We are the consumer and the ones that dedicate countless hour to the game. Vs casual players who will play for months and quit. Thanks to the community Melee was streamed at evo ranking the 2nd most viewed fighting game in history with over 100k+ a game that is 12 years old. Believe me back when Brawl was created 2006-08 Nintendi didnt have a clue about the competitive gaming and its exposure. In reality competitive gaming was growing up and stream services were not mainstream like today.
People say that they do not want a Melee 2.0 yet they defend on having a Brawl 2.0 because it doent take a high IQ leve to see Smash 4 direction is towards brawl...
Here is a video and you will see smash 4 footage and how similar to brawl is.
Also this letter doesn't ask for melee 2.0 but for a more competitive Smash4.
In the End casual players wont notice the diference between a competitive smash therefore wont be affected.
Watch IGN video review for brawl: they say the game is more balanced and fast than melee a more complete version lol.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh95RhfZTbE Brawl video review
So if we gather and make noise just like for the stream, they will hear us and well who knows at least we can get sakurai to troll us and said I dont give a @#$$. But we can be heard, also it just take a few seconds to sign, so no big deal.
All those who value the fast paced and competitive melee game sign if you support the letter

it does not hurt to try