I think that Magnes had the right idea, but trying to get 8 characters back is going to get us nowhere, they need to be narrowed down if we want ANY results.
Snake has licensing issues.
Almost every Pokemon fan would be content with Mewtwo, so I think dropping Squirtle and Ivysaur for the bigger picture is fine.
IC were dropped due to limitations (I main them in Brawl so it's hard of me to let them go

), asking for them back isn't a good idea. They were definitely worked on so I am 100% sure if there is DLC and their limitations are fixed, they'll be DLC anyways.
We already have 4 FE characters and a Marth clone. Also Marth already had Roy colors and Lucina has a mechanic which resembles Roy's playstyle (althought not exactly). I don't think Roy has much chance counting all of this.
As such I think we should limit the petitions to ONLY Mewtwo, Wolf and Lucas. That's realistically what we can get. If we ask for more we are just hindering our own efforts. Asking for 3 characters is asking for a realistic "DLC pack". Also narrowing it down to which 3 exactly we want makes it look organized and that we have a clear idea of what is desired. Asking for 8 is way too much, and gives the idea that the community is divided on what they want and that nothing will please us. As such I say we organize ourselves and petition for a "3 character DLC pack" containing these 3 characters.
I think you should organize a petition where we can get signatures on with only these 3 characters honestly.