FoxandFalco, I can still argue my point, but I understand yours:
Michael Jordan became a succesful basketball star. He did it through hard work and practice (just suppose he did). Does that mean that he is cheap? Just because he unlocked his full potential doesn't make him cheap. He is skilled, not cheap. (Fox is good, not cheap) He is amazing at basketball because of all the hard work he put into practicing. He unlocked his full potential. He could have just dropped out of high school and become poor, not be able to support his family etc. But he unlocked his potential.
In the same way, if you select Fox as your character, initially, you won't be that good with him, but if you work hard and learn all his combos with dedication, you'll become better than many other characters. This doesn't make you cheap. True, Fox has more potential to begin with, but he can be one of the worst players if you don't unlock that potential. That kind of balances it out. I don't think Fox is cheap in anyway, like Shiek (born rich, with Fox you have to earn that money). And plus, it's your choice of character, after all.
Well, anyway. To me, Fox isn't cheap at all, because many people beat me with other characters anyway. That's because I still need to work harder to get better with Fox. Now, if I choose Sheik (a truly cheap character), I would be able to beat most of those people who were able to beat me when I play with Fox (maybe, I'm just speculating).
EDIT: To any Sheik players who are reading this, I'm sorry if I insulted you. I understand that skillfully using Sheik means more than how noobs use her. You guys are better than the type of Sheik players I was talking about. They think they are all good by using Sheik. Sheik is easy for noobs to use, that's it. But you skilled Sheik players, I hope I didn't offend you...