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Elma for Smash Ultimate: Strength comes from experience. That’s true on any planet.


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
Since everyone else is weighing in right now, here's my five cents: If there ends up being absolutely no Xenoblade newcomer in DLC, I'll not be too disappointed, especially if X does end up getting a fair few tracks that are unlockable. I'd not exactly be happy about it though, since the series does have a lot untapped potential. But if there's a DLC newcomer from 2. . . I'll be pissed. A lot.
Unless that newcomer is Team Lora but eh


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2018
Are there any first party characters left for DLC? (If not I will hold a little bit of hope for Elma)
It seems all the top choices first party characters are either trophies or assists.

Like I said in Isaac thread, that leads me to think that the 5 DLC characters are:
  • Either really obscure characters. But that won't sell well, so it won't be that.
  • Not represented franchises or future games. That can be the case for some like Dragon Quest, Minecraft or Phoenix Wright, or even the future Fire Emblem or Pokémon generation, but I really can't see all of the 5 DLC being that.
  • Being a spirit means nothing and, if we want to go further, we may even think that being an AT neither. Some will get upgraded to fighters.
I think it's a mix of both the 2nd and 3rd point. What I hope the most is still there will be at least a second wave of DLC, to get even more communities their choice.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 10, 2018
Look, I know that we all love Elma and XCX, but let's not pretend that "it's disrespectful" to not include specific content just because we want it. If that was the case, then Sakurai has been disrespecting every non-playable character, music (sure, it's disappointing that tracks like Mechonis Field and Unfinished Battle aren't in the game, but that doesn't mean that Sakurai is trying to disrespect those specific parts), and everything else.

Considering how much content is in Ultimate, it's kind of ridiculous to get upset over one specific misstep. It's like saying that I'm not going to buy Mario Kart 8 Deluxe because it doesn't have Honey Queen in it.

Sorry if I sound rude, it just bothers me when people focus on one small issue with an otherwise incredible experience.
In normal situations, it would not be much of a big deal.The gameplay in smash would not be affected much, gameplay been the more important things as ways. Would still be a fighting game where I have to learn to use and make the best of every char and than compete against AI or other people. It still is all this, in fact. So much so that I never minded nor rooted much for a newcomer before.

But with Elma, there is a catch. It is not "muh, my most wanted newcomer is not in, game is garbage". It is the simbolism, the messages behind it that bothers me. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 getting more attention and possibly content than xenoblade x. The message that a game that celebrates Nintendo history is considering X less important, a lower level than Xenoblade 2. This is the problem for me.

And mind you, I am not a xenoblade 2 hater, far from that, so fat that, in a forum of my country, I am the creator of a huge xenoblade 2 topic and I have been helping everyone there with questions about the game and pushing them into like it. I don't doubt I made people there buy xenoblade 2 and enter the xenoblade franchise, in fact, I am sure I did.

But the way an ambitious and incredible project like X was and still being treated, bothers the hell out of me, especially when it comes from the xenoblade fanbase themselves.

this game was the best opportunity to send a positive simbolism, and now we have this, what they thought was enought for X there.

so sorry but I still remain by my claim that it is disrespectful, and I rather save my money to buy X again, direct supporting the Monolith project that could very well lead to a modern xenosaga, than buy a game that chose to treat X as less important.

Smash ultimate seems great, a well done game, impressive project, not denying that. I just saying that I won't compact with the underlying message given about X, within smash ultimate.
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2018
Wisehunter Wisehunter I see where you're coming from, I just don't think this is necessarily Sakurai's fault. I wouldn't be surprised if he got hundreds of thousands of requests for Rex and only a few thousand requests for Elma. Some people will be angry about what wasn't included and refuse to buy the game no matter how much he tries to include, but the backlash from giving the people who wanted Rex nothing would surely be worse than giving Elma nothing. They both got something decent and most Xenoblade fans are still upset... Sakurai was pretty clear that for Ultimate they wanted to focus on bring back old characters/stages.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 18, 2018
Talking about Xenoblade Chronicles 2 do you recommand me to start with the stand alone or the base game?


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
So here's a thought: Has anyone actually asked that person behind the video that showcased the intro to the Elma Spirit battle if they know what music played in the fight? Because I feel like that could be quite helpful.

Talking about Xenoblade Chronicles 2 do you recommand me to start with the stand alone or the base game?
Personally, I wouldn't recommend it at all. But if you're insistent, I'd suggest starting with base game XBC2 over Torna (which I assume is what you mean here), since the story of Torna can be a bit tricky to follow if you're unfamiliar with the story of the base game. Plus, starting with XBC2 makes it far easier to appreciate Torna, I feel.

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
Talking about Xenoblade Chronicles 2 do you recommand me to start with the stand alone or the base game?
It's interesting. Torna is a lot more condensed and cheaper, so it's better suited for starting the XC2 dualogy. But at the same time, speaking of the story, I would suggest playing the main game before Torna, or maybe even trying Takahashi's initial vision of playing the main game up to Chapter 7, then playing the whole of Torna then finishing the main game.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
Switch FC
SW 6762 3529 5300
Let's be real though, Sakurai can do whatever he wants when it comes to DLC. Without Nintendo making the selection, if he really wanted someone like Isaac or Waluigi as a fighter, he would upgrade them. All of these seem like arbitrary rules that the fandom decides. He could just remove an assist trophy from the game, and make it so any version of the game before that update is unable to play online. Problem solved.

The way that Nintendo seems to be talking about Spirits makes me think that there are over 1,000. I feel like if that's the case, then we'll see a lot more potential newcomers become spirits. If I had to guess, I'd say that characters like Banjo-Kazooie and other third parties might already be spirits. Rayman is one, and although he had a trophy in 4, I still can see Sakurai using spirits as testing out to see which characters could be fun to make. It sort of gives them a test run with a character that would have a similar play style. Like Elma being Bayonetta with a special ability. In that way, I could see characters who are spirits actually have a somewhat decent chance of being DLC, depending on how Sakurai can implement them into the base game.


Smash Cadet
Oct 24, 2018
i bring good news! i found a video with lin's spirit, here are the details of her fight https://gyazo.com/f4ab36585aec8f4d7b2552d4755f2a2e and here is the fight itself https://gyazo.com/25bf23fb80d374ac139c650fa8348dc6 , as you can see during the fight the music played is "xenoblade chronicles medley", so x music is not in the game (might be held for dlc), because i guess even if has to be unlocked it would play at least during spirit battles. Let me know what you think.

edit: i might as well link the video itself, the link fight is at the 7.17 minute mark, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2T5IaiysFo&t=436s
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Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
i bring good knews! i found a video with lin's spirit, here are the details of her fight https://gyazo.com/f4ab36585aec8f4d7b2552d4755f2a2e and here is the fight itself https://gyazo.com/25bf23fb80d374ac139c650fa8348dc6 , as you can see during the fight the music played is "xenoblade chronicles medley", so x music is not in the game (might be held for dlc), because i guess even if has to be unlocked it would play at least during spirit battles. Let me know what you think.

edit: i might as well link the video itself, the link fight is at the 7.17 minute mark, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2T5IaiysFo&t=436s
Ha! That's reassuring. Now the one hurdle left by this is the question of whether or not Spirits can be DLC characters.

This story never truly ends. . .

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
i bring good knews! i found a video with lin's spirit, here are the details of her fight https://gyazo.com/f4ab36585aec8f4d7b2552d4755f2a2e and here is the fight itself https://gyazo.com/25bf23fb80d374ac139c650fa8348dc6 , as you can see during the fight the music played is "xenoblade chronicles medley", so x music is not in the game (might be held for dlc), because i guess even if has to be unlocked it would play at least during spirit battles. Let me know what you think.

edit: i might as well link the video itself, the link fight is at the 7.17 minute mark, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2T5IaiysFo&t=436s
Yeah, even if locked it would play during a Spirit Batlle, just like how some themes play on different stages (Lip Theme on the Pikmin stage for her Spirit Battle is an example).
So there really isn't any XCX track in the base game. This is reassuring to say the least.

Also super crazy conspiracy theory: what if XCX2 is already in the works and it will feature Elma but in her end game "outfit", and that will be her default look in Smash while her XCX is an alt, just like how they did with Bayonetta? That would also eliminate the problem of her Spirit
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Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2014
Yeah, even if locked it would play during a Spirit Batlle, just like how some themes play on different stages (Lip Theme on the Pikmin stage for her Spirit Battle is an example).
So there really isn't any XCX track in the base game. This is reassuring to say the least.

Also super crazy conspiracy theory: what if XCX2 is already in the works and it will feature Elma but in her end game "outfit", and that will be her default look in Smash while her XCX is an alt, just like how they did with Bayonetta? That would also eliminate the problem of her Spirit
Isn't Monolith big enough to tackle 2 games. I know they are working on that other RPG game, but they already have the engine for X2 honestly, so they could already start working on that game to (could also be Xenoblade 3 though)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 18, 2018
Yeah, even if locked it would play during a Spirit Batlle, just like how some themes play on different stages (Lip Theme on the Pikmin stage for her Spirit Battle is an example).
So there really isn't any XCX track in the base game. This is reassuring to say the least.

Also super crazy conspiracy theory: what if XCX2 is already in the works and it will feature Elma but in her end game "outfit", and that will be her default look in Smash while her XCX is an alt, just like how they did with Bayonetta? That would also eliminate the problem of her Spirit
Nah its a too much spoil imo. I think if Elma become a fighter she will have her XC2 design since its the more fresh and also because a large number of people discovered her by playing XC2.


Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2014
Nah its a too much spoil imo. I think if Elma become a fighter she will have her XC2 design since its the more fresh and also because a large number of people discovered her by playing XC2.
Sakurai doesn't care about spoilers, its already a miracle he didn't reveal the Xenoblade Final boss in Smash 4


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2018
I'm not too sure what to make of all this, but Elma's chances as a playable fighter are definitely lower. I'm happy that Lin is a Spirit and Elma got a Spirit Battle. That shows Sakurai and his team are not ignoring/disrespecting Xenoblade X (even if they are bigger fans of 2). The Spirit Battle probably works better than a Mii Costume since you can't combine moves from the gunner and sword-fighter. I'm gonna hope Xenoblade X music is in the base game. There's a higher chance of that than Elma being DLC.
All spirits have a spirit battle (except fighter spirits) so Lin is a spirit battle too.
Also this is unrelated to the quoted post but, we're not done yet. Elma does still have a chance for DLC as the idea that spirits deconfirm characters doesn't make sense (I bet Piranha Plant will have one at launch) and while I still think that sounds unlikely, we're in a better position than Rex fans. XCX2 will happen eventually, there was a massive cliffhanget with a lot of unanswered questions a lot of them directly relating to Elma herself. Also XCX sold pretty well for a niche IP on the Wii U, they should know that a new one will be a massive success. But Rex's story is over, he will never appear in another game in a meaningful capacity, and as such Smash Ultimate was his "now or never". And while Monolith's current project is a new (maybe MMO, I think that's been floated) IP, X2 could be after. Monolith have confirmed that while there are no ideas for XC2, they do want to do XCX2 and probably have some ideas for where to take it in the future.
Elma Will Return
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 18, 2018
Monolith has four studios. One of them is working on the medieval-Fantasy project. A other one is probably providing help on a major Nintendo title. So it's not impossible that some of them are working on X2 or maybe XC3.


Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2014
Well even if Elma isn't DLC, unlike Rex & Pyra, she still has a shot for the next Smash. The only thing that can screw her is if Takahashi doesn't want to complete XCX
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Deleted member

Well even if Elma isn't DLC, unlike Rex & Pyra, she still has a shot for the next Smash. The only thing that can screw her is if Takahashi doesn't want to complete XCX
I mean it depends on when the next Xenoblade comes out
If the next Xenoblade comes out before the next Smash I'd bet on that games protag (so Elma if it's XCX2) but if the next Smash comes out before the next Xenoblade then I'd bet on the new Xenoblade protag being DLC and/or Rex being in. I really really doubt Elma will get in, like, ever if she's not one of the protagonists in XCX2 (she'll probably have a major role in the story AT LEAST though so she does have a major shot even if she's not)


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
Nah its a too much spoil imo. I think if Elma become a fighter she will have her XC2 design since its the more fresh and also because a large number of people discovered her by playing XC2.
Yeah, I doubt they'd go with her true form.
But to be fair, Smash doesn't really care too much about spoiling Xenoblade.
I mean... look at Fiora.

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
Nah its a too much spoil imo. I think if Elma become a fighter she will have her XC2 design since its the more fresh and also because a large number of people discovered her by playing XC2.
But whenever XCX2 comes out that will became her defaul outfit, if she plays a role in it (which most likely will be the case due to the nature of XCX story and what is still left unresolved) so would it really be a spoiler once the first trailer drops?
It's not different from Majora's Mask Link being young again after Ocarina of Time.

Monolith has four studios. One of them is working on the medieval-Fantasy project. A other one is probably providing help on a major Nintendo title. So it's not impossible that some of them are working on X2 or maybe XC3.
That's correct, I mean they started working on XC2 while they were finishing developing XCX AND helped Nintendo with Breath of the Wild, and since then they have only grown in size.
Also I doubt he will jump right into XC3 because he tends to get bored easely by doing the same thing over and over again.

Well even if Elma isn't DLC, unlike Rex & Pyra, she still has a shot for the next Smash. The only thing that can screw her is if Takahashi doesn't want to complete XCX
I think that at some point XCX2 has to happen. Fans demand it and the development team even expressed their interest in it a couple of times.
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Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
Yeah, I doubt they'd go with her true form.
But to be fair, Smash doesn't really care too much about spoiling Xenoblade.
I mean... look at Fiora.
Thing is, Mechon!Fiora is something that even Monolith Soft doesn't mind spoiling. She was already in a commercial for the original Xenoblade in Japan, and was put in Project X Zone 2, both of which were things that Monolith decided.
That one thing with Elma meawhile was, to my knowledge, not featured anywhere outside of the game in any kind of promotional material.
And even if you compare these things in regards to when they happen in the story, they just don't quite match up. Mechon!Fiora is revealed about halfway through the story of XBC1, while the reveal about Elma only happens after the final boss of X.

We're not done yet. Elma does still have a chance for DLC as the idea that spirits deconfirm characters doesn't make sense (I bet Piranha Plant will have one at launch) and while I still think that sounds unlikely, we're in a better position than Rex fans. XCX2 will happen eventually, there was a massive cliffhanget with a lot of unanswered questions a lot of them directly relating to Elma herself. Also XCX sold pretty well for a niche IP on the Wii U, they should know that a new one will be a massive success. But Rex's story is over, he will never appear in another game in a meaningful capacity, and as such Smash Ultimate was his "now or never". And while Monolith's current project is a new (maybe MMO, I think that's been floated) IP, X2 could be after. Monolith have confirmed that while there are no ideas for XC2, they do want to do XCX2 and probably have some ideas for where to take it in the future.
Elma Will Return
That's exactly the point I made earlier. Elma has the potential to easily represent the Xenoblade X "series" in general, same as what Shulk does with the main series. Rex can't exactly do that.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Guys, don’t feed the troll. Just report him.
Thing is, Mechon!Fiora is something that even Monolith Soft doesn't mind spoiling. She was already in a commercial for the original Xenoblade in Japan, and was put in Project X Zone 2, both of which were things that Monolith decided.
That one thing with Elma meawhile was, to my knowledge, not featured anywhere outside of the game in any kind of promotional material.
And even if you compare these things in regards to when they happen in the story, they just don't quite match up. Mechon!Fiora is revealed about halfway through the story of XBC1, while the reveal about Elma only happens after the final boss of X.

That's exactly the point I made earlier. Elma has the potential to easily represent the Xenoblade X "series" in general, same as what Shulk does with the main series. Rex can't exactly do that.
Even then, if THAT appearance is Elma’s default in XCX2, it’s not too implausible


Smash Lord
Jun 21, 2018
Guys, don’t feed the troll. Just report him.
Lol I know. It was just a funny thought that ocurred to me and I wanted to express it.

By the way just letting you all know that Elma too is in my top 5 DLC predictions. Biggest evidence in her favor being the lack of X music which could be DLC. Let's hope she gets in this game. Maybe a December reveal to reference a certain song? :p
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Deleted member

Lol I know. It was just a funny thought that ocurred to me and I wanted to express it.

By the way just letting you all know that Elma too is in my top 5 DLC predictions. Biggest evidence in her favor heing the lack of DLC music. Let's hope she gets in this game. Maybe a December reveal to reference a certain song? :p

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Lol I know. It was just a funny thought that ocurred to me and I wanted to express it.

By the way just letting you all know that Elma too is in my top 5 DLC predictions. Biggest evidence in her favor heing the lack of DLC music. Let's hope she gets in this game. Maybe a December reveal to reference a certain song? :p
What if she’s revealed at the game awards which is I think December 6??

Isn’t that also the 3 year anniversary of X’s English release...?


Smash Ace
Jan 26, 2014
But whenever XCX2 comes out that will became her defaul outfit, if she plays a role in it (which most likely will be the case due to the nature of XCX story and what is still left unresolved) so would it really be a spoiler once the first trailer drops?
It's not different from Majora's Mask Link being young again after Ocarina of Time.

That's correct, I mean they started working on XC2 while they were finishing developing XCX AND helped Nintendo with Breath of the Wild, and since then they have only grown in size.
Also I doubt he will jump right into XC3 because he tends to get bored easely by doing the same thing over and over again.

I think that at some point XCX2 has to happen. Fans demand it and the development team even expressed their interest in it a couple of times.
I just hope XCX2 will happen, because i'm worried they are taking to much time with this sequal.

Deleted member

Smash Bros. Zalgo's reveal trailer. The year 4056. Humanity has just figured out how to create permanent colonies on Mars, so in honor of that they're holding the first Zalgo direct on Mars! Suddenly, you see the cross-flairs. The camera pans over a green field. And then you hear it. The anthem that you thought was long forgotten when they never made an X2. The anthem of a great game that was completely passed over for every Smash game up until now in favor of newer games. You understand what Nintendo was doing. You understand why Nintendo was saving this for so, so long. Robo-Sakurai, you magnificent memeing basterd.

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Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
Switch FC
SW 6762 3529 5300
Keep in mind that nothing has come to light about Sawano's secret project yet. I'm not necessarily saying that it's anything, but it's strange that nothing has come out about it yet. And, if work on the fighters has just started, that doesn't necessarily mean that the stage and music has not been in development for awhile already. I do have confidence that it means something, so we will see within the next few months! If not at the Game Awards, we usually get a January direct that goes pretty in-depth on new Nintendo content.

The lineup was just fully complete recently, but other characters could have been decided upon earlier this year. Maybe one was specifically chosen around the time when Nintendo decided to release a trailer for Elma XC2 DLC. *wink wink*


Smash Journeyman
Nov 18, 2018
Well Sawano worked on something, like pretty much any composer of a licence's OST with representation in smash. XCX music could just be in the vanilla version.

And I don't think we will see the first DLC at VGA, probably much more in February.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2018
Switch FC
SW 6762 3529 5300
Oh no.

I can't hope like this. I can't let this happen to me. But if it happens...I will explode.
I'm only skeptical of a Game Awards reveal is because Elma isn't really hype material for a general audience. I don't see Elma being the first DLC character because it might leave a bad taste in people's mouths because it's not an immediate payoff for a lot of people. Last year, Bayonetta 3 and the Breath of the Wild DLC were pretty awesome for a lot of people, and I just don't see Elma getting the "big reaction" that Nintendo may be looking for.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
Speaking of Xenoblade X music, was I the only one where the NLA day theme kinda grew on them the more they listened to it?

I know the NLA themes are...not very liked overall, but the day theme in particular was kinda catchy once I got used to it.


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
Edit: Nevermind this post, website was being stupid.
. . .Now how the heck do I delete this post?
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 18, 2018
Speaking of Xenoblade X music, was I the only one where the NLA day theme kinda grew on them the more they listened to it?

I know the NLA themes are...not very liked overall, but the day theme in particular was kinda catchy once I got used to it.
I love the NLA Night! It has a "city life" vibe. The instrumental is very cool and I didn't find the vocals annoying. Not that much a fan of the Day version tbh.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
I love all of X's music. Like, a lot. It's so funky and weird, like Jet Set Radio with a bunch of shamisens.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
I love the NLA Night! It has a "city life" vibe. The instrumental is very cool and I didn't find the vocals annoying. Not that much a fan of the Day version tbh.
I was okay with the night theme as well.

TBH, while XCX took a weird direction with its vocals, there was really no music I disliked, and as I've probably stated before, some of the strongest tracks in XCX probably beat some of what I consider the strongest tracks in XC1.
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