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Face124's Brawl Manliness tier list v1.0


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Edinburgh. Pm for a Brawl and I'll get back to you
Link to original post: Face124's Brawl Manliness tier list V1.0

Face124's Manliness Tier list V1.0

I heavily disagreed with The_Altrox’s manliness tier list (no offence to him) so, I decided to make my own.​

Marth wears a tiara, not a crown, not a royal head band, a tiara. He's neutral at best.
Many of his mannerisms are feminine. So he's either just a boyish prince, girly, or gay. And gay is NOT manly.

And now to counter the people who will undoubtedly crawl out of the wood work to say I'm dissing gay people. Just because you can be gay or manly does not mean that one is lolfail and the other is sheer epic win.Don't kill me Falcon>_>
That'd be like saying R3D IZ B3TTR DEN BLUEZ!
But since "red" is what we're looking for, "blue" is at the bottom. Want to make a gayest/girlyest list? Be my guest. get it? got it? good.
Guys, this is based on their brawl appearance. I mean, Everyone in Smash 64 was pretty **** manly except for certain pink balls of fluff, then Melee came and added a factor of un-manly-ness with Marth, Peach and other characters everyone knows while some very manly characters like Falcon and Ganon made their place in the game. Hell, I do remember Link (played correctly, IE not just pressing Up+B) being manly as well.

You don't take their original games where they came from. Then certain characters would get more manly while other would go down even more.
Things my list is based off (in order of importance):
Well, what they look like. Muscular, petty, has a cape, etc.
Do they have epic attacks that crumple the opponent’s head with lethal badass doses of electricity or burn their entire body into dust
SSE role/cutscene
Yep, what they did in the SSE relevant. That bit where Kirby went though the ship is pretty badass after all.
Taunts & sounds:
High pitched voices are not manly at all, and people with high pitched voices must be punished for it. Epic taunts are badass, and those petty enough not to take them get angry and then get owned more.

Things this list is NOT based off:
The brawl tier list:
How could Falcon possibly be top where he deserves?
This is a Brawl tier list.
Saying “They only wear a tiara so their manliness is kept in check” or "they are manly enough to be pink naturally" or something like that:
Thats a way to escape your denial.​

Here is a super important rule:

Characters in the Brawl manliness tier list can't have their placement based of something from another game. HOWEVER, it is relevant if it explains something in their looks/sse cutscene/w/e is in Brawl. So for instance, the fact that Marth wears a tiara to remember his sister is relevant, even though it is not said in Brawl, because he has that tiara in Brawl.

Marth is still quite lame though xD.

The list:
Chuck Norris tier:
:falcon: Captain Falcon

Mr.T tier:
:ganondorf: Ganondorf
:dk2: Donkey Kong
:snake: Snake

Very Manly tier:
:wolf: Wolf
:bowser2: Bowser
:wario: Wario

Manly tier:
:ike: Ike
:metaknight: Meta Knight
:charizard: Charizard
:fox: Fox
:lucario: Lucario
:mario2: Mario
:link2: Link
:rob: R.O.B
:luigi2: Luigi

Only a little manly tier:
:dedede: King Dedede
:samus2: Samus
:falco: Falco
:ivysaur: Ivysaur
:shiek: Shiek
:gw: Mr. Game and Watch

Neutral tier:
:diddy: Diddy Kong
:toonlink: Toon Link
:squirtle: Squirtle
:sonic: Sonic
:zerosuitsamus: Zero Suit Samus
:pikachu: Pikachu (This picture is cooler than the Brawl one)

Womanly tier:
:yoshi2: Yoshi
:kirby2: Kirby
:ness2: Ness
:olimar: Olimar
:peach: Peach
:marth: Marth
:zelda: Zelda

Very womanly tier:
:popo: Ice Climbers
:lucas: Lucas
:jigglypuff: Jigglypuff

:pit: Pit

(Yes I am going to copy the use of “Chuck Norris” as a tier name, it was a good idea)

Coming in a few minutes....

Chuck Norris tier:

:falcon: Captain Falcon:
Well, its Falcon! He has the Knee, golden nipples, every part of his body is pure muscle, he has "Show me ya moves!", "Yes" and "c'mown", the ability to explode into flames from any part of his body, and the flames don't even hurt him! He brushes them off like Marth brushes his hair in the mornings and nights. He has golden boots, and he has a gun, but being respectful, chooses not to use it. Falcown Pauwnch! Hes a supa fast runner, which is cool also, and he has a helmet because he is modest and doesn't want to take all the credit for being that cool.

Mr.T tier:

:ganondorf: Ganondorf:
Ganondorf not only has a cape, but he also has a beard, which fires electricity to all parts of his body. He is the King of Evil, and he is pretty massively built for a human. Not only that, but Ganondorf can turn into a huge pig the size of Battle Field and **** anything in his way. His d-air is ****ing brokenly powerful, and crushes enemies heads and their dignity. Ganondorf has no pity. Warlock Punch is so powerful that it makes the universe cry and bleed, which is the purple that appears when it happens, and his scream of delight and epicness is so loud that animals without ears can hear it. Also the Ganon boards is the funniest place in the forums.

:dk2: Donkey Kong:
Donkey Kong is very underrated in terms of manliness. He is built like a tank, and in an SSE clip, it shows DK thundering his stomach so hard that an entire freaking forest shakes, and he just takes it like a man. Badass. Also, his Down-B actually creates an earthquake. I bet you can't start an earthquake by slapping the floor. But heres the best bit, DK doesn't just punch you, slap you or stomp you so hard that every single one of your toenails shatters with fear, but he wears a tie so that he destroys you in dignity.

:snake: Snake:
There isn't much extraordinary about Snake if I'm honest, hes just out right manly. He has a goatee, the coldest glare I have ever seen in my life. He is also quite quick and athletic, as well as being able to take three bullets in the shoulder an come back for more ****. Props to him.

Very Manly tier:

:wolf: Wolf:
Wolf? Yes, Wolf. Wolf has a crystal eye patch. Wolf has eyes that are shaped wierd, so it looks like he is always giving you the evils. Wolf has SPIKES on his KNEES. Wolf not only murders you, but after doing it, sympathetically, yet badassly asks you if there is anything wrong, but then kindly suggests the reason that you are scared to save you from speaking, and its usually the case. Wolf never stops being aggresive, bot even when recovering. No no. He will fire himself into you at light speed, and break your ****ing ankles as you get electrified. what an awesome animal.

:bowser2: Bowser:
Bowser is A ****ING DINOSAUR TURTLE! He has spikes on his shell, his fingers, his arms, his feet, his tail, inside his mouth, his head and his neck. His red hair symbolizes his burning rage and hatred for everything everything. HE BREATHES FIRE. He has FOUR armbands on and he don't care what people think. He breaks all the rules. He also breaks you with a Bowser F-smash, and pretty much all the rest of his attacks. Whats amazing is this: He never captured Peach to **** her or anything, it was to draw Mario to him, so he could embarrass Mario. Unfortunately, Bowser was always a CPU and Mario was always a human player, and everyone knows human players are better than CPUs, so it was just bad luck.

:wario: Wario:
This guy is awesome. Hes tiny and has no range, but still manages to kick ****ing ***. When he shoulder barges you, you cannot be hurt. CANNOT BE HURT! He would take any hit in the game, be it Falcon Punch, Warlock Punch, a full GaW bucket, but then still ram his fat self into your gut. Wow. Not only that, but he will fart. Although farting isn't typically manly stereotype, its certainly not womanly. And since it does like, 1 million freaking percent, it has to be taken into account. Now, here is the best part: he will eat you. Yes, eat you. There is no other person who will attempt to eat someone else during a fight, no matter what they do. His bite goes through like, every freaking attack, and after it he is still smiling amnically. Always smiling manically. He also has cool taunts.

Manly tier:

:ike: Ike:
Seriously, have you heard this guy? Why yes you have, because he yells at everything. A war cry, scream, shout or grunt will always accompany his moves, which is nice because he has a deep, gritty, manly voice. He has a badass slightly ripped cape. Also, Ike is really strong and athletic, I mean seriously, look how high he jumps after he throws that sword up. AND, he holds that two handed sword with one hand. Wow. Super armour on Up-B neutral B blah blah blah Ike is manly.

:metaknight: Meta Knight:
Yep, the supposed 'super cheap' tornado/D-smash spamming Kirby with a mask on. But, he is pretty cool and badass. He can fly, is super quick, throws his opponent around like a rag doll, is really really aggressive orientated, has cape and a mask, and watches you through a hole in it he no doubt cut with his razor sharp super shiny shoes. He has a deep voice for someone so small, and is really mysterious. He has a bat man symbol on his cape. A BAT MAN SYMBOL.

:charizard: Charizard:
Seriously, This guy smashes a rock through his head, and just takes it. ****! He can breath fire, he can fly (I mean, how cool is that) and has huge, thick claws. Also, his tail is on fire, and hes manly enough JUST TO TAKE IT! Like Snake, not too much to be said, he is just out right manly and badass.

I'm gonna be adding more of these as I get time. Charizard isn't finished, and I cba changing anything else tonight.

I'm fairly open minded, just tell me if you think something is wrong and provide evidence/something funny to justify it and I'll change it. Unless its ********. Then I won't.

Yeah **** that.


Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2009
Of course... I thought for ONCE a reasonable person would make on of these. According to Pit and Marth's placings, you are not that person.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2009
Canada :o
Sheik is a tough woman who actually kicks major ***. She was 10x better than link imo. And the reason pit is always on the bottom is that pit is a spammy little girl who hasn't hit puberty yet.


Banned via Administration
Feb 14, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Ness should be like 10x higher than Lucas, just the scenes in the SSE where Ness saves that coward Lucas from Porky and when Ness sacrifices himself to save Lucas from Wario. I won't get into the Mother games since you obviously haven't played them to put Ness so low.


Feb 18, 2009
Truance on the invalidity of this list.

Oh god no, you think that 'manliness' should be based on what:
Looks: This I would consider not valid in any way shape or form, it is completely illogical to take this into account. Manliness should be based on Metaphysical qualities, or different physical qualities other than this. You sir are a disgrace to any way that could be argued in this catagory.
Attacks: And? Why would it matter? The way someone moves and attacks is not constituted towards manliness at all. It should not be about this type of thing in any way. This 'unjustly' rules out many smashers in eligibility for manliness, and thus is a hinderance on logical argument. Invalid. I consider Captain Falcon graceful at the same time as Marth being graceful, Marth slightly more so, but I consider it on equal levels, so you're mostly basing this off the looks of the characters, right? Folly.
Taunts & sounds: It shouldn't matter if someone has a smooth tenor voice (Marth), or a gruff tenor voice (C.Falc.) there is nearly no difference, and again, this rules out many smashers for eligibility. It makes no difference what language they speak either, Why would it?
Players: this makes no sense...?

My suggestion: don't base this list off petty prejudice without reasearch, and don't put other players at the bottom without facts or good intent. I am deeply concerned about how you think the world. Please, hear me out, fool.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
I think ICs should be a bit higher, but I may be a bit biased on that, so who knows? Me reason being is, though...

Have you ever been hit with that **** mallet? It hurts like a *****! Honestly, I think that both Popo and Nana take a serious amount of steroids, and then wear those big, poofy coats to cover it up. I mean, they're pretty much equal on their manliness level as it is. The only explanation I can think of is steroids. Then you throw in what happens whenever the other dies...

"**** that *****! I didn't need him/her anyway! Just kept on getting knocked off the stage like a god ****ed n00b...I'll show this piece of **** who's boss on my own."

They also have the fact that they grab you by the collar, beat the ever living hell out of you, throw you to the other, who also beats the ever living hell out of you, and then repeats until they get bored and decide to kill you. That's like, a two-part gang right there. Can't beat that.

So yeah. Don't let those poofy coats fool you. They deserve to be higher.

EDIT: Disregard my swearing. It was added for effect. <.<


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Edinburgh. Pm for a Brawl and I'll get back to you
Lucas should be higher. He has awesome hair and he likes to electrocute people.
He has gay hair, and is weak, small and puny with a high pitched voice, and must be rescued in SSE because he is petty.

Sheik is a tough woman who actually kicks major ***. She was 10x better than link imo. And the reason pit is always on the bottom is that pit is a spammy little girl who hasn't hit puberty yet.
My reasoning...sort of.

Why would Princess Sheeda want to marry a feminine man? When any of the characters above Marth can get a hotter wife lmk.
Because Marth isn't that feminine in games outside of Brawl. However, now he has puny arms, uses a petty thin sword, and has a tiara and brushed groomed hair. I bet he has filed nails too. You know, on of Marths standing position movement thingies is to brush his hair slightly. Not manly. At all.

Ness should be like 10x higher than Lucas, just the scenes in the SSE where Ness saves that coward Lucas from Porky and when Ness sacrifices himself to save Lucas from Wario. I won't get into the Mother games since you obviously haven't played them to put Ness so low.
Hmmm... I suppose. Its just, I see him as quite a.... lame cheesy character. He is a little boy, and hes tiny and petty, but I will put him higher. Here is Ness looking gay.

I think ICs should be a bit higher, but I may be a bit biased on that, so who knows? Me reason being is, though...

Have you ever been hit with that **** mallet? It hurts like a *****! Honestly, I think that both Popo and Nana take a serious amount of steroids, and then wear those big, poofy coats to cover it up. I mean, they're pretty much equal on their manliness level as it is. The only explanation I can think of is steroids. Then you throw in what happens whenever the other dies...

"**** that *****! I didn't need him/her anyway! Just kept on getting knocked off the stage like a god ****ed n00b...I'll show this piece of **** who's boss on my own."

They also have the fact that they grab you by the collar, beat the ever living hell out of you, throw you to the other, who also beats the ever living hell out of you, and then repeats until they get bored and decide to kill you. That's like, a two-part gang right there. Can't beat that.

So yeah. Don't let those poofy coats fool you. They deserve to be higher.

EDIT: Disregard my swearing. It was added for effect. <.<
Well, Cg's are lame (no johns) and are not at all manly, also, THERE ARE TWO OF THEM! Two against one = not fair at all, and thus not cool or manly. However, they are ****ing strong for *******, I'll reconsider.

Oh god no, you think that 'manliness' should be based on what:
Looks: This I would consider not valid in any way shape or form, it is completely illogical to take this into account. Manliness should be based on Metaphysical qualities, or different physical qualities other than this. You sir are a disgrace to any way that could be argued in this catagory.

Um, completely illogical? Seriously, are you joking? By looks, I was referring to what they look like; clothes, stance, running, jumping etc etc. To say this isn't relevant seems quite illogical to me, I think its reasonable to take into account the fact that Marth has a tiara and Falcon has huge muscles.

Attacks: And? Why would it matter? The way someone moves and attacks is not constituted towards manliness at all. It should not be about this type of thing in any way. This 'unjustly' rules out many smashers in eligibility for manliness, and thus is a hinderance on logical argument. Invalid. I consider Captain Falcon graceful at the same time as Marth being graceful, Marth slightly more so, but I consider it on equal levels, so you're mostly basing this off the looks of the characters, right? Folly.

Well, I would consider a powerhouse character with massive knock-back attacks, epic attacks and such manly, whereas characters with swords maybe or many projectiles are a bit less. Like, wouldn't you consider Ganondorf's powerful and epic attacks more manly than say, Marth's sword based attacks?

Taunts & sounds: It shouldn't matter if someone has a smooth tenor voice (Marth), or a gruff tenor voice (C.Falc.) there is nearly no difference, and again, this rules out many smashers for eligibility. It makes no difference what language they speak either, Why would it?

No, although this may sound ridiculous, I'm inclined to say a character with a squeaky voice isn't particularly manly.

Players: this makes no sense...?

I suppose not, but there is a bit reasoning. Falcon & Ganondorf users do a lot of like, jokes and such about his manliness in discussions, and Peach fanboys are annoying.

My suggestion: don't base this list off petty prejudice without reasearch, and don't put other players at the bottom without facts or good intent. I am deeply concerned about how you think the world. Please, hear me out, fool.
Um, what? What should I base the list off then, you did cross out a whole lot of stuff up there. And **** dude, calm down, this is a bit of fun. And really, how can this give you any idea of how I perceive the world?


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
This list is win... But I think Samus and Zero Suit Samus should be the same (as they are the same person) and that she should be higher. Why?

1. She has a robotic suit. Yeah.
2. It has a blaster arm attached to it, that fires one of the following:
- Missles
- Pure energy
- Ice (seriously, how manly do you have to be to fire ice)
3. She can lay bombs that can literally destroy whole rooms.
4. She always takes on enemies at LEAST twice her size. Look at Kraid, Ridley and Mother Brain... They're huge! Picking on someone your own size doesn't come close.
5. Oh yes, and she always manages to WIN against these creatures, that have the strength to conquer the UNIVERSE. If you didn't know - the universe is so big that a human mind shouldn't even be able to comprehend how big it is.
6. There are some parasites that copy her. She loses ALL of her weaponry and gains a weak point (for that game only), but the parasite copies her at full power. Then, that parasite gets a power-up. Then she manages to DEFEAT that same parasite. To be able to defeat a stronger you is just pure manliness.
7. Ah yes, it's also been confirmed that she has the ability to destroy the universe. Then the parasite mentioned above copies her 10 times, so that's 10 destructions of the universe. But Samus? She don't care - she just blows up the god**** base, which crashes into a planet (which, subsequently, blows up) and then just flies away in her extremely cool spaceship.


Feb 18, 2009
Because Marth isn't that feminine in games outside of Brawl. However, now he has puny arms, uses a petty thin sword, and has a tiara and brushed groomed hair. I bet he has filed nails too. You know, on of Marths standing position movement thingies is to brush his hair slightly. Not manly. At all.
If his arms are that 'puny', then you need to lower Ike considerably also then, his arms are proportionately the same exact as Marth's. Lower Falcon too, his arms aren't THAT big. So what if he has a tiara or brushes his hair to the side when he gets annoyed by it? The filing nails part is another one of YOUR petty prejudices and flaming, hypocrite. Again, Metaphysical qualities are more important than what someone looks or acts like.


Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2009
If his arms are that 'puny', then you need to lower Ike considerably also then, his arms are proportionately the same exact as Marth's. Lower Falcon too, his arms aren't THAT big. So what if he has a tiara or brushes his hair to the side when he gets annoyed by it? The filing nails part is another one of YOUR petty prejudices and flaming, hypocrite. Again, Metaphysical qualities are more important than what someone looks or acts like.
I like this guy. He knows what he's talking about. Unlike Face124 and The Altrox.

Also, Face124 is a homophobe, just read his reasoning for keeping Ness down.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Edinburgh. Pm for a Brawl and I'll get back to you
If his arms are that 'puny', then you need to lower Ike considerably also then, his arms are proportionately the same exact as Marth's. Lower Falcon too, his arms aren't THAT big. So what if he has a tiara or brushes his hair to the side when he gets annoyed by it? The filing nails part is another one of YOUR petty prejudices and flaming, hypocrite. Again, Metaphysical qualities are more important than what someone looks or acts like.
Proportionately? proportional to what exactly? Ike carries that massive sword with one hand, and maybe I should have been clearer. It was Marth's small frame. Are you joking? Did I say that It was soley based on arm thickness? No. And are you jking, have you seen those massive biceps. And really dude, I can't believe your seriously saying we shouldn't judge this list based on appearance. So what if he has a tiara or brushes his hair to the side? Well, its not manly, so he hgets put down. Christ, not that hard a concept. Me, flaming? Its you and that smashpoke guy that were originally rude to me.

I like this guy. He knows what he's talking about. Unlike Face124 and The Altrox.

Also, Face124 is a homophobe, just read his reasoning for keeping Ness down.
I didn't say that there was anything wrong with being gay.

:goomba: Shouldn't you add Pokemon Trainer not only his pokemon. :goomba:
Well, I was thinking about that, but they are separate.... things, so to judge them as one wouldn't make sense to me.


Feb 18, 2009
Oh god no, you think that 'manliness' should be based on what:
Looks: This I would consider not valid in any way shape or form, it is completely illogical to take this into account. Manliness should be based on Metaphysical qualities, or different physical qualities other than this. You sir are a disgrace to any way that could be argued in this catagory.

Um, completely illogical? Seriously, are you joking? By looks, I was referring to what they look like; clothes, stance, running, jumping etc etc. To say this isn't relevant seems quite illogical to me, I think its reasonable to take into account the fact that Marth has a tiara and Falcon has huge muscles.

Fair enough, but you must understand that you would then need to lower some characters because of their 'grace' on some accounts? :p Again, why would looks matter? Marth and Falcon have proportionatley same muscle volume. Nintendo does this with many characters (look at Ike's muscles and say how he can lift his sword :D)

Attacks: And? Why would it matter? The way someone moves and attacks is not constituted towards manliness at all. It should not be about this type of thing in any way. This 'unjustly' rules out many smashers in eligibility for manliness, and thus is a hinderance on logical argument. Invalid. I consider Captain Falcon graceful at the same time as Marth being graceful, Marth slightly more so, but I consider it on equal levels, so you're mostly basing this off the looks of the characters, right? Folly.

Well, I would consider a powerhouse character with massive knock-back attacks, epic attacks and such manly, whereas characters with swords maybe or many projectiles are a bit less. Like, wouldn't you consider Ganondorf's powerful and epic attacks more manly than say, Marth's sword based attacks?

Again, it's about perception, what is epic? hmm? Marth's tippers could be considered powerhouse, but yes I do concent that it is more manly to use fists than swords (though it makes only a minor difference to me).

Taunts & sounds: It shouldn't matter if someone has a smooth tenor voice (Marth), or a gruff tenor voice (C.Falc.) there is nearly no difference, and again, this rules out many smashers for eligibility. It makes no difference what language they speak either, Why would it?

No, although this may sound ridiculous, I'm inclined to say a character with a squeaky voice isn't particularly manly.

Uhh, agreed, you should revise some of your list then, per-se, with this in mind. I'll pay for you to go to the eardoctor and have your ears checked :D. I don't think Marth's voice is squeaky. Like I said, Smooth and Gruff make not for much difference if they're both Tenor.

Players: this makes no sense...?

I suppose not, but there is a bit reasoning. Falcon & Ganondorf users do a lot of like, jokes and such about his manliness in discussions, and Peach fanboys are annoying.

Can you say, Generalization Opinion?

My suggestion: don't base this list off petty prejudice without reasearch, and don't put other players at the bottom without facts or good intent. I am deeply concerned about how you think the world. Please, hear me out, fool.
Okay, maybe the suggestion part was a little harsh/mean etc. At least you heard me out and didn't get mad when I denounced youuu! :D That's never happened before.

Proportionately? proportional to what exactly? Ike carries that massive sword with one hand, and maybe I should have been clearer. It was Marth's small frame. Are you joking? Did I say that It was soley based on arm thickness? No. And are you jking, have you seen those massive biceps. And really dude, I can't believe your seriously saying we shouldn't judge this list based on appearance. So what if he has a tiara or brushes his hair to the side? Well, its not manly, so he hgets put down. Christ, not that hard a concept. Me, flaming? Its you and that smashpoke guy that were originally rude to me.
It's not the largeness of the sword that counts, it's the wielder that does. Don't look at the sword part, their arms are same exact. Marth's small frame is the same as most other humanoids in the roster that are higher than him. Okay, I concent that I was stroopuid when I said that C.falc's arms aren't that thick. Well they are that thick, I just think that this catagory should not be overemphasised. I don't like this conception of manliness though. *cough looks cough*


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Edinburgh. Pm for a Brawl and I'll get back to you
This list is win... But I think Samus and Zero Suit Samus should be the same (as they are the same person) and that she should be higher. Why?

1. She has a robotic suit. Yeah.
2. It has a blaster arm attached to it, that fires one of the following:
- Missles
- Pure energy
- Ice (seriously, how manly do you have to be to fire ice)
3. She can lay bombs that can literally destroy whole rooms.
4. She always takes on enemies at LEAST twice her size. Look at Kraid, Ridley and Mother Brain... They're huge! Picking on someone your own size doesn't come close.
5. Oh yes, and she always manages to WIN against these creatures, that have the strength to conquer the UNIVERSE. If you didn't know - the universe is so big that a human mind shouldn't even be able to comprehend how big it is.
6. There are some parasites that copy her. She loses ALL of her weaponry and gains a weak point (for that game only), but the parasite copies her at full power. Then, that parasite gets a power-up. Then she manages to DEFEAT that same parasite. To be able to defeat a stronger you is just pure manliness.
7. Ah yes, it's also been confirmed that she has the ability to destroy the universe. Then the parasite mentioned above copies her 10 times, so that's 10 destructions of the universe. But Samus? She don't care - she just blows up the god**** base, which crashes into a planet (which, subsequently, blows up) and then just flies away in her extremely cool spaceship.
Hmm... Intresting. Well, power suit Samus Has... a power suite and rockets and missiles, I think that dos make a difference, and also, ZSS has a visible ponytail, which could be said not to be manly. I think there would be a lot of argument if ZSS was put too high. I will move them up though, good argument.

Than why did you use it as an insult, even though Ness is probably not gay anyway.
An insult? No, a reason why he should not be moved up a lot on the list,Which I now see could be. This thread is not intended to be nasty to anyone, I will edit it out, and please disregard that. I realise how tricky this subject is, with the whole sexism homophobic stuff.

Monk4 and pokesmashfighter, I am trying to keep this thread clean, if you would please treat me politely, I will do the same.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Than why did you use it as an insult, even though Ness is probably not gay anyway.
Let's not take this argument any farther. Or take it PMs you two. This thread should be fun not a ****ing debate hall and I don't want it locked! >=(

Marth wears a tiara, not a crown, not a royal head band, a tiara. He's neutral at best.
Many of his mannerisms are feminine. So he's either just a boyish prince, girly, or gay. And gay is NOT manly.

And now to counter the people who will undoubtedly crawl out of the wood work to say I'm dissing gay people. Just because you can be gay or manly does not mean that one is lolfail and the other is sheer epic win.Don't kill me Falcon>_>
That'd be like saying R3D IZ B3TTR DEN BLUEZ!
But since "red" is what we're looking for, "blue" is at the bottom. Want to make a gayest/girlyest list? Be my guest. get it? got it? good.
Sheik is a woman and no matter how bad *** of a woman she is, she's still a woman which means no higher than neutral tier imo.

I think ZSS should be above normal Samus. How manly is that that she dumps are all her high tech , uber powerful weapon crap to take you head on? Yeah exactly. lol


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Edinburgh. Pm for a Brawl and I'll get back to you
:goomba: I meant Charizard, Ivysaur, Squirtle and Pokemon trainer. :goomba:

:goomba: Oh and i'm not sure but I think Marth wears his taira to remember his sister. :goomba:
Oh, I've never heard that before. Can someone confirm this. I suppose Marth has been built a feminine character as opposed to being actually THAT UN MANLY.

Fair enough, but you must understand that you would then need to lower some characters because of their 'grace' on some accounts? Again, why would looks matter? Marth and Falcon have proportionatley same muscle volume. Nintendo does this with many characters (look at Ike's muscles and say how he can lift his sword :D)
Now, I'm sorry, but saying Falcon and Marth have proportionately the same muscle does not make sense to me. The are the same height roughly, Falcon crouches slightly, what is it proportionate to? Falcon is massively built, in like, every area of his body; Marth is not.

Again, it's about perception, what is epic? hmm? Marth's tippers could be considered powerhouse, but yes I do concent that it is more manly to use fists than swords (though it makes only a minor difference to me).
To me it makes a big difference. It appears, based on Marth's frame, that Its the sword that gives him power, not himself, so hes using a weapon that changes things a lot. This is also based on how Marth's play in competetive Brawl. They make full use of the disjointed, massive hit-box, and it is probably soley due to that that Marth is so good.

Uhh, agreed, you should revise some of your list then, per-se, with this in mind. I'll pay for you to go to the eardoctor and have your ears checked :D. I don't think Marth's voice is squeaky. Like I said, Smooth and Gruff make not for much difference if they're both Tenor.
Its not just voice, its sound. If they scream and shout, that is manly and cool, like Ike does, always so angry. Its not just voice, although that does make a difference.

Okay, maybe the suggestion part was a little harsh/mean etc. At least you heard me out and didn't get mad when I denounced youuu! :D That's never happened before.

Ok, I try to treat people fairly, but please speak to me politely so this thread is clean.

It's not the largeness of the sword that counts, it's the wielder that does. Don't look at the sword part, their arms are same exact. Marth's small frame is the same as most other humanoids in the roster that are higher than him. Okay, I concent that I was stroopuid when I said that C.falc's arms aren't that thick. Well they are that thick, I just think that this catagory should not be overemphasised. I don't like this conception of manliness though. *cough looks cough*
I suppose. I realise now I should break the SWF thing of how Marth is always super womanly at everything. He will be moved.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Edinburgh. Pm for a Brawl and I'll get back to you
Let's not take this argument any farther. Or take it PMs you two. This thread should be fun not a ****ing debate hall and I don't want it locked! >=(

Marth wears a tiara, not a crown, not a royal head band, a tiara. He's neutral at best.
Many of his mannerisms are feminine. So he's either just a boyish prince, girly, or gay. And gay is NOT manly.

And now to counter the people who will undoubtedly crawl out of the wood work to say I'm dissing gay people. Just because you can be gay or manly does not mean that one is lolfail and the other is sheer epic win.Don't kill me Falcon>_>
That'd be like saying R3D IZ B3TTR DEN BLUEZ!
But since "red" is what we're looking for, "blue" is at the bottom. Want to make a gayest/girlyest list? Be my guest. get it? got it? good.
Sheik is a woman and no matter how bad *** of a woman she is, she's still a woman which means no higher than neutral tier imo.

I think ZSS should be above normal Samus. How manly is that that she dumps are all her high tech weapon crap to take you head on? Yeah exactly. lol
THANK YOU! I was trying to say this, I couldn't think of the way to do it. I suppose, but the fact that Sheik doesn't appear to be a woman must count for something, surely?

And the Samus thing: Hmm, this is a convincing argument, thing is, ZSS has huge **** and a ponytail, and although Power suit Samus does too, you can't see them. Also, ZSS' lame infinites are not manly, although I agree to perhaps close the gap between them. And anyway, its not as if Zamus has nothing, she has the gun, which is a projectile, a stun gun, and a super long rope, and the power suit parts.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
This is such flame bait



Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
THANK YOU! I was trying to say this, I couldn't think of the way to do it. I suppose, but the fact that Sheik doesn't appear to be a woman must count for something, surely?

And the Samus thing: Hmm, this is a convincing argument, thing is, ZSS has huge **** and a ponytail, and although Power suit Samus does too, you can't see them. Also, ZSS' lame infinites are not manly, although I agree to perhaps close the gap between them. And anyway, its not as if Zamus has nothing, she has the gun, which is a projectile, a stun gun, and a super long rope, and the power suit parts.
True, but she doesn't have the charge beam, missiles, charged missiles, the screw attack, or any armor at all. And yes the sexy body does definatly take away manly points. But does that out-weigh the options she has lost to fight you with simply a self protection stun gun and her almost bare fists?


Feb 18, 2009
*Praaaaise to Face124*
I suppose. I realise now I should break the SWF thing of how Marth is always super womanly at everything. He will be moved.
This satisfies me. :D thank you dearly for at least listening :bee:.

Now all I have to do is find a way for you to bump D3E3 and Falco up. Nevermind o.o


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
This is such flame bait

Who are you reffering to?

Unless it's this

Oh god no, you think that 'manliness' should be based on what:
Looks: This I would consider not valid in any way shape or form, it is completely illogical to take this into account. Manliness should be based on Metaphysical qualities, or different physical qualities other than this. You sir are a disgrace to any way that could be argued in this catagory.
Attacks: And? Why would it matter? The way someone moves and attacks is not constituted towards manliness at all. It should not be about this type of thing in any way. This 'unjustly' rules out many smashers in eligibility for manliness, and thus is a hinderance on logical argument. Invalid. I consider Captain Falcon graceful at the same time as Marth being graceful, Marth slightly more so, but I consider it on equal levels, so you're mostly basing this off the looks of the characters, right? Folly.
Taunts & sounds: It shouldn't matter if someone has a smooth tenor voice (Marth), or a gruff tenor voice (C.Falc.) there is nearly no difference, and again, this rules out many smashers for eligibility. It makes no difference what language they speak either, Why would it?
Players: this makes no sense...?

My suggestion: don't base this list off petty prejudice without reasearch, and don't put other players at the bottom without facts or good intent. I am deeply concerned about how you think the world. Please, hear me out, fool. really, the whole thing

If his arms are that 'puny', then you need to lower Ike considerably also then, his arms are proportionately the same exact as Marth's. Lower Falcon too, his arms aren't THAT big. So what if he has a tiara or brushes his hair to the side when he gets annoyed by it? The filing nails part is another one of YOUR petty prejudices and flaming, hypocrite. Again, Metaphysical qualities are more important than what someone looks or acts like.
or this,

I like this guy. He knows what he's talking about. Unlike Face124 and The Altrox.

Also, Face124 is a homophobe, just read his reasoning for keeping Ness down.
please don't post on this thread again.

EDIT: even though those posts kinda sucked Monk, Maybe I just didn't understand where you were going with it. bolded part is still epic fail tho. :p


Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2009
Oh, I've never heard that before. Can someone confirm this. I suppose Marth has been built a feminine character as opposed to being actually THAT UN MANLY.

He Wore it because his sister died, and he wore it when Battling, Whether it be a 1 on 1 battle, or a War. He would always wear it.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Edinburgh. Pm for a Brawl and I'll get back to you
*Praaaaise to Face124*

This satisfies me. :D thank you dearly for at least listening :bee:.

Now all I have to do is find a way for you to bump D3E3 and Falco up. Nevermind o.o
Ah well, I'll start shall I? Dedede Cgs and infinite CGs. LAME! He throws little... things in to fight for him as opposed to going in himself, and they force you to approach, which tends to lead to a shieldgrab, resulting in a CG which is un manly and un honourable. He does have a hammer and does hit like a bus full of fat people, explaining why he is not super low.

Falco I though wasn't too bad. There are CGs and laser spam, but hes not as bad as D3 in terms of honour. I've not got much here.

And thanks :) but please, suggest where Marth should be moved, I'm not too sure. Perhaps WT, but the whole tiara brushing hair thing keeps him below Olimar at most for me.

True, but she doesn't have the charge beam, missiles, charged missiles, the screw attack, or any armor at all. And yes the sexy body does definatly take away manly points. But does that out-weigh the options she has lost to fight you with simply a self protection stun gun and her almost bare fists?
Yes agreed, the more offensive style does help her. I'm going to move Samus down anyway, can you suggest where ZSS should be?


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Ah well, I'll start shall I? Dedede Cgs and infinite CGs. LAME! He throws little... things in to fight for him as opposed to going in himself, and they force you to approach, which tends to lead to a shieldgrab, resulting in a CG which is un manly and un honourable. He does have a hammer and does hit like a bus full of fat people, explaining why he is not super low.

Falco I though wasn't too bad. There are CGs and laser spam, but hes not as bad as D3 in terms of honour. I've not got much here.

And thanks :) but please, suggest where Marth should be moved, I'm not too sure. Perhaps WT, but the whole tiara brushing hair thing keeps him below Olimar at most for me.

Yes agreed, the more offensive style does help her. I'm going to move Samus down anyway, can you suggest where ZSS should be?
um...above Samus XD


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Guys, this is based on their brawl appearance. I mean, Everyone in Smash 64 was pretty **** manly except for certain pink balls of fluff, then Melee came and added a factor of un-manly-ness with Marth, Peach and other characters everyone knows while some very manly characters like Falcon and Ganon made their place in the game. Hell, I do remember Link (played correctly, IE not just pressing Up+B) being manly as well.

You don't take their original games where they came from. Then certain characters would get more manly while other would go down even more.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Well then looking just at brawl, my argument still stands.

Sheik is a bad *** ninja woman

*insert everything I said about Samus*

Marth is girly and therefore not manly. Also his sword is magical (or soemthing like that. melee trophy description. I'd look at brawl's but only the vs and wifi mode work as it is scratched =/ ) which means the power is in the sword not his arms. Kenshin Himura is an awesome character(rurouni kenshin, good read and decent watch) but even in his Hitokiri state of mind, he is not manly. I see Marth in brawl personality wise, as an inbetween of "lol normal kinda feminin" Kenshin and "pwnsome hitokiri" Kenshin, kinda leaning more toward the former.

They're both fast.
They both rely on speedy swords and perfect tecnique.
They're both sometimes mistaken for women lolXD

Oh yeah, the fact that he carries the Tiara for his dead sister is cool and boosts his manly points a little imo, but it's irrelevent if we go by what Kr3man said.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Edinburgh. Pm for a Brawl and I'll get back to you
Well then looking just at brawl, my argument still stands.

Sheik is a bad *** ninja woman

*insert everything I said about Samus*

Marth is girly and therefore not manly. Also his sword is magical (or soemthing like that. melee trophy description. I'd look at brawl's but only the vs and wifi mode work as it is scratched =/ ) which means the power is in the sword not his arms. Kenshin Himura is an awesome character(rurouni kenshin, good read and decent watch) but even in his Hitokiri state of mind, he is not manly. I see Marth in brawl personality wise as an inbetween of "lol normal kinda feminin" Kenshin and "pwnsome hitokiri" Kenshin, kinda leaning more toward the former.

They're both fast.
They both rely on speedy swords and perfect tecnique.
They're both sometimes mistaken for women lolXD
Hmm, yes, agreed. I'll leave her where he is untill someone suggests a place, I don't know where to put her.


Ganondorf is finally at the top of a tierlist :D
Chuck Norris tier:
:falcon: Captain Falcon

Mr.T tier:
:ganondorf: Ganondorf
But still beat by Falcon :chuckle:


Smash Rookie
Mar 18, 2009
Well then looking just at brawl, my argument still stands.

Sheik is a bad *** ninja woman

*insert everything I said about Samus*

Marth is girly and therefore not manly. Also his sword is magical (or soemthing like that. melee trophy description. I'd look at brawl's but only the vs and wifi mode work as it is scratched =/ ) which means the power is in the sword not his arms. Kenshin Himura is an awesome character(rurouni kenshin, good read and decent watch) but even in his Hitokiri state of mind, he is not manly. I see Marth in brawl personality wise, as an inbetween of "lol normal kinda feminin" Kenshin and "pwnsome hitokiri" Kenshin, kinda leaning more toward the former.

They're both fast.
They both rely on speedy swords and perfect tecnique.
They're both sometimes mistaken for women lolXD

Oh yeah, the fact that he carries the Tiara for his dead sister is cool and boosts his manly points a little imo, but it's irrelevent if we go by what Kr3man said.
A wee bit off topic, but

Coming from one Kenshin fan to another, what exactly makes Himura unmanly? From your quote, it would seem his speed, sword and looks. (Note: these arguments can be leveled in Marth's favor as well.)

Personally, I don't see anything unmanly about being fast (in fact, it is one of the Captain's biggest assets), in the SSE cutscenes, both Marth and Ike are able to keep up with MK flying, and Ike and MK are (rightfully so) considered manly, however speedy they are.

Swordplay should not be considered unmanly, it simply means that the character spent years focusing on weapon play rather than martial arts. True, fighting with fists is a bit manlier, however skillfuly using a blade to cut your foes to ribbons is still far manlier than using any sort of projectile. Kenshin used his sword many times to stop bullets and even cannonballs, which is pretty **** manly. I think refusing to use a ranged weapon (even a charging attack like Ike's or the space animals) should say volumes about Marth's honor and manliness.

And as far as looks go, I can see where Marth and Kenshin could be considered unmanly at a glance, but remember, in their respective times well kept long hair on a man was considered a symbol of status at times. Most swordsmen kept their hair long, as defeat by another usually ended with the loser's hair being sliced off, to their dishonor.

Sorry, I was bored and felt like talking.


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2008
Kirby Should go even Higher Just because of the hammer. How Badass it is to, when some1 makes you mad, pull a mallet out of nowhere and smack them with it. I mean it could only be manlier if enstead of a hammer kirby smacked them with his..... Ill stop there but either way.

Kirby is manly enough to be pink naturally.
Pulls hammers out of nowhere.
Quickest taunt. Allowing for more spamming.

If you need even more proof than pick kirby against Captain Falcon. Put CF to the right of kirby. Grab CF with Kirby. Then hit the A button a couple of times. Then come back and tell me he shouldnt be higher.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2008
Edinburgh. Pm for a Brawl and I'll get back to you
Kirby Should go even Higher Just because of the hammer. How Badass it is to, when some1 makes you mad, pull a mallet out of nowhere and smack them with it. I mean it could only be manlier if enstead of a hammer kirby smacked them with his..... Ill stop there but either way.

Kirby is manly enough to be pink naturally.
Saying “They only wear a tiara so their manliness is kept in check” or something of that sort
Not the same, but similar. Lol.

But at the same time, he is gay enough to be pink naturally too :confused:

Pulls hammers out of nowhere.
That is manly, but also deviously clever.

Kirby can't fly?

Quickest taunt. Allowing for more spamming.

If you need even more proof than pick kirby against Captain Falcon. Put CF to the right of kirby. Grab CF with Kirby. Then hit the A button a couple of times. Then come back and tell me he shouldnt be higher.
Yeh I'm gonna put him up for this. I'm also going to put him up for being able to eat people, and he can turn into a rock.


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