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Elma for Smash Ultimate: Strength comes from experience. That’s true on any planet.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2014
North Dakota
Soraya Saga just retweeted the Japanese, European and American E3 Nintendo Direct announcements, and she has a bit of a habit of not doing that unless something Xenoblade related is getting announced. Now, being totally realistic, if anything Xenoblade related is revealed, it's probably just news on the last story DLC for XC2.

Buuuuut, it could also be an X port, an X2 reveal, or.... well, I'm sure you know what I'm thinking.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018

So this is a thing.
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Smash Lord
May 7, 2015
So something occurred to me recently, voice clips can be recycled meaning that a new recording session wouldn't be needed. Just food for thought.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
So something occurred to me recently, voice clips can be recycled meaning that a new recording session wouldn't be needed. Just food for thought.
They can be but wouldn't they still have to contact the actor and get their permission to use them again? and for playable characters I'm doubtful they'd reuse lines tbh


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2014
Skye Bennet seems very genuine in her twitter. I don't think she's lying and she would know if Nintendo had plans for Pyra in Smash Bros, they would have told her before adding her, so we can assume Rex & Pyra are not playable characters, at least not for now.

So this really increase Elma's chances, because I'm 99 % sure they would add a Xenoblade newcomer


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2017
Yeah, that sounds about right. I'm guessing Rex/Pyra are DLC, and we get Elma in the main cast. I highly doubt they wouldn't have Rex as DLC if he doesn't get into the main game. Honestly, I'm happy that way. Means we might get both Xeno reps!


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Given the potential Rex and Pyra would have as a pair, they'd be better suited as DLC since they would likely require a bit more work, and DLC would allow the devs to focus more on refining them without worrying too much about other content as much.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2014
Yeah, that sounds about right. I'm guessing Rex/Pyra are DLC, and we get Elma in the main cast. I highly doubt they wouldn't have Rex as DLC if he doesn't get into the main game. Honestly, I'm happy that way. Means we might get both Xeno reps!
Yes, that's the best thing that can happen. I want both of them but Elma first. Then I would totally buy Rex as DLC if he can't be in the starting roster with Elma


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2014
North Dakota
This also happened. Anybody can edit IMDB, and I'm guessing somebody is abusing that privilege to troll people. I believe this also happened in the leadup to Smash 4. I'd encourage everybody not to take any voice cast listings from that site seriously until the game is out.
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Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
If I were a little more crazy, I would edit in Elma's VA just to see how she reacts...:troll:

Deleted member

Recently finished up my 3rd Xenoblade X playthrough. Still have to grind out for the postgame, but this run has made me realize why everyone loves Elma. Obviously you have to use her for pretty much every mission and she's basically the main character, but there really aren't many playable characters that get actual screentime. It's pretty much only Lin and Elma with the occasional Gwin/Irina/Doug/L. And of the two, Lin is super annoying (at least imo, like why does she have to yell at Tatsu and threaten to cook him every time he speaks), leaving Elma as the likable, mysterious, and badass lead. Plus she's super broken in the main story because she can perform infinite overdrive with decoys and high DPS from Shadowrunner + Backgroud Noise/Hundred Shells and Executioner soon as you unlock the mechanic.

Regarding the 2nd Skye Bennett thing, I'm now convinced that R&P aren't in the base game. I already was starting to think they were highly unlikely, but this + Sakurai's Skell-like figurine seal my prediction that we'll have Elma in the base game and Rex & Pyra as DLC.

Btw, replaying X again has got me to think of a way to incorporate Shadowrunner's "Disables enemy detection" attribute, the most interesting part of the aura: Have it disable Elma's skid animation so she can dash dance at any point of her run. This stays true to FMJ's focus on moving around to get the correct positioning.

Bebe Mignon

Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2014
This marks the fourth studio they've opened. In addition to the main studio in Tokyo and the supplementary studio in Kyoto, they opened a third studio in Nakameguro in Tokyo last year. Honestly, after Xenoblade 2's success, their expansion doesn't surprise me. I hope this accelerates the production of their new IP. Very exciting times going forward for Monolith Soft. :)
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
This marks the fourth studio they've opened. In addition to the main studio in Tokyo and the supplementary studio in Kyoto, they opened a third studio in Nakameguro in Tokyo last year. Honestly, after Xenoblade 2's success, their expansion doesn't surprise me. I hope this accelerates the production of their new IP. Very exciting times going forward for Monolith Soft. :)
Monolith Soft has grown so much much after Xenoblade, I’m crying.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017
Someone tweeted out a “leak” of hints of newcomers that were to be revealed at E3. This includes a Key, A mecha looking suit, and Simon Says.

Meaning Elma has been leaked yet again as being a newcomer for this game.

What do you guys think of this.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
Someone tweeted out a “leak” of hints of newcomers that were to be revealed at E3. This includes a Key, A mecha looking suit, and Simon Says.

Meaning Elma has been leaked yet again as being a newcomer for this game.

What do you guys think of this.
Sounds like someone trying to piggyback off of that imgur leak tbh, and apparently he said that there was supposed to be a pokemon direct back in april when there wasn't, the guy doesn't seem credible at all.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2014
I don't think Elma's initial debut material. They'll want big names and third parties front and centre, unless they have other X news to go with it I can't see her - or any X rep - being revealed yet.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
I don't think Elma's initial debut material. They'll want big names and third parties front and centre, unless they have other X news to go with it I can't see her - or any X rep - being revealed yet.
Wii fit trainer was also one of the 3 reveals of smash 4 though, who knows really. And maybe we'll even get an X port and they'll reveal Elma to tie it in or something.

Dr. Jojo Phantasma

The Chessmaster
Mar 8, 2018
Assuming it is true which I doubt, it means Sakurai wanted Rex, but Elma got saved by the higher ups, lol. Rex will be 99.9% DLC at this point and we can have both Elma and Rex so both fanbases can rejoice.
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Bebe Mignon

Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2014
Unfortunately, that rumor is completely (and obviously) false.

I actually hate that there are "rumors" of Elma being in the roster... I'll be super salty if she ever gets disconfirmed. T_T


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2014
North Dakota
Even if that is fake, which it most likely is, that's not a bad way of incorporating the Soul Voice system from X. I've been struggling to come up with a way to add it to Elma' s moveset myself, and the best I could come up with would be to tie it to one of her specials like WFT's deep breathing, which isn't very original or exciting.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL

So this is a thing.
I mentioned this in the Rex thread as well. Skye, in general, is very cautious, even getting Nintendo's blessing to do a stream of Xeno2. At the same time, she mentioned that she doesn't have any gigs in an interview with Jay RPG but we know for a fact her character(S) will be part of the story DLC. There is a good chance she isn't telling the truth. Other VAs have done this including Chrom's VA for Smash 4, even up to a month before Robin's reveal. He even said he wasn't contacted at least on one other occasion.

If you compare the two characters, there is no contest, Rex/Pyra are the better choices. They are more unique, Sakurai likes duo characters, they are more popular overall (only Smash Boards seems to have more people want Elma), and their game fits more thematically with Xeno1 (easily could see Gotmott being a stage a la Gaur Plains). The only argument against them is the timing thing, but we've seen enough characters, stages ect get in Smash despite the game releasing the year prior.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
I mentioned this in the Rex thread as well. Skye, in general, is very cautious, even getting Nintendo's blessing to do a stream of Xeno2. At the same time, she mentioned that she doesn't have any gigs in an interview with Jay RPG but we know for a fact her character(S) will be part of the story DLC. There is a good chance she isn't telling the truth. Other VAs have done this including Chrom's VA for Smash 4, even up to a month before Robin's reveal. He even said he wasn't contacted at least on one other occasion.

If you compare the two characters, there is no contest, Rex/Pyra are the better choices. They are more unique, Sakurai likes duo characters, they are more popular overall (only Smash Boards seems to have more people want Elma), and their game fits more thematically with Xeno1 (easily could see Gotmott being a stage a la Gaur Plains). The only argument against them is the timing thing, but we've seen enough characters, stages ect get in Smash despite the game releasing the year prior.
We'll have to see but if she's really involved I don't think going out of your way to tell people you haven't been contacted about it is the best solution. Do you have a source on Chrom? From what I know he was only saying he didn't know back in 2012/2013.

Idk if I'd really call them more unique, the only thing that makes them distinct is the duo mechanic, other than that Rex is pretty much a monado artless Shulk. Elma on the other hand has a distinct weapon, and X's combat is so deep that there's a plethora of ways to make her unique, from tp to stance changing to soul voices to overdrive.
Popularity isn't a factor given that the time at which they were decided for the roster nobody had any idea who they were.
The game fitting more with Xenoblade 1 isn't really a positive, if anything it's a negative tbh, X represents a different and more distinct side of the franchise which is sure to continue.
The major thing Rex has over Elma is relevancy and that's pretty much it.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
We'll have to see but if she's really involved I don't think going out of your way to tell people you haven't been contacted about it is the best solution. Do you have a source on Chrom? From what I know he was only saying he didn't know back in 2012/2013.

Idk if I'd really call them more unique, the only thing that makes them distinct is the duo mechanic, other than that Rex is pretty much a monado artless Shulk. Elma on the other hand has a distinct weapon, and X's combat is so deep that there's a plethora of ways to make her unique, from tp to stance changing to soul voices to overdrive.
Popularity isn't a factor given that the time at which they were decided for the roster nobody had any idea who they were.
The game fitting more with Xenoblade 1 isn't really a positive, if anything it's a negative tbh, X represents a different and more distinct side of the franchise which is sure to continue.
The major thing Rex has over Elma is relevancy and that's pretty much it.
The Blade/Driver mechanics make for a totally unique character and adds some elements the other characters don't have. Positioning increases your power, Pyra can be "tagged in" for certain attacks, she can block attacks ect. Elma doesn't really do much we haven't seen before. Stance change? We already have that with Shulk. Duel swords? Thats the same argument for "this character has a spear" and it doesn't make a unique character in of itself. Driver/Blade adds far more than Elma does and I don't think you can deny that. Also, series go for consistency rather than being different. Look at Metroid or DK. They use very similar level types. Metroid had 3 stages with lava and Other M's stage still used a fire motif. Pokemon almost always has an arena. They'll select something that is consistent rather than something that is different. Same goes for the music. It works better if the music from the games all mesh together as these songs will appear on the same stage.

On relevance, it matters a lot. They'll usually take from the newer game if given a choice. Pokemon is an obvious example of this. Another one is New Super Mario Bros. The stages are based on the 3DS and Wii U game rather than the DS and Wii games.

I'll have to find the Chrom thing. Got it from a Reddit thread. It was him responding to the question at a panel. Its on YouTube somewhere


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
I don't think I ever posted in here, but count me in as a fan. Elma would make for a very interesting fighter with her dual guns. I'm feeling really good about her being in the base game.

Also not gonna lie I would live to have more POC in the game.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
The Blade/Driver mechanics make for a totally unique character and adds some elements the other characters don't have. Positioning increases your power, Pyra can be "tagged in" for certain attacks, she can block attacks ect. Elma doesn't really do much we haven't seen before. Stance change? We already have that with Shulk. Duel swords? Thats the same argument for "this character has a spear" and it doesn't make a unique character in of itself. Driver/Blade adds far more than Elma does and I don't think you can deny that. Also, series go for consistency rather than being different. Look at Metroid or DK. They use very similar level types. Metroid had 3 stages with lava and Other M's stage still used a fire motif. Pokemon almost always has an arena. They'll select something that is consistent rather than something that is different. Same goes for the music. It works better if the music from the games all mesh together as these songs will appear on the same stage.

On relevance, it matters a lot. They'll usually take from the newer game if given a choice. Pokemon is an obvious example of this. Another one is New Super Mario Bros. The stages are based on the 3DS and Wii U game rather than the DS and Wii games.

I'll have to find the Chrom thing. Got it from a Reddit thread. It was him responding to the question at a panel. Its on YouTube somewhere
Yeah personally I don't find Pyra standing in the background powering rex up while rex is a standard swordsman particularly interesting when compared to Elma tbh, her tagging in for an attack or 2 is pretty much the most interesting thing about it.
Both could be unique but I think Elma would make the more interesting character and a more distinct character from Shulk himself. Also shulk isn't a stance changer...not quite sure where you're getting that from, he changes his stats but not his attacks.

Consistency isn't really an argument, Metroid and DK don't have alternative series that are completely different from the main main titles. Representing that different side of the franchise is more notable.

Relevance does matter but we know sakurai likes to play a game and get a feel for the character before creating a moveset for them like he did Robin. Greninja has been the only exception when it comes to unique characters being chosen before their game released and not only is pokemon one of nintendo's biggest franchises, pokemon by nature are very simple in design so creating a moveset for them comes easier with only concept art to work with, the same can't be said for Rex.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Yeah personally I don't find Pyra standing in the background powering rex up while rex is a standard swordsman particularly interesting when compared to Elma tbh, her tagging in for an attack or 2 is pretty much the most interesting thing about it.
Both could be unique but I think Elma would make the more interesting character and a more distinct character from Shulk himself. Also shulk isn't a stance changer...not quite sure where you're getting that from, he changes his stats but not his attacks.

Consistency isn't really an argument, Metroid and DK don't have alternative series that are completely different from the main main titles. Representing that different side of the franchise is more notable.

Relevance does matter but we know sakurai likes to play a game and get a feel for the character before creating a moveset for them like he did Robin. Greninja has been the only exception when it comes to unique characters being chosen before their game released and not only is pokemon one of nintendo's biggest franchises, pokemon by nature are very simple in design so creating a moveset for them comes easier with only concept art to work with, the same can't be said for Rex.
Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, said that each person has their own movie going on in their head. I think that's pretty clear with your post.

The argument for uniqueness is "This character isn't THAT unique." You really haven't presented anything that differentiates Elma for the other characters besides changing from Melee weapons to guns. We already have characters that use projectiles and melee weapons so why does the fact of changing between them make this character really stand out? In contrast to a two character tag team with a lot of dynamics, doesn't seem that unique. Also, Smash has already done that kind of change with characters like Zelda and Pokemon Trainer and it was far more interesting with them. Its one problem people have when they talk character abilities is they come up with a nebulous checklist of things the character can do but not what really sets them apart. Its a kind of square peg in a round hole. Also, this is kind of the same as all Elma conversations. Its not why Elma makes sense but why she is better than Rex. The character doesn't stand up well on her own in comparison.

Your point about consistency makes no sense. These series could have unique and different stage designs but they will more likely trend to what the series is known for. DK stays in the Jungle. Metroid stays either underground or in some facility. Pikmin is always in some forest with big objects. Pokemon is always in an arena. The series branch out a bit, but not often and its usually the big ones with a lot of diverse titles. In Xenoblade's case, Alrest does a better job of repping the series than Mira does. The same goes for music where Xeno2 is closer to 1.

You're incorrect about relevancy in general. Both Brawl and 4 had content from games released within the year prior to Smash's release. Lucas, for instance, didn't have his game come out until Late April 2006 with Brawl originally coming out in 2007. There is also content from Twilight Princess, Kirby Squeak Squad, Electroplankton, Drill Dozer and Star Fox Command, all games that came out in 2006. Smash 4 was originally going to have Alph as a playable character and Pikmin 3 released in mid 2013. The stage was also based off this game. Game and Wario, Yoshi Wooly World and Mario Kart 8 all had stages despite releasing in 2013 and onward. There are enough examples to show that if a character comes out in the year prior, it can get in. We haven't seen a situation where a character wasn't added because it was too late. Best example I could find was the Hunters from Metroid Prime Hunters but this is more likely due to them not being great on their own and Brawl already having a lot of characters to choose from. Its basically an unfounded theory.
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Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, said that each person has their own movie going on in their head. I think that's pretty clear with your post.

The argument for uniqueness is "This character isn't THAT unique." You really haven't presented anything that differentiates Elma for the other characters besides changing from Melee weapons to guns. We already have characters that use projectiles and melee weapons so why does the fact of changing between them make this character really stand out? In contrast to a two character tag team with a lot of dynamics, doesn't seem that unique. Also, Smash has already done that kind of change with characters like Zelda and Pokemon Trainer and it was far more interesting with them. Its one problem people have when they talk character abilities is they come up with a nebulous checklist of things the character can do but not what really sets them apart. Its a kind of square peg in a round hole. Also, this is kind of the same as all Elma conversations. Its not why Elma makes sense but why she is better than Rex. The character doesn't stand up well on her own in comparison.

Your point about consistency makes no sense. These series could have unique and different stage designs but they will more likely trend to what the series is known for. DK stays in the Jungle. Metroid stays either underground or in some facility. Pikmin is always in some forest with big objects. Pokemon is always in an arena. The series branch out a bit, but not often and its usually the big ones with a lot of diverse titles. In Xenoblade's case, Alrest does a better job of repping the series than Mira does. The same goes for music where Xeno2 is closer to 1.

You're incorrect about relevancy in general. Both Brawl and 4 had content from games released within the year prior to Smash's release. Lucas, for instance, didn't have his game come out until Late April 2006 with Brawl originally coming out in 2007. There is also content from Twilight Princess, Kirby Squeak Squad, Electroplankton, Drill Dozer and Star Fox Command, all games that came out in 2006. Smash 4 was originally going to have Alph as a playable character and Pikmin 3 released in mid 2013. The stage was also based off this game. Game and Wario, Yoshi Wooly World and Mario Kart 8 all had stages despite releasing in 2013 and onward. There are enough examples to show that if a character comes out in the year prior, it can get in. We haven't seen a situation where a character wasn't added because it was too late. Best example I could find was the Hunters from Metroid Prime Hunters but this is more likely due to them not being great on their own and Brawl already having a lot of characters to choose from. Its basically an unfounded theory.
Let's agree to disagree but I think both could be interesting and unique characters in their own regard but I personally find rex to be less interesting moveset wise due to his existing similarities to shulk. Elma using a different weapon is still different from a visual standpoint and her fighting style would be very different from any other swordfighter in the game, she'd be quick with rapid-fire projectile attacks to go along with that, there's no other character that can do that and she'd have a unique and distinct playstyle cause of it. There's also a tp mechanic that could be added if that's really not enough to set her apart.

Once again my point about consistency still stands, to properly represent a series they should represent both sides of said series, considering the Xenoblade Chronicles and the Xenoblade Chronicles X games are completely different from one another but still equally part of the same series both deserve to be represented.

Most of the things you said weren't characters and characters take far more development time than things like stages do. The only notable thing is lucas who's game was delayed and was supposed to come out earlier and was still a clone of ness, he barely takes anything from his home games moveset wise.


Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2018
I mentioned this in the Rex thread as well. Skye, in general, is very cautious, even getting Nintendo's blessing to do a stream of Xeno2. At the same time, she mentioned that she doesn't have any gigs in an interview with Jay RPG but we know for a fact her character(S) will be part of the story DLC. There is a good chance she isn't telling the truth.
This is true and i think nobody's denying that. This is character speculation after all.

If you compare the two characters, there is no contest, Rex/Pyra are the better choices. They are more unique, Sakurai likes duo characters, they are more popular overall (only Smash Boards seems to have more people want Elma), and their game fits more thematically with Xeno1 (easily could see Gotmott being a stage a la Gaur Plains). The only argument against them is the timing thing, but we've seen enough characters, stages ect get in Smash despite the game releasing the year prior.
Uniqueness is, like almost everything you've said, a very subjective feature that i'll discuss later.

Popularity is a fact (also relative), but not mandatory to become a Smash character. It's not a surprise its popularity though because XC2 outsold XCX, and XCX outsold XC1, considering that it was in a console which its market was AWFUL (probably the worst of the entire videogame industry), it's a very good spot.
Following that logic, Ness and Lucas should be removed in Smash 4 just because they don't make games anymore and as you can see it's not the case.
Same with Fire Emblem which.. before awakening was not in the best spot. Friendly reminder that the promotional characters DO exist. (Roy and Corrin)
This could benefit her not because her timing now, also because XCX 2 could exist and use her as a promotional character.

"(only Smash Boards seems to have more people want Elma)"

I'm gonna answer you this argument even though I shouldn't. I'm sorry but this seems a very poor argument, the only thing i can assume from this is that you don't want the character by any means. I don't understand you with this argument.

11# most wanted newcomer in resetera "https://www.resetera.com/threads/su...-st3-on-path-to-e3.44544/page-78#post-8607245"

Not neccessarily to watch them. Just to see the popularity it is for a not so popular game compared to XC2.
Also a reminder that Bayonetta was the winner of the ballot character even though she wasn't even in top 15 in A LOT of surveys. Yes, it was "realizable characters" but what i mean with that is that not all supports their character in forums. This is not something that Elma has neccessarily in her favour, just that the argument makes zero sense besides not being true.

and their game fits more thematically with Xeno1 (easily could see Gotmott being a stage a la Gaur Plains).
They'll select something that is consistent rather than something that is different.
What about Primordia from Xenoblade Chronicles X? Still, not sense at all, being consistent is not something with modifications in designs. The only thing "consistent" regarding in stages (Smash 4) are Smashville and Town and City. Only the two similar ones in terms of "design".

The Blade/Driver mechanics make for a totally unique character and adds some elements the other characters don't have. Positioning increases your power, Pyra can be "tagged in" for certain attacks, she can block attacks ect. Elma doesn't really do much we haven't seen before. Stance change? We already have that with Shulk. Duel swords? Thats the same argument for "this character has a spear" and it doesn't make a unique character in of itself. Driver/Blade adds far more than Elma does and I don't think you can deny that. Also, series go for consistency rather than being different. Look at Metroid or DK. They use very similar level types. Metroid had 3 stages with lava and Other M's stage still used a fire motif. Pokemon almost always has an arena. They'll select something that is consistent rather than something that is different. Same goes for the music. It works better if the music from the games all mesh together as these songs will appear on the same stage.

On relevance, it matters a lot. They'll usually take from the newer game if given a choice. Pokemon is an obvious example of this. Another one is New Super Mario Bros. The stages are based on the 3DS and Wii U game rather than the DS and Wii games.

I'll have to find the Chrom thing. Got it from a Reddit thread. It was him responding to the question at a panel. Its on YouTube somewhere
I'm not gonna lie that Blade/Driver mechanic would be superfun to watch, or play at the very least. But it could also have its problems
Shulk doesn't even change stance in his original game. They are only attacks or change properties on the entire party or itself.
Yes, the duel swords are unique, nobody in Smash has it (only Bayonetta, which has dual guns).
Also, that is not only the thing that make Elma's moveset unique. Overdrive mechanic could function as a some sort of KO punch, and even could be combined with Soul Voice alone to be rewarded with a predictable move but powerful one or make some move but not as powerful as it was with the Soul Voice. Also the Skell at the Final Smash. His abilities CANNOT be changed because she can't change class in his original, which make her unique. (or atleast not so flexible)
Even if you don't want to add any of that, you can always put her true form, even though it's a HUGE spoiler.
Yes, maybe not as unique as Rex/Pyra, but welcome to the world of opinions and perspectives.
Making her wouldn't be super hard because some moves could be modified from Bayonetta's. (example sliding slinger)
You can even make a entire moveset without touching a single of her guns.
Xenoblade X's story is not the strong part and everyone who played it knows absolutely that but it doesn't make it a bad game. Being Elma the best character of that game.

About her stage, again, because they are different games, you've literally answered yourself. If there's a Xeno X stage , would be with its music. And if there's a Xeno 2 stage, there'd be Xeno 1/2 OST. This is not about likes or dislikes, it just because it fits better with the world you're feeling at.
Try to swap Sawano's OST and Xeno 2 OST and then play the game. I'd probably stop playing because it doesn't fit in anyway with the world and its story.
I assume you said the consistency because of the stages which i've already responded.

To finish this quickly, relevancy and consistency are very very subjective and relative besides the orientations and speculations we could get. The only argument you've gave me about the consistency it's just because the music would fit better. However this is more than obvious and if a X stage gets added would probably be with Sawano's Music. And this is not rare considering that Yoshi or Wario are tecnically Mario characters, besides showing its own logo (Yoshi's Island and Wario Ware) As all we already know, Xenoblade and Xenoblade X are pretty different games. Personally i don't imagine Halberd music in Dreamland stage or Suzaku Castle music in any other possible SF stage.

I have no more time to respond a lot what you've guys said. Don't get me wrong I love Xenoblade, and i REALLY hope both would get added because they really deserved it in my opinion. But iniating a discussion with.. 2 days left.. i think it's just much worth the waiting. After all this is character speculation and once they get in Smash it could be very hard to be cut (or even appear, if there'd be another smash in the very very future) so i can understand frustration from our favorite characters.

Sorry from my bad English, i wish i could explain myself better.
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Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2014
In Xenoblade's case, Alrest does a better job of repping the series than Mira does.
...their game fits more thematically with Xeno1 (easily could see Gotmott being a stage a la Gaur Plains).
So basically you only care for one style of Xenoblade game and think all Smash content should represent that. That's your problem. Monolith Soft and Takahashi have made it clear time and time again they're interested in doing both styles of game (story-driven and exploration-driven). They want to port X (as said in two different interviews so far) and would be interested in doing a sequel if possible (as said in the XB2 OST book). They're not going to throw one under the bus for the other. In that regard, it makes more sense to have Elma (and a Mira stage, any continent besides Primordia) because she IS from the style of game that isn't already present. You're saying it'd be smarter to put in an Alrest stage because it's similar to something we already have and we must follow arbitrary patterns. You're crazy if you think "it's like what we already have" is a good argument for putting something in. Chrom got kicked out for Robin for this reason.

Elma has more than enough to support a moveset that's fun and worth adding without reinventing the wheel.
  • Her arts in XCX emphasize positioning and movement. They either have positional bonuses (bonus damage from side/back, TP when attacking from side), physically move her (Sliding Slinger, Stream Edge) or grant her openings to let her reposition or close in (buffs/auras like Shadowrunner, Ghost Factory, Blood Sacrifice, Killing Machine)
  • She obviously has two weapons, which can be played up or down as needed (it doesn't need to be a stance move; you don't have to swap in X to go from a melee art to a gun art)
  • Her animations use lots of stylish gunkata or dual swordsmanship, which complements her commando skillset
  • Sakurai looks at the original game for inspiration (ie Samus's floatiness), which means if he wants a central gimmick he can use Soul Voices, Tension Points, secondary cooldowns etc or base Elma's movement on X (and moving around in X feels great, instead of the plodding slow experience that is getting around in 1 or 2)
  • Giant Robot Final Smash.
So you have a character who always wants to fight an opponent from a certain angle (behind, below, above) to maximize their output. They have the tools and mobility to get around, and the options of fighting at range or up close. They're strong when they control the flow of battle, but only when they use their kit to the fullest. That's a fine basis for a character. A character can be "swordsman but they hurt more at the tip" if their animations and characteristics are built around that core idea (ie Marth has trouble killing with sourspots - Elma would have some equivalent weakness). You don't need gimmicks like "their partner runs around in the background like a ball and chain and grants proximity-based buffs" which just end up shooting you in the foot because -surprise surprise- anyone with two braincells is going to do their damndest to not fight you while you're next to your ball and chain.

If you compare the two characters, there is no contest, Rex/Pyra are the better choices.
Driver/Blade adds far more than Elma does and I don't think you can deny that
Not with the examples you've been putting forward lmao. A duo character where one part of the duo is invulnerable the entire time doesn't scream out "fun unique character" to me. With Rosalina you can knock out Luma temporarily. With Ice Climbers you can get rid of Nana. That creates a unique risk-reward for both players that's simple and intuitive for both players. Trying to fight Rex and not being able to hit the person buffing him would be awful and unintuitive- even in XB2 canon drivers are meant to protect their blades (as explored in the Dughall fight) and fight alongside each other (as seen every time you pass off a weapon for a Blade Art). I understand that Blades aren't targets in XB2's combat system. But I also understand it's more fun to change mechanics when you adapt them for a platform fighting game.

I do think Rex and Pyra would make for interesting characters. I don't think they'd be better additions than Elma when you take how much more XCX content would add to the variety within Smash compared to XB2. I also don't think they'll be in the base roster considering how the game's project plan is handled. If they do get in hopefully it's with a moveset that plays up the "Blade and Driver as one" idea instead of the Pokemon Trainer 0.5 concept people keep throwing out.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2018
I think Elma might be my second most wanted character for Smash. I think the character herself is alright, though I prefer her Japanese version over her English self.

The biggest reason I think I'd feel hyped about her inclusion though would be what she represents, which is my favorite of the three Xenoblade games, Xenoblade Chronicles X (which will probably become its own series if X2 comes to fruition), and the fact that my favorite Japanese composer, Hiroyuki Sawano, scored the music for her game which would likely be featured in Smash alongside her (Sawano's music alone would have me beyond excited for the new Smash game). Plus her build, looks, weapons, and abilities all feel like something that would be both different and fun in Smash's setting. She'd be a character I'd probably would like to main if my most wanted character, Isaac from Golden Sun, doesn't get in.

Bebe Mignon

Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2014
The time is nigh! This could be the day Elma gets confirmed or worse...disconfirmed. Whatever the outcome, I have to admit that I don't think I'm prepared. LOL

In any case, do you have any final words you'd like to say?

"Breach team, let's go!"


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018
The time is nigh! This could be the day Elma gets confirmed or worse...disconfirmed. Whatever the outcome, I have to admit that I don't think I'm prepared. LOL

In any case, do you have any final words you'd like to say?

"Breach team, let's go!"
I'm honestly just in disbelief that we're so close, If the Ridley rumours are true that would be more than enough for me but I'm still holding onto hope we could see Elma or Dixie or someone else I care about. And I'm still hoping we could get that Xenoblade X port cause it's a game that deserves better.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2014
Kunihiko Tanaka, the character artist of Xenoblade X and Xenogears + KosMos RE in Xenoblade 2 retweeted the direct. High hopes for an X port or Elma reveal, but there'll probably be Xeno content in the direct anyways; Soraya Saga already retweeted it.

My last words are "all of Elma's melee soul voices playing at once and overlapping".

Bebe Mignon

Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2014
Kunihiko Tanaka, the character artist of Xenoblade X and Xenogears + KosMos RE in Xenoblade 2 retweeted the direct. High hopes for an X port or Elma reveal, but there'll probably be Xeno content in the direct anyways; Soraya Saga already retweeted it.

My last words are "all of Elma's melee soul voices playing at once and overlapping".
Don't do this to me! :(


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Just be sure to keep in mind that not everybody is going to be confirmed today - there's still plenty of time between now and when the game releases.
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