Hey guys, its been a LONG time, lol. First time posting to the sm4sh Sonic thread. Im debating on getting into Sm4sh as where i am there are a lot of players, and they are unwilling to play too much of melee or PM. Would anyone be so kind as to spoonfeed me a few things so i dont have to spend a few hours digging around the threads?
List of the nerfs (in order preferably, i believe what i've heard about and read is Sonic has been nothing but nerfed since release)
Advanced Tech list (yes, even universal AT, i have entered 1 sm4sh tournament that had jank rules and lost in GFs to a spamming/camping Little Mac and didnt know enough about him to not get camped. Also diddnt know the KO punch goes through shield. Salt was real, lol)
With the current meta, Sonic's most one sided MUs and a bit as to why (i wiill be reading in depth throughout the following week, but im asking to be spoonfed for time's sake)
Thanks in advance guys, lol