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Florida Smash seedings - Revamped!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2006
Orlando, FL
Hey guys, I'm going to paste this off of my post on NLL's forums:

Sup fellas and miniscule amount of ladies!

For the last two weeks I have been hard at work individually editing and changing all 500+ players' seeding points as well as revising the seeding equations for the overhaul. Well, the work is done and the overhaul is here! One of the big things you will notice is that the placements and seeding rewards will be more balanced than before and that I have scaled the system down to make things easier overall. You will notice that everybody has a lot fewer points before - I took your old points and reduced it to 1/10th of what you used to have to provide a baseline for everyone to go by for the last 3 tournaments. After adding the last 3 events and scaling them properly, here are the following rankings as of now:

74 Hungry Box
60 Shaky
60 Hrnut
58 Afro
47 Colbol
47 Chaz
41 GDX
36 poltergust
35 co18
31 Rx-
30 Cdoc
30 Seibrik
27 Lambchops
27 RadiX
27 XYZ
26 Fenrir
26 Ramen
25 Rayvn
25 Sheer Madness
24 Hiroshi
22 TommyG
22 Nick Riddle
21 Angry Lobster
19 Dark Sonic
19 Legion
18 Snakee
18 Uuaa
16 Gmoney
16 Skrach
16 Zoro
16 mk18
14 Garbanzo
14 Kyon
14 Snipa
14 Galeon
13 Dguy
13 Thomas
13 Fearless
13 Gallax
12 Red Halberd
11 O Tru
11 Sensei
11 Linguini
10 Bane
10 Vericz
10 Razek
10 Polmex23
10 The Law
10 Phanta
9 Dark Falchon
9 Derf
9 Equi
9 Hozart
9 Splinter
9 Petey
9 Galuda
9 Crom
9 Vision
9 dfear
9 Xaltis
9 Reno
9 Ted Boosely
9 Rock
8 Raistlin
8 Juib
8 Loto
8 DaShizWiz
8 Hirol
8 <3
8 Bonesaw
7 Riot
7 Spike
7 Pure Korea
7 walnut
7 Action *******
7 Nasty
7 Abe
6 CassaNova
6 Bergoth
6 Apollo
6 Go Jin Young Go Jin
6 solidneku
6 Joe
6 d-torr
6 Renki
6 Mata
6 Marin
6 Lio
6 Kei
6 Keep Speeding
6 Mickey
5 UI
5 retro gamer
5 D_B_S
5 doodah
5 SwordDancer
5 Virg
5 kuya
5 c-po
5 Green Mario
4 Sighrax
4 xoff
4 raef
4 ryo
4 weeg
4 Ares
4 Rohins
4 The God Meow Mix
4 8-bit
4 Doc
4 Frames
4 Monk
4 Space Ghost
4 Lee
4 Ice Kid
4 Dreadz
3 Desert King
3 ghaude
3 neo
3 raven
3 jssn
3 Mr. Anderson
3 Zelda_Master_Timmy
3 Cory
3 Heavyhands
3 Dragonxero
3 mars
3 SheikSSBM
3 Dr. Whogiggle
3 xif
3 DJ ****Nugget
3 LS
3 C!
3 Noa
3 Kishiru
3 ScaryLB89
3 kirbydude86
3 Renth
3 Mampam
3 masky
3 dedweight
3 nero
3 Redd
3 Cult of Rubik
3 Pasqual
3 stafu
3 TheeIncubus
3 Cash Mooney
3 pb&j
3 Flat Soda
3 chudat
3 D21-Diego
3 hunterSFL
3 Inui
3 Matt T.
3 papi
2 Ecky X
2 ******
2 leafgreen386
2 craziecuban
2 Hala
2 Jim K
2 Aurae
2 Golden Felix
2 Nookin
2 Pritch
2 S
2 Zip
2 Synikal
2 BluRay
2 Max
2 Mr. Showtime
2 Razr
2 Smashmac
2 The Betta Playa
2 HardcoreBO!
2 Hazzard
2 Oreo
2 Chase
2 scidadle
2 Smash your Mom
2 Pengie
2 2D Jeff
2 Trot
2 Azure
2 Yummynbeefy
2 ari
2 GoldenTwilight
2 Sano
2 Syno
2 Skynerd
2 GG
2 Gordo
2 jdiggz
2 zergum
2 Hulk
2 Mr. Ftw
2 Pichu
2 Harriettheguy
2 Black jinjo
2 Jeremy
2 Ken
2 Lazu
2 lbron
2 Ronin
2 WeLikeIke
2 Angel
2 Dercs
2 Mero
2 jewario
2 DogySamich
2 Jarlax
2 RenardMF
2 vZakat
2 acorn
2 Dewdadash
2 Japanman88
2 Alex
2 Grunj
2 emowolf
1 Eliott
1 Helios
1 Mstry
1 Fuct
1 AT&T
1 Fzero
1 hawk
1 pink
1 rip
1 Titain
1 Akuma
1 BunZ
1 CJ
1 Couch Commando
1 Det
1 Exdeath
1 Kira
1 Kram
1 Lime
1 Locojoe
1 msgno
1 Otaku
1 SD
1 sprinkles
1 Vince
1 Shyne
1 Timus
1 Luigi Prime
1 Dooder
1 Dustin
1 force
1 gindler
1 ginger
1 orange xplosion
1 Finch
1 Chaddd
1 circular geometry
1 esper
1 Guess who?
1 mankosuki
1 Plairnkk
1 Rice
1 saetanquo
1 TheJoey
1 Brian
1 Boomy
1 Devi
1 2Pro
1 Crsn
1 Kuro
1 ChrisBrace
1 Bobby
1 Twitch
1 cdc
1 Chris
1 cobrax
1 dare
1 gibz
1 Gopher
1 Groceries
1 maka nuts
1 n3xus
1 NutritionFacts
1 R!S3
1 actic
1 Freakaziod
1 J0n41
1 Peanut
1 Roflcopter
1 aki
1 Captain Crunch
1 Crazy
1 Lvl9cp
1 Noishe
1 Nova
1 sasha
1 Zone
1 Nerv
1 Basthole
1 Captain Ken
1 Charles
1 Esam
1 r4ze
1 Sick
1 Slim
1 snikz
1 titan
1 zero
1 Andrew
1 Kat
1 Krash
1 Zyzzx
1 112
1 aeon
1 BossMagnet
1 Broke
1 Bug
1 c
1 Caesar
1 Campin\' Chris
1 Chaunchey
1 crown
1 CT
1 deleted member
1 Devastation)
1 dirtyrice
1 Dutch
1 g
1 G1R
1 gary
1 Gino
1 halo5
1 Hyo
1 Jadin Xsquire
1 jimisama
1 kaeko
1 koops
1 Larry
1 laughsterisdeadly
1 Mike S.
1 Nicky
1 nth
1 Nzxer
1 Pepe
1 Saint
1 shoon
1 sly
1 space penguin
1 sub scorpion
1 Tyler
1 AoE
1 Chaboi
1 Enigma Lies Broken
1 Link64E
1 Msas
1 Skinlow
1 Spark
1 Taco
1 Xfactor
1 2bit
1 88
1 boomstick
1 cmroddy
1 f-18
1 Fabulous
1 Falcor
1 FedEx
1 Hospitality
1 Jim W
1 JJSlim
1 Lizardface
1 lobo
1 Low Road
1 Next
1 Nushi
1 Oryx
1 over9k
1 prodeus
1 Rawn
1 Ryu Deathstrike
1 Sky
1 Vivalamoo
1 Will
1 Zeus
0 Adam
0 amr
0 anub1
0 argh
0 c.hill
0 Charlie
0 CKRikou
0 Dameon
0 Daniel
0 Duckles
0 Full Metal
0 Ga wes
0 Geta
0 Guardian Knight
0 Hbus
0 jbaly
0 jesus
0 Johnny
0 Kenyu
0 lukas
0 Makis
0 Merc
0 Misto
0 Momo
0 NBP Corey
0 Nooboob
0 pooky
0 ram
0 Saab
0 Serpent
0 slynkee
0 teeco
0 The Author
0 Thunderbunny
0 TomG
0 Tropical Taco
0 retiredgamer64
0 .Com
0 19666Falcon
0 Abid
0 Aero
0 AJ
0 Al
0 Albino
0 anoobis
0 berto
0 bfa
0 bleak
0 blind
0 bubbleman
0 butah
0 chivq
0 Christian Parra
0 Cmen
0 cocaine
0 daveo
0 diesel
0 Earl
0 Evak
0 Fizzi
0 Flaf
0 fried rice
0 Fyrewolf
0 Gee
0 George
0 GhostofSparta
0 Grant S.
0 James
0 Jason
0 Jeff
0 Josh
0 julio
0 Lugia
0 memk
0 Michael
0 Mike L.
0 newkid
0 ninja
0 Ninjastar
0 nixon
0 onyx
0 Paul
0 phrrn
0 poe
0 Rika
0 Ruben
0 Rust
0 sb
0 schoobs
0 sebastian
0 Sepu
0 Shadowe
0 sketch
0 The_Sheik
0 tkk
0 Tony
0 trent
0 Trick
0 uber
0 underscore
0 vigilant gambit
0 Wash
0 wesley
0 Zash
0 Zaebdil
0 zift
0 Andre J
0 Andres
0 Andrew D
0 Bamn
0 Blue Link
0 Bo
0 Brittany
0 Chinkasauraus
0 Darin
0 Dasho
0 daveo
0 Eric S.
0 Flashman
0 Gamefreak
0 G-Haad
0 kirin
0 Lime Fury
0 Locke
0 orfn
0 Riac
0 Ruka
0 Sam
0 sato
0 sebastian
0 Showtime
0 Smiles
0 Tank
0 zion
0 BrownBear
0 JungleFever
0 plup
0 R4D3
0 TkyDrew

As an incentive to those who haven't been in the scene for a while, if your name is on the list and you have 0 points, (this is because it was scaled down to < 0.5 and was rounded) I will DOUBLE your earned seeding points for the next tournament you join here on out.

Don't have 0 points and want to make a little extra? I got you covered. If you bring in your TV for us to play matches on, I will give you a few non-rollover points for that tournament so you have a slightly more convenient placing in the tournament. One of the things that NLL wants to do is reward those who go the extra mile, so give us your ideas - we'll listen.

On a related note, I'm thinking about hosting an extra side-event for you smashers. Where, you ask? My house! I'll give you guys more info about that later on, but some of the things I thought of involved a BBQ, pool and some side events for extra prizes. I'll work on setting something up if the interest in it is good enough.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2006
Orlando, FL
what are seeds anyway?
your overall ranking compared to other people?

Basically, when you compete in a tournament you get points to your name no matter how you place. If you place higher - you get more points. The person with the lowest seeding plays the person with the highest seeding in the first round. The person with the second lowest seeding plays the person with the second most seeding and so on. This is fair due to the fact that the lowest seed people will have an easier lower bracket, while the higher seeded players won't see their nemesis until later on when it's more appropriate. It makes for a better showmatch and if there isn't a full 32 players in the bracket for example the top seed will then get a first round bye since a bye has nevative seeding.

So if you play in the NLL/Cecil tournaments more often, you end up getting a better placement.


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL

Basically, when you compete in a tournament you get points to your name no matter how you place. If you place higher - you get more points. The person with the lowest seeding plays the person with the highest seeding in the first round. The person with the second lowest seeding plays the person with the second most seeding and so on. This is fair due to the fact that the lowest seed people will have an easier lower bracket, while the higher seeded players won't see their nemesis until later on when it's more appropriate. It makes for a better showmatch and if there isn't a full 32 players in the bracket for example the top seed will then get a first round bye since a bye has nevative seeding.

So if you play in the NLL/Cecil tournaments more often, you end up getting a better placement.
do i just challege ppl to get ranked higher?


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2006
For them so far I have attended 1 tourney, and I beat two people there. But they weren't good. For one it was their first tourney, and he was pretty nervous. I'm hecka bad at this game. xD


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx

you REALLY need to separate brawl and melee seeding points.

they are COMPLETELY different games with COMPLETELY different communities, and there's no reason lambchops and colbol should be seeded BELOW afro in a MELEE tournament

i know you worked hard on these new points, but all you need to do is keep these ones the way they are and start a new list for melee from scratch.

just my two cents, i think it's important


Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2006
Orlando, FL

you REALLY need to separate brawl and melee seeding points.

they are COMPLETELY different games with COMPLETELY different communities, and there's no reason lambchops and colbol should be seeded BELOW afro in a MELEE tournament

i know you worked hard on these new points, but all you need to do is keep these ones the way they are and start a new list for melee from scratch.

just my two cents, i think it's important

I hear ya. I thought of this when I was revamping this system but then I considered the crossover between Brawl and Melee. Typically I see about 80% of the Brawl community sticking to brawl and rarely attending Melee tourneys. The same for the other way around. If this becomes a problem in the future though I'll definitely make separate rankings for each. I just haven't seen anything very troublesome come out of not consolidating the points yet in the years so far. It isn't something I don't think about, though.


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
Pensacola, FL

you REALLY need to separate brawl and melee seeding points.

they are COMPLETELY different games with COMPLETELY different communities, and there's no reason lambchops and colbol should be seeded BELOW afro in a MELEE tournament

i know you worked hard on these new points, but all you need to do is keep these ones the way they are and start a new list for melee from scratch.

just my two cents, i think it's important
I also agree that THIS is really important.
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