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Black Hayate

Smash Lord
Oct 21, 2005
Land of kinkyness

1 Team Comma
2 Our name are acronyms
3 Aarosparrow
4 Crayloa
5 Skiaski
5 team Taubsi
7 Muy Sexy
7 Yoshimii
9 little billy johnson
9 opreation overkill
9 P to the Z
9 Dope factor
13 (can't read) @_@
13 taisaku
13 mungungo + 1
13 wolvermind
17 epic
17 platters
17 Team crown
17 ganonbone


1 aaron
2 tapion
3 kssb
4 yoshii
5 Spikes
5 Hayate
7 bluewolf
7 greenbunny
9 lonejedi
9 puffnaitor
9 deepak
9 seanson
13 Thomas Jefferson
13 JS
13 Nook
13 Toecutter
17 Nomek !!!!
17 SDM
17 marth 101
17 becky
17 Mag
17 Baka
17 Mundunga
17 flux wolf
25 croudo
25 dogg
25 tonji
25 zeus
25 fade
25 devy
25 c-wolf

crew MN beat WI by 1 stock @_@

nomak, can you post the team member's name up? and is there is any stuff i missed

shout out later @_@

OF 'til I OD

More vibes, please.
Oct 21, 2005
Switch FC
How many teams were there, again? Surely, thats not all of them.

EDIT: Also, is there anywhere saved that has who was on each team?


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2006
Central Wisconsin
this is all I can remember:

top 5 singles results
1. Aarosmashguy
2. Tapion
4. Yoshii
5. Eighteenspikes
5. Black Hayate

1 Tapion + Hayate
2 EoF + KSSB
3 Aarosmashguy + JamesSparrow
4 Bluewolf + greenbunny
5 SDM + Seanson

sup rayku ;)

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
o_O at some people's placings...

Brackets? I must see the brackets. Man I would've got ROCKED if I came to this @_@


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2006
Good tourny lot's of fun and stuff. Do it again. now.
Shout Outs

Black Hayate: Way to set up a good tourny dude. Very nicely done. Also gg in teams. I'll post the teams names in the results page.

Tapion: Good work in teams. Sorry but MN is just Muy Sexy. Thanks for the advice with the bracket and all. Some day I hope to be a great tournament bracket dude like you and be like all top tier and stuff.

Aaron: Good to have you in the truck with me. We had some pretty deep thoughts on the way back and I like that. "Is it fun going straight?" hahah good times. Good job in singles dude and sorry about teams, but you win usually every other tourny so I'm really not that sorry. There's always gonna be a spot open for you in the car for the next tourny.

JS: You're better looking

Flux Wolf: Dude we did so good in teams!! We totally need to keep this up and pwn a lot more people and stuff. "There's chocolate milk all over my controller" (I'm writing this while your asleep two feet behind me, creepy)

Yoshii/Deepak: As always it was amazing having you both in my truck and stuff. I like you two the best because you just sleep the whole time :-D. Deepak you're Sheik is really good and one day I hope to be good looking like you too. Yoshii good work in singles you got pretty far so congrats, also I like your hair.

Becky: I did not see you that much, but umm thanks for losing to SDM in crews, it made my night!!

SuperdoodleMan/Seanson: Hey, remember when we saw you on the highway, that was cool.

Thomas Jefferson: Dude my cont sucks. We need to play more friendlies when I get it fixed.

Lone Jedi: Hey man sorry I didn't have anytime to show you some Sheik stuff, but if you want help there's like a pretty nice video on stuff that you can watch somewhere. It might help.

KSSB: You did really well in this tourny Congrats. Don't spend all that money on me now.

Spikes: Dude, you're crazy and I love it.

Tonji: You're funny, I like you cause you're funny. GG

C-Wolf: Nice friendlies, you pwned my pretty hardcore. Maybe next time I won't have to poop so bad and we can play more and I might be able to hold my own.

Zeus: Good to have you in the car, although next time you should probably let me know ahead of time how I'm supposed to get you home and stuff. Good job in the brackets and whatnot, you went up against some really tough people.

Mag: Those were epic matches that we had in teams. GG dude we need more friendlies.

The Baka: WTF dude where did you come from?!?!? You did such an amazing job in crews dude I never saw it coming. From now on if I'm running brackets you will be referred to as "The Baka" it is a great honor.

EOF: GG in teams you should have stayed around for singles but I understand when a beautiful female has to pull you away, it's natural. Let me know next time you want a back rub.

Blue Wolf: Dude quit WoW while you still can. But I was thinking about actually getting serious about my Sheik so I could use some help figuring out what I need to do with it if you've got the time. Maybe I trade WoW skills for Sheik ones??

Green Bunny: Always good to see that face of yours GB, how's your sister? Anyways we need to start playing friendlies so I can show you that I actually am pretty good so you stop saying "What? Nomek won his match??" lol GG

Mundugu: Yeah I played, I was the kid that was pwning you, or don't you remember?

Marth 202: Dude that Hardee's run was top tier.

Devy: GG, we should have friendlied some and stuff.

Dogg: I liked your shirt.....

All those other kids that with you two: GG hope you guys start coming to more tournys. If you ever see me again in RL at a tourny or something feel free to tap me on the shoulder and say "What up *****?"

Anyone else that I forgot it probably happened for a reason.
All and all good tourny with good people in it. Let's do it again.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
Neenah, WI
I'm lazy so I'm gonna shout to people in order of placement, taking out people I don't know

aaron - Congrats on your win, enjoy your snake. Hopefully you'll win a few more WI tourneys before hj5 rolls around. I didn't get to play you but I'm sure you would have destroyed me :)
tapion - Another really close moneymatch... I'll get you sometime. Also, I appreciate how much you counted on me in that tournament, between crews and the double-blind match. Congratulations on 2nd in singles and your teams win.
kssb - Ahh.. I don't know what happened in our $3.27 moneymatch, I just kinda walked around getting hit. No johns, though I'm mostly glad my worst match of the day was in a moneymatch :) our tourney match later on was much closer. Maybe I just need more practice/confidence in that matchup :psycho: see you and your snake at hj5
yoshii - didn't get to play you in singles (our teams match was intense), but props on beating hayate and getting 4th.
Spikes - I'm gonna use this spot to shout out to the guy I snapple-chugging-moneymatched, cause I don't know his name and I doubt he entered the tourney. I gotta asy, he did pretty **** well, not well enough, but at least he got a snapple out of it :laugh:
Hayate - Good games, and the random conversations we had were hilarious. I especially liked the one about sex in the shower :laugh: gj in teams, thanks for hosting the tournament.
bluewolf - man our first 2 games were good but the last one was too bad :( MKII is supposed to be gay but not THAT gay. Regardless, good games in singles, and in teams, you rocked us twice :(
greenbunny - nice talking to you, hope to see you in future tourneys. gg's in teams. Oh and crews :) BOB MONEY!
lonejedi - **** good matches, definitely my closest win in the tourney. I think you're a lot better than people give you credit for. Maybe I should start banning DK64... nah, not gonna risk pogayjohn
puffnaitor - soooooo lucky vs js, LOL. Nice showing in crews. Crouch-Resting Deepak was definitely one of the highlights.
deepak - never played you either, just in teams like yoshii. GG's though :)
seanson - only glimpse I got of you was in crews when I had 1 stock left. Your yoshi seems quite good, maybe some other time we'll play a full match :)
Thomas Jefferson - Good MM, I was surprised to see you do so well against lone. I was rooting for you in that match lol
JS - This wasn't your tourney :urg:
Nook - didn't get to play you but you were doing alright against baka. Looked like a close match. You'd probably be a lot better if you had more people to play against than M2 ;)
Toecutter - didn't talk to or play you :( our matches are usually good when we get to play.
Nomek - your lap is indestructible. Thanks for running the brackets :)
SDM - Fun fun friendlies before the tournament, your peach is really great. Double blind was hilarious!
marth 101 - we did pretty good in teams. Could have done better in some matches but I'm not too disappointed. Even if we barely beat crayola we would have been ***** by whoever they played after that :psycho:
becky - if you hadn't told me last night, I'd have no idea who you were. Want to have sex in the center of the sun sometime?
Baka - fun matches, you have a great doc for the short time I hear you've been playing. Your win against JamesSparrow made me :crazy:
Mundunga - mundung-a-doodle-doo! Snapple match me next time :chuckle:
flux wolf - it was weird having to be introduced to you :laugh: we should have played again, I hear you got a lot better.
croudo - we should play next time. What's with your placement? I thought I saw you having a pretty good cfal earlier in the day...
tonji - sorry for going marth on you on FD... if anything, take it as a compliment that I wasn't sure if Doc could take that matchup :p it took you to game 3 of our moneymatch after all :) good games overall, hope we can play more between tournies
c-wolf - Our teams matches were good. I heard you and mundungu beat puff + lone. You are not a player to underestimate. Thanks for taking my TV in :psycho: we'll play next time I swear.

For those interested, here is the video of the Snapple-Chugging-Moneymatch.
The story behind this is, I just took two Fruit Punch snapples into the tournament and asked random people if they would snapple-chugging-moneymatch me. The rules are, to have the snapple uncapped and on the table, and the first to finish the snapple wins. I convinced some random guy to SCMM me for $2 and although he performed valiantly, he was struck down. GG

I don't have that great of a video of the Double-Blind Money Match, so I'll wait until I see Chronosquared's video before I put mine up.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2006
Here is the Singles Bracket, I'll post the Teams if it's really important to people.

Here are the teams and the players in them.
AaroSparrow: Aaron/James Sparrow
Crayola: GreenBunny/Blue Wolf
Dope Factory: Tonji/Nook
Epic: Fade/Devy
Little Billy Johnson: Toecutter/Thomas Jefferson
MUY SEXY!!!!!!!!!: Nomek/Flux Wolf
Operation Overkill: Zeus/Mag
Our Names Are Acronyms: EOF/KSSB
P to the Z: Zicore/Izac
Taisuku: Dogg/Bud
Team Comma: Black Hayate/Tapion
Team Crown: Puffinator/Lone Jedi
Team Ganonbone: Chris/Andy
Team Mundugu +1: C-Wolf/Mundugu
Team Taubsi: Eighteen Spikes/Marth 101
Team Overmind: Lange/Croudo
The Platters: Chronosquare/Josh
The Team S Kioski: SDM/Seanson
Yoshimii: Yoshi/Deepak

If I missed anyone it's because you never signed up.

James Sparrow

Smash Master
Sep 26, 2005
East Wisconsin
aaron: i'm sorry i failed you in teams, seems like i'm having too many bad days lately.

tapion: i was skeptical about you before the tournament because so many people had said you'd not been playing very much. i'm glad to see you're still the great player you always are.

kssb: lasers... ahh... one of these times i'll maybe get to play you 1:1

yoshii: nice work at this tourny, you beat hayate when it counted, even though he got revenge in crews :)

Spikes: 5th nice job!! yeah it wasn't my tourny but it was yours for sure. lets team again soon. i feel like i do way better when i'm on your team than other people's.

Hayate: awesome work in teams, your chain throws are ouch. i was lucky i got a platformed level for crews.

bluewolf: thank you for avenging me after i lost.

greenbunny: nice placing. sounds like you had some pretty uber matches in singles.

lonejedi: nice gw. don't patronize me.

puffinator: you really hit the jackpot in our match. it would be nice if we could have a match where one of us doesn't resort to stalling ;) gg though, no johns. (for the record i think you're much better than lone)

deepak: you didn't wear the shirt.

Thomas Jefferson: we should mm more often!

Toecutter: CRAp! how could i have forgotten to ask you for friendlies!! i have been wanting to play against you ever since hj!

Nomek: GoTTA PO0P!

SDM: solid performace in crews, you are a good anchor. lol at seeing you on the highway.

marth 101: for N'Aix

becky: thanks for letting me use purp cont for teams. i hope you enjoy his purpley goodness. (owe me 10$)

Baka: you got way good. congrats on some good wins at the tourny (me).... i also watched yours and spikes' games. it was cool to see the two styles clash. though you didn't win you were definitely not too far off from him. good work!

Mundungadoo: yeah that sucks we didn't get to play at all. next time.

flux wolf: you suck at slay the dragon!

croudo: dota later?

tonji: so ah, i wish tapion didn't tell you about that shield grab thing. now you'll beat me soon.

zeus: doesn't it suck that you can't practice mindgames against computers? tough luck in singles, but it looks like you and mag did alright in teams. you had a solid performance in crews too, kssb probably would have gotten bluewolf if you hadn't downed him a stock. good job.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 13, 2007
This space is reserved for more ****.
did anyone get some footage of any of this and is going to upload it please send the link. also i missed the double blind match between tapion and SDM i would love to see the vid of that great tourny

to shoutouts to people that i know lol and faced

Dogg: thnx for letting me come over the night before great times

Devy: we sucked in teams but hopefully we will get better great times at Doggs

Cwolf: nice friendlies in teams with Devy and Dogg devys missle spam with Lugi funny stuff and pills

Blackmeza/Becky: amazing tourny match i thought i had you after the first game in our match but onett was a good counter pick and i screwed up when i picked FD should of gone with Battle field

Nomek: great tourny match 2v2 do it again some time nice bracket running

Toecutter: wish i could of played you more come over again some time

spikes: you proably dont know me but that snapple Drinking contest was amazing

Black Hayate: i wanted to vs you in a friendly but great job running tourny wth happend to the wall?? lol. play me next time at your cousins house

Thomas Jefferson: some nice friendlies ill beat ur samus some day

and to all other people i wish i could of vsed you but many of you dont know me for this is my first tourny so mabey next time


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2004
Milwaukee, WI
Me and SDM played a double blind match where we both were looking away from the screen, and we had our own eyes. SDM was peach and his brother told him everything to do, and I was marth and Spikes told me everything to do. It was hilarious to watch and to witness, and probably the most fun I've ever had.


Smash Rookie
Jan 28, 2007
I'm kinda pissed i got there late, but it was in the name of science. Sweet crew battle, one stock, sdm, MAN. some shoutouts:

KSSB: jeez, almost had tapion there.
hayate: lose to yoshii and then **** him? what?
yoshii: those were the craziest rests i've seen.
chrono: uh, way to hold the wall up? tell us when you post those vids. especially the double blinds.
tapion/sdm: probably the best idea ever with those double blinds. i couldn't help shouting what to do a couple times. it was just too ****ed intense.

next tourney i'll actually be there to enter singles/teams.

edit: oh and paul way to get above people and downsmash. peach is such a *****.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2003
River Falls, Wisconsin

Aaron: Always good to see you and play you. It was good discussing match ups in between matches. I knew you could beat Tapion when it came down to it, but sometimes you just don't know, he has many tricks.

Tapion: Its good to have someone at the tournament to get things going and keep things on pace. I wish I had gotten to play you a couple matches, but oh well. Maybe next time. Im thinking you will probably be able to knock Aaron out of the finals next time just from sheer determination.

Kssb: Too good! I need to figure out a way to beat you, cause it sure doesnt look like things are going to change anytime soon! Congrats on 3rd, good gamez.

Spikes: Good work on beating Bluewolf, I wish I could have seen that match. I cant believe how dumb I was in teams, I got owned good on MK 2, well at least I know what to ban now! Maybe...

Hayate: Fun matches, if you would have beaten me on FD in the second match, I would have countered right back there too! Playing you in crews was so different from the tournament.... so careless in crews

GB: Good matches., you always seem very suprised when I beat you...

Zicore: Nice Peach, work on your Luigi, Zelda, and shiek some more. Nice job in cerws.

SDM: Thanks again for driving us back. Your double blind invention was very fun to watch. I really think you could have beaten Tapion if your recovery was a little better at times. lol. Marth is too broken.

EoF: You did pretty good in teams and you were holding your own. Those double short hop lazers from you and kssb were soooo dumb at the end. James Sparrow deserved it though. Next time play singles, just do it, no johns!

Seanson: Good yoshii, I really didnt think my Jiggly was going to do good against it, thats why I went shiek in the first round. Keeping working on your yoshi!

Lonejedi: $5 dollars or no match! Thats howits going to be!

Puffinator: nice delayed croutch cancel rest on deepak's shiek. IT was sooo slow, but yea....

EoW: always good to see you. It was nice playing you in those 2 matches. It sucks your Gannon has to lose so bad, maybe be like everyone else and pick up Falco? I heard he is a good character to choose.

Zeus: You didnt better in our money match then expected, ill give you that, but coming into a match thinking you are going to beat everyone and underestimating people is not the way to go...

Nomek: Its a good thing we had someone there to run brackets, good work as always. You are a very reliable driver. Hope to see you at OMGiggles!

Sorry if I missed anyone, but this tournament was very good! I got to play a lot of people that I normally dont, and got to see WI folks again. ( Some of them need to remember to shower before coming to tournaments...)


Smash Rookie
Mar 9, 2007
hehehe wow great tournament im still quite bad at the game but i started playing much much more and im prepared for next tournament youll see me Devy and Fade there ( im Dogg) but im not sure if Bud is comeing
xoxo i love you all
Didnt play many people but i gota give shout out to C-wolf, look out for those pills man


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2007
I ****ing love ****.
KSSB: You have the best Falco I've seen in RL...I got owned so hardcorely...Hopefully I don't have to face you next time in the tourney first round...

Fade: We need to work on teamwork for teams and also I wanna face you with my luigi...

Nomek: I tried calling you over for a friendly but you were like wtf?...Also Dogg and I had to leave early...You coming to the Marshfield one?

Dogg: Next time it's us two cuz Fade's playing with his friend next time.

C-Wolf: I've actually started practicing with luigi and well...Look out for misfires.
I didn't get to friendly that many people and got out early...

Did anybody get footage of the Finals for both singles and teams?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2006
I'm not sure. If that's OMGiggles than si. Sorry dude that's kinda what I thought you guys were saying but I couldn't hear with all the controllers smashing and such. Next time just come up right close and give me a hug.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2006
Question who was the girl that was with you, me and Flux were fighting over her in another forum?


Smash Ace
Jan 23, 2004
Hey chumps wish i could have gone to this was out of town just got back today.

I thought

Aaron + ??? = win? Guess Im not as useless as I though

EoF how did you play without your cool controller? Its been treating me well <,<

Anyways I'll see you guys at the next big tourney perhaps FC something.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2006
So is this xenocide then?

I only assume this because of the chick talk you posted with all the crazy xoxo and "i love you all" but id not no offense.

And also, no I was not stalking her taking pictures that is actually from my video camera when I was scanning the area.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ

Tongji: Fun MM and other matches, we totally didn't get enough friendlies in. So fun to play to something other than the standards!
CWolf: Same goes for you too - I didn't get enough friendlies in there with you. Did we end up having our mm? I forget.
Tar: Hey, remember that time you didn't reverse knee me two hours ago, because you were late for the tournament? Next time, be there so we can **** everybody with our thunder!
Josh the Dennis: You and me should smash together sometime, son.
Toecutter: I need to play you one-on-one, to see how good you are... we seemed even in teams, yet I was told you were holding back. I don't want people pittyin' me. (And if JTD doesn't check the forums often, pass on my message willya?)
EighteenSpikes: Yeah, I totally owe you a money match. But, I see it as a good thing - next time we meet, hopefully I'll be good enough to make you work for that dollar :D
Aaron: Man, your Falco was ****** all night long. I think something must've happened after crews - I can't see how you Tapion beat you earlier.
Tapion: Definitely a lot different from what I was expecting, you're a lot funner than I would've thought. ("I died? Shizzle!" XD) I won't so easily give up my pennies to money matches, but if for next time you've got extra nickles lying around, I don't care about those as much ;D
SuperDoodleMan: That was rediculous. Briging MN a victory (Chexr was missing for you, but for us Crash and Sauce could've brought more as well), and then the double-blind match...

I've got the four SDM vs Tapion double-blind matches uploaded (or pending uploading) on YouTube currently; as of this post two are available to see. (Wait for them to become available under my YouTube profile here.) Spikes, your videos might be better, for the first two at least - as it turns out, my camera was slightly out of focus for those two. Either way, I think they'd work best in-tandem, as unfortunately Season's head blocks the view of Marth's % and 4th/1st stock. (Wasnt' there also somebody who recorded what SDM and Tapion were recieving for directions? Or is that what you got, Spikes?)

I'll also have later the finals (or what I captured of it - I can't believe I missed Aaron pinning Tapion's fox to the wall with neutral A!), once I figure out the order of the matches - they're all so similar, I can't tell which goes to which set or in what order >_>


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2006
Central Wisconsin
KSSB: You have the best Falco I've seen in RL...I got owned so hardcorely...Hopefully I don't have to face you next time in the tourney first round...
I always hate the first round of tournaments because I always fight somebody sorta new to the smash scene and I don't want to discourage them from going to more tournaments. Glad to see you posting and hope to see you at the marshfield one.

OF 'til I OD

More vibes, please.
Oct 21, 2005
Switch FC
And also, no I was not stalking her taking pictures that is actually from my video camera when I was scanning the area.
A likely story.

Chronosquare, if I go to the Marshfield, I'll play you 1v1.


Smash Ace
Sep 24, 2006
Little Canada, MN
Here are all the videos I have from the VCR, excluding crews. SDM is putting crews together.

Teams Winners Finals (not grand finals)
Aaron(falco) JS(falco) vs Tapion(falcon) Hayate(sheik) 1/5
Aaron(falco) JS(falco) vs Tapion(falcon) Hayate(fox) 2/5
Aaron(falco) JS(falco) vs Tapion(falcon) Hayate(fox) 3/5
Aaron(falco) JS(falco) vs Tapion(falcon) Hayate(fox) 4/5
Aaron(falco) JS(falco) vs Tapion(falcon) Hayate(fox) 5/5

Teams Grand Finals
KSSB(falco) EoF(fox) vs Tapion(falcon) Hayate(fox) 1/3
KSSB(falco) EoF(falco) vs Tapion(falcon) Hayate(fox) 2/3
KSSB(falco) EoF(falco) vs Tapion(falcon) Hayate(fox) 3/3

Singles Winners Finals

Tapion (falcon) vs. Aaron (falco) 1/3
Tapion (falcon) vs. Aaron (falco) 2/3
Tapion (falcon) vs. Aaron (falco) 3/3


Smash Journeyman
Feb 13, 2007
This space is reserved for more ****.
lol no in that pic the Girl Dosent even play smash she was just there Xenoicde is the kid with the shirt in the Red (aka Registered as Dogg at the tourny) and send me a link where you guys were fighting over her.

Nomek if you are going to GamEscape marshfield tourny april 21 ill moneymatch you 1$

Cwolf if your going to GamEscape i want to moneymatch you 1$ also

Toecutter if ur going to Marshfield can u give me a Ride if your driving there also team with me if ur not teaming with Thomas J =p

also Flux i dont think long distance relationships work to well lol
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