So came across this article. It's looking pretty good for us
Basically what the article talks about is that the Smash ballot is pretty much more about suggestion than it is about popularity. They aren't picking the characters with the most votes, they are picking characters with the most uniqueness to them that they could add to the game. In other words, this really could be our chance to get Delphox in.
Our main goal shouldn't be about getting a huge list of supporters, our main goal should be going on that ballot and explaining to Sakurai WHY Delphox would make for a unique character. We have our reason as to why Delphox would be a good addition so go on the smash ballot now, and explain to them our movesets we've created. Explain them the uniqueness Calm Mind could have, or explain to them the uniqueness Future Sight could do. Whatever you think. He's rewarding us for creativity and I believe we can make it happen. So the next time you vote for Delphox on the ballot, give Sakurai a legit reason as to why Delphox would make for a unique fighter.
It aint about the quantity of the votes, its about the quality.