i fail at quotes so I'm just going to use > ('')
'yea I know what you mean about the short hop. I found a game faqs guide that pretty much explains how to do it easily. I'll edit, quote, and cite when I find it.
"First go to your training ground and stand in the middle. At this moment, look
at your left thumb. It should be directly over the 'A' button, pointing up and
a little to the left. Now, visualize a dot, about 2 inches to the right of the
'x' button. Quickly move your thumb from its current position to the position
of the imaginary dot. Now move your thumb back to its former position and
repeat a few times, only on these repeats, apply a little downwards pressure
with your thumb as you move it. If you did this correctly, you will hear and
feel the 'x' button snap or go down a little. This is the motion required by
your thumb in order to short hop. Try it again, only this time, observe the
results. If you are short hopping correctly, you will see an obvious effect on
your screen. The jump height for your character should have reduced by a
considerable amount. Congratulations! You've learned to short hop. Now, try
to short hop while moving the control stick in a certain direction. You should
be able to short hop about as consistently as you can jump. Short hop across
Final Destination or do anything that you believe will serve as good practice.
You've learned the basics of the short hop."
author: Parth Nikunj Dalal'
just a note this guy says left thumb but means right thumb
typos FTL