I hate to put it this way, but i dont think Smash brothers is made for critics... ( the reason i dont want to put it that way:
http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/24 )
I mean, the old melee game got an 8.9 on gamespot, and one of their reasons for lowering the score is that they thought that the controls were "hyperresponsive". This is the kind of thing that might cause a casual gamer to not like the game as much, because the game's hyperresponsiveness might take some getting used to so it wont have the same feel as a normal fighting game. Also they got a lower score for the single player. Im sorry, but Melee was not made for the SINGLE PLAYER, and the hyperresponsiveness, although maybe not ideal for casual gamers, is in my opinion one of the things that draws people towards playing this game as avidly as most of us here do. I played the original SSB the other day and i lost to a 13 year old kid who hadnt played it in 2 years. It felt like a chess game because it was so slow, and i had no idea where the moves sent someone, and after i pressed the button i felt like i was just watching my character go in the wrong direction without me being able to do anything about it... Plus, how can you lower the review of a FIGHTING game or its SINGLE player anyway? Almost no fighting games have good single player, and id say that melee's single player is much better than the average.
Anyway, the thing is, even if the single player is simply good, and could not stand on its own and be a good game, and even if the online sucks and has no purpose, and even if it feels off, or if the characters seem imbalanced to the critics, i think that the smash comminity will be able to review it better than any critic out there. Almost half the characters in the last game had enough parity to be able to compete with each other (top, high, mid all seemed to at least have some chance of winning the whole thing, and low, bottom had extremely low chance although possible...). We will see if its true of this game, or if in the end one of the characters is much better than the rest. None of us were going to use online regularly anyway. Hardcore smashers cant deal with lag, and even if they say that the online is great, we may not think it is. Maybe we will. The point is, that from OUR perspective, we cant possibly believe what critics say, because they are playing a completely different game than we are.