For those who do not wish to be saved, who do not wish to be apart of the new wave of Smashers, To grab the future and take what is rightfully theres. Make snide remarks that by changing a few words into derogative terms to get a cheap laugh from the morons and the masses...
I feel so much disappointment for you. I honestly do.
You had the chance to be a part of something great, something new and fresh, something this board has not seen for a long time.
But it appears the addiction to the grave has taken it's hold, and for those who are not willing to change, even the light of the future cannot save those lost souls.
I just hope you don't live to regret this decision and that your addiction filled lives, spending hour upon hours trying desperately to gain the approval of those who would not and could not care for you, just not one day grab a hold of you so tight, that it makes you hate the one thing you loved like it did to me once.
I will enjoy your eventual downfall and demise, I truly will. For you had the chance to change, to be saved, To open your mind to the new possibilities and you turned your back to it.