> Omg, You Can't Take It.
* Parts: =x= §masherx74 =x= (get The New Pj64k 0.16 --- http://tiny.cc/pj64k)
<dynadash> Your Little Brain Can't Take It.
<shademoneh> Lol
<shademoneh> He Left
<camus> No Effin Way
<dynadash> ;3
<camus> Omfg
<shademoneh> Lol
<camus> Dskjfkdshfklds
<shademoneh> Dyna Is Win
<shademoneh> Lol
<dynadash> Lol!
* Joins: =x= §masherx74 =x= (ping: 58)
<camus> I Told U
- =x= §masherx74 =x= Has Loaded Super Smash Bros. (u) [!]
<camus> She Soo Is
- =x= §masherx74 =x= Is Now Ignoring <dynadash> Id: 1163

Camus - After That, He Just Joined Her Chats/games, Crashed Them, Kept On Trolling, Tryin To Make Her Mad, But He Ended Up Even Mooore Pissed Xdd, This Girl Is Sooo Win Lmao Xd
No One Outtrolled Me U ****ing ******* I ****ing Wasnt Even Trolling Also I Been Talking **** To Random People For 3 ****ing Years Straight That Emo *** ***** Has Never Been On Kaillera But Today When I First Seen Her, So **** U And Stfu Camus Ur ****ing ******** Too You Ixi Peace Of Dog **** ******

killa k

Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2006
Brooklyn, NY
No One Outtrolled Me U ****ing ******* I ****ing Wasnt Even Trolling Also I Been Talking **** To Random People For 3 ****ing Years Straight That Emo *** ***** Has Never Been On Kaillera But Today When I First Seen Her, So **** U And Stfu Camus Ur ****ing ******** Too You Ixi Peace Of Dog **** ******
You sound kinda mad man. You should calm down.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
I was really mad atm cause someone irl pissed me off, but your post about smasher cheered me up a bit with some laughs, so I wanted to say ty, Shade.

Also, do you guys think its time to let Smasherx74 be? He's QQing at life by now.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2009
I was really mad atm cause someone irl pissed me off, but your post about smasher cheered me up a bit with some laughs, so I wanted to say ty, Shade.

Also, do you guys think its time to let Smasherx74 be? He's QQing at life by now.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2008
the shadow smasher _wrath aka Skrlzx_ posted saying he was going to the melee tourny today and wanted to play ssb with us but UNEXPECTEDLY DIDN'T ATTEND

this is a funny kaillera moment
liar i told lanstar why i couldn't go anymore

Zen Yore

Smash Ace
May 23, 2008
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, North America, Earth
I'm banned from galaxy64 still because near is jewish and doesn't like fact that i brought hitler back to life and If i cheer you up come suck my ****ing **** maybe that will make you super happy you ****ing ******.
im not even lying, i'm seriously starting to worry about your mental health
also you should stop posting on these boards, you're just making yourself look even dumber


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2008
what am i lying about

you SURPRISINGLY DIDN'T SHOW just like i said
doesnt matter what reasons u have

nice try _dair
There's a big difference between unexpected and surprising.

Unexpected would be if I didn't let lanstar know beforehand that I couldn't make it anymore which I did let him know.

quit lying


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
I'm banned from galaxy64 still because near is jewish and doesn't like fact that i brought hitler back to life and If i cheer you up come suck my ****ing **** maybe that will make you super happy you ****ing ******.
This n1ggas mad. lol go get some pu$$y or something to cheer your weird *** up.


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
There's a big difference between unexpected and surprising.

Unexpected would be if I didn't let lanstar know beforehand that I couldn't make it anymore which I did let him know.

quit lying
i wasnt lying i was being sarcastic because everyone knew u were gonna flake

dont worry about it too much u still gave real life people a laugh when we saw u werent there


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2008
i wasnt lying i was being sarcastic because everyone knew u were gonna flake

dont worry about it too much u still gave real life people a laugh when we saw u werent there
lol like it was my decision or under my power to not show up (you really need to check up on WHY I didn't go instead of talking through your ***)

Yeah, I get kicks out of saying I'm gonna attend a tournament and not show up. ahahah

Deleted member

lol like it was my decision or under my power to not show up (you really need to check up on WHY I didn't go instead of talking through your ***)

Yeah, I get kicks out of saying I'm gonna attend a tournament and not show up. ahahah
you need some reading comprehension skills


Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
<Server> P2 Delay = 1 (5 frame delay)
<TSUNAMIX> woow what a homo
<Novãkan£.> can u stop crying
<TSUNAMIX> can u stop beina spamming combo *****?
<Novãkan£.> look
<Novãkan£.> do u wanna get good or not
<Novãkan£.> .......
<TSUNAMIX> i was looking for someone FUN to play
<Novãkan£.> then y are u playin
<Novãkan£.> um
<Novãkan£.> u dont get it
<TSUNAMIX> not someone that was just gonnammake it so i cant move
<Novãkan£.> that means u suck
<TSUNAMIX> yea thats EXACTLEY what it means


Jan 28, 2008
Northern VA, USA
<Server> P2 Delay = 1 (5 frame delay)
<TSUNAMIX> woow what a homo
<Novãkan£.> can u stop crying
<TSUNAMIX> can u stop beina spamming combo *****?
<Novãkan£.> look
<Novãkan£.> do u wanna get good or not
<Novãkan£.> .......
<TSUNAMIX> i was looking for someone FUN to play
<Novãkan£.> then y are u playin
<Novãkan£.> um
<Novãkan£.> u dont get it
<TSUNAMIX> not someone that was just gonnammake it so i cant move
<Novãkan£.> that means u suck
<TSUNAMIX> yea thats EXACTLEY what it means
...You don't get it.
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