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DSO Biweekly 7 @ Philly Results 4/5/09

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Not as big of a turnout as our normal biweeklies, but this tourney was a hell of a lot of fun! Got some Team MOB out here to rep that jersey, and ToS still showin' we've got what it takes!

There Brawl Singles and Doubles and a free Brawl+ Singles tourney (that people still took seriously though)

Brawl Doubles

1: Pimps of Immortal Adventure (AndyG + NinjaLink) ($36.00) :olimar::gw:
2: We Have Some Justice Pie (ChiboSempai + Rogue Pit) ($18.00) :rob::pit:
3: There's No Chicken At Chibo's Tournament (Yes! + Keitaro) ($6.00) :snake::falco:
4: 12inchesofsteel.com (.com + Steel2nd) :olimar::marth:
5: Flying Death Cupcakes (Cylf + Joben) :luigi2:
5: We Didn't Think of This Ahead of Time (Magma + Sav)

Brawl Singles

1: NinjaLink ($78.00) :diddy:
2: Keitaro ($39.00) :falco:
3: AndyG ($13.00) :olimar:
4: Rogue Pit :pit:
5: Rush :diddy:
5: Zangeif (Yes!) :snake:
7: ChiboSempai :rob:
7: Ak :wario::dk2:
9: Cylf :luigi2:
9: Steel2nd :marth:
9: Clai :ganondorf:
9: Bnzaaa :popo:
13: Eljin :pt:
13: .com :olimar:
13: Joben

Brawl+ Singles

1: NinjaLink :pikachu2:
2: Zangeif (Yes!) :fox:
3: AndyG :olimar::falcon:
4: ChiboSempai :warioc::rob:
5: Phillyrider :peach::zerosuitsamus:
5: .com :olimar:
7: Xzax :sonic:
7: Rogue Pit :pit::metaknight:
9: Bnzaaa :popo:
9: Chibi :pikachu2:
9: Eljin :squirtle:
9: Kaylo :pikachu2:


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
NinjaLink ya pile-o-****!! Imma **** your balls off next time bring me that game and watch its on like ****ing donkey kong!!

I already beat Rogue Pit in breakdancing for the 5th time and yo next son!!

@ Chibo: Nice tourney, put the **** on aib or I Chibo ya!! Fun seeing ya again.

@ Dotcom: You suicidal mofo, I promise to show you how big my pen is next time.

@ RoguePit: You lost in breakdancing once again. I'm too f-ing good and I'll admit after you showed me that your pen is bigger than mine.

@ UltimoDragon: Fun *** friendlies and mms dude. Love to play ya again.

@ Andy G: Next tourney we're at imma give ya loads of Falco practice so you can deal with the character. Was fun going on our little date to 7/11. Don't tell your girlfriend please, I don't like dealing with ****ing drama :D

@ Xzax: We on a boat son!! Fun ******** friendlies with your Sonic. Can't wait to team with ya again and YA OWE ME MONEY!!


@ Chibiloner: You listen to Utada so your freaking cool. Keep your shoes clean and then maybe Pikachu will actually listen to you and learn new attacks in Brawl.

@ Rush: Your Diddy is freaking fast. For vs Falco, ask Chrome Pirate or even NinjaLink cause they are really good at the matchups.

@ Steel2nd: I want some vids up!! :D Was fun to friendly ya. Your Marth is very precise that it gives me the chills. SF4 @ APEX SON, BE THERE!!!!!

@ Kaylo: Your black and I'm spanish so this sentence has nothing to do with anything. I completely forgot what we talked about but it was unforgetting.

@ Phillyrider: We were hungry as **** and didn't get food. If you got food without me....your gonna get it!!

@ Yes: We talked for nearly 3 hours in the car so stfu and contemplate what we talked about.

Aight im tired, maybe more shoutoutz later. Good times *Keitaro smile*:chuckle:


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
<3 Finest :D

I sent that Diddy of NinjaLink's to Heaven in winners semis then he annialated me 3-0 and 3-2 with Game and Watch in grand finals. I guess that still counts as him going all Diddy? He also played some Pika pika too but lost almost every match with it, lmao!! <3 NL


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2008
bustin 5 knots wind whippin out my coat
I can deal with the character just fine usually, it's just that I forgot a lot of matchup stuff in the last 2 months or so that I haven't really played. blackwaltz and I going through the same thing :(

I got ***** by keitaro in winners finals then 3-2'd by NL in losers finals :-\


Where's my Jameson?
Mar 30, 2008
Los Angeles, CA

1: NinjaLink - good ****, fun friendlies

2: Keitaro - glad i finally got to play your falco for a few games, i should ahve those matches up soon hopefully

4: Rogue Pit - i HATE you.

5: Rush - we're not friends anymore

5: Zangeif (Yes!) - nice playing friendlies with you

7: ChiboSempai - should have your MM with xzax up today or tomorrow

7: Ak - fun friendlies, nice wario. i don't have much experience in that match so was glad i got to play

9: Bnzaaa - brawl+ lolz

13: .com - 12 inches. stop killing yourself. thx for teaming

i hate this game btw


Constantly Delicious
Mar 9, 2004
Philadelphia, PA
NinjaLink: it was amazing to play you again. I was scared the whole match. But good practice for me, and great match, man.
Keitaro: cool as hell. Very close matches and very intense. I hope you know the power of africa. Expect to see me at more NJ stuff.
AndyG: close first match, not so much so for the second match, but the next time we play, it will be even closer, so stay on your toes.
Rogue Pit: I didn't play you, but your falco sucks. Bring a bag lunch next time son.
Rush: Epic matches and you know it. I hope you have good wario practice now. I'm crawling my way to the top slowly. So good job like always.
Zangeif (Yes!): Honestly didn't know what to do against Snake. I'm usually good, but I was too eager and aggressive to put the match away. But this was a good match and a good learning experience. It was nice to meet you as well!
ChiboSempai: Good **** running the biweekly as usual, also good job beating xzax with wario, too good.
Ak: You did amazing, keep it up, and step it up.
Cylf: Josh, good matches man. I'm scared of your luigi, but you won't be besting Africa.
Steel2nd: Thanks for the marth prax man. And the recording. Ever since many months ago you played me, your marth's ability has shot to the roof. You're good.
Clai: The manliest man to ever play manly men. I want to Ganon ditto you. Also I want you to teach me how to play him for low tiers. Good matches
Bnzaaa: I didn't play you (thank god lol) but I saw your match with my friend. You were being such a ******* to him, i was dying inside. Grab, footstool, iceblock. He has a scrubby falcon but noooo you went the distance. Good **** haha
.com: I love you man. No homo. Lil wayne is gay.


Smash Cadet
Mar 27, 2009
Capsule Corps.
Had a good time at this, haven't really had that much fun at a tourney in a while. ^^ I'll definitely try to make some more of these when I can. Lot more convenient too, whoo. Brawl+ is too fun!

Yes! - Good seeing you again. I'm a little odd, but I'm sure you're already aware. XP Nice job at Brawl+! Crazy Fox. Food and friendlies were fun. ^^ And thanks.

Keitaro - Good seeing you again too. Utada is awesome. Good stuff beating NL and AndyG. I do NOT owe you $40, lol. Thanks for the ride.

KayLo - Finally got to meet you! Thanks for the friendlies and tips. I'm definitely up for practicing, just let me know. =)

NinjaLink - Totally looked back and thought I saw the back of your head, but didn't believe that NL would be at a small Philly tourney. XD Crazeh stuff.

Cylf - Thanks again for letting me use your controller, dude.

Rogue and Chibo - Brawl+ matches were fun. XD

.com - Don't worry, I'll get your Wii back, lol.

Good stuff.


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Brawl+ is too fun, but I need to learn that ****....

Tourney was a lot of fun (even though I only entered Brawl+). I'm so happy these biweeklies are going again.... now I'll be motivated to actually practice offline in-between big tournies.

NinjaLink - "I wanna scratch..." lol. Got you hooked on TWEWY, yesss!!! I already started makin' goggles for my new Pika plushie.... I felt that power boost as soon as I held him. :p Now I want DJ Max, good job.... give me like. A month. And I'll be at your level! (Maybe.) (Probably not but close.)

Keitaro - Definitely didn't know your Falco skills were that good.... good ****, wish we'd gotten to play. Also, I'm part Mexican and part Native American too.... =O!

AndyG - Thanks for the friendly. Obviously I still dunno what to do against Olimar.... I'mma study the matchup some more and come back with a Pika vengeance!

Chibo - We never got our match.... :( But I found out you're a fellow pokemon player, so it's all good. We gotta Shoddy one of these days!

Phillyrider - If I don't hear that new ringtone the next time I see you, I'm gonna be mad, lol. Also, I beat you & .com in MarioKart.... who knew? XD

.com - Splooken harmonies ftw. <3 Sorry I didn't take you up on your singin' money match, but you gotta warn me about that stuff ahead of time so I can prep my vocals! Hope you enjoyed the cold cheese fries. :laugh:

Xzax - Stop beggin' for money, you hobo. (Says the girl who borrowed 40 cents for her cheese fries.)

Rogue Pit - I have no words for you, lol. If you ever wear that shirt and/or make that face again, I won't be able to look at you. XD

Chibi - Another female Pika player!!! Makes me so happy. Give us a few months, and we're gonna take over PA with Pika power. I'll definitely let you know about practice times.

Cylf - Thanks for showing me those games. You got me interested in something other than an RPG! I'm gonna come to you every time I need a recommendation now.

Clai - Glad to see you're still reppin' Ganon.... I tried him out, but he was too manly for me.... I couldn't handle it, lol. Now I don't feel so bad since someone else felt the spike foot like I did in that set we played at my first biweekly.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
I definitely had fun at this tourney. I never even played brawl + lol. But it as quick to understand though. I <3 adapting.


Smash Rookie
Feb 10, 2009
4: Rogue Pit: You kicked my *** in round one! But that was one of the funnest matches I've ever played. I can't wait to do it again.

7: ChiboSempai: The tournament was a blast. I can't wait for the next Brawl Tournament!

7: Ak: Dolphin Slash > Wario Fart but AK > Joben X 2.

9: Cylf: Weejee..... Thats all I could come up with :(

9: Clai: Manly.... Yet again, all I could come up with :(

9: Bnzaaa: Grow a pair and fight instead of using the Ice Climbers grab and gang bang. ((you're probably a cool person, but that strategy is definitely un-manly.)

13: Joben: I might have done badly, but I did improve. And Deadpool agrees

Xzax Kasrani

Smash Master
Jun 14, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Brawl+ Singles

1: NinjaLink - lol close matches XD
2: Zangeif (Yes!) - fox lol good stuff dude i want to come up to Rutgers and play brawl+ with you :D
3: AndyG- falconnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn kickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk lol good stuff
4: ChiboSempai - i almost had u but that SD hurt be pretty badly but ggs good stuff
5: Phillyrider- good shiz ma d00d
5: .com- obamar lol good stuff peachy and olimar ftw?
7: Xzax - you suck ma d00d
7: Rogue Pit-.......Yo my name is rogue pit
9: Bnzaaa- close matches, IC's infinite will be banned!
9: Chibi- hi XD
9: Eljin - thanks for dropping me off at 30th street station. and cool meeting u
9: KayLo- im not a hobo :( lol cool hanging with you guys this weekend

Keitaro: I <3. APEx hurrrr we come
AK: Wa-Wa-Wa! lol nice Wario cool eeing you once again


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2007
Where men are born and champions are raised
I assumed the Wii with the texture hacks was Ninjalink's, but if it isn't, I saved the Ganon ditto I had with Ninjalink on that Wii. That match needs to be shown to the world; Magneto vs. Dark Ganon- we barely contained the manliness that match had.

1) Ninjalink: SO FAWKING MANLY!!!!!!!
2) Keitaro: Too bad I didn't play you in tournament. It's not like I was going to use Ganon against your Falco in a real match, and I wanted you to see that I play the higher tiers okay too.
3) AndyG: How is Ganondorf going to keep up when you're flopping around in the air like that? It's madness.
4) Rogue Pit: My Ganon kills people, son, and my shirt proved it.
5) Rush: Never played :( I wanted to see how my Ganon goes against you.
5) YES: Falcon lives forever
7) ChiboSempai: Don't get too close to the tree, Chibo!
7) Ak: I was one hit away from getting 6-stocked and then I take out an entire stock without getting killed while successfuly taunting you. LOL! I'm so manly. Great matches, and why is this the first time I've played your DK?
9) Cylf: If you spell my character "gannondorf" again, I'm going to have to give you a permanent lesson in manliness. :laugh:
9) Steel2nd: We need to play more.
9) Clai: If I can get a ride and a place to crash, APEX had better watch out for Ganondorf!

@Seargant Pit: Pit sucks.
@Kaylo: I was all over the place, my goodness. Sorry for not sitting down and talking to you. And don't worry, lots of people have gotten their stuff wrecked by my Ganon. Even Ninjalink got killed by my spike of thundery manliness.

Oh, and:
Clai: The manliest man to ever play manly men.
This is my new sig.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2008
philidelphia- Drexel
9) Cylf: If you spell my character "gannondorf" again, I'm going to have to give you a

Yo man, im sorry i made that mistake, i forgot that you use the true man gannon, but hey, gannondorf took a sword through the chest and pulled it back out, thats pretty manly, but yeah, i wont downgrade him again XD


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2008
bustin 5 knots wind whippin out my coat
the brawl+ tourney was crazy and so fun, it was the best

me and yes, loser's finals came down to game 5, he had 2 stocks 0% and I had one stock 0%, he was fox I was falcon. I busted out knee -> knee -> knee to even it up. too bad he came back and got another freakin shinespike


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
1: NinjaLink ($78.00) - see me in steak sauce dittos...gratz man. sorry i pawnched you in tourney :grin:
3: AndyG ($13.00) -dude i had a blast in our sets. we need more of those
4: Rogue Pit - so like...are you really black? xD good seeing you man
5: Rush - you tied with the final boss :p
5: Zangeif (Yes!) - way to suck
7: ChiboSempai - chibo i respect you because you're very good at taking a joke :p i'll be coming back to these again
7: Ak - sorry about the snake stuff @_@
9: Cylf - thanks for loaning chibi the controller dude
9: Steel2nd - good matches man. imo stick with marth for snake.
9: Clai - so....manly....
9: Bnzaaa - didn't get grabbed! :D
13: .com - yoo we didnt play...at all...wtf...

5: Phillyrider - good set man. nice zss
7: Xzax - we didn't play >.<
9: Chibi - it was awesome seeing you. yes you're very odd xP food and meanies were very fun as well :) this girl ***** me in smash guys...


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2004
Philly wea I am frm
it was a cool tourney. Thx Cylf and Clai (the Ganon) 4 the friendlies. As anyone can tell I need 2 practice more so if anyone has any free time and wouldnt mind practicing with an in experianced player hit me up.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2008
philidelphia- Drexel
What's up with females playing Pikachu?
Consider this, birds of a feather flock together. therefore since girls are cute and pikachu is also arguably cute(i think shinx is a lot cuter electric pok'm but thats just me) and because of this girls flock with their pikachus.

Turbo Ether

Smash Master
Apr 12, 2006
whats up with u not bein here? all the drexel party biddies were lookin for ya
What can I say? I'm a busy many, my good sir.

Consider this, birds of a feather flock together. therefore since girls are cute and pikachu is also arguably cute(i think shinx is a lot cuter electric pok'm but thats just me) and because of this girls flock with their pikachus.
I'm cute as hell, but you don't see me maining Pikachu!


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
What's up with females playing Pikachu?
I dunno, I've played him since 64.... and it wasn't because he was cute.... I definitely hated Pikachu when I started playing him in Brawl (thought he was way overrated in the Pokemon series). But he had two projectiles and general rapetasticness in 64, so I did it anyway.

Plus he was a Pokemon, and I love Pokemon.... and my only other option was Jiggs. (Not a fan.)

Then I grew to love him in general and couldn't get into any other character. So now I'm a Pika mainer 4lyfe.... even through his a**ness in Melee.

(i think shinx is a lot cuter electric pok'm but thats just me)
Lies. Shinx is so ugly. >< Let's compare....


Or this?

I think the choice is clear.


Smash Cadet
Mar 27, 2009
Capsule Corps.
What's up with females playing Pikachu?
...Didn't feel like playing Peach or Kirby? XD

I dunno either. I started Brawl playing Ike actually. (And I jumped around with playing characters in past games) But after a while, I was trying out different characters and liked playing Pikachu. I remember seeing some Anther vids too. But as cute as he can be, that's not the reason I picked him up. XD It's just fun, I suppose. I'm not that good at all, but I'll keep working at it. =P

@KayLo - lol, I agree with NL... Maybe a bit TOO cute there. XD
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