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Fellow Smasher's please join and Support petition of a Competitive Smash 4

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico


Smash Cadet
Nov 20, 2013
A petition because your (pretty much) guaranteed high-quality game isn't catering to your competitive needs?
You should take a breath of fresh air.

Louie G.

Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
This will be locked, just like the last one.
At least that's my prediction.
And Smash 4 already looks competitive.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Everyone sign my petition to end all petitions.

On a more serious note this looks like a petition I could actually get behind.

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
Yay, more self-entitledness! Calm down, children. You aren't owed anything, you don't deserve anything, you aren't entitled to anything, no one cares what your opinion is, and just because you have access to the Internet doesn't mean anyone should listen to you.

You'll get the game that they decide to make when they decide it's done. Stop acting like babies.


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
JUST. STOP. The game's supposed to strike a perfect balance between casual and competitive.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2009
Jacksonville FL
Look how senstive people being over this lol alot of thes play brawl yeah that speaks volumes there they wouldn't know a good game if it smacked them in the face. The game in it's current state looks brawl 2.0


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
All these petitions. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the game is way too far in development for this to affect anything, and even then I'm pretty sure Sakurai wouldn't care about a petition anyways.

Look how senstive people being over this lol alot of thes play brawl yeah that speaks volumes there they wouldn't know a good game if it smacked them in the face. The game in it's current state looks brawl 2.0
The sooner you come to terms with never getting a Melee 2.0 the better. Sorry to say, but I'm certain I don't speak for myself when I say that I'm pretty damn tired of listening to people wanting this game to be Melee 2.0. It's not going to be that, so just stick with Project M, done deal, have fun.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2009
Jacksonville FL
All these petitions. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the game is way too far in development for this to affect anything, and even then I'm pretty sure Sakurai wouldn't care about a petition anyways.

The sooner you come to terms with never getting a Melee 2.0 the better. Sorry to say, but I'm certain I don't speak for myself when I say that I'm pretty damn tired of listening to people wanting this game to be Melee 2.0. It's not going to be that, so just stick with Project M, done deal, have fun.
Where did i say i wanted a melee 2.0? I just want a smash bros that is fast pace, has some tech and is fun something brawl is not. The fact that is the "Casual" smash bros explains everything.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Where did i say i wanted a melee 2.0? I just want a smash bros that is fast pace, has some tech and is fun something brawl is not. The fact that is the "Casual" smash bros explains everything.
Fast pace and technique, yeah, if that isn't Melee in a nutshell I'm not sure. Point is, we get it, you don't like how it looks thus far, and you don't like Brawl, fair enough, but we don't need to hear it constantly.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2009
Jacksonville FL
Fast pace and technique, yeah, if that isn't Melee in a nutshell I'm not sure. Point is, we get it, you don't like how it looks thus far, and you don't like Brawl, fair enough, but we don't need to hear it constantly.
N64 is pretty fast and fun compared to brawl as well. :/ sorry i just like actually good smash brothers entrys T^T how dare i not enjoy the "Casual" Slow boring entry.


Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
N64 is pretty fast and fun compared to brawl as well. :/ sorry i just like actually good smash brothers entrys T^T how dare i not enjoy the "Casual" Slow boring entry.
I'm not saying you aren't allowed to not like Brawl, I get why you wouldn't like it, but we don't need to hear it constantly, it's nearly the only thing that you post around these parts, and it gets tiring very fast. For us who like all the Smash Bros entries, it's beyond tedious when drama about which entry is best is whipped up.

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
We are the consumer and the ones that dedicate countless hour to the game. Vs casual players who will play for months and quit. Thanks to the community Melee was streamed at evo ranking the 2nd most viewed fighting game in history with over 100k+ a game that is 12 years old. Believe me back when Brawl was created 2006-08 Nintendi didnt have a clue about the competitive gaming and its exposure. In reality competitive gaming was growing up and stream services were not mainstream like today.

People say that they do not want a Melee 2.0 yet they defend on having a Brawl 2.0 because it doent take a high IQ leve to see Smash 4 direction is towards brawl...

Here is a video and you will see smash 4 footage and how similar to brawl is.

Also this letter doesn't ask for melee 2.0 but for a more competitive Smash4.


In the End casual players wont notice the diference between a competitive smash therefore wont be affected.

Watch IGN video review for brawl: they say the game is more balanced and fast than melee a more complete version lol.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh95RhfZTbE Brawl video review

So if we gather and make noise just like for the stream, they will hear us and well who knows at least we can get sakurai to troll us and said I dont give a @#$$. But we can be heard, also it just take a few seconds to sign, so no big deal.

All those who value the fast paced and competitive melee game sign if you support the letter ;) it does not hurt to try


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2013
Smasboards suck
I think it's it a bit too late for a petition. Especially if this game is just about done after being worked on for 2 years. Any game that requires a person to be the sole winner is competitive. So I don't see how Smash 4 won't be competitive.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
We are the consumer and the ones that dedicate countless hour to the game. Vs casual players who will play for months and quit. Thanks to the community Melee was streamed at evo ranking the 2nd most viewed fighting game in history with over 100k+ a game that is 12 years old. Believe me back when Brawl was created 2006-08 Nintendi didnt have a clue about the competitive gaming and its exposure. In reality competitive gaming was growing up and stream services were not mainstream like today.

People say that they do not want a Melee 2.0 yet they defend on having a Brawl 2.0 because it doent take a high IQ leve to see Smash 4 direction is towards brawl...
A few problems here. The competitive player is not the consumer who actually drives the Smash Bros. series. They are not its target audience, they are an audience that was raked in by Melee and was upset when Brawl was not the same game as the last one. Sakurai is going to consider marketing to his target audience who buy and enjoy the game for what it is, and it is going to be successful as always because of it. The amount of entitlement taking place is kind of bizarre.

And just because it isn't Melee 2.0 doesn't mean it's Brawl 2.0. They are working hard to make this game a different experience from the last three installments so that the people who actually enjoy the series, and not just Melee, can get something other than flavor of the month shovelware which you would presumably be okay with if it was Melee each time.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 24, 2013
A few problems here. The competitive player is not the consumer who actually drives the Smash Bros. series. They are not its target audience, they are an audience that was raked in by Melee and was upset when Brawl was not the same game as the last one. Sakurai is going to consider marketing to his target audience who buy and enjoy the game for what it is, and it is going to be successful as always because of it. The amount of entitlement taking place is kind of bizarre.

And just because it isn't Melee 2.0 doesn't mean it's Brawl 2.0. They are working hard to make this game a different experience from the last three installments so that the people who actually enjoy the series, and not just Melee, can get something other than flavor of the month shovelware which you would presumably be okay with if it was Melee each time.
I think you said this in the best possible way. I'm in no way a true competitive smash player but I'm not just casual either. However I respect the competitive community very much. I play and have played my smash games to death and I really do trust that in the end sakurai will come through on him saying ssb4 will land between melee and brawl. This will at least find some middle ground for the people who love melee and those that love brawl. Sequels of games need to be shaken up, otherwise the series could get stale and dry.

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
Dont get me wrong Im not saying we drive in sales we are obviosly a market segment of smash if you want to get technical. But it is the only consumer who actually has a voice and expose smash in streams tournaments and event. If the so called casuals which outnumbers competitive smasher exponentially were to express their feelings towards a fun party game smash, well in that case.... But that is not the case they just buy the game and play for a few months or weeks with their friends, thats just it they are not a deep dedicated consumer. Also kindly read the rest of my post so you can understand how casual players are not affected by a hardcore competitive smash game :)

Louie G.

Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Three things guys:

1. This game already looks competitive enough. It's right between Melee and Brawl, it's perfect.

2. It's too late to have a say in anything, unless you want the game delayed. And I bet you don't.

3. Super Smash Bros is not marketed towards competitive gamers. Sakurai himself stated that some people take it too far.

So I admire your effort, but in the long run you are just wasting your time.

Oh and also, I suggest you guys start listening to Smashers other than Shokio, because he doesn't know what he's talking about.
This is the guy who said that Ridley can't be resized and that Dedede should be cut for Knuckle Joe.

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
I'm not saying you aren't allowed to not like Brawl, I get why you wouldn't like it, but we don't need to hear it constantly, it's nearly the only thing that you post around these parts, and it gets tiring very fast. For us who like all the Smash Bros entries, it's beyond tedious when drama about which entry is best is whipped up.
YES, thank you for saying so! I love all the Smash entries, and I'm sick and tired of people who basically want the same game over and over again. People praise Project M (sometimes more than Smash 4 because it's like Melee), but keep forgetting that Sakurai is the one that made the game possible. Sure, the Project M people modified it, but Sakurai laid all the ground work and basis for them to work off of. Smash 4 looks like an amazing game to me, and I'll accept it however it is.

Burning Boom

Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2013
Smash 4 looks like an amazing game to me, and I'll accept it however it is.

Sorry, but I think that's a stupid attitude to have toward a game. We have to have standards, and can't be afraid to criticize. As a Sonic fan, I'll use this example: Sonic '06 looked like an amazing game prior to release, but what did we get? We have to draw the line somewhere.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2013
Signing this is important, even if it might be futile, and even if Smash 4 looks competitive already, we need to put as much effort into the letting the Big N know what we the core community want.

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
Sorry, but I think that's a stupid attitude to have toward a game. We have to have standards, and can't be afraid to criticize. As a Sonic fan, I'll use this example: Sonic '06 looked like an amazing game prior to release, but what did we get? We have to draw the line somewhere.
It's different when you have a guy that literally produces gold almost every time he makes a game. Sakurai is responsible for many of my favorite games/series (Kirby Air Ride and the rest of the series in general, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and most importantly Smash). He knows what he is doing, and is working very hard to see this game through. I have faith that this game will be the best Smash yet.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
A "fellow smasher" would never use a website where literally ANYONE can make a petition and asked to be taken seriously.

Seriously, SmashBoards needs to block change.org from being posted here as there's too many damn topics using these "petitions".


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2011
New Jersey
Did the author of the petition ever think that maybe competitive players LIKE that it is harder to combo in brawl?

Brawl has a lot of combos, but most of them only work at low %'s. Some combos work at all %'s like Zero Suit Samus' downsmash combos. Due to the smaller amount of combos, the game requires you to make more reads or limit your opponents options. I prefer to think about how you can hit your opponent, or how you can trap them to leave them optionless, rather than always having guaranteed combos available to me.

I definitely agree that brawl is too slow though. I think this could easily be fixed by having more safe on shield moves and overall worse projectiles.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Everytime I see a petition thread here I die a little on the inside.

I think I've lost count of how many petitions have shown up around here. All I know is that this one won't be helping with anything due to the amount of time that has gone into the game's development, it's far too late to make drastic changes to the game's physics.

And the game.......for the last time.......doesn't have to be like Melee to be competitive.

And that is all I'm saying on the matter.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
As someone who liked Melee more than Brawl, even I do not really need Smash 4 to be just like Melee. As long as Smash 4 doesn't have tripping or anything just as stupid as it, a character as OP as meta-Knight, and is faster than Brawl, I would be satisfied. I'd also love the game to fix the hitstun but I'm not entirely confident on that happening (would love for Sakurai to prove me wrong but I dunno). That plus I can always get Project M if I want to play another melee-esque game.

And that being said, I do think that Smash 4 will likely be competitive, the question is how good or fun of a competitive game will it be?

Burning Boom

Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2013
It's different when you have a guy that literally produces gold almost every time he makes a game. Sakurai is responsible for many of my favorite games/series (Kirby Air Ride and the rest of the series in general, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and most importantly Smash). He knows what he is doing, and is working very hard to see this game through. I have faith that this game will be the best Smash yet.

I understand what you're saying, but one can never be too sure. I believe in always being prepared for the worst possibility, and hoping for the best one.

Deleted member

Signing this is important, even if it might be futile, and even if Smash 4 looks competitive already, we need to put as much effort into the letting the Big N know what we the core community want.
You're wasting your time by signing this petition. The game is far in development and I don't think that they will alter the physics now. While the competitive community is important to please, there is another more casual community that Sakurai must also please.

If you want my 2 cents on this, I think that this will be an amazing game no matter what happens. The petitions asking for an alteration of physics to be like Melee are absolutely ridiculous. The speed is in between Melee and Brawl and they got rid of tripping, which makes the game very promising to me on a competitive scale. They just need to change the hitstun so that combos will be easier to pull off and execute and they better balance the game enough so that we don't have another Meta Knight and Ganondorf situation (one character that's really good and one that is really bad). I don't want to see wavedashing in this game as it would basically be a Melee 2.0; I want Smash 4 to be Smash 4, not Melee 2.0 nor Brawl 2.0.

Burning Boom

Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2013

This article says that fan campaigns have no impact on Nintendo's decisions.

Sooooooooooooooooo this topic is now dead weight.

First of all, I think Reggie was slightly exaggerating there, because, from a business perspective alone, 100, 000 people clamoring for a game had to have been a talking point in the discussion. He said in that article that Nintendo tries to do what people will enjoy, so that must logically mean that they some mild attention to what people are saying.

However, I agree with your conclusion, this topic is pointless. If it had been published professionally I would say it was just trying to generate traffic, but this thread literally serves no purpose.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2009
Jacksonville FL
It is funny the people saying this game looks great when nothing was shown are mostly people who think brawl is great also.
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