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Final Fantasy 1: The Story of Luke

The Mano Games VII

Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2008
Where I live? Why, location is a state of mind my
This story is basically a retelling of the original Final Fantasy for the Nintendo, where the Thief is the main character, and is entirely alone in his struggle against the ne'erdowells of his world (don't want any spoilers for those who have never played the game). This is one of only two serious efforts I've ever made towards actually writing a whole story, and as such, I am very, very nervous about how good it is. If anyone has any suggestions/criticisms, I highly, highly encourage them, no matter how harsh they may be (as long as you state the reasons you don't like "this or that" part of the story that is). So anyways, here it is!

Prolouge: Introduction

Uggghhhh....hah....GAAAAAHHH!!" a man gasped in pain from within his room.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" Another man shouted, rushing into the room to find the man trying and failing to get up out of his bed. He was a somewhat small, youthful man who didn't seem any taller than 5 feet. His hair was the color of sapphires, his skin somewhat tan, and as of now, covered in bandages stained red from his wounds. The other man, the innkeeper of the building, looked on with concern as the youth shook with pain. Finally, the youth managed to squeeze out a question.

"Uh...hey, where am I?" He asked, though it didn't come out quite that clearly

"You're at an inn' the innkeeper responded. At the youths confusion, the innkeeper went on. 'The Cornerian guard found you unconscious, being put through the perpetual meat grinder by way of a quintuplet of Imps." At that, the youth began to cringe from the memory.

"How bad did I look?"

"You looked like absolute ****"

"That figures, I sure had enough of the stuff beaten out of me!" the youth laughed. But when he looked at the innkeeper, his face fell. Apparently, whatever the innkeeper had seen, he sure didn't feel like laughing about it...

"Yes, you most certainly did...enough that it's a miracle your even alive right now...now tell me, what the hell were you thinking?!" The innkeeper yelled. The youth became apprehensive.

"First off, I'm not some random kid off the streets. I've been serving as a light warrior in the Light Brigade for the past month and a half now. And well, you know what happened to us when he tried to fight Garland huh?" The youth stopped for a second as a stroke of pain struck his heart...

The Cornerian Royal Army was the official name of Cornerias militairy. But the king and his knights were so good to the people, so just and powerful, that as far as anyone was concerned, they were called the Light Brigade. For many young lads, it was their dream in life to one day be known as one of the Light Brigades light warriors.

However, even this mighty army had been brought to its knees by Garland and his army of demons. Though he was renowed as Cornerias hero many years ago, he had now become a black hearted fiend who had kidnapped the fair princess Sara and ran far away from the kingdom. With the fate of their kingdom in jeopardy, the whole army had been sent out to reclaim the princess, no matter the cost. After many long and arduous years of searching, they had finally managed to track Garland down in an old broken down temple on the other side of the continent.

But to their dismay, their rescue mission had been sent crashing down around them as they were beset by legions of monsters that Garland had amassed.

At the head of those legions was Garland, in his huge oblivion black full plate mail armor. Sporting a long cape and a helmet adorned with large horns on the sides, and towering over the subjects he had amassed, it looked looked as though a demon and his army had crawled out from the depths of hell. The youth still remembered the nervousness that had clouded his commanding officers face when he had found out just how worthy a foe Garland would prove to be...

"Garland, fiend of Corneria, enemy to the state, here our command!' the youth's commanding officer had said. 'You have ran, you have hidden, and you have murdered for the sheer sake of power until now...now it has come to this, the hour of your defeat. If you are want to avoid your final reckoning, stop this foolishness, and deliver to us the fair Princess-"

"YOU SHALL NOT HAVE HER!! NO ONE TOUCHES MY PRINCESS!! Garland roared in a low grating voice that rolled through the plains and completely shattered the mans proclamation. It had struck everyone dead, and every light warrior felt a sense of dread as it occurred to them just how hard this fight would be. If any of them felt even the slightest bit of confidence, they sure didn't act like it.

Then, Garland rumbled in laughter, and a black aura swarmed into existence around him. As the aura whined with power, Garlands laughter had become warped beyond recognition, and where their had been mere nervousness, there was now a horrible fear that consumed the hearts and minds of the light warriors.

"Now, the light warriors you say? Impotent fools, I, Garland, will KNOCK YOU ALL DOWN!!" and with that, he launched several enormous green waves of dark energy that went on to tear the youth's commanding officer, and the entire 1st legion of the Light Brigade, to shreds. Garland followed this up by ordering all his minions to come down upon the Light Brigade, and what followed next was sheer carnage.

For the first time in his life, the youth had experienced the true horror of war, had been plunged in a whole nother world filled with people and things trying to hurt him...trying to kill him...

Halfway into the battle, he lost his head and fled wherever he could flee. Eventually, he had taken to burying himself under a mound of corpses that had been strewn across the battlefield.

In that instant, he was forced to watch as all of his best friends were cut down one by one by Garland and his fiends.

"And maybe it didn't have to be all of them'. Luke thought to himself. 'Maybe I could have saved some of them, had I been stronger, had I not been such a **** coward!" Luke screamed in his mind.

But instead, he lay there capable only of watching, from seeing Garland wreak agony across the battle field, to having to watch his best friend Homac, covered in blood and maimed in ways too horrible to describe, slowly bleed to death as Garland stood over him, laughing that low, mocking laugh of his....

"Hey...hey!' the innkeeper said, knocking the youth out of his memories. 'You ok?"

"Um...yeah...yeah, I'm fine" the youth said, though he still had that telltale haunted expression of someone who had been changed by war. Feeling ashamed, the innkeeper tried to change the subject

"By the way, what's your name son?" The innkeeper asked.

"Luke' he answered. He shot straight out of the bed with new resolve, though he winced as he did so. 'And what was I thinking? Garlands a dead man, and I won't stop, until every last life he has taken has been avenged!!"

Whoa, wait, you're actually aiming for Garland himself?! How the hell do you plan on doing that?!"

"The Light Brigade slaughtered a good number of his forces, so if I can get to his hideout quick, I can kill him before he gets another chance to reorganize."

"And what will you do once your facing Garland himself? You're gonna try and face him with that toothpick of a sword you have, without even the physical prowess to kill five Imps?" Luke had to stop himself from groaning. His questions were good ones, Luke admitted to himself, but filled with rage and hotblood as he was, they only served to anger him even more. He tried to change the subject...

"Oh well. I bet those Imps gave the guard a good workout, huh?"

"More than that I'm afraid. Even chain mail can't stop a good scimitar if it happens to be thin enough. Still, at least they had sense enough to actually have armor!" By this point, the youth was just seething with rage. So it was that the man just couldn't drop, huh?!

"Okay, look, you've never been in the army before, you have no idea what it's like to try to function and fight properly in big, heavy armor! I tried it out, but I ditched it in favor of actually being able to fricken move!"

"Your right. You know what I also know? Over these past few months, our kingdom has tried time after time to overcome Garlands forces and rescue Sara, each and every time he sent the best men he had. These men have had the exact same ordeals your going to be facing, and from the sounds of it, absolutely NONE of them have had the mettle needed to survive. Some of these men have been champions amoung us for more than a decade, and even they have been slaughtered! And I'll tell you this, none of them had ever had trouble moving around in armor!" The man yelled. Luke froze.

Out of all the doubts that the man had voiced, that had been the one to give him pause. For the first time, the sheer weight of his task began to hang on his heart. He pictured himself in a room somewhere facing Garland, trying futiley to pierce his armor as Garland's sword kept tearing into his skin over and over and over and over....Luke's fists and teeth were shaking vehemently. No doubt he would be laughing in that same laugh he gave when he stood over Homac and smote him like some kind of rabid dog!

"I don't care what you or anyone else says. I know my odds, and none of that matters! I won't quit, I won't stop, I will never rest until I've either wiped Garland from the face of the earth, or die trying!" Luke pushed past the innkeeper and, rapier in hand, proceeded to march out the door.

"How can you be so foolish? Have you not seen his power first hand?! If you're going to do this, it's gonna be your life that's snuffed out, not his!"

"THAN SO BE IT!!!" Luke yelled. His face warped into a mask of sorrow and rage, Luke marched out of the building, leaving a big commotion behind him, for his ranting had drawn the attention of many of the Inns guests.

The innkeeper spent a few moments alone before going out to calm his guests, crying his eyes out for the youth who had doomed himself to almost certain death. But whatever sadness he felt at that moment, it could not compare to the sense of powerlessness and fear that Luke had been put through in their battle with Garland.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 26, 2004
On the Edge
My man, Mano. I'm glad you're getting back into story-writing.

I read through this chapter twice, and overall, it's pretty engaging. Your descriptions are pretty vivid without being pretentious and wordy. You gotta take care of some grammar mistakes, though, mainly "your". You're and your: know the difference between them and when to use 'em. There, their, and they're are also words to look out for.

Also, you have a few points in the story where it was a little confusing figuring out who was speaking. I'm going to blame that on me reading fast the first time around. You should take into account the reader, though, and make it as easy to read as possible (without dumbing the story down, of course). I suggest calling out who's speaking a little more often.

Basically, I think these problems you have can be fixed with a revision. I dunno if you're planning on posting these chapters straight to the forums as you think about 'em or not, but I highly suggest writing them out in Word or OpenOffice (or whatever word-processing program you roll with), and reading it a few times yourself before you let the world read.

I'm gonna suggest a few things concerning the story's style. First off, I hate prologues, especially in fanfics. Most of the time, they read like any other chapter in the story, which defeats its purposes. I'm afraid that happened here, too. I would've made this Chapter One instead of a Prologue. If you really want this to be a prologue, I'd take out all the stuff about Luke in the Inn and concentrate on the battle between Garland and the Light Brigade. It sets the stage very nicely AND is a grabbing set piece very early in the story. THEN chapter one can introduce Luke and his purpose in the story. Man... this sounds so good, I'm about to write this for you. ...no I'm not; just kidding. Or am I?

Anyway, I feel like you'd do better going that route. And while I'm suggesting crazy ideas, I say change the narration. Impartial third-person omniscient narrative is boring. Yes, I know that's what I'm using for my story, but it's nigh yawn-inducing. The guy has to be ultra-descriptive, he always has to sound smart and proper (slang is a no-no), he can't display emotion that is his own (which your narrator is guilty of at one point during the flashback) and no one knows who he is! He's just some disembodied voice telling the story. Since you're just starting your story (by the way, see the difference between you're and your there?), you can still change the game up and no one will scream in shock and horror. Do one of the following:

First-person narrative: probably the easiest thing in the world (to me, at least). The whole story will be written from the main character's perspective, and if you're basing the main character on yourself, then you're basically writing about yourself. This is why I love first-person narratives. I'm secretly narcissistic. If you are, too, go this route.

Third-person, but with a twist: someone with an edge could be telling the story. What's the edge? He could know the main character. He could be telling this story to some kids. He could be passing down a legend. He could be just talking to you as a friend, telling you about some real madness he heard about once. DUNNO!! It could be anything that makes telling the story fun.

Alternating point-of-views: if you wanna be really daring, one second, Luke is telling his side of the story, then the next second, GARLAND is giving his side. Since this is a retelling of Final Fantasy, I know this isn't really feasible, but like I said earlier: crazy ideas. But you're a clever guy (I think), so if you go with this, you can make it worthwhile.

Okay, I think you have enough input from me. If you choose to ignore my style-change suggestions, that's cool. Just be consistent with what you're going with now and always proof-read your work. If you continue to write your story (which I fully expect you to do), I'll be around to check it out. And just so you know, not every reply will be as long-winded as this one.

The Mano Games VII

Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2008
Where I live? Why, location is a state of mind my
My man, Mano. I'm glad you're getting back into story-writing.

Really? Awesome, didn't know I was so highly thought of ^_^

I read through this chapter twice, and overall, it's pretty engaging. Your descriptions are pretty vivid without being pretentious and wordy.

I think I can owe part of that to Jam Stunna. He only reviewed one chapter of my LoZ novelization (which, to my shame, still counts as half of what I actually got done on it >_<), but he really helped out by pounding it in to my head to say as much as possible in as little words as possible. That, and not using the same words over and over excessively.

You gotta take care of some grammar mistakes, though, mainly "your". You're and your: know the difference between them and when to use 'em. There, their, and they're are also words to look out for.

I'll say this, grammar has always been my achilles heel. Still, if you though this chapter was ugly, you should've seen the original version. I actually spent about 10-20 minutes proofreading my story and using spell check and stuff to check out for mistakes. Still, I think I'm getting better at it now.

Also, you have a few points in the story where it was a little confusing figuring out who was speaking. I'm going to blame that on me reading fast the first time around. You should take into account the reader, though, and make it as easy to read as possible (without dumbing the story down, of course). I suggest calling out who's speaking a little more often.

I'll think of that, though it seems fine to me. I dunno, it just seems redundant to me to always stop the flow of the story every time the other person takes his turn to speak. How would you suggest rewriting it?

Basically, I think these problems you have can be fixed with a revision. I dunno if you're planning on posting these chapters straight to the forums as you think about 'em or not, but I highly suggest writing them out in Word or OpenOffice (or whatever word-processing program you roll with), and reading it a few times yourself before you let the world read.

I actually did do that....believe me, the original draft was way worse in terms of confusion. I actually had to rewrite about two to three paragraphs of the story when I realized that the way the conversation flowed didn't make a whole lot of sense.

I'm gonna suggest a few things concerning the story's style. First off, I hate prologues, especially in fanfics. Most of the time, they read like any other chapter in the story, which defeats its purposes. I'm afraid that happened here, too. I would've made this Chapter One instead of a Prologue. If you really want this to be a prologue, I'd take out all the stuff about Luke in the Inn and concentrate on the battle between Garland and the Light Brigade. It sets the stage very nicely AND is a grabbing set piece very early in the story. THEN chapter one can introduce Luke and his purpose in the story. Man... this sounds so good, I'm about to write this for you. ...no I'm not; just kidding. Or am I?

So, have the prolouge to nicely set the stage, then have Chapter 1 be all the stuff about the Inn?

Anyway, I feel like you'd do better going that route. And while I'm suggesting crazy ideas, I say change the narration. Impartial third-person omniscient narrative is boring. Yes, I know that's what I'm using for my story, but it's nigh yawn-inducing. The guy has to be ultra-descriptive, he always has to sound smart and proper (slang is a no-no), he can't display emotion that is his own (which your narrator is guilty of at one point during the flashback) and no one knows who he is! He's just some disembodied voice telling the story. Since you're just starting your story (by the way, see the difference between you're and your there?), you can still change the game up and no one will scream in shock and horror. Do one of the following:

I searched for where I was guilty of showing emotion...let me guess, it was this passage right here, right?

A heart wrenching mental image of his best friend Homac crossed his mind, beaten down, his nun chucks broken to pieces, and his karate gi splattered in blood. Garland standing over him laughing that low, mocking laugh of his....

Whoopsie >_<. Although I was trying to imply that to Luke, it was heart wrenching, but I definetly screwed up regardless.

First-person narrative: probably the easiest thing in the world (to me, at least). The whole story will be written from the main character's perspective, and if you're basing the main character on yourself, then you're basically writing about yourself. This is why I love first-person narratives. I'm secretly narcissistic. If you are, too, go this route.

Eh, for me, I actually hate that idea. The main reason is because it feels limiting to me to have the entire story seen from only one persons eyes and never being able to focus on anything else that you feel is significant or important to the story. But also, I am NOT that character! It just feels wrong to me to make my personality invade the body of every main character, especially when I haven't, and most likely will not go through even half the stuff that they're going through.

Third-person, but with a twist: someone with an edge could be telling the story. What's the edge? He could know the main character. He could be telling this story to some kids. He could be passing down a legend. He could be just talking to you as a friend, telling you about some real madness he heard about once. DUNNO!! It could be anything that makes telling the story fun.

Sounds interesting...sounds more like something I would use to tell a short story or something though. I've definetly gotta try that out sometime though. Maybe I'll try my hand at one of those writing contests where you earn money or something. I never COULD quite figure out how I would tell a good story while still abiding by their puny word limits.

Alternating point-of-views: if you wanna be really daring, one second, Luke is telling his side of the story, then the next second, GARLAND is giving his side. Since this is a retelling of Final Fantasy, I know this isn't really feasible, but like I said earlier: crazy ideas. But you're a clever guy (I think), so if you go with this, you can make it worthwhile.

Now that's an idea I might be able to consider! If I did this right, I might actually be able to add much more weight to the story by exploring what Garland is going through while the entirety of the game of Final Fantasy is going on.

Okay, I think you have enough input from me. If you choose to ignore my style-change suggestions, that's cool. Just be consistent with what you're going with now and always proof-read your work. If you continue to write your story (which I fully expect you to do), I'll be around to check it out. And just so you know, not every reply will be as long-winded as this one.

No, no, that's all right. I'm one of those guys who actually enjoy long winded conversations about stuff like this (unless my parents are lecturing me....). And I won't be as lazy as I was with the LoZ novelization! I will finish that one...one day, but I won't give up this time!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 26, 2004
On the Edge
Ah, man, so much back and forth going on. Where to begin?

I figured you weren't just writing straight to the forums. I just had to say it anyway, just in case.

When I suggested calling out the speaker more often, I don't mean following every single quote they say. That is definitely distracting. Like I said, I was reading fast, but I figure if I got a little lost, it's a possibility that other readers might lose their way a little. Generally, I call out who is speaking after the first sentence (or sentence fragment), and then let the conversation carry on until I feel the character should do something that reinforces whatever emotion the conversation evokes, like throwing his/her arms out, laughing, sneering, etc. Make it flow. Like water. Yeah, water...

And yeah, having the battle as the prologue and the Inn scene as the first chapter: that's exactly what I mean. With the prologue, that can be third-person omnicient. Following that, you can go with any other style you want. Or if you're actually going to choose one style and stick with it, do it that way. Don't let me sway your decision if you've already made it. Don't fall for peer-pressure. That's how girls get pregnant.

The part you pointed out as being emotional is actually not far off from where I caught it. Here it is:

Surely, the youth could've saved at least a few of these friends, had he been stronger, had he not been such a **** coward!

Just the word "****" shines the narrator in a new light. To me, at least. It's easy to fix, though. This sounds like stuff Luke would be thinking to himself, so just make that clear:

As the chaos around him ensued, Luke could think of nothing other than repremanding himself as he hid under a pile of corpses he once called comrades.

Surely I could've saved at least a few of my friends... If only I was stronger... and not such a **** coward!

Something like that. Don't plagerize, though. I'll sue. What you pointed out is fine for that narrative style. Speaking of narrative style, I'm surprised you're leaning towards the alternating point-of-view route. There'll be a lot of gaps to fill if you go that way, especially pretaining to Garland, but that is one of the joys of writing: flexing that creative muscle. I say go for it!

And don't knock first-person narratives. What I described was the way I handle first-person narratives. Since I also have multi-personality syndrome, writing about myself is always a different and interesting experience. By the way, I don't have multi-personality syndrome. Don't believe everything you hear. Seriously, though, you get in the mind of the character you're trying to create and have him control the pacing of the story. Personally, I think Luke would make a good narrator for the story, judging by the first chapter.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, though it might not matter too much since you're seperating the chapter: introduce Luke sooner. For a little more than half the chapter, Luke was "the youth". Well, first he started out as a man, then he grew down into a youthful man, then he was simply "the youth". I found that to be distracting, especially since this guy's name is in the title of the story. I already knew who he was and waited impatiently for the narrator to let this poorly-kept secret out of the bag. Admittely, I have problems with this in my story, too, sometimes, but if I can help you kick this habit before it becomes a habit, I will kick with steel cleats. In the face.

The Mano Games VII

Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2008
Where I live? Why, location is a state of mind my
Ah, man, so much back and forth going on. Where to begin? I figured you weren't just writing straight to the forums. I just had to say it anyway, just in case.

Oh, ok.

When I suggested calling out the speaker more often, I don't mean following every single quote they say. That is definitely distracting. Like I said, I was reading fast, but I figure if I got a little lost, it's a possibility that other readers might lose their way a little. Generally, I call out who is speaking after the first sentence (or sentence fragment), and then let the conversation carry on until I feel the character should do something that reinforces whatever emotion the conversation evokes, like throwing his/her arms out, laughing, sneering, etc. Make it flow. Like water. Yeah, water...

Huh, I thought that's what I did. I'll give it another once over.

And yeah, having the battle as the prologue and the Inn scene as the first chapter: that's exactly what I mean. With the prologue, that can be third-person omnicient. Following that, you can go with any other style you want. Or if you're actually going to choose one style and stick with it, do it that way. Don't let me sway your decision if you've already made it. Don't fall for peer-pressure. That's how girls get pregnant.

Ok, sounds like a plan. I've been wanting to describe the whole battle anyways, just trying to think of a way to introduce it. It also did bother me that I never bothered to actually tell the audience what Lukes friends were like.

The part you pointed out as being emotional is actually not far off from where I caught it. Here it is:

Surely, the youth could've saved at least a few of these friends, had he been stronger, had he not been such a **** coward!

Just the word "****" shines the narrator in a new light. To me, at least. It's easy to fix, though. This sounds like stuff Luke would be thinking to himself, so just make that clear:

Actually, that WAS what Luke was supposed to be thinking to himself. Actually, he wasn't even consciously feeling it, just that that was what he was feeling in his heart. Just like the way my story also says "So it was THAT the man just couldn't drop huh?!". It's not like the narrator was literally getting enraged, lol. I just remember Emily Rowling doing something like that in the Harry Potter series sometimes, and I liked it. But if it confuses some people, then I gotta change it!

As the chaos around him ensued, Luke could think of nothing other than repremanding himself as he hid under a pile of corpses he once called comrades.

Surely I could've saved at least a few of my friends... If only I was stronger... and not such a **** coward!

I wouldn't even bother with "he could only reprimand himself" if it were me. I would just say his actions, describe how his friends were immediately cut down, then he would think "...and maybe I could've saved them, maybe, had I not been such a **** coward!"

Something like that. Don't plagerize, though. I'll sue. What you pointed out is fine for that narrative style. Speaking of narrative style, I'm surprised you're leaning towards the alternating point-of-view route. There'll be a lot of gaps to fill if you go that way, especially pretaining to Garland, but that is one of the joys of writing: flexing that creative muscle. I say go for it!

I probably wouldn't do it very often if I did decide to go that route, but I would do it sometimes.

And don't knock first-person narratives. What I described was the way I handle first-person narratives. Since I also have multi-personality syndrome, writing about myself is always a different and interesting experience. By the way, I don't have multi-personality syndrome. Don't believe everything you hear. Seriously, though, you get in the mind of the character you're trying to create and have him control the pacing of the story. Personally, I think Luke would make a good narrator for the story, judging by the first chapter.

I pretty much always am getting into his mind anyways, but I see what you mean. It's wild though, I've never written a first person story....or much of any kind of story for that matter.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, though it might not matter too much since you're seperating the chapter: introduce Luke sooner. For a little more than half the chapter, Luke was "the youth". Well, first he started out as a man, then he grew down into a youthful man, then he was simply "the youth".

Lol, I love the way you put things sometimes XD!

I found that to be distracting, especially since this guy's name is in the title of the story. I already knew who he was and waited impatiently for the narrator to let this poorly-kept secret out of the bag. Admittely, I have problems with this in my story, too, sometimes, but if I can help you kick this habit before it becomes a habit, I will kick with steel cleats. In the face.

Sounds painful O.o

And I never thought of it that way. Thanks for all the advice!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 26, 2004
On the Edge
Oh yes, now I get to ask when the next chapter's coming! MWA HA HA!! I mean, at least I put up eight straight acts before I started updating erratically.

I'm just messing with you. I, of all people, know how long it takes to come up with something you can be proud of. Seriously, how are the revisions coming along? I'm very interested to see how they turn out.

The Mano Games VII

Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2008
Where I live? Why, location is a state of mind my
Sorry about that, my mind has been kind of fogging lately every time it even thinks about anything related to work. I have to get this updated though, otherwise, it's gonna rot. I HAVE gotten progress though.

BTW, here's what I'm thinking. I'm gonna set up a Quota of 600 words per day, which the way I write is gonna be around 8-9 paragraphs I believe. Nothing too challenging. At the end of the week, you or one of the other readers can P.M. and hassle me (not putting hassle in a negative light just so you know). I sometimes have serious procrastination issues, so I might need something like this.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 26, 2004
On the Edge
Oh yeah, I know the deal. Sometimes I sit in front of a blank document waiting for words to appear, and instead, my 360/PS3/Wii/friends convince me to do something else. It's a tough deal.

I'll try to help you out with motivation. The 600 words a day plan could work out. Ideally, as you're writing, more ideas pop into your head and you'll just keep writing until you have a full chapter. That's usually how it goes with me.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 26, 2004
On the Edge
I've said that before. The question is: "can you deliver?" As I always say, don't rush just to meet a deadline (especially one you set up yourself). If you're not happy with what you wrote, work on it until you are. My words of wisdom. Consider it a holiday gift.

Ryu Shimazu

Smash Master
Nov 5, 2009
^ Me too! Awesome story by the way, ironically I'm playing FF1 on Wiines, xD. This is so funny.... lolz
Timing is funny, ironic, I mean

The Mano Games VII

Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2008
Where I live? Why, location is a state of mind my
Just so you guys know, I'm don't think I'm gonna be able to focus on this story for this month, because there's something in my life that's very, very draining both physically and mentally.

Black belt training. Yes, I'm in a karate class, and let me tell you, I'm in what is BY FAR the hardest phase in my martial arts training, and I'm not afraid to say that it's pretty much the toughest thing I've ever had to do in my life. You see, the one teaching it is a guy that's been a cop for 10 years, whose completely dedicated to doing everything he can to prepare us for any situation where our lives are put in danger by evil guys. And trust me, it is pretty much the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life, so it's causing me quite a bit of stress right now.

And you know what the worst part is? All this is just preparation for a test that actually last 30 HOURS!!! Yes, that's HOURS your reading!

Anyways, I think the training ends at somewhere near the end of this month, with the test not starting until the end of February, so that's when I'm gonna start being able to concentrate on this again.
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