Elma is wonderful to play in XC2. Overdrive is a powertrip and of course the character is cool. I have her affinity chart complete and into S5 affinity, and she's maxed out on Nia, Morag, and Zeke.. all of which she does just fine on. Her being in XC2 was the hypest thing added to the game outside of Torna. She's got some really nice rewarding heart to hearts and stuff too. Check em out if you haven't.
Also, been lurking this thread off and on for quite some time but haven't said hi here in this generation at least.... was more active in the Smash 4 DLC iteration of this place, back when I was still playing XCX, heh. So, hi!
Still hope for Elma and would be super hyped if she made it in. In my perfect dream world... we'd get Elma, Rex/Aegis, and KOS-MOS. Just a big fat Xeno series fanservice. Make it the next FE for all I care. The more the merrier. But I know realistically, we can only possibly expect one new addition, but any of them would be preferable to none.
Oh sorry, gushed before reading full post,
. Overdrive can be activated when you get full party gauge. It can be reactivated when you get full party gauge again. Each activation increases your bonuses. So by the time you've activated it a third time, you're doing massive damage. I recommend having arts recharge and party gauge increasing pouch items. Elma does great refilling gauge with her multihit specials, but after the first activation you can be using any blade to reactivate. And of course having Wir Fliegen playing in the background the whole time is just awesome.
Real talk.. I can live with and accept not having any new Xenoblade characters in Smash, but the thing that'll hurt the most is not having more of the music. XCX is completely shafted and I can easily name 10 songs that would be great in Smash. And XC2 has some songs, but none of the ones they picked are in my personal top 10. Xenoblade could definitely use some more music representation. It's in a class of it's own and deserves more recognition.