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Forum Fight: The Story Forum

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Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
((No fair, I wanted Meta Knight on my team, AND I SHALL!!)

Mari: Ugh, whatever. I COULD care less. Let's go.

(Meanwhile, in Dreamland...)

Real MK: Where...Where is it...

(The real Meta Knight was searching for the Star Rod, For it really HAD vanished. He was slightly injered, because he had ran into an enemy who later ran off in his appearance.)

MK: I only hope that someone figures that out before-

???: Before you die, Sir Meta Knight?

MK: Who's there?! Show yourself and fight me face to face!

???: *laughs coldly* Peace, Fellow Knight. You seek the Star Rod?


???: Ah, Don't trust me? Good. But I know where it is.

MK: What's the catch?

???: Catch?...Only that You kill the 2 thiefs so they never steal it again.

MK: (Thiefs? How do I know that for sure?)

???: These are the culperets.

(A Picture is blown at Meta Knight, and he smoothly catches it. The picture shows Magolor and Mari Playing some kind of card game with Sonic.)

MK:...I know this one...Magolor.

???: Yes, You've crossed paths before.

MK:...But I don't know the human girl.

???: You don't need to. What's another dead human?

MK: (She seems too young...And then there's Sonic. He would never steal anything.)

???: Magolor and the human have the Star Rod. If we are to ever have good dreams again, You must defeat them to get it back.

MK: And the Hedgehog?

???: You can kill him too, if you like.

MK: Hmmm...(If they really DO have the Star Rod...Then I have no choice. Kirby's disappearance is also a big question...)

???: Well?

MK:...Where are they?

???: In the Pokemon world, Hoenn. I can teleport you there.

MK: Do it. (And maybe I'll get some answers...)

(And with that, MK is gone in a flash of light...)



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti: *Streches lazily* So we are here?

Dimentio: Yep


Mari: What the....

Magalor: OUCH! WHAT THE.......

MK: Hello, thief.

Mari: What do you mean?



MK: Urgh, I'll get you to speak.

Kirby: Stop this MK! I would've known if they stole it.

MK: I sense..... The girl has it!

Kirby: *mumbles* This guy isn't listening it to me.....

*meta knight puts a headlock on Mari*

Mari: LET GO....OF ME.....

*Maris necklace starts glowing, then transforms into a staff, the star rod*

Kirby: The....Star Rod? Mari had it?

Muhti: And I thought I was bad

Dimentio: You can say that again....



MK: Too bad...


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Sorry for the mess.
Had to rush to complete the last two parts because my phone was dying.

Everything is edited how it should be now.

[COLLAPSE="Part 1: Do a barrel roll!"]-Time 1:39 a.m. ~ Keithan's manor: Backdoor-

Scizor: You know he's actually kind of graceful flying through the air...

Gengar: Would you can it Scizor! I'm trying to focus!

*Screaming and cursing to all heaven, Xiroey's flight is finally ended.

By a thorn bush*

Gengar: *Ignoring his best friends screams*
This time for sure!
Take this Titanium reinforcement-

Double Shadowball!

Scizor: So... We're just going to ignore the fact that the shockwave from your last attack sent your best friend plumeting to his death?

*Scizor nonchelauntly fixes his claw around a mailbox to anchor himself as Gengar's attack hits the Back door and creates another shockwave*

Scizor: Thats okay. Let everyone know we're here. Stealth isn't an issue here.

In fact... Yo Xiroey!

*Xiroey's voice is heard coming from the rosrbush*

Xiroey: I think I punctured my lung...

Scizor: Yes, lovely mate. Would you mind sleaking sense into your friend here?

Xiroey: My ears are bleeding...

Gengar: Quiet you two! I think I've got it!
Lets see how you like THIS.

Focus Blast!

Scizor: Yup... He's trying again...
*Scizor grabs his mailbox...*

-One extremely loud explosion later-

Gengar: What'd I tell ya. Piece of cake.
Not bad eh Xiro-


*Gengar taked a look around, but can see nothing but a broken mailbox post and a ruffled rose bush.*

Gengar:Uhm... Guys?


[COLLAPSE="Drunk on fear"][/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Part 2: Old faces"]Xiroey: Theres the alarm. As expected.

*The last of Xiroey's scratches closes and fades as his Recover takes effect

Scizor drops down from the roof and reunites with Gengar and Xiroey at the back door.*

Scizor: So you're telling me you trick wired the alarm?

Gengar: Yes, when I knocked those two guards out with hypnosis-

Their nightmares were very delicious btw

I crossed the wires hooked to the security alarm. Right now they should be focusing all their attention on a group of phantoms somewhere on the opposite side of the house.

Scizor: Not bad you little furball. Not bad.

*Gengar does a mock curtsey and holds out his hand.

Gengar: After you~

--Keithan's manor: Dining Room. Time: 2:00 a.m.-

Scizor: * Humming scooby do music to himself*

Good idea of Xiroey for us to split up. Knowing Keithan he and his Salamence will likely have taken refuge somewhere in this house.

*A message comes to scizor over the Psychic link*

Xiroey: I've checked each of the Fifth floor bedrooms.

I... I had to silence a few guards along the way, but everything looks clear.

Scizor: Roger that Xiro. Keep searching. Good work. Try interrogating a few of the guards. My master's an enormous jerk, so it shouldn't be too hard to find a sell out.

Xiroey: Will do! I'll keep in touch.

-the link goes silent-

Scizor: That sure is a useful skill of his.. Telepathy beats portable radio any d-

* Scizor cuts his thought short and makes a mad dash beneath the table.

Not a second later the spot he was just standing in is engulfed in flames.

(???): Welcome back Scizor. Hanging with the riffraff I see.

Scizor: Salamence...

-Keithan's Manor. Basement Floor-

Keithan: What a bunch of idiots. It shouldn't be this hard to sniff out a bunch of lowlifes.

*Keithan takes to pasing back and forth im his underground samctuary, muttering harsh abuse to himself.

Suddenly a new presense causes him tl pause*

Keithan: Ahh FINALLY Chief. Did you catch those rascals yet?

*A woman appears to step out, almost materialize out of the shadow in the cornor of the room*

Keithan: {Backing up} No...


You... You can't be real... Mom...

You- you died... T-there was a fire...

*Emily only smiles and holds out her arms lovingly to her only son*

Emily: Hello Hunny... Please, Come with me. It isn't safe here

-For a brief second, Emily's warm chocolate eyes flash sinister blue-[/COLLAPSE]


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
Mari: I SAID...LET ME GO!!!

( The star rod mystriously glows and sends an energy star right at MK.)

MK: Agrh! What..?

Mari: Listen! I didn't steal the Star Rod! I didn't even know I HAD it!!


Magolor: STOP!!!

(Magolor puts up a magical shield between MK and Mari)

Magolor: Enough! I've had it!

Mari: Magolor...?

Magolor: Mari didn't steal the Star Rod...I did!

Everyone: WHAT!?!?

Sonic: You...You stole It? Why?!

MK: Perhaps Magolor has returned to his evil ways...

Magolor: Uhh....


Magolor: Ummm...That's Right! I, Uh..uh...Stole it to....uhmm....( Dang it, Malgolor, THINK!!)

Mari: ( Is Magolor...?)

Magolor: Uh...Take control of the universe once more! *fake evil laughter* Mwahahahahaha!!


Magolor: And...You can't do anything to stop me!

MK:...Watch me.

Magolor: SEE YA!!!

( Magolor runs in Mari's Direction, and motions for her to Throw him the Star Rod. As She dose, They both exchange a few words.)

Magolor: I've bought you some time, Now use it!

Mari:...Thanks, Mal.

Magolor: Now go!

(Magolor runs away to the north)


( Meta Knight flys after Magolor.)

Mari:...Little guy's got some guts...

Muhti: Huh?


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Mari: We need to leave, now!

Muhti: Well, Dimentio what shall we do or go?

???: Lets hmmm

*The group turns around but black armor was the only thing, Mal and MK were gone*

Kirby: How did that get here?


*The Black Armor forms up again*

Light: Wasn't he dead? Or..... unless

Dimentio: It's fairly simple, we cant kill him, we need to find the source of his power....but how?

Anti-Muhti: I dont know Clown. Get an actual job will ya?

Dimentio: WHY YOU.....

Sonic: Calm down Dimentio, he just wants you to get angry.

Dimentio: Hmph, I suppose Ill take my anger when I crush you.


*Plasma Beam right through Anti-Muhti again like before*

Muhti: That should help a lit-

*Anti- Muhti starts reforming again*

Mari: Is it me, or are we in deep sh**?


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
*Salamence arrogantly strides over to Scizor's hiding place*

Salamence: Sooo... ****zor. Come back to take your punishment like a good little insect have you?

-Scizor lays flat out on hos belly while he searches his brain for possibiloties-

Scizor: Cmon Scizor...

Salamence: You like my new attack? My master went and found a Fire Blast TM and taught it to me.

*Salamence blows smoke out of his nose as he gets closer to Scizor's temporary refuge*

Scizor: (Cmom... think of something... Darn it, theres nothing under here for me to use as a distraction)

*Scizor hears Salamences footsteps stop, followed by a great intake of breath*

Scizor: (Its now or never!)

-Suddenly a bunch of blue sparks erupt from the ceiling.

The breath holds. Scizor siezes his chance and shoots out from under the table like a bottle rocket-

Salamence: You're not going anyware trash!

*Salamence recovers and blows a raging hot current of fire at scizor's retreating form.

Scizor dives out of the way and does a james bond summersault across the couch*

Salamence: Stand still would ya!
*Salamence unleashes a second blast of fire.

Scizor quickly takes flight, and right below him, a window shatters in the blast*

Scizor: ( He's not messing around. Looks like my only choice now is to evade.


-Scizor haults in the air several yards away from salamence.

Salamence wastes no timr and begins to draw another breath-

Scizor: Just try and keep up now, you overfed potato!

FUN FACT: Salamence looks like a potato.

-Salamence's face goes beet red and he lets another torrent of fire loose-

Scizor: Here goes!

Double team!

-Keithan's Manor: 5th floor-

Xiroey: You're lying.

*Xiroey holds up his hand and angry blue sparks dance between his finger tips*

Chief Guard: Noooo! Don't!

-The chief guard throws his hands up defensively in fear of another of Xiroey's spark filled haymakers-

-Xiroey grabs the chief by the collar. He puts his fist threateningly close to the poor man's face. A single spark hops free of Xiroeys hand and Zaps the chief's cheek, leaving an angry red welt-

Xiroey: Now try again. We lati's can sense other people's emotions so I'll know if you're lying.

Now, where is the storehouse where you keep innocent pokemon prisoner?



Smash Rookie
Sep 6, 2012
For me a story is not an action story if there isn't anyone who dies. I am not a war freak but I think this is how things should go, atleast in stories and movies.


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
For me a story is not an action story if there isn't anyone who dies. I am not a war freak but I think this is how things should go, atleast in stories and movies.
I agree but there's always some way they can come alive -.- I killed off around 5 members of my team to further my plot but sooommebody had to bring them back.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.

Mari: Stand back, guys...I got this...

Muhti: Oh, no. He's mine.

Mari: Fine, The Both of us will kick his butt.


(Meanwhile, In Mount Chimmany...((We're in Hoenn, remember?)) )

Magolor: GAAAAAAHHHH!!!!


Magolor: I gotta find a way to get this guy to listen...(!)

(Magolor runs into a the edge of a cliff, with Lava boiling below.)

Magolor: I hope this works...

MK: Your trapped. Prepare to die.

Magolor: Wait! (He holds the Star Rod over the cliff) Not one step closer or you can kiss your good dreams good-bye!

MK: You wouldn't...

Magolor: TRY ME.

MK:...What do you want?

Magolor: Only for you to listen.

MK: To what? Your lies?

Magolor: NO. To what really happend.

???: And What did happen, Magolor?

MK: What? It was YOU?!

Galacta Knight: That's right. Now...give me the Star Rod...If you Value you life...

(to be continued...)


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(a'ight, i'm back)

(in an unknown location, resembling the old aperture science enrichment center as it appeared in Portal 2, Mars16 and RetroAntonio are awakened from stasis in stasis pods. the one who released them is revealed to be discord)

discord: "(speaking in a strange accent) hey! mars! retro! (making accent ever stranger and more awkward) ayme speaken inun ackscent thut's b'yawnd thur ranjuv hearun!"

shadowy voice over loudspeaker: "look, living patchwork, we know it's you."

discord: "okay, no need to do the voice, (grabs mars & retro by the shirts) just RUN! (zips off with the two in tow, frantically trying to find an exit) LET'S GO, LET'S GO, NO TIME TO EXPLAIN!"

shadowy loudspeaker voice: "send the drones after them!"

discord: "okay guys, we're about to have company, and not the good kind, RUN!"


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York

Muhti: Wait what?! Villians?! I thought-

Anti-Muhti:They want everyone to be unable to work together.

Dimentio: WHO?!

Anti-Muhti: I'm not telling you squat.

*Magic Beam shot at Anti-Muhti*


*Magic Beam and Plasma Cannon shot at Anti-Muhti*

Muhti: Wait... I made sense of the numbers on Anti-Muhti.

Anti-Muhti: Oh really?

Ryuk: *starts laughing menacingly, turns and croutches and puts his hand on his face to keep himself laughing*

Muhti: He has an infinit life span......

Sonic: WHAT?! There has to be some way to-

Anti-Muhti: Return to base immediately.

Mari: What?

*Anti Muhti started to shrink into a little ball and sped towards a direction at a speed faster than Sonic*

Muhti: That was strange.... We need to find Zoroark or Blaziken, Operation Pokemon Search COMENCE!


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(then, the location xiroey is in begins to disintegrate)


(next thing xiroey knows, discord is running through the unknown facility with him, mars, and retroantonio in tow)

+chase/running away music: Stalemate Resolution Button (portal 2)+

discord: "(running while dodging gunfire from turrets) i probably SHOULD clear a few things up. long story short, this mysterious new group's been collecting all the heroes and villains of smashboards. they knock 'em out, then put them in these pods where they're put in stasis. not stasis per se, more like a virtual world customized to fit each subject's individual personality and interests. dunno why they're doing this, but whatever it is, it's pretty bad."

(the floor shatters from under discord's feet, and the four fall 50 feet into an incredibly disrepaired section of... wherever the hell they are)

discord: "(waking up) ahhh... (speaking to the unconscious bodies of mars, retro, and xiroey) guys? did you get any of what i said back there? ...also, are you alive? (pokes xiroey) okay, i'm just going to go under the assumption that you're all still alive, and just keep going... (grabs the 3, then walks elsewhere)"

(in the ominously-lit conference room of the 5 hooded figures from the last main story's epilogue)

hooded figure 1: "where did they go?"

???: "unknown, masters. they just fell through the floor, and... we can't locate them..."

hooded figure 4: "did yousa detect any traces of a glitch?"

???: "no sirs, the floor shattered."

hooded figure 5: "he is correct, master. i've scanned the area they fell through multiple times. there were no signs of any physics engine irregularities or any activity relating to such."

hooded figure 1: "hmm, i see... well, send a few cymuls, flyguys, and borgasprites into the hole."

???: "yes sirs... giggity..."

(hordes of flyguys, cymuls, and cyborg parasprites fly into the hole in the facility where xiroey, mars, discord, and retro fell through)

hooded figure 1: "we must not let them escape, lest they gather an army of whomever remains."

hooded figure 3: "dude, we've captured thousands of heroes, villains, and pedestrians. they were suspicious already."

hooded figure 1: "...i really need to time my eerie one-liners better."


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley

-Location: Driftveil Beach: Faternity Yacht Party-

Random Student: Duude don't do it!

*A group of friends sit at a fancy table near the 16ft. Aquarium. Slurred words and laughter fly back and forth as the group of kids wage a deadly drinking game*

Random student: Duuude don't do it! You've had one too many as it is!

*A kid with blond hair holds a pingpong ball in his hand and stands fixated on a single keg of beer on the table.

...Which to him looks a bit more like Several kegs of beer all dancing around in a pretty little circle*

Drunk Student: (Slurring to all heaven) So like, If-I hit'any o-these cups I'll win-yur I phone right?

Random Student: Oh dear God he's going to do it...

Random Girl: Aw, lighten up Jake let Eithan try. *she attempts to lean forward make one of her signature seductive pouty-faces, but only ends up banging her head on the table*

Random Student a.k.a Jake: Am I the only one here who stopped at a buzz?

Other Student: Quiet! he's doing it!

*Eithan (the drunk kid) pulls his wrist back and takes aim

Jake prays to God for his friend's health*

Eithan: Here we G-

*Just before Eithan can take thd shot, the shadow on the centerpiece suddenly streches out and bloats up into a different form

The entire group stares transfixed at the phenomina before them, hipnotized by the swirling shapes

...then...Chaos erupts-

*The glass vase shatters into a million tiny pieces and Gengar jumps down from the table.*

Gengar: {Drinking in the fear and panic of the scrambling students}

I've had enough. Ya'll are the most boring group of drinkers I ever met

*The students' panic causes a chain reaction and pretty soon the whole Yacht is in chaos

Gengar's eyes glow blue with Sinister pleasure as he literally drinks in the surrounding panic*

-A frightened waitress runs by-

Gengar: (Politely) Scuse me miss. I'll take a martiney please!

-the waitress takes one look at the talking Gengar and runs away screaming, leaving the drink tray to fall to the floor

Gengar calmly levitates a glasd to his hand-

Gengar: Ahh, Nothing like a group of frightened teenagers to brighten a gjys night*

-Gengar takes a sip of his drink, and immediately slits it out and tosses it to the floor-

Gengar: Yuk! This stuff tastes awful! Humans actually drink this stuff?

*One bravs young man comes at gengar with an emergency axe*

Gengar: {Not phased in the least} Oh please son, go sit down. You're drink-induced anger is making my fur frizz up.

*The kid brings the axe down on Gengars head.

Suddenly, Gengar's image appears to vanish and he reappearx behind him*

Gengar: {taps the kid on the shoulder}
Uhm... Were you really trying to cut me open there? Because it sure didn't look like it to me.


Gengar: Yes, we gengar CAN levitate...
Shouldn' you be running and screaming in terror by now?

*the kid faints*

Gengar: Well... Close enough.

*Gengar decides he's had enough and calmly walks back outside onto the beach

The cloudless night sky glimmers brightly aside a glorious full moon*

Gengar: What a great night...

*Gengar sits and reclines in the sand*

Gengar: Ahh, I love the Summe-

*A buzzing sensation inturrupts Gengar's thoughts*

Gengar: What was...?

*Thd sensation comes back and this time a series of events play out like a movie in gengar's mind

Emerging from a pod. Unable to move or speak. Can sense several emotions coming from a creature nearby.

Creature desperately trying to escape
Sensation of falling...

Creature blacks out for a while...
But then back on the run

*The images stop and Gengar's eyes snap open*

Gengar: {panting} That was... Sight Share... Just now...

It can't be! Latios! he's alive!

Crud, and he's in trouble!

*Gengar drops what he's doing and shoots up from his lounging spot*

Gengar: He must be near-conciousness. The link we established long ago. It's faint, but I can track it!

*Gengar turns around and takes off in the direction of the link*



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
((I'm giving this format another chance))

Muhti looked around and started to scratch his metal head. "World....terminating?", he began trembling, Kirby came up to Muhti and patted on his leg since he isn't tall. "This reminds me of World 6.", Dimentio said. After that the world started to fade into a lighter color and the sky started to become a redish color. "We need to leave now!", Sonic exclaimed. "No sh** Sherlock", Light replied disgustingly. Dimentio simply snapped his fingers and everyone was teleported to an unknown location.CRREEAKKK. Everyone tried to regain focus of where they were.CREEEAKKK Light was the first to reclaim his focus and saw what was making the sound, it was a rusted fan on wall high up, they were in a warehouse..... Where Light was supposedly dead. "DIMENTIO YOU IDIOT", Light yelled with anger. "WHY THIS PLACE OUT OF ALL OTHERS?!" Dimentio laughed quietly to himself,"Because I think you would like to see somebody." Dimentio moved out of Lights wat to reveal a mysterious boy who was crouching, playing with his white hair and his toys said, "Hello Light Yagami"

+Nears Theme: Death Note+

Light looked at Near coldly, "What are you doing here?" Near smiled his goofy smile," Just came here for memories of when you died Yagami" Light looked at his team the back at Near," Wgat do you want?" Near sighed and saw Muhtis Death Note, "Well, I can tell you joined the team just to get the boys notebook." "Two notebooks", Mari corrected him. "Oh really? Where is the second one armored man?", Near said questioningly. "DON'T INTERFERE WITH US!", Light yelled, but it just made Near smile again. "It's fairly simple Yagami", Near held up a Megaman toy and a Kira toy," Youre going to backstab the armored boy and steal the book, then write his name and steal his armor and notebook, making you owner of two Death Notes" "I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!" Sonic sped up to Near and grabbed him by the collar, "Listen kid, we aren't here to backstab, either join us,leave us, or get a life instead of playing with your toys and your hair." Sonic dropped him and ran back to the group. "Alright I'll join, and I'll keep an eye on you Yagami."

-Meanwhile at the Conference Table-

The 5 hooded figures and the mystery person sat at the table. "Ugh where is he?", the second hooded figure asked. "Patience,just have patience", Hooded Figure 1 replied. After 7 minutes of waiting a little ball arrived and reformed into a shadowy black armored person. "I'm here Masters", Anti-Muhti said with a smirk.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
*Waking up* were, were am I?

(head hurts).. I was in a stasis pod.. thats what I heard... Damn that fall really put me out, that was no dream i can sstill fill my neck hurting after landing on my head, I should be dead WTF!!

AND....AND WHO IS THIS GOAT LOOKING DUDE!! Why cant I move my arms and legs... and my mouth!!



*It seems to have quited down outs side the lab, no noise what so ever*

*Filling as if nothing was going to attack her, Hinata came out of the subject room shaking nervously*
*This place is calle area 32, were scientific and experiments and, freaks of nature are kept for study*

*No one is allowed in area 32 without a license as a scientist and is accepted and trust worthy*

*They study aliens like Zim and try to find out how theres talking animals like ponys. They capture talking ponys and study them, what makes them talk*

*They also work on finding curse for diseases that kill people and ones that transform people into weird things..... but this new disease seems to have taken over the lab*



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
discord: "okay, just a heads up, if we want to stop these shadowy guys, we're going to need HER help. so, get ready because, well... the shadow realm can be a bit gruesome..."

(a bright flash, and all 4 are in the shadow realm.)

discord: "you guys ready? i hope so, because i want to just pop in-pop-out of this place as quick as possible. ah, there she is!"

(toward them floats the evil spirit of Nightmare Moon. the apparition, now given physical form, foats over to mars16)

nightmare moon: "oh, it's YOU..."

discord: "you know her, mars?"

nightmare moon: "it's been a long time, hasn't it? i've been very busy being dead. you know, after your little pharaoh friend murdered me?"

discord: "wait, what?"

nightmare moon: "however, i've become much stronger from my dominance in the shadow realm since then. well, it was nice catching up. now onto unfinished business."

(a copy of the master hand arena from the original super smash bros. is materialized from the shadows)

nightmare moon: "i hope this batch of allies is stronger than your last, otherwise i'm afraid you're about to become the immediate past-president of the being alive club."

discord: "*cackles madly* good one, moony!"

nightmare moon: "...seriously, though. goodbye."

original master hand/announcer voice: "3... 2... 1... GO!"

+battle music: VS Master Hand (super smash bros)+


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
What the hell?? I dont now her....

Are we about to fight?... AHH my ****ing head hurts plus I cant even move, Discord u fight that thing...

hmm, I can talk!!


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
discord: "oh, i think i can fix that. (snaps fingers)"

(mars16's body, sans head, is force-morphed into that of the Heavy Weapons Guy from TF2)

nightmare moon: "...really?"

discord: "this should compensate for your own body's lack of power, and just to make the change complete..."

(a Tomislav minigun is flashed into mars16's newly-beefed and rejuvinated hands)

discord: "(in the heavy's voice) she weight 150 kilograms and fires $200 custom tool cartridges at 6,000 rounds per minute. (in own voice) ammo supplied by me at no extra cost, no questions asked."

nightmare moon: "are you just about done?"

discord: "pretty much. oh wait, one more thing... (teleports behind nightmare moon and restrains her by all 4 legs)"


discord: "OPEN FIRE, MARS!"

some random ant on the stage: "i have the weirdest boner right now..."


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
FIRE BALL PUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Sends Nightmare flying*

That felt good she was getting annoying, ugh.... *crack* a hook like arm came out of mars's back*

ahhg s*** WTF


*Nervously trying to open the door to leave the lab she, pulls her self back*

*Talking to her self* Hinata: I cant do it.. they might.. sti.. still be out there..

*She looks to her left and see's a body on a bed with its chest open, and a some sort of thing beeming a light towards the open chest*

Hinata: Hmm



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
Just a quick clarification:

Xiroey = Latios (in human transformation)
Just to prevent confusion.

-In total blackness-

Xiroey: !!! (That creature thing is in trouble!
Curses, if only I could move right n-)

*Xiroey's emotional sense picks up on an odd signal from somewhere on the ground*

Xiroey: What the he**. The grass has a boner? How the...*

-The sound of rapid ginfire pierces Xiroey's consious-

Xiroey: ( ... And now it seems that the creature is holding a gun. A very irritated gun...

Obviously something's screwing with my Sixth sense.

I don't even know if I want to try and open my eyes now.)

*Xiroey picks up on waves of psychotic pleasure coming from the thing that rescued him*

Xiroey: Lovely, and it seems I have a total nutcase for a rescuer.

Lord help us all...

--Meanwhile: Eterna Forest, Sinnoh Reigon--

*Gengar jumps out of the suspicious looking berry bush and starts running in frantic circles*

Gengar: HOT HOT! Tomato Berry Bush! HOT!

*The heat subsides and Gengar falls flat on his face*

Gengar: Hide in suspicious looking bush... Filled with prickly red fruit...?

Bad Idea

*Gengar hears a clicking sound and looks up.

Sure enough, theres a gun pointed in his face*

Bounty Hunter: Thought ya' could escape Rick the Solid eh' ya lousy vermin?

*Rick turns his head and hacks a lougie for effect*

Gengar: I don't suppose you know the way to area 32 do you?

*Rick removes the safety on his gun*

Gengar: thought not...

-- Gengar quickly flies up into the air. The movement alerts Rick and he fires off a shot.

Gengar: **** That son of a gun shot my leg!

-Rick reloads-

Rick: Don't yer be worryin' there partner. Yall's Gengar can fly. Ya don't need legs.

Gengar: (Yeah, but it's exhausting...)

*Gengar swiftly maneuvers to the side in mid air to avoid getting shot in the face.

The bullet grazes his ear instead*

Gengar: Shoot, he's no amateur.
(hmm, thats my second gun pun in the last minute)

-Before Gengar can blink Rick loads another magaziene and takes aim

Gengar quickly retreats backward and transforms himself into one of the tree's shadows.-

Rick: Oooh, I read all abou' this trick. It was listed bright as day on yer' State wanted poster.

{Rick emitts a high-piched whistle}

Rick: Houndoom! Sniff em out!
The ground is soaked in the little devil's black blood.

*A pack of houndoom set to sniffing the ground*

Gengar: (Great, houndoom. Just great)

*One hound lifts his head and begins charging a blast directly at Gengar's hiding spot*

Gengar: Sweet mother of-

*The trees shoot up in flame*

Rick chuckles and lights a cigar

Rick: Good Job ther' houndoom. Now, go lootk for the varment's body. the corpse will fetch'us a hefty price on the state market.

*The houndoom jump straight into the burning foliage

Rick blows a ring of smoke*

Rick: All in a day's work.

-Suddenly Rick's shadow reaches up, and puts it's hands around it's own neck.

Rick clutches at his throat, trying to breathe-

Rick's Shadow: Nice try there Tex, but I never hid in the trees to begin with.

*Rick's vision begin's to swim and the scene before him starts to change*

Rick's shadow: I hear you're terrified of water. Wonder why that is? Perhaps because of an incedent you had as a child.

*Rick's eyes go wide with fear as the scene before him changes.

Suddenly he's thrashing around helplessly in the ice cold waters of lake Acuity. He tries to call out for help, but Ice cold water freezes his lungs and he can barely breathe.

Gengar releases Rick's neck and floats in front of him*

Gengar: Well little Ricky, looks like you bit off more than you can chew*

*Rick cries out in a little child's voice. He realizes that his body is the same as jt was 30 years ago*

Kid Rick: w-w-when d-d-did you?

*Rick's arms continue flailing hopelessly in the water and he goes under.

Gengar: When? My hypnosis you mean?
Why, about the same time you shot m re in the ear.

Theres a reason why Gengar hunters always aim for the back...

*Rick's tiny ha.d reaches out for anything that can save him, but he finds nothing. Several bubbles pop to the surface, and soon the hand fades beneath the frozen waters*

Gengar: You should never make eye contact

--The scene fades and Gengar drops down oit of the air. Rick's houndoom are nowhere in sight since he never actually called them.

Rick himself lies lifelessly on the ground. Dead.

Gengar: Sorry it had to come to this, but you knew what you werr getting into.

*Gengar reaches over and closes the man's eyes*

But hey, if it's worth anything...

Your fear?

Was delicious.



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
discord: "perfect! now that we've roughed her up a bit... (snaps fingers)"

(a battered, bruised, and defeated nightmare moon is teleported back to the 4)

discord: "maybe she'll listen to reason..."

nightmare moon: "*snarls* what do you want?"

discord: "listen closely, this is important. all the heroes and villains of smashboards have been disappearing, it's been traced back to a mysterious organization. we don't know why they're collecting absolutely everyone, but whatever it's for, it's sure to be disasterous."

nightmare moon: "and just why should i help you?"

discord: "listen to what they said. (holds up a tape recorder) i had it recorded"

tape recorder: "(voice of one of the hooded figures) nighttime sucks."

discord: "well, seems THAT touched a nerve..."

nightmare moon: "those little FOALS, mocking the beauty of the evening! do they not know that control of the night is control over their fate?!"

discord: "(whispering to mars16) well, that's ONE way to end up with a mad god."

nightmare moon: "very well. i shall accompany you on your adventure, if only to teach those MORONS a lesson!"


Nightmare Moon
has joined your team!​


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
*Xiroey's eyes snap open and he's suddenly left with the sight of a beautiful night sky*

Xiroey: *lying on his back*

Hey... It worked! I can move!

*Xiroey tries to move his arms and legs but they stay rooted down like lead pipes*

Xiroey: Well... My eyes and mouth can move...

Hinata: Hey uhm... Discord?

Discord: Well, would you look at this! The blondie's awake!

*Xiroeys eyes dart back and forth from the pupil-less girl to the freaky griffon-snake-thing

Then he cries out in shock as realization dawns*

Xiroey: Ohmygosh! You're Hinata! The lady who weny missing at Gengar's Manor!

And YOU, you tricked me and made me half pokemon!

*Discord raises an eyebrow*

Discord: I think I like him. He just woke up, and he's already spouting nonsense!

Hinata: Xiroey right? What exactly is a pokemon? You look completely human to me...

Xiroey: I... Wait! BLONDIE?

*Xiroey's face goes pale*

-Discord chuckles-

Discord: What did you expect? Blue anime hair?

*Thunder flashes in the night sky*

Discord: Of course it looks lovely on you Nightmare.

*Nightmare snorts*

Xiroey: W-What's going on here?

Discord: Isn't it obvious? We're having a party!

-Discord waves his arms and balloons fly everywhere-

Xiroey: (Just kill me now...)



Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
((Whoa....You guys went into overdrive...))

???: Ow...My head...

Mari: Did you here something?

(Suddenly Malgolor rushes out from some bushes, waveing the Star Rod in the air)

Magolor: HELP ME!!!

(As Magolor hides behind Mari's Leg like a scard todler, MK and Galatca Knight Burst in front of them)

MK: There you are...

GK: Return the Star Rod, Villan!

(Malgolor Looks up at Mari.)

Malgolor: Help...

Mari:...Sorry, Sirs, But we got bigger Problems...

MK: Such as...?

(Mari explains everything to the two Knights)

GK: Well....This changes things...

MK: The Fountain can wait. We must get out of this virtual world.

Sonic: Wait, We're in another virtual world? How did you know-

(MK points to a ramdom tree. It was Gliching.)

Sonic: Oh...

Mari: Uh...Guys?...I just thought of something...

Dementio: This better be good.

Mari: Well...This Place is built like Aperture Labs, Right?

Malgolor: Right...

Mari: So there HAS to be some kind of Master AI like GLaDOS controling this virtual world...

Sonic: So if we Find the Master AI and Destroy it...

MK: We may get out of here.

Sonic: And Kick Some hooded villans Butt!



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
Im... Im confused. She's in another area!!))))))
Great another Pony we gotta work with

Why Discord, WHY!!!!!?


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
nightmare moon: "*ahem* onto more important matters?"

hinata: "oh, right. we have to get everyone we can to stop whoever's capturing everyone. how should we go about getting out of here?"

discord: "!!! (facepalm) ahh, i didn't think of that..."

nightmare moon: "i believe i know of a way to escape the shadow realm... but it is VERY dangerous. even i have not tread upon that path."

discord: "where is it?"

nightmare moon: "just across from us, actually..."

nightmare moon: "in all the time i've been stuck in here, that portal is the only consistent way in or out. but there's one monster that guards the gate that even i cannot control..."

hinata: "what is it?"

(a loud rumbling quivers the very boundaries of the shadow realm)

nightmare moon: "here it is now..."

(red lineart of each of the 5 pieces of exodia forms. first the legs, then the arms, then finally the main body, forming...)

hinata: "wh- what is that thing?!"

nightmare moon: "exodia necross..."


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
Muhti looked up and sighed, "There's less heroes and villains nowadays, it's strange." " Do you suppose somebody is doing it?", Near raised his eyebrows and looked suspiciously at Muhti and Light. "Here we go", Kirby sighed out loud. "Listen, Near is it? We know it's not them since Anti-Muhti belongs to some sort of organization, we don't know what it is." Near took his toys but Mari knocked it away, "ENOUGH OF THE TOYS!", Mari shouted. "Damn, and I thought I was bad", Muhtu said with a snicker. "Shut up!", Mari exclaimed. "So now what?", Dimentio asked while rotating.



Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
OK fine theres tWo Hinata's I dont care!!!

haven't I seen u some where before?

Should'nt you be at work? What the hell are YOU DOING HERE!!


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
A bright flash of light engulf's Xiroey's body.
The intensity of it almost blinds Nightmare Moon who is used to eternal twilight

Discord: Ooh, a light show. Way to get into the party spirit Blondie!

*Nightmare Moon shields her eyes*

The light fades, and an some odd blue potato with wings hovers in the air where Xiroey once was

Has joined the brawl​

*Latios blushes scratches his head awkwardly*

Latios: I...I Just realized...
I can use "Refresh" in this form...

*Discord gives latios a long stare. Then bursts out laughing*

Latios: Uhm... Whats so funny?

-Discord suddenly stops and geows serious-

Discord: Nothing. Why do you ask?

*A gigantic blast of energy misses Nightmare Moon by mere inches*

Nightmare Moon: Sooo, is anyone here actually going to pay attention to the giant bloodthirsty guardian, or shall we all sit here and get blasted to bits?

Discord: Oh yes that. Honest mistake.

Latios: Anyone have a plan?

*Exodia strikes the ground and a giant shockwave comes right at them*

-Dischord brandishes Mars and talks in accent again-
Discord: No plan. We fight.



Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(meanwhile, in the virtual world with mari...)

(three Windows HP windows appear. two of them appearing as text *one descriptive, one with an HP counter*, and the last making a monster of some kind appear)

descriptive textbox: "An enemy Blue-Eyes White Dragon appeared!"

HP Textbox: "3000 HP"

(a Blue-Eyes White Dragon appears from the enemy-spawning window)

sonic: "whoa..."

meta knight: "a dragon?"

galacta knight: "i feel we're in for a long fight..."

(back in the shadow realm)

discord: "(summons a giant sword) EXCELSIOOOOOR!!! (throws the sword at Exodia Necross)"

(the sword shatters upon hitting Exodia Necross in the head)

discord: "...well, horseapples."


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2009
Columbus Ohio
The brandishes effect seems to have worn off, whatever brandishes is.....*****

Hey why are you here? should nt you be studying scientific stuff and stuff.

Hinata: the place I was working at got over r.... almost let it slip

Almost let what slip? What happend? TELL ME!!

Hinata: You do now you have a something ssticking out of your back

That, mm dont worry about it, I'll handle that later


Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
I'm so confused where everyone is now :( Me and Maris group were in the normal world in a warehouse.....Dimentio transported us to the warehouse where Near was because the virtual world was going to die.


Saving the planet from disaster!
May 8, 2012
Ehh, what the heck. TEXAS.
(((Sorry Guys, I don't Spend Enough time on the internet, So I have to rush...Any way, Thanks for fixing my mistake, Smashfan. Sorry...Oh, And by the way, If any of you Deside I Should Meet Gengar, well...Let's just say he'll have a full belly afterwards...)))

Mari: Uh...Wait...Blue-Eyes? And Windows HP?...Wow...

(Mari Bravely walks right up to the Giant Dragon and hops on one of its heads)

Sonic: Whar the HECK are you doing?!

Mari: Relax. Watch.

(Mari scales to the very Top of the window and presses the X button. The 3 Window Programs Vanish.)

Kirby: Whaaaa...?

Mari: Windows. We really ARE inside a virtual world.

Sonic: That was...Easy...

MK: So now what?

Mari: We Find The Master AI...And hopfully run into Smashfan..

Magolor: Um, Question!

Muhti: What is it?

Magolor: What if the Master AI IS GLaDOS?

Mari: It's Not.

Magolor: Why not?

Mari: Because we would be all dead by now.

Magolor: O-O...OK...

Sonic: So....We take that path?

MK: It seems to be the way out...

Mari:...(What is this...eerie feeling..?)...

Magolor: Something wrong?

Mari: Uh...Nothing...



Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
I'm so confused where everyone is now :( Me and Maris group were in the normal world in a warehouse.....Dimentio transported us to the warehouse where Near was because the virtual world was going to die.
Tell me about it...
I was confused from the Get-go.

I just kinda rolled with it lol.



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
((Eh I'll leave off where I was))

Muhtis group looked around in shock when they saw Maris group disappeared into another realm. "So uh I'm confused......" , Muhti began. "Tell me about it", Dimentio replied. "Hey uh where's Kirby?", Light asked. "The group of four looked around not o see the pink marshmallow. "Well, this is what we-" ,Light began but Muhti cut him off,"Wait, we're in Japan right?", "mhmm", Light and Near choired. "Good, I have somebody to see."


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
I Was cofused after post 1063#
You mean when Xiroey wakes up and starts spouting nonsense?

It was reffering back to my very first post, so thats prob Y... :V

Hey, hit me up another drink there son!

McDonald's Cashier: For the last time this ISN'T A BAR!

And that'll be $1.08 for the apple juice

*Gengar pays the nice cashier with money from Rick's overstuffed Wallet

Then goes and sits down by a burly looking man with overalls and a full red beard.*

Gengar: {Drunk on apple juice} Hey, have you ever killed a man?

*The man looks up, gives Gengar a quick glance over, and returns to his soup*

Man: No. Can't say I have.

Gengar: ... Say, if you ever did have to... You know...

*The man puts down his burger and stares Gengar straight in the eye

Gengar flinches under the intense scruitiny*

Man: You have the look of a man with a heavy concience.

Gengar: I- I did something... Wen't further than I probably should have.

Man: You mean you put a man to sleep and scared him to death in his dreams...

Gengar: How..?

*The man dropps his gaze and continues eating*

Man: I've heard it all before.

It never is easy... That first kill.

Gengar: But that's the thing... It was easy.
It was like... I became a totally diffrenet person.

*The man takes a bite of his sandwich*

Man: {talking with his mouth full} I suppose I'm partially to blame for that.

Gengar: You? But...

Man: When you were given to me that night as a Haunter. I took on a responsibility that night.
I became responsible for shaping the kind of pokemon you wuold ultimately become

*The man takes his last bite and takes a sip of his drink to wash it down*

But I suppose I wasn't ready. She wasn't ready...

Gengar: Marissa...

Man: Yeah, You see my wife hated ghost types.
She always said they creeped her out.

*The man starts swishing his drink around in little circles*

I was in love.

I was willing to do anything for her back then.
Even trade you away...

Gengar: Thats when I evolved...

Man: Yes, Haunter do evolve in trades. That was partially one of my excuses for giving you away.
But in the end it was foollishness that convinced me to do so.

The man gets up from his seat and grabs his bag.

Gengar: You're leaving?

Man: Yes. The advice you seek isn't with me. You have to ask youself what kind of Pokemon you want to become.
Gengar like you will always be prone to darkness. Fear is like a drug, while it's necessary for your survival it's also easy to indulge too much...

*The man hoists his bag over his shoulder and walks over to the door*

You'll sort everything out. I may have been a fool then, but even I could tell you weren't a killer.

*the man walks out the door*

Gengar: Thanks Sid... Old friend...



Turkish Smasher
Feb 26, 2011
New York
It was raining outside in the streets of Japan. The group of five started to walk towards an -. "Will ya tell your friend to shut up?", Ryuk complained. "Ugh Dimentio shut up...", Muhti told Dimentio. "Hmph, people thought I was great when I did the dialogue in Super Paper Mario." "They just scinned through it...", Near inquired. "Well anyways here we are!", Muhti said cheerfully. "Is this..... the Ayatos?", Light said in shock. "They his father and his son were popular.", Near added on. "Well, the father has another son, his name is Naoi. ((He is from Angel Beats! if you haven't known.)) He can go into people's minds, useful if we need information.". With that Muhti walked up to the Ayatos and knocked the door. After that a green haired boy answered the door. "Hello, the names Naoi, what brings you here?". Muhti looked at Naoi and replied," Naoi, we ask if you would to join our team, with your mind control powers we can be powerful." Naoi looked behind and saw, Dimentio, Near, and lastly Light. "Isn't that the idiot who decided to claimed himself as God? Only IM God!" Muhti rolled his eyes. "Are you going to join us?". Naoi waited a moment and answered," Why not?"


Smash Cadet
Jun 6, 2009
(meanwhile, i, smashfan666, am floating in an outer space-like place in the form of my avatar's 3 components)

smashfan666, discord avi: "aaaggghh... where am i?"

smashfan666, nightmare moon avi: "and for that matter..."

smashfan666, queen chrysalis avi: "where's everyone else?"

???: "elsewhere. you... you are here."

smashfan666, queen chrysalis avi: "i gathered that part..."

smashfan666, discord avi: "but where is here? where is elsewhere? and also... who are you?"

(images of the 5 hooded figures appear)

smashfan666, nightmare moon avi: "...i still don't follow."

hooded figure 1: "our identities are not important. if you're wondering how we managed to stuff you in all 3 bodies at once, we shoved your into the pod while you were in your dovahkiin fluttershy avi."

smashfan666, discord avi: "wait, pod? what is this?!"

smashfan666, queen chrysalis avi: "well, whatever. maybe it isn't important. i'll find you 5 and beat you down in a 1-in-3-bodies-on-5 match and get back to running my team of forum fighters faster than-"

hooded figure 4: "*chuckles* yousa still don't get it, do you?"

hooded figure 5: "there is no more forum fighters. and no more forum fighter union, either. we have nearly all of them, and your smashboards adventures will soon end with one less thread active."

smashfan666, queen chrysalis avi: "*stutters*"

smashfan666, discord avi: "WHAT THE F***?!"

hooded figure 1: "that's right. to achieve our goal, we have to forcibly pull the plug on your little thread."

smashfan666, nightmare moon avi: "am i supposed to feel intimidated by now?"

smashfan666, discord avi: "because i kind of don't."

hooded figure 2: "and why, praytell, is that?"

smashfan666, queen chrysalis avi: "for starters-"

hooded figure 1: "well, we'll just see how long you keep that attitude of yours, smashfan, when we have you trapped forever in this virtual world!"

smashfan666, discord avi: "i didn't even get to finish my sentence, and... virtual world?"

(all 3 components of my avatar are flung to random locations in the virtual world)

smashfan666, all avis: "AAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!"

(2 land so far that i lose connection to them and they are taken over by AIs plugged into the virtual world. one lands with mari's group. which one? the queen chrysalis avi)

smashfan666, queen chrysalis avi: "aagh, where am i?"

(i take notice to MK, sonic, and GK)

smashfan666, queen chrysalis avi: "meta knight? galacta knight? sonic? they got you three, too?"

galacta knight: "i'm afraid so, smashfan."

magolor: "you three know him?"

sonic: "of course we know him, we all were in the same forum fighter league!"

meta knight: "then things started getting strange, and well... here we all are again."

magolor: "amazing! who else was in your fighter league?!"

sonic: "oh, TONS! king dedede, finn & jake, numbuh 362, marie kanker-"

smashfan666, queen chrysalis avi: "yes yes, many characters. anyway, my avatar was comprised of 3 people. how did i get here, to you all?"

magolor: "you just fell from the sky..."

smashfan666, queen chrysalis avi: "did you see 2 others fall anywhere close by?"

sonic: "i didn't see anyone..."

smashfan666, queen chrysalis avi: "dammit! they must be trying to keep my avatar components as far apart as possible..."

meta knight: "maybe it's best we find the other two components. who were they?"

smashfan666, queen chrysalis avi: "one of them was discord, and the other was nightmare moon. you could tell them from the actual characters by the Websense aura they give off. but we all of us knew that already..."

sonic: "'we all of us'? smashfan, did you hit your head when you landed? ...anyway, what can your remaining avatar do?"

smashfan666, queen chrysalis avi: "well, chrysalis is the queen of changelings, so let's see here... flight, some green fire control, horn lazer blasts, changing physical form... and also some pretty b**chin' holes in the legs."

galacta knight: "i don't think physical alterations would be very practical when websense is a dead giveaway..."

smashfan666, queen chrysalis avi: "well, if i remember right, there was some kind of spell that could cloak websense, but we'd need a unicorn, or someone with the avatar of one, to perform it."

magolor: "a unicorn? maybe these hooded guys captured one of those. i wouldn't put it past them, considering they've already got most of smashboards..."

smashfan666, queen chrysalis avi: "then let's see if we can't find us a unicorn to help out!"

(elsewhere, be it the virtual world or the shadow realm...)
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