Smash Ace

Absolutely determined to prove to me that his Falcon is better than mine, my friend fights his brother in a Falcon v Ice Climbers match.
Normally I go stock for stock with those Ice Climbers with my Falcon, but he went and destroyed them. Three stock, minimal effort, but even people like me could see the obvious flaws in his game. Very little tech chasing, no dash dancing, no grabs (ever), no gentlemens or u-air combos or nair strings. Basically, one of those people that shows off by moving really fast and spamming the stomp and knee most of the time.
So he's better, right?
Maybe... I mean, some people are just better in some matchups than others, right?
So I Falcon Ditto him and 3-stock him. He's scary when it comes to learning new tricks though. Those little things that save you when you really need it and such...
Rematch. Yeah, yeah. He's got all my tricks (well, tricks I stole from Isai and Co) and uses them.... arguably better than me. I still win though, 2-stocked.
I'm pretty comfortable fighting almost everybody. I treat every stock as if I'm going to die without ever touching them again (assuming I'm winning, and I usually grab first kill anyways). Every bit of damage I get before my death is nice, because I don't usually expect any.
Sheik? I like fighting Sheik for some reason.
Marth? Not so much, but he's not very good with Marths finer points of play so I can usually 0-death him...
Link? He plays Link... projectiles are annoying but nothing I can't get around.
Fox? Fox is cheap.
He'll usually get mad that he's losing and switch to Mario...
And I dun like to fight the Mario Brothers...
Oh! Moral of the story.
Mindgames > Tech Skill