I think it's time for the longest post I've ever made, woohoo lets go! CRTL + F your name if you need to.
Can't tell you how many tournaments I've been to where I had to wait up to an hour for "special" players to show up before the tournament could begin, even with 100+ waiting in bracket. It's disgusting.
You aren't the only person I've heard these kind of things from, kind of the reason I wrote this article. I also saw a lot of people unhappy with how the event turned out for similar reasons, which is another big reason for writing this. Over 100 likes, this is probably the most popular thing I've ever written too so this must be bothering people. But now to the tougher stuff.
Johnknight1 knows his ****.
The rule of thumb for double elimination tournaments is if an opponent does not show up, they are sent to the loser's bracket. If they do not show up for losers, they are eliminated.
45 minutes is a bit much, but the TOs did the right thing. You want to see a player abusing his status, look at Wolfkrone at Final Round 15.
This article makes me question if SmashCapps attends the tournaments he writes about.
Not only have I attended many events, I've TOd many events even outside of the Smash community. I get how tournaments run I promise. The real issue is 45 minutes IS a bit much. Yes it didn't hold up the bracket at that time, but no other player up to that point in bracket would have gotten 45 minutes to get to a match in winners bracket, with 45 minutes it's very likely other players would have just kept losing/been eliminated.
My apologies, I was under the impression that there was preferential treatment in this regard considering the article. I had no idea that DQ to loser's was the standard
Depends on the tournament, Apex as an example ran a rull DQ after being 5 minutes late. Scary strict right?
Wait... I'm really confused. A TO single DQs highly seeded players for showing up late to their WB matches, which is a move he would make for any player in such a situation. Thus, he showed that absolutely no one is above the consequences of tardiness.
And this is a display of favoritism? Can someone please explain the logic of this to me?
I'll just copy/paste it: The real issue is 45 minutes IS a bit much. Yes it didn't hold up the bracket at that time, but no other player up to that point in bracket would have gotten 45 minutes to get to a match in winners bracket, with 45 minutes it's very likely other players would have just kept losing/been eliminated. I really wrote on this because I was seeing some players expressing how they found that to be crappy, and I didn't much care for it either.
Wow, people don't understand this situation at all. The "all players should be equal" thing is really dumb. These players are the players put on the posters for these tournaments, it's not a local tournament, its an event. The TO's want hype and a big audience, not slightly larger version of a regular local. Without these players, there's no icing on the cake whatsover. You don't buy a Pay-Per-View to watch the lesser boxers box, you buy it for the damn Mayweather fight.
Why was this made news, sounds like the TO handled it well maybe sent them to losers after 30 minutes instead but I don't think they said it run unreasonably late or anything.
Making things fair for fairness sake isn't fair. XD bro these band wagons are non sense
Without all of the players in the middle, these guys don't GET to have a reason to travel. These guys make the prize pools exist, make it so sponsors WANT to give money to events, and a bunch more. Tournaments should be made for the player, not for the viewers. Though usually if it IS for the player the viewers come in naturally.
I get the idea, but I disagree. If you aren't present for a match, you should get dq'd from that match, whether you are top level, mid level, low level, or a casual. But if you are there for the loser's match, then you've already suffered the punishment you deserve, you should get to play. If the bracket has moved on, and you not being there is preventing other matches from being played, of course dq them. But mango showed up during the first round of losers,so its not like there were other matches being held up.
If they hadn't waited the 45, there is a really solid chance they WOULD have held up loser's bracket. This is the issue, no other player during the event would have been waited on THAT long without any contact for being late, yet these guys were. Yes they were sent to loser's bracket which is at least admirable over staying in winners, but they probably shouldn't have been able to get there in the first place.
you provide absolutely no evidence that a lower leveled player would have been fully DQed, while many people with expertise in a tournament setting provide evidence that they would
NOT have been DQed. That alone makes this whole article a load of major BS, since there was NO TOP PLAYER PRIVILEGE. A moderator (Strong Bad) and a top player (ESAM) already struck down your argument, making it entirely null and void.
I'll be fair and say I missed ESAM's response somehow, not sure how but still I can respond to that in a minute. But I think I still raised fair points with Strong Bad. It seems there was no solid rules for how DQs worked at the tournament, and from reading this thread it seems like people don't know of even a semi standard ruling on this. Without any kind of rule to work with that's equal across the board its going to severely increase the chances of bias in rulings. While it may not seem like much, I doubt any of the players before the pro brackets would have gotten 45 minutes before they were sent to losers at all, if these three guys had done this during day 1 brackets people being strapped for time would have had to throw em out of winners AND losers more than likely.
I just hope specifically that the end of your response wasn't saying "because a moderator and top players said you're wrong you're wrong for sure". That'd just show the issue exists moreso. Heck, ESAM's version of how players get DQd vs Strong Bad's was different even, just again highlighting some of these issues.
But....most TOs won't fully DQ people who made it into the pro bracket. People typically are given 20-25 minutes each unless they are like REALLY HOLDING UP THE BRACKET (which wasn't happening in this case becasue everything was BO5). I know when I run tournaments I never double DQ anyone unless they specifically tell me "I'm leaving" or "DQ me i don't want to play"
From what I've seen here, it seems like TOs all have totally different rules and nobody really agrees how it's done.
That's an issue in and of itself, but another issue comes in when you specifically mention a "pro bracket." But I'll get there in a second.
If it were anyone else at the TOP 32 of a NATIONAL, even if it were more unknown players like Matt or Rookie, MacD would've done the SAME THING because they deserved it. This wasn't Day 1 Pools, this wasn't Round 1 Doubles. It was the Top 32 bracket.
At least get upset about things that actually deserve to get upset about...
One of the reasons I wrote this is because I saw plenty of people upset about the situation and from the response this article has gotten it seems plenty enough people have had experiences where top players have gotten special treatment and it bothers them.
But beyond the players being better, why is it the Top 32 players of a national get to have more time to get to their matches than all of the other players who had been playing since day 1? Most of what I have seen basically involved viewership and such prioritizing it over the people playing at the event. I get that we want to see top players, and that even higher up players want a chance to play the pros to test their own skill or maybe be involved in the epic upset, but it's still showing average folks that once you hit a certain point of skill level you'll get different or special treatment than others.
This tournament is only one example of MANY however, and made it quite the topical time to address the topic. There are probably much worse moments where top players really did get some unfair special treatment, I know MacD once gave a player special seeding when they promised to use secondary characters, and then they didn't and nothing happened. That kind of seeding never should have happened in the first place... In fact that whole story is just plain yuck. Maybe MVG where Axe and M2K were able to enter more events than they should have, though maybe even then it was also sponsor privilege too? These are more recent, but there's plenty to find and I even linked another in the article. This IS a probloem that needs to be adressed, as it seems obvious enough that these little things are getting under some players skins.