So Feh Channel is up and so is the AHR event.
Choose your favorite Hero from among those who appear in the Fire Emblem Heroes game in the A Hero Rises 2023 event. The Heroes that finish in the top 8 will appear in an in-game Voting Gauntlet event. Then, the Hero that finishes in first place in the Voting Gauntlet will be gifted to all players!
-M!Robin, Soren, Gullveig and F!Corrin won.
-Lots of 6s and 60s for items. Also including an Ascended Floret.
-Lots of old Grand Hero Battles becoming available and having missions for getting a 5-Star GHB Hero for completing the mission.
-Our Valentine Heroes are Leo, Takumi, Hana, our Duo is Elise+Sakura and our TT Unit is Effie, who is an Infantry Axe unit...our 4th one recently. Elise and Sakura come with Wrathful Staff 4 as well as something called Holy Pressure, which may be an Offensive Staff special. Don't know if it can be inherited, but Staff users really need stuff.
-Hero Merit is increased, new Accessories and Legendary Heroes that are part of Arena's line-up not only give you the fullest score you can reach with your Heroes, but also prevent you from losing score if you lose only one character during a match.
-All 5-Star Heroes from Lysithea/Bernadetta/Annette to the CYL4 Brave Heroes are now part of the 4-Star Focus Special Banner. All Special Heroes from Greil's Mercenaries Valentines to Book 3 New Years are now part of the 4-Star Focus Special Banners.
-Thrasir and Peony are getting Mythic Remixes and Legendary/Mythic Remix Banners are coming in twos.
-Banners with both 5-Star Focus Heroes and 5-Star Heroes(basically, the Heroes you get that aren't on the Banner) come with a new feature called Focus' Charges. If you get 3 5-Star Heroes that aren't a Banner Focus Hero, the next 5-Star you get from the Banner will be a 5-Star Banner Focus Hero guaranteed. And the charges supposedly don't go down if you get a Focus Banner Unit when the charges are not at 3. For everyone, this applies to:
- New Heroes,
- New Hero Revivals,
- Special Hero Revivals,
- Summoning Focus Banners
- and Weekly Revivals.
- For those with FEH Pass, this is also applied to New Special Hero Banners, Hero Fest Banners and the weird one, which is a symbol Special Hero summon event, which I can't remember what that was at the moment.
Basically, with the Focus charges, it makes it alot easier to summon older Heroes from older banners, since now you can guarantee getting a 5-Star Focus Hero on Banners without the 40 Summons to get one for free. A very good change for those trying to merge older or even new units. And it's decently fair with the FEH Pass stuff, as it brings this change for New Hero Banners, New Hero Revival Banners, Special Hero Revival Banners, regular Summoning Focus Banners(like say, "Heroes with Iceberg" and whatnot) and Weekly Revivals. Pretty nice choices.
The only big one that FEH Pass really gets is the Special Hero Banners and maybe whatever the other Special Hero Banner one is, but the ones for non-FEH Pass Banners is pretty nice.
All in all, a decent FEH Channel. The Focus Charges are really nice and the new 4-Star Focus Heroes are good, especially with the 4rd Fallen Banner and CYL4 Brave Heroes being part of them. More Hero Merit is always nice and the free Ascended Floret and GHB Returns are good too.
Edit: Also, here are all of the Anniversary Arts here done by some of FEH's artists.