Timezones and work hours make it difficult for me to be around and contribute to everything. I did mention before the game started that I was only playing because of the longer phases, since they would let me be more flexible with my time. Plus I'm naturally pretty quiet anyway and only pop up when I have something substantial to contribute, as you might know from seeing me only show up in the Nintenzone social when FE stuff comes up.

Maybe not the best trait for a game like this since absence makes you conspicuous here, but eh.
For now I'm quite happy to sit back and observe, particularly as I don't have the benefit of having observed past games to be able to read people's tells, but if you insist, I guess I'm curious about folks like Spak and Red Ryu, whose first actions upon showing up were to vote. Have they got any reasoning behind their votes, or are they just throwing names out at random?
That's about it for now. I'll keep lookout and chime in again if I spot anything that seems off.