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Expanding the Smash community with Reddit [Calling all Brawl players]


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
Just to clear up any confusion, I also posted a [modified] version of this thread in Melee Discussion. I'm posting it here too because I'm trying to reach out to as many smashers as possible and know that many Brawl players here don't check the Melee forum.

I'm sure most of you are familiar with reddit, but if you aren't, reddit is an extremely large general interest internet community. The basic premise is that people post topics or interesting links and people vote on them (an upvote or a downvote). Heavily upvoted posts tend to go viral since they appear on the front few pages of reddit, where they are even further upvoted.

Now, within reddit there are thousands of "subreddits." Subreddits are subcommunities of reddit catering to a specific interest, such as gaming, music, art, etc. If you subscribe to a subreddit, then you'll see upvoted posts in that subreddit in addition to all the popular stuff on the main page. There are subreddits for individual gaming communities, and this is where Smash comes in.

A list of gaming subreddits can be seen here. As you can see, games such as Minecraft, Starcraft, TF2, WoW, and Pokemon have over 10000 subscribers. That's likely way more than the number of people that actively browse Smashboards. Even single player games like the Elder Scrolls games have around 1000 subscribers. Now, if all these games can have these kind of reddit communities, why not Smash?

I think one of the biggest problems with the Smash community, in terms of outreach, is that it is very isolated. Your average gamer knows that competitive Starcraft exists, but very few people (relative to the amount of people that play the game) know about competitive Smash. I think that Reddit is one way to address this problem. If we can get a Smash community going there, we can quickly advertise tournaments, livestreams, combo videos, and other things related to competitive Smash to thousands of new people.

The link to the Smash subreddit is www.reddit.com/r/smashbros
It has been pretty defunct for 3 years now and has only 75 subscribers. The main issue here is that people won't subscribe to an inactive subreddit. If we can somehow work to create activity on r/smashbros, we can attract the general population of reddit. Obviously these players may all be casual players, or even people just looking forward to the newly announced games, but that doesn't matter. If we can expose these people to competitive Smash, I bet we can get some new faces into this community.

Also, the community there right now is extremely Melee-centric. I don't personally have a problem with this since I love Melee, but in order to get growth, you need significant Brawl representation. That's another reason why I'm posting this here.

Sorry if this is a long read. If you need clarification on anything, or has any ideas, please post here. And just to make it clear, I'm not advocating migrating to reddit, nor am I just advertising another Smash site. I'm asking you all to try to generate some activity on r/smashbros, so the general reddit gaming community will take notice and subscribe, and then keep it active without any help from Smashboards.

btw it's worth mentioning that I've contacted the founder of r/smashbros and got him to make me a moderator (my account there is Elbedhar), so I have full control over the subreddit.

TLDR: Let's try to form a Smash community on reddit. Go to www.reddit.com/r/smashbros, subscribe, post stuff, and tell your friends. We can hopefully expand the Smash community by doing this.


Smash Lord
Aug 7, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
One of the problems with competitive smash is that the majority of casual SSB players are like...10 years old, which makes it a problem for them to attend tourneys or get into competitive smash. I think this'll have more potential if you wait till around when SSB4 comes out, cause getting into the competitive scene now is a tad late, since afaik, the active scene right now is already slowly dying.


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
One of the problems with competitive smash is that the majority of casual SSB players are like...10 years old, which makes it a problem for them to attend tourneys or get into competitive smash. I think this'll have more potential if you wait till around when SSB4 comes out, cause getting into the competitive scene now is a tad late, since afaik, the active scene right now is already slowly dying.
It's only slowly dying because outreach sucks. People just don't know that competitive Smash exists (also many believe nobody plays Melee anymore), and reddit is a good way to fix that problem. In only 4 days the amount of subscribers on r/smashbros has doubled. Imagine the potential if we can keep up that kind of growth rate.

btw, someone posted this in r/gaming:

I highly suggest upvoting it so more redditors see it.


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
r/smashbros now has nearly 200 subscribers, yet there's only been a single Brawl post made. C'mon Brawl community step it up.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
You should spread the word, let people know about this thread, I believe you can make it happen. =D



Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
You should spread the word, let people know about this thread, I believe you can make it happen. =D

I'm trying to do so in such a way that I'm not spamming every forum with "hey guys let's post stuff on reddit!" If the Brawl community is interested in using reddit to promote themselves, I'm hoping they'll expand upon my initiative.

Sounds interesting. What sort of community exists there already? I take it that it has more content besides smash.
It's an extremely large general internet community with millions of users. In a way it is basically a customizable news source / forum.


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
Your idea is very cool, but I've noticed that a lot of your community is Melee. I've made my own subreddit called r/SuperSmashBrosBrawl, for specifically Brawl related things.
The community is only Melee-centric because Brawlers aren't stepping it up to represent your game. Melee players responded extremely positively to this idea, hence all of the Melee activity. Decentralization of an already small community is possibly the worst thing you can do if you want growth. Please post Brawl stuff to r/smashbros so that redditors will see r/smashbros as the place for all Smash players, not just Melee and 64 players.

Dr. R.O.Botnik

Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2011
The community is only Melee-centric because Brawlers aren't stepping it up to represent your game. Melee players responded extremely positively to this idea, hence all of the Melee activity. Decentralization of an already small community is possibly the worst thing you can do if you want growth. Please post Brawl stuff to r/smashbros so that redditors will see r/smashbros as the place for all Smash players, not just Melee and 64 players.
Okay, but, just saying, that's not why it's Melee-centric. It's Melee-centric because reddit is Melee-centric.


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
If reddit is Melee-centric, then how can you possibly get your Brawl subreddit to be really active? To me it's kind of like crawling out in the woods to die. In fact, the top-2 posts on r/smashbros currently are Brawl-related, and the 4th is related to the new Smash.


Smash Lord
Aug 10, 2010
Saskatoon, SK
I'm subscribed. It's awesome. It's extremely redundant to say this but it's like Reddit and Smash Bros combined. The technology allowing me to see the cool stuff that I see in r/gaming and frontpage can now be utilized to bring me the latest cool new things and big news in the smash community. Love it.


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
I want to bump this to ask why the Brawl community seems extremely uninterested in this project. Almost every post is Melee-related because nobody is posting stuff related to Brawl. People seem to be concerned about getting bullied by the Melee players, but I will work to make it a fair place to post Brawl stuff.
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