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e_Lounge Game Table results thread


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2006
Queens, New York
So I kinda forgot to save the TiO file, lol. The autosave function managed to save the doubles results though, and not the singles.


1: Prog + CanISmash
2: Pistbag + Spicy
3: FK + Doowop
4: Smashjin + GSO
5: Eaode + Morg
5: TWebb + Leacero
7: Skies of Perfection (tom and ryan)
7: Eli + C4?!
9: Codi + Lefty
9: Niko + Alex
13: Nik + Anthony



2: Niko
3: Private O'Malley
4: GSO
5: SpicierMooMoo
5: Prog?
7: Eli
7: ?
9: Doowop
9: ?
the rest: ???


Anyway, it was a fun tournament. I hope you guys had fun and enjoyed it. Get @ the free e_Lounge T-shirts and some of you got CDs too.

Maybe I'll host again soon? Who knows.

Prog is probably uploading tournament matches on his youtube channel, which you can find here: http://www.youtube.com/user/prog2112foabp

For those who didn't notice, I had a camera some of the time, and I got some interviews in and stuff. So check out my video footage from the tournament here:




Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.

Ryan K: still ****** face and making me hate falco again. still sweet g'dorf too.

Eli: good **** your doc still ***** idk why you went link that first match. Also another nice falco, you and ryan were the only 2 falcos there that gave me trouble.

that dude playin fox with the dunkin donuts t-shirt: yo good stuff but lighten up and have fun man, you seemed so tense :)

that dude who I once played in dubz and then falcon dittoed and was about to do so again: good **** as always xD

everyone me and Morg played in doubles: good ****.

everyone who I played in singles: good ****

everyone who I played in friendlies: GOOD ****.

I did a lot better than I thought I would, considering i hadn't played smash in months. I was also surprised that my falcon was holding up so well against matchups like spacies. Overall a great tournament and a good refresher being that the majority there were intermediate players so I wasn't being ***** EVERY match :p

I will, however, continue to boycott the $2.50/slice pizza >_<''


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2001
Queens/Stony Brook, NY
I'm gonna use the doubles bracket to shout-out. SRY IF I FORGOT YOU.

Ryan: GJ on your win... and finally playing friendlies with me, NOT. =(

Prog: Thanks for the housing/rides after the storm kept us stranded. <3 <3

CanISmash: Good dubs sets and friendlies. :)

Private O'Malley: Step up your CP game.

Pistbag: Step up your non-sandbagging game.

SpicierMooMoo: Step up your not-getting-your-bag-stolen-while-you're-playing game.

FK+Doowop: Didn't really get to play you guys, but GJ on third in teams!

Smashjin: Didn't get to play you either. :'(

GSO: GGs on our tourney set, sorry we didn't get to play friendlies after. :(

Eaode + Morg: GGs on the double falcon team friendlies in the beginning.

Twebb: Thanks for teaming with me, sorry I didn't perform that well in teams. You should have seen me later in the day, I was doing much better. XD Let's play more friendlies next time.

Eli: GGs in the sets. We should play some more SF4.

C4?!: GGs in double set.

Codi + Lefty: We didn't get to play. :(

Niko + Alex: GGs in doubles set, we shoulda played more friendlies. :(


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
Fun tournament.

Eli + Prog - Great job hosting/running the show. I wish I'd gotten more matches with both of you.

Canismash - good friendlies, you got better

Leacero + Twebb - salty on those teams! You guys did your thing tho.

Alex - MY DUDE GOT A W. Good **** man and we were so hungover lol

GSO - you came out of nowhere, mad impressive...keep playing

SpicierMooMoo - **** dude you were good, might have just needed more vs marth exp? I think you could have gone farther with a different bracket.

Private - good set, it was nice to get some jiggs experience

Ryan K - I really thought I had this for a second there. I'm still stunned by the hurting you put on me in that second set. Great Falco you deserved it.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2007
New York
good **** hopefully next time i'll place better did crappy in doubles singles i lost 1 won 1 and lost 1 but at least i didn't place last! lmao


Ryan K nice seeing you and vsing you again you definitely improved congrats on your first place

Prog- Good **** in doubles you deserve that and don't worry about singles you'll do better next time

Dan- It was good seeing you again and playing friendlies in the beginning of the tourny we def have to play more to bad we live so far away

Will - For showing up

Animal - i only got to play you a couple of times and i honestly can't remember the results haayou probably won though so good ****

HoneyBadger- your falco is really good i really got step it up if i even want to keep up with you I'm happy though i can take your jigs =P

Lefty- to many errors in doubles o well we really got to practice that and sorry i knocked you out in singles..we have to practice more if we want to place better lmao

Can't remember this other kids name but our last match in losers bracket my falco vs your marth was so much fun that was the one match that got me like nervous my heart was racing in last stock..but good **** you deserve that win it was my favorite match of the day by far

to everyone else it was fun vsing all of you and to the people i didn't get to vs we'll make it happen next time


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY

Eli- Ah thanks so much for holding the tourney man, it was great seeing you and playing again, And thanks for the hoodie its mad comfy :). I WISH I WAS ON CAMARA THOUGH I WANTED TO SPEAK :'(

Chris doowop- dobbety doo wop man that nair utilt **** happened like 3 years ago LOL its forever amazing

C4- you are crazy and REALLY GOOD AT DRAWING. thanks for the ride to mcd :)

codi- is lucky he didnt receive the business end of my pichu haha good games man and thanks. the best improvement is not playing and just relaxing

KEVIN- WOW BRO ITS BEEN SO LONG LOL KIND OF NOT REALLY WELL MAYBE. your falco was better than i thought it would be though haha

spiciermoomoo- i wanted to play friendlies with you so bad. elusive mother****er. your falco was soooooooo fast. way faster than mine O_o

canismash- SHEIK WINS. ALWAYS.

prog- you are amazing hahaha thanks for recording the matches. this tourney was by far the best ive ever played

eaode- FAIR UAIR FAIR?! yeah ganondorf is a beast. good looks on the falcon though haha i think you got better.

matt- you showed up and left? you could've like totally ****ed up the brackets man.

animal- **** son. i dont even know what to say. you kind of ***** me and I DIDNT EXPECT THAT AT ALL. YOU GUYS WERE SO BAD LIKE THREE YEARS AGO LOL. good **** though. say hello to project for me

fray- LOL WOW TODAY WAS LIKE SUPER RETRO DAY ****. i wish we played friendlies.

brian- good job showing up in time hahaha

rob- wish we played friendlies. you were doing so good vs neko and i really didnt want to face him in gf hahaha

mcandrew- beast mode dan. we need to chill alot with will during the summer like old times. i miss those days so much. high school was so easy.

private o malley- good games, you shouldve picked brinstar though hahaha

stony brook kids- GOOD THING WE PLAYED FRIENDLIES GUYS. shouldve done a crew battle.

NEKO- wow i dont even know what to say. i remember when we friendlied and i casually picked marth and falco and you ***** me. i wanted to turn around to see who it was but i didnt wanna be a **** hahaha. and i was like oh i better not face this kid in brackets and then we played. and then we played again. and again. you definately forced me to play the best ive ever played in like the forever(i dont even remember how long) ive been playing this game. good **** man. I hope we meet again. I never even heard of you before and as alot of people who know me know, I know alot of obscure *** names. Your tag and your ridiculous *** m2k marth are forever ingrained in my head. good **** man.

i doubt i forgot anyone but sorry if i did :(


Priest of the Temple of Syrinx
Mar 11, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
a bit late, but eh.
first up, with the matches...i'm uploading using my folks' crappy dsl, so it takes a while for each match, plus if i need to do something in the web i have to stop uploads. but i'll have everything up, guaranteed.


CanISmash: my back hurts. good stuff, helen keller's braille vibrator for the win.
Pistbag: good set in doubles, the bat cave
SpicierMooMoo: hope you can recover your school work, sucks that your bag got stolen. that ice cream was amazing.
FK: good set in doubles, we should have played friendlies
Doowop: ^
Smashjin: beast, you get better each time i see you.
GSO: **** fox, looking forward to playing again, get smashjin to host a fest and show up.
Eaode: old school, i remember you from my first tourney at parallax. didn't play you at all, lawl.
TWebb: you owe me, i always give you amazing partners. i'm like a pimp match.com, but i will hit you with a chair. that falcon punch never happened.
Leacero: good sets in singles and doubles, had me on the edge of my seat. glad we found your phone, and that chair was amazingly comfortable
animal: fun friendlies, you keep working hard and you'll overtake me easily.
honeybadger: we didn't play friendlies. but it was for your benefit.

get *****.
Eli: when i first started, you were the doc sensei. ****, been ages since the fests in g$'s basement, but you definitely revived LI melee. good stuff, and i have the eLounge's back.
C4?!: parallax, you with the picture of marth and roy. that memory is in my head. should have played friendlies.
Codi: sorry about those friendlies, my mind was elsewhere at the time. possibly this weekend?
Lefty: same as above, only without the friendlies.
Private O'Malley: great showing, good set. i'll have to bring out the beautiful green beast next time.
Niko: welcome aboard to scientology. friggin beast. great performance, looking forward to smokehouse/friendlies.
Ryan K: so, this is what happens when you come out of retirement? **** kid, ryan k showing the k stands for killer. great watching you and niko go at it like a pair of heavyweight fighters. WE DIDN'T TEAM THRILLER.

anyone i forgot, my bad. LI, we have a community. this proved it. nearly 30 people, would have had more than that if everyone showed. we need to stand up and be recognized, we need to revive LI's melee scene, and this is step one. most of you suffolk guys are close, ask animal and honeybadger, if i have the gas, i'll make the trip. this is step one to LI becoming a force again.

keep in touch, lets do this again soon, and **** jay gatsby.



Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2006
Queens, New York
nearly 30 for singles, yea

not to mention gmoney/hbk and company going to the midwest tourney on the same day

and the absolutely terrible weather


PK Webb

Smash Champion
Dec 24, 2007
the lab
Robin good stuff in teams we wrecked most of the day
Prog that falcon punch was straight biz and thanks for setting up the partner situation
Stony brook kids were mad beastly
Eli ur marf was serious and that doc was eye opening
Canismash is the most chill Smasher and he wrecks in doubles
Justsexed nice seeing u
Rp nice seeing u 2
Niko ur still sick at this game I c
Sry to everyone left out didn't get many names but east coast ***** hard


Smash Cadet
Oct 2, 2006
Awsome tournament! except for wen m bag got stolen...

Eli - beast doc man! ive def played u like last summer in online brawl..my gamertag is plumpy lol

Peach dude with Elounge tshirt - good singles match... u are beast in teams

NIKO - dam ur marth is a BEAST! i def need more marth/falco practice... good job getin 2nd

RYAN K - we dint get to do friendlies :( but my falco is def not as fast as urs.. lol

Leacero - stop playing LoL.. (i wonder if anyone gets the joke)

pistbag - we are gona win doubles next time and **** biacero

Prog - thanks for housing.. driving. offering to give money and beat robbers up for me and great GF doubles. also congrats on being a hero stoping a theif at toysrus lolol

if I can get over the post traumatic bag thief disorder ill def be at the next tourny!

GunStar Omega

Smash Cadet
Nov 25, 2006
Niko- Def some GGs.

Ryan K- Next time I get back on LI you should go over macandrews and we'll play some, get those smash nights goin again. We really should've played more friendlies.

Macandrew- Thanks for convincing me to go, next time we win doubles haha. Ur too pro.

Prog- Thanks for being a ****in prince and uploading stuff and hosting (steppin up, wrecking, etc.). Also **** sweet taste in music.

Eli - Didn't get to play serious matches, but I really enjoyed our bout of low-tier **** while waiting for matches. Great tourney, I'd come definitely if you did it again. Thanks for hosting.

Robin (and stonybrook crew) - Robin, I'd love to play that fox ditto again when I'm back on LI. Great practice, you definitely wrecked me. You were probably the best fox there. Really representin. Also GJ stonybrook.

To the rest of you, see you next time.


Priest of the Temple of Syrinx
Mar 11, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
so, i'm getting rid of all of my backlog of uploads this weekend. starting with this tourney, i have 3? 4? sets that have to go up and then this one is complete.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2001
Queens/Stony Brook, NY
so, i'm getting rid of all of my backlog of uploads this weekend. starting with this tourney, i have 3? 4? sets that have to go up and then this one is complete.
Let's play smash somewhere while I'm on spring break. Also, I just realized I left my controller in my room. :(

Just Sexed

Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2007
East Coast, NY, LI
Probably shouldn't have smoked b4 this tourney felt like **** the whole day.

Hopefully LI can see more tourneys like this over the summer get that apex training in son.
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