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Eye of Truth, Peer Into the Future


Crappy Imitation
Feb 11, 2008
Doing Tricks in a Mansion Location: Tokyo, JP
So I feel that after lurking here for as long as brawl [and some of melee] has been out that I've taken a great deal of knowledge from the sheik threads that have furthered my abilities exponentially. I decided about a week ago that I am almost obligated by my pride to give something back to the boards.

This is where my problem begins. So most days after class I've gone into training mode just messing around with sheik for about an hour or an hour and a half at a time in order to figure out if there was anything I could do for the sheik boards that wasn't already here.

I than began thinking, about the future. Is this what sheik is limited too? Is there not more territory to be explored? Have we strip-mined the cavern of sheik knowledge? Can I think of another increasingly metaphorical comparison for sheik and her depth? [nope] Is there any way I can still help?


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
I don't really think there's much left. It's just a matter of perfecting strategy.

The character of Sheik is still pretty deep. There's a lot of matchups and nuances that you have to keep in mind when playing the character. Strategies and play style can and will always improve for as long as Brawl exists.


Smash Lord
Mar 2, 2008
Paris, France
Sheik is really deep (...please don't). I discovered some new mindgames recently, i will try to record my next tournaments matchs to show them ^_^

And InnocentRoads' vids definitly show that Sheik's metagame is still developping. :)


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan

Please hold on I shall give you a list of things I need to test with sheik.

1. Learn if needles can constantly turn people around and at what range, how many needles needle and so on. <-- I tested this one recently although not extensively but I think it's more or less luck base although I could be wrong, even so though since this is the first time you are trying to help it might be best you didn't do this one.
2. Learn all the characters who feet can be attack though BF platforms with a ftilt. (I never wrote it down the little results I already had but I remember it can for Boswer and Meta knight at least)
3. Learn if it’s possible to stop all below 100% ledge attacks with the chain and if yes is it possible to stop jump from edge as well at the same time?
4. I’ve seen the dtilt shoot people downward (onstage, never off) it might be able to spike need to test
5. Check to see if there’s any possible away for a Zamus to recover against the chain edge guard out side of using the neutral B or side to hit you out and just plan jumping way over you.
6. Test to see how many characters the dtilt inner thigh knocks people back out of grab range when shielded.
7. Test to see how many characters if standing near the edge and hit with the usmash can be pushed off with the first hit into 2nd hit. (I’ve seen it happen mainly on Samus but I think I saw it happen to pit once as well)
8. Check to see if the reappearing animation of the vanish can “blow” people away even though platforms and stages like pits wings.
9. Sheik AAA combo can stop and continue her own even in mid AAA combo of another characters such as Captain Falcons. I wouldn’t be surprise if there were more.
10.Check to see if footstool into lighting combo needle game could possible lead into another ftilt and or infinite combo (unlikely as hell)
11. Check to see if needle storm into DACUS is consecutive hit
12. Check to see if fair into DACUS is consecutive hit
13. Check to see if downsmash into DACUS is consecutive hit.
14. Can sheik duck under the first part of Snake AAA combo?
15. Check to make sure the bair can infact trade or even beat meta knight gay loop if space correctly.

Last but not least.

16. When two attack "cling" or hit each other and both players go back to there default positions without received any damage what decides who can attack first. Also if it's the same then shouldn't shielding, something that takes only two frames to do come out just as fast as say a punch? I've always get beaten if I hold down shield while my enemy can just AAA combo me they should be at least equal in speed.

Go ****ing crazy.

Edit: ...If you got time you could do things like check what percentage the vanish kills on everyone from platform height to ground level but something like that would take huge amounts of time.

edit2: Check to see what moves sheik can do out of shield and when not that can interrupt marths side B gayness.

Check to see if the chain can beat the ****ing turtle
Check to see if meta knight is capable of getting though a chain defense from the front or above ~although I'm about 90% he cannot it would be nice if you did a indepth study.~
Check to see the killing percents of the double hit usmash (someone just asked me that and I don't care to check since it's so darn hard to do but you could ^^)

......yeah ^^'

edit4: (god **** I'm sorry ideas just keep coming) make a guild on how to expend the chain to it's full length all around sheik with pictures and direction pad instructions pictures as well.

edit5: I have no idea what's it's going to be but judging at the rate I just got ideas it's gonna happen..


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
tristan = the compendium of knowledge for sheik

i dont even need to wonder about stuff anymore, i should just ask tristan if i have a statistical question

i just know a lot about gameplay and strategy x)


Crappy Imitation
Feb 11, 2008
Doing Tricks in a Mansion Location: Tokyo, JP
Test 2

For now, I'll place all my findings here. Once I'm done, I'll make a thread with all the random knowledge

Test 2: Learn all the characters who feet can be attacked though Battle Field's platforms with a forward tilt.

Mario: No
Luigi: No
Peach: No
Bowser: Yes
Donkey Kong: Yes
Diddy Kong: No
Yoshi: No
Wario: No
Link: No
Zelda: No
Sheik: No
Ganondorf: No
Toon Link: No
Samus: No
Zero Suit Samus: No
Pit: No
Ice Climbers: Yes
R.O.B.: Yes
Kirby: Yes
Metaknight: Yes
King DeDeDe: Yes
Olimar: No
Fox: No
Falco: No
Wolf: Yes
Captain Falcon: No
Pikachu: No
Squirtle: Yes
Ivysaur: Yes
Charizard: Yes
Lucario: No
Jigglypuff: Yes
Marth: No
Ike: No
Ness: No
Lucas: Yes
Mr. Game & Watch: No
Snake: No
Sonic: No

It almost appears as if characters who have a lower center of gravity [Explains characters like Squirtle and Lucas], are larger than normal [Bowser], or have big feet [Kirby]have an extended unseen area under them that can be damaged. It's not a large area, because you still have to have some accuracy when doing the forward tilt, but it's there nonetheless. As to why Lucas will get hit and Ness won't though is still a mystery. I tested these two multiple times.

All tests were done in Training mode to a Lv. 9 Computer.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2007
. . .

[*] 3. Learn if it’s possible to stop all below 100% ledge attacks with the chain and if yes is it possible to stop jump from edge as well at the same time?

[*] 4. I’ve seen the dtilt shoot people downward (onstage, never off) it might be able to spike need to test

. . .

[*] Check to see if the chain can beat the ****ing turtle

. . .

[*] edit4: (god **** I'm sorry ideas just keep coming) make a guild on how to expend the chain to it's full length all around sheik with pictures and direction pad instructions pictures as well.

* I would be happy to test this with you on WiFi.

* I have definitely spiked people who were hanging on the ledge with Sheik's dtilt.

* It can beat the turtle, but not the sausage.

* This one I'd be happy to do over the weekend. I've been experimenting with this on my own and getting reacquainted with the reverse chain lock. Wow, if you get someone in a reverse chainlock it almost guarantees you a stock against most characters. Seriously, I'm putting up a replay in a second.


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
**** son, you actually did some testing!

Thank you East for all of your hard work. I'll do what I can do add theses to my style when possible since ftilt shield pressure + poking will be useful when allowed

~has yet another reason to spam ftilt.~

Oh and villi.... I'll take you up on that offer lag will decide how easily are result will be to achieve and if it's too bad then we wont be able to do anything


Smash Rookie
Dec 3, 2007

Also, while there has a been a recent post on counterpicks, I feel like a more complete discussion of not only counterpicks but also of being counterpicked would be nice.


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
haha, ville used the reverse chain lock on me last night in some 3 am friendlies and after seeing it **** a couple of my stocks away I'm sooo going to invest some time into learning it.


The tilt lock is goldy when it can actually work on people but on the match ups that it can't like marth or mario or jigglypuff the chain lock might just be the next best thing....Although I'm fairly sure Marth would be able to ^B out of it because of the special properties of Marth ^B.

Oh and other news you guys are going to notice a sharp decline of me being on the boards for a little while. Last night I bought "Fable 2" and "Dead Space" and I really want to kick them both of them in the balls before doing some hardcore testing/playing of brawl again.

Besides, I've been playing like **** recently anyways U_U


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
lol, definitely going to learn this and start busting it out in friendlies:)...........that was too good.


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
How was that reverse chain lock done?
Taken from the guide:

You can chainlock someone that is behind you by [jiggling the joystick] between South-SouthEast, SouthEast and East-SouthEast, assuming you're facing West. By hitting them with the end of the chain (by quickly tapping towards them), at low percentages, it will knock them infront of you where you can chainlock again.

This works beautifully on certain large, recovering characters like C. Falcon or Ganondorf who are unable to do anything after their third jump.

When doing the reverse chainlock, you will slide forwards in the direction Sheik is facing at a moderate pace, like walking. Since the chainlock has a tendancy to push the opponent infront of Sheik, you should be able to hold them longer.
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