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Falcon Playstyle Survey - ROUND 2


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008

A couple of you might remember wayy back when everyone was still trying to play Brawl Falcon as Melee Falcon. I created this thread:

The Falcon Playstyle Survey, to see what the prospective Falcon mains were playing like, to let them all see their similarities and possibly recognize something that they were all doing wrong, right, etc. To see if there were moves that they could have been using, etc.

Well, it's been a few months since then, and I believe Brawl Falcon has a distinct playstyle now, and I'm wondering if it's been realized or if it's similar between players.

EDIT: NOW WITH PRETTY COLORS! ...and instructions!
Well, really, I think it's easier to read if you:
1) Click the [ Quote ] under this post.
2) Erase everything above the first question.
3) Erase everything under the last question (?)
4) Type your answers between questions.

This way, questions and answers will be separated with the color coding which I just decided to put into place.

Here goes:

1) Chase or Run?: Once you start to gain momentum, do you tend to play aggressively and chase your opponent or do you tend to do more hit-and-run attacks?

2) Special attack usage: Do you incorporate them often in your game? How often and when do you tend to use which specials?
(eg, do you use up-B outside of just recovery? Falcon Punch?)

3) Aerials: Which aerials do you use most often? Which aerials do you tend to kill with, and which aerial(s) do you tend to not use? Feel free to elaborate on how you use them. (Most used/least used aerial kill moves)

4) Grabs: Do you use grabs often? Pivot grabs? Which throws do you use, and do you make use of grab release?

5) Ground: What ground moves do you tend to use the most, and how do you tend to use them?

6) General: Do you tend to play off of aerials/shorthopped moves or ground moves?

7) Approach: How do you find yourself approaching most of the time?

8) KO-style: Do you tend to play a damage/KO game or do you try to gimp people?
(Which one do you place more priority on?)

9) Techniques: Do you tend to use any AT's? (Character specific, general Brawl AT's, etc) If so, highlight which ones and how you tend to use them.

Good luck ? ._.;


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
Here goes:

1) Chase or Run?: I chase. Usually with U-air or N-air/

2) Special attack usage: The only special move I really use is the Raptor Boost. Falcon Dive, only for recovery. Falcon Kick, mainly for edgeguarding. Falcon Punch, occasionally. Usually, if i'm gonna Paunch, I'll jump over them, turn it around, and DI behind them.

3) Aerials: Mainly N-air for chasing. Same with U-air. If I can't land any other kill moves, I use U-air, since the starting hitbox of the move has more knockback than the rest of it. Knee... I overuse it. Not spam it, but I like to trip with it. D-air. Never touch it, except at the end of a match, when the opponent is doomed, but i want to add insult to injury. B-air, i use either for gimping or for juggling.

4) Grabs: I don't use grabs much, but when I do, I use Pivot Grabs. I don't make use of Grab Release much, but I'm trying to work on it. When I use throws, it's usually D-throw.

5) Ground: Usually the dash attack, just to punish the enemy. Also u-tilt and d-tilt to stop approaches. Plus, the u-tilt can be tossed in a lot for an extra hit.

6) General: Mainly aerials. Get them in the air with dash attack or raptor boost, then take them on from midair.

7) Approach: An aerial Falcon Kick, Grounded Raptor Boost, or Dash attack.

8) KO-style: Meh, about 50/50. I guess I usually go for damage/kill, but recently, I've been gimping a lot more, especially with B-air.

9) Techniques: Just Pivot grabs. I haven't learned the others well enough.


Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
1) Chase or Run?: Once you start to gain momentum, do you tend to play aggressively and chase your opponent or do you tend to do more hit-and-run attacks?

Most of the time i would chase but if in some situations that i cant play offense then ill switch.Chasing FTW though

2) Special attack usage: Do you incorporate them often in your game? How often and when do you tend to use which specials?
(eg, do you use up-B outside of just recovery? Falcon Punch?)

I use the flubbed>knee combo.I use falcon kick to appraoch alot too.Falcon pawnch i throw out at random times,most of the time its backdoor pawnch ,it seems to catch people off guard most of the times.

3) Aerials: Which aerials do you use most often? Which aerials do you tend to kill with, and which aerial(s) do you tend to not use? Feel free to elaborate on how you use them. (Most used/least used aerial kill moves)

i use bair most of the time,if sweetspooted it owns.i like to KoJ when people try to recover or when they land on a platform when recovering on a platform.i use uair and dair equally.i think there are better damage moves than uair.i dont spike much with dair,although i neek to work on my spike,i like to launch people with dair though.

4) Grabs: Do you use grabs often? Pivot grabs? Which throws do you use, and do you make use of grab release?

grabs are a great part of my game,great build up move.jab>jab>grab is the best thing ever.chain grabs are also great if not predicted you may set them up for a kill

5) Ground: What ground moves do you tend to use the most, and how do you tend to use them?

utilt i use for battlefield other than that i dont use it alot.i always like to do the combo dtilt>dtilt>falcon kick.For Killing i use dsmash,but i try to mix up my game with fsmash.if someone is coming back up from thier recovery i like to use sliding usmash too.

6) General: Do you tend to play off of aerials/shorthopped moves or ground moves?

i try to play off ariels.i like setting people up into combos.my ground game isnt as great as my air game .

7) Approach: How do you find yourself approaching most of the time?

most of the time it would be falcon kick.sometimes i try to use nair,but i never seem to approach with a raptor boost

8) KO-style: Do you tend to play a damage/KO game or do you try to gimp people?
(Which one do you place more priority on?)

damage ko game is definitely better for me.i will probably rely 2 stocks on ko game and 1 on gimp,although i am working on my gimp game

9) Techniques: Do you tend to use any AT's? (Character specific, general Brawl AT's, etc) If so, highlight which ones and how you tend to use them.

i will do this one later takes much longer
BTW this thread is great,i always like doing threads like this when i have time


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Ekeh, last time, I didn't actually play Falcon. Now he's one of my secondaries, so I can actually answer this ;D

Here goes:

1) Chase or Run?: Once you start to gain momentum, do you tend to play aggressively and chase your opponent or do you tend to do more hit-and-run attacks?

I play Sonic, and an aggressive one at that. It bleeds into my Falcon playstyle, so I tend to be a somewhat aggressive chaser, but I do hit-and-run against crappier matchups.

2) Special attack usage: Do you incorporate them often in your game? How often and when do you tend to use which specials?
(eg, do you use up-B outside of just recovery? Falcon Punch?)

Up-B: YEASS! So yeah, it's pretty nice to kill a gliding Pit/floating Peach with Falcon Dive to kill off-stage. I also tend to use this against chronic jumpers out of D-throw and/or F-throw. Doing a "360" Falcon Dive (RAR > Reverse Falcon Dive) really helps since it's much easier to float in the direction that you were facing before doing a RFD.

Side-B: I use it out of B-reversals to catch people out of their approaches, or while running. I try to use this to meteor a stale ledgehogger every once in a while.

Down-B: Falcon Kick is like, one of my favorite followups after jabs. I use it as a counter-attack more than anything, and once in a while, a SH Falcon Kick to catch people since I do that with Sonic lol. I don't really use it as an approach, but as a counterattack it's nice to start momentum.

Falcon Punch: Is my favorite punisher. Seriously. With correct prediction, anyone with bad habits gets destroyed with this. For example: If you roll from the ledge pretty often, your opponent may start charging smashes towards the end of the roll distance. Ledge-hopped Falcon Punch for the win! etc. I seriously get more kills out of well-placed 'inescapable' Falcon Punches than I do with the Knee.

3) Aerials: Which aerials do you use most often? Which aerials do you tend to kill with, and which aerial(s) do you tend to not use? Feel free to elaborate on how you use them. (Most used/least used aerial kill moves)

Recently, I've been using U-air the most. D-air's pretty nice as a sort of "wall" off-stage (since getting hit one way means a Nipple Launch, and getting hit too low means a meteor), and once in a while, I SH D-air shielders. I also tend to use B-airs when I jump behind people, like B-air>F-smash. I tend to miss the F-smash, but it's still worth a try sometimes.

4) Grabs: Do you use grabs often? Pivot grabs? Which throws do you use, and do you make use of grab release?

Jab-jab-grab ;D
I'm trying to use more retreating Pivot Grabs since their range is so amazing for Falcon. I tend to do F-throw and D-throw since it's not too hard to followup opponent reactions to those moves. Once in a while I'll do U-throw> U-air (bait airdodge)> grab on the ground. It's not too bad ;]

I only really use B-throw when I pivot grab near the edge.
As for grab release, I do pummel-releases on people when they're by the edge. It's pretty nice.

5) Ground: What ground moves do you tend to use the most, and how do you tend to use them?

Jab, F-tilt, D-tilt, U-tilt, Dash attack, and F-smash.
Jabs are my most used for damage. I use F-tilt and D-tilt in conjunction as startup-lag punishers. U-tilt is one of my KO/placement moves, usually used with Dash attack. I use F-smash quite a bit out of foxtrots, but I tend to kill with D-smash.

6) General: Do you tend to play off of aerials/shorthopped moves or ground moves?

I'm generally very ground-based, with any character.

7) Approach: How do you find yourself approaching most of the time?

Run up to opponent, jab jab grab.
Foxtrot forward > "dash dance" to pivot backwards, Fsmash.
Foxtrot dance > dashgrab

8) KO-style: Do you tend to play a damage/KO game or do you try to gimp people?
(Which one do you place more priority on?)

I tend to KO more.

9) Techniques: Do you tend to use any AT's? (Character specific, general Brawl AT's, etc) If so, highlight which ones and how you tend to use them.

I have started to abuse Foxtrot, Foxtrot dance, F-smash out of Foxtrot, and Pivot Grabs alot more. I've recently started trying to do D-smash out of Foxtrot, but I'd rather use F-smash. It's pretty good for baiting and avoiding moves. I also like jab cancels, for the obvious reasons, like grabbing. I like using B-reversals, so false-retreat raptor-boosts and occasional 360-punches (for their aerial control) are to be expected of me.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
1) Chase or Run?: Hit and wait... you don't have to run because the knockback knocks them away. If you start a dash or jump towards them you can convince them you're chasing and often punish whatever countermeasures they take, but I almost never go directly for a combo.

2) Special attack usage: Falcon Punch like 2-5 times during a match, depending on the opponent (how hard they can punish). Raptor Boost recovery like 1/4 of the time, either when they're not close enough to edgehog or to punish an offstage attack. Falcon dive offensively like once per 5 games.... I probably need to increase that. Falcon Kick and Raptor Boost on the ground like 3-5 times in a game to chase or punish something.

3) Aerials: UAir for basically every midair battle, BAir if they're behind me (better knockback than UAir and gets the area behind you faster, Knee and DAir only if a really obvious opportunity presents itself, NAir to approach.

4) Grabs: I've yet to really try grab releasing, and grabs pretty much only after jabs. No pivot grabs, as I think you should be able to punish things harder. Mostly FThrow, but BThrow to get them offstage, UThrow if they suck when above me, DThrow if I want them coming at me in the air.

5) Ground: Jabs all the time, grabs after jabs (and pretty much only after jabs; the only time you want to grab without jab is you're running and can't jab or they shield), DSmash to poke at them and to try to make them roll to me (go for a double hit DSmash), DTilt to poke under shields, FSmash to beat many a SH'd aerial, Dash attack for a lot of punishment (way less laggy then Falcon Kick and not as punishable if it misses like Raptor Boost), and UTilt for more poking like DSmash or if my enemies are above an FSmash.

6) General: NAir is my primary for-real approach, but that's basically the only time I use it. Sometimes when I approach my opponents will roll early and I'll BAir them, or if they are up in the air a lot I'll do some UAirs, but I don't strategically go for them. Most of my play is in jabs, grabs, DSmash, DTilt, FSmash, Dash attack, and UTilt.

7) Approach: Something like 35% NAir, 15% Dash attack, 50% get to about DSmash distance from them and DSmash at them until they approach. DSmash's range is really sexy, and since it doesn't move you forward like FSmash it's harder to punish. You can also hold it for like 1/4 second at the start of the move to see if they do anything, because you can catch spot dodges and rolls like that, and if they decide to shield the shield pushback helps make it hard to punish. Percents obviously vary by opponent. Dash grab and other stuff gets thrown in occasionally depending on opponents' tactics.

8) KO-style: Straight up KO's 80%, offstage KO's 20%, gimp KO's 0%. I'm bad at getting kills beneath the stage level, as I end up missing most of the time and getting edgehogged while trying to recover again, so I usually just go for an edgehog if they're below the stage. I guess you might call that gimp KO's.

9) Techniques: Smart usage of Falcon Punch, mindgames. Nothing I would call advanced.

Edit: I did use the quote button, but it was before you did the change the colors thing


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2007
Glendale, AZ
1) Chase or Run?: I always play aggressively...Even if it's not with Falcon. :p So I'm always a chaser, if I know my enemy has no where to go, why not chase them and force them to do something stupid?

2) Special attack usage: I tend to use Specials too much...I don't know why but I find Falcon kicking when I THINK the enemy won't dodge or block, as a good approach. Often times I'll Falcon Punch just keep the enemy guessing at what I'll do. You can sometimes see how they'll react if you throw out a random punch in the beginning. So you can sometimes read where they'll be the next time you want to PAWNCH. I use Falcon Kicks as a recovery if I'm WAY off the screen. And UpB when I'm near the bottom and won't make it with a SideB. SideB to return if I'm near the stage level, sometimes enemies try to Spike and you'll end up spiking them instead. :laugh:

3) Aerials: I use Uair the most now. It's a great killing move and if the enemy is expecting a Uair, I just Bair them to keep them guessing. I often times use Auto-Cancelled Dairs as a spike or an edge returned attack.

4) Grabs: I always try to grab. It's great for setting up a combo of Uairs. I mostly use Up Throw and Forward Throw. Back throw when I'm near the edge and want to keep throwing my enemy off. :)

5) Ground: I use Dash Attack a lot now. When they block it you can pivot and jab them. I'm also known to abuse the C Stick for smashes...:'( I just get caught up with trying to DSmash people. XD

6) General: I play off of Raptor Boost a lot if that gets the enemy in the air. :p If it doesn't I'll try my best to short hop attacks that would get the enemy in the air. So I'm mostly an air game person.

7) Approach: Yep. You need to approach if you want to play aggressive. Camping let's the enemy get the control of battle so I try to gain that first.

8) KO-style: I always try to Damage and KO the enemy. Sometimes I try too hard and it leaves me open though...but Kneeing or PAWNCHing after a string of attacks is always worth the risk if you ask me. :p Though once I get them off the stage I love going for the spikes or edgehogs since they make for easy KOs.

9) Techniques: I just use basic ATs. Auto-cancelling dairs, 360 PAWNCHes from the edge,...you know, basic stuff.


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2006
Provo Utah
1) Chase or Run?: I usually hit than run. I only chase when they fly in the air and I know I can land an Uair or Nair

2) Special attack usage: Up b is mainly used to recover but if some one is coming at me from above I will use it to stop them. I use Falcon Punch a few times a match and it's usually between 50%-70% to score a Low percent KO with it. I will use side B to recover if I know the enemy is coming out me. I will also use side b every know ann then as an aerial approach put I'm just barley above the enemies height that way I hit them if they stand or job and if they throw up the shield I end up past them. I use falcon kick when I'm have enough space to Falcon kick and follow up with a jab or I use it when they are in the middle of the falcon kicks range so if I miss I'm still far enough away from them. I also use falcon kick in the air but only rarely as to surprise my opponent.

3) Aerials: Which aerials do you use most often? Which aerials do you tend to kill with, and which aerial(s) do you tend to not use? Feel free to elaborate on how you use them. (Most used/least used aerial kill moves) I use Uair all the time, it's got great range and minimal lag and it can be followed up with more aerials, I can't say enough on how important this move is to my Falcon's game it's such a great spacer. I only use the Knee around 60%-80% again just to score a low percent KO. However I use the flubbed knee quite a bit it's tripping on the ground and it's minimal lag because the flub comes so late in the move is great for follow ups. My favorite follow up in the air is Flubbed knee, double jump, sweetspotted KNEE!!! It's one of my favorite combos. I use dair to spike people but I don't follow up after they hit the ground cause they usually have invincible frames and I get hit with the get up attack so I stay far enough away to not get hit by that put I can follow up based on what they do. If they get up I utilt, if they roll towards me I fsmash, and if they roll away I dash attack. I nair is also another great air spacing move because it has decent range and low lag, I usually follow it with a jab or two. I don't use bair that much because the range isn't that great, but I do use it when I need a quick hit because it comes out fast! If I KO with a air move it's Uair around 140% or so.

4) Grabs: Do you use grabs often? Pivot grabs? Which throws do you use, and do you make use of grab release? I tend to use a SC grab and use the down throw, depending on what percent they are at depends on what I follow up with. Low percent is another Dthrow or a dash attack into uair. If it's at mid percent I try Knee or Nair or Uair. If it's at high I run in and Uair. Some times I use the release grab and run in with a dash attack or a falcon kick.

5) Ground: What ground moves do you tend to use the most, and how do you tend to use them? On the ground I Utilt because it has great range, speed, dmg, and knock back, it's also a great KO move. The spacing the Utilt provides is a god send. If people roll at me I Fsmash them and I angle it down because Falcon is rather tall. I use the dash attack to cover short distances because if you run to long it becomes obvious on what your going to do. Dtilt is also a great spacer when you need to conserve the Utilt to KO with. JAB is great it so fast and it stops people in there tracks, I usually cancel the jab into a grab or an Utilt/dtitl. I only keep a jab going if the oppenet was really close to me that way it will be able to land some hits and not me standing out there punching the air.

6) General: Do you tend to play off of aerials/shorthopped moves or ground moves? I usally knock them up in the air with the dash attack or the dthrow and follow up according to there damage. Uair is mostly the main follow up, though some times nair or Knee will come out.

7) Approach: How do you find yourself approaching most of the time?
Dash attack and shield cancel grab are my main to approaches, though I will switch it up with a nair, side b, or falcon kick to keep them guessing.
8) KO-style: Do you tend to play a damage/KO game or do you try to gimp people?
(Which one do you place more priority on?)
DMG KO game I really haven't found any gimp game for Falcon. I KO with Utilt, and Uair most of the time, but if there is an opening I use fsmash or down smash I will use that.

9) Techniques: Do you tend to use any AT's? (Character specific, general Brawl AT's, etc) If so, highlight which ones and how you tend to use them. I always use the extending forward smash. I always take advantage of the UP B spike by waiting to recover until the invs frames are gone, His up be has quite the range. I know what the brawl AT's are but I'm not sure what your looking for here. SH my aerails and use them right away so they finish before I hit the ground, or I try to use them half way through a SH then I fast fall in attempt to cancel them that way.

I the key to my Falcon is spacing. Utilt, Uair, nair, and dtilt. Mostly Utilt and Uair because they are fast and have RANGE!!! HUGE RANGE!!!
Good luck ? ._.;[/QUOTE]


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2006
1) Chase or Run?: I play very carefully, avoiding any possible situations that may leave me open to punishment, by if I see any opportunities to do so to my opponent, I'll play a little more aggressively, especially depending on their skill elvel.

2) Special attack usage: Specials are a mixed bunch for me, I tend to avoid using too many specials as majority of them leave you open to punishment because of their ending lag (a missed Raptor boost or Dive). Using the auto-canceled raptor boost is a must when I do use it, and will find myself using most specials only if I see a good opportunity to land them. Chasing or leading a string with a Raptor Boost is common for me, and using a Dive is very occasional (edge hogging by reversing it after a short fall). Falcon Punch is good for Edge guarding occasionally, and Falcon kick I find myself using if I need to out prioritize someone (MK's spammy B) or if I'm making a falling recovery from the top of the screen.

3) Aerials: My god I use every single aerial available! U-air and N-air are super pwnage for stringing, not to mention the U-air has some devastating killing potential at higher percentages, or even lower percentages if they're further off the screen. B-air and F-air (THE KNEEEEEE) are the two I find myself killing people with, a well placed B-air (RIVERDANCEEEE) can kill if you hit with the fist of it, or a running short hopped reverse B-air can make for a useful approaching technique. Knee I find myself landing every time I use it now, plenty of practice and timing has made that possible, and can be a GREAT way to kill someone, especially since most people are underestimating the knee now. (Killed a DDD twice in one tourney match with it). D-air is mostly situational, I find myself edgehogging and doing a short fall -> jump + Dair to kill someone recovering from the lower part of the stage, or can even be helpful at killing when using a nipple spike. ANYONE should know Falcons aerials are his prime attacks, and should never disregard ANY OF THEM, AT ALL....

4) Grabs: Pivot grabbing if I'm on the retreat or trying to pull off a semi "memphis-smash". Jabs and Grabs, best combo I've found for Falcon so far, and the most practical by far. N-air to jabs/grab are always key in my games, If you've seen some of the Replays of myself vs. Key you'll note the use of jab/grab + d-throw to strings I'll use (though older and less skillful, the replays still show the greatness of this. I find that other than aerials, tilts, and jabs, I'm grabbing at least 40 to 50 percent of the time during the match. I haven't used releasing yet, but it seems useful. Most of the time I'll use D-throws at mid percents, F-throws at low to mid percents, and U-throws at mid to high percents. B-Throws I'll use occasionally, but only if they're high enough to not rebound and punish w. a N-air.

5) Ground: JAB JAB JAB JAB JAB, very important, I wont stress it more. F-tilts = awesome, U tilt I'll use for kills if I'm not in the air, or some comboing after a throw. D-tilt is a utility, I'll use it when I see fit.

6) General: Both! Heavier characters are more prone to ground leading to a string of aerials or grabs. Tilts on some larger characters. Ground moves are good during higher percents, and aerials I find much better for bringing them up to that point where a good ground move will kill (U-tilt).

7) Approach: Either camping non projectile characters, or running approaches with a short hopped air dodge to avoid any reckless endangerment. Falcon Kick at higher percents, as long as I'm not going to get punished. Raptor-boost is so-so but I'd rather not risk having them dodge it if I didn't auto-cancel it.

8) KO-style: More priority on gimping people, gimping a characters recovery with a flubbed knee or U-air is priceless, and is something I'd much rather do than have to wait for both of our damage meters to hit the hundreds before I KO them.

9) Techniques: ATs I use are anything and everything available for Falcon, I have to make the most out of him as playing in tournies with him is usually looked at as a joke. Auto canceled airs, Auto canceled Raptor boosts, instant ledge-hogging (without having to do that stupid raptor boost into the side, yes its possible), lookf or the Brawl AT video and you'll pretty much get a good idea of what I do with what's available to Falcon.


Smash Rookie
May 5, 2008
1) Chase or Run?: Once you start to gain momentum, do you tend to play aggressively and chase your opponent or do you tend to do more hit-and-run attacks?

I chase, always with an uair and rack up some more damage if they're in the air or a dash-attack if they're on the ground or if they're off-stage, a knee to the face baby! It's hard not to play aggressive with characters that have no projectiles.

2) Special attack usage: Do you incorporate them often in your game? How often and when do you tend to use which specials?
(eg, do you use up-B outside of just recovery? Falcon Punch?)

up-B to recovery, obviously - never really use it to kill.
side-B to recovery, love those spikes cos it always surprises and most of the time to approach.
I throw a few falcon punches here and there, especially reverse falcon punches - always surprises them. Always short-hopped.
Falcon kick sometimes to approach, but i really hate the end lag. I only use when they already have a lot of percentage on them so they're knockbacked and so can't really punish. Sometimes i use it in the air but only when i know everything's alligned and i'm gauranteed a hit - helps to surprise.

3) Aerials: Which aerials do you use most often? Which aerials do you tend to kill with, and which aerial(s) do you tend to not use? Feel free to elaborate on how you use them. (Most used/least used aerial kill moves)

KNEE! gotta love it when it sweetspots - this move is pretty much the only reason i use the Capt. It was awesome in Melee, granted less so in Brawl, but it still gives me a lot of satisfaction when it lands.

U-air i use a alot, such a great move, good priority, fast, decent damage and autocancels - if only the knee did the same...

N-air to approach

D-air sometimes. In smash 64 it use to stay out longer and was so much easier to land - in Brawl i only really do it when i'm landing directly above someone either on-stage or off-stage.

4) Grabs: Do you use grabs often? Pivot grabs? Which throws do you use, and do you make use of grab release?

I always grab; in my mind, it goes, "If you're staring a person in the face and don't know what to do, grab them, down-throw and u-air" - works in real life too..

Also I use it to punish.

5) Ground: What ground moves do you tend to use the most, and how do you tend to use them?

dash-attack to punish
those sneaky f-smash to KO or punish
d-smash if they're rolling around
up-smash when above me on a ledge - i mostly boost smash this one.
never really use tilts much
jabs after landing from a SH-aerial, always followed with a grab.

6) General: Do you tend to play off of aerials/shorthopped moves or ground moves?

SH-aerials, like 50% of the time to approach, otherwise it's a side-b or running grab.

7) Approach: How do you find yourself approaching most of the time?

side-b, shorthopped aerial, grab or a shorthopped aerial into jab then grab. Hell, sometimes just a straight up knee. POW!

8) KO-style: Do you tend to play a damage/KO game or do you try to gimp people?
(Which one do you place more priority on?)

I tend to play the damage/KO game. Gimping normally ends in me suiciding after a missed d-air/knee or holding on to the ledge to long that i get level-spiked from their up-b.

9) Techniques: Do you tend to use any AT's? (Character specific, general Brawl AT's, etc) If so, highlight which ones and how you tend to use them.

only DAC (boost smash) pretty much it. Pivots i find just too much effort for something small. I try to ledgehop knees sometimes, but most of the time i just end up suiciding - still getting the hang of that...
Otherwise, pretty much the standards - edgeguard, edgehog, SHFF blah blah blah etc.
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