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Dragonite: The Destructive Dragon-type Pokemon flies in! Support the Dragon DLC!!!

Who wants to have Dragonite added as an OFFICIAL Super Smash bros DLC character?

  • Total voters


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
A few nights ago, I had a dream that Dragonite was put in Project M... What would you think if that happened, Boltdragon?
That would be a great idea! However you may phrase it. That would make me feel happy to see him in Project M. I feel obliged to make sure to post back on this thread to gain some more supporters! See my profile for more details about Dragonite.

I just hope that within this One week that I have left for the DLC vote, that Dragonite will take at least the top spot for the Pokemon fighters. I would be so dissapointed if he didn't make the official Character roster. If that would be the case, here is what Dragonite might feel like:
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
Hello Everybody! BoltDragon BoltDragon here with an Urgent update on Dragonite's status. I understand that this is a double post, and i apologize to FalKoopa FalKoopa for any inconvienences that i may cause with this post. I'm here to immediately update all of my followers: smashkirby smashkirby , BlueZard BlueZard , @Desert Croc, Furret24 Furret24 , Yoshister Yoshister , Mighty Minotaur Mighty Minotaur , @Zero Soul, and FalKoopa FalKoopa about the Ballot's end coming up in October Next week. Things have really been getting heated on the voters, and i was just looking at Dragonite's status, and luckily, just by a Longshot, he is winning the Ballot for the Pokemon Popularity! I would like to also add on the fact that everybody has been a great supporter for this thread! I really could'nt have gotten this much fans support if all of you guys had not joined me in the first place. Think about it. I have been here on the Smashboards ever since August, and possibly, by a longshot, my Dreams of having Dragonite added into the Smash bros Crew will finally come true!

BTW, Sorry aboutt the Double Post FalKoopa FalKoopa , I needed to keep my thread alive with a status update, so please excuse me for breaking your double posting rule. I really do want to thank you however for keeping my thread supported! I understand that the chances of me actually winning are slim, but i will do my best to try and win a spot in the DLC Ballot!

See you the everybody! And may all of your characters get a chance to win this vote! I hope the best for you!!!
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Smash Master
Feb 28, 2015
Hell Everybody! BoltDragon BoltDragon here with an Urgent update on Dragonite's status. I understand that this is a double post, and i apologize to FalKoopa FalKoopa for any inconvienences that i may cause with this post. I'm here to immediately update all of my followers: smashkirby smashkirby , BlueZard BlueZard , @Desert Croc, Furret24 Furret24 , Yoshister Yoshister , Mighty Minotaur Mighty Minotaur , @Zero Soul, and FalKoopa FalKoopa about the Ballot's end coming up in October Next week. Things have really been getting heated on the voters, and i was just looking at Dragonite's status, and luckily, just by a Longshot, he is winning the Ballot for the Pokemon Popularity! I would like to also add on the fact that everybody has been a great supporter for this thread! I really could'nt have gotten this much fans support if all of you guys had not joined me in the first place. Think about it. I have been here on the Smashboards ever since August, and possibly, by a longshot, my Dreams of having Dragonite added into the Smash bros Crew will finally come true!

BTW, Sorry aboutt the Double Post FalKoopa FalKoopa , I needed to keep my thread alive with a status update, so please excuse me for breaking your double posting rule. I really do want to thank you however for keeping my thread supported! I understand that the chances of me actually winning are slim, but i will do my best to try and win a spot in the DLC Ballot!

See you the everybody! And may all of your characters get a chance to win this vote! I hope the best for you!!!
We all know the ballot Is ending. We also know that Dragonite isn't even close to being the most requested Pokemon character.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
The name of The game has changed! With only 4 days left to support Dragonite, I'm officially kicking it into OVERDRIVE Mode. What i want to do is a very simple goal. Achieve significant Fans support was already achieved, so now i'm moving onto part two of my plan. I will see if i could possibly put up an advertisement on the main smashboard community, or maybe even on the Internet browser, so maybe, just maybe, more people will search for this thread, and vote to support me. I have good feelings to all of those times that people told me that I could reach the goal. In reality, my goal will be ultimately to achieve total victory overall. I highly doubt that Dragonite will be able to make the Top Pole position for the character roster, but i believe he will at least make it in a a secondary fighter for the Pokemon group.

BTW, If Anybody is a fan of Dragonite, then please be sure to vote for him on the Smashboards! With Dragonite's chances slowly but surely increasing, He is sure to win a small spot at the Character Ballot for DLC! Wish me luck, and i just might support your thread! Follow BoltDragon BoltDragon for more details on Dragonite for Smash bros DLC!!!



Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2014
Some Far Off Jungle
neutral special: dragon pulse
a cyclone fires from dragonites mouth, charge it for more damage (uncharged stuns opponent, charged launches)
side special: dragon claw, high launch power, may reflect projectiles
up special: hurricane, like charizards fly, but lower and does more damage
down special: outrage : a short-range burst of flame that works like disable... but it only needs to hit the opponent to dizzy them. damage does not effect duration of dizzy time but by default it lasts a while.
final smash: hyper beam. works like the zero laser. afterwards it leaves dragonite dizzy


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
I'll have to see what i can change with Dragonite's moveset! BTW, thanks Smashbro596 Smashbro596 for all of your support on this thread! With enough help and comments, I think that Dragonite can achieve victory, just maybe enough to a certain point where Sakurai decides to add him. Hopefully he gets added, because if Dragonited does'nt get added again this year, I will be outraged and sad that I failed to achieve my long term gaol. Everybody who is a Dragonite fan out there in this world knows that Dragonite Needs to get into Super Smash Bros 4 as an OFFICIAL DLC character! I truely support him in this last week before the vote ends. Expect me to post back here alot more than usual. I feel so Hyped!!!


Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2014
Some Far Off Jungle
I'll have to see what i can change with Dragonite's moveset! BTW, thanks Smashbro596 Smashbro596 for all of your support on this thread! With enough help and comments, I think that Dragonite can achieve victory, just maybe enough to a certain point where Sakurai decides to add him. Hopefully he gets added, because if Dragonited does'nt get added again this year, I will be outraged and sad that I failed to achieve my long term gaol. Everybody who is a Dragonite fan out there in this world knows that Dragonite Needs to get into Super Smash Bros 4 as an OFFICIAL DLC character! I truely support him in this last week before the vote ends. Expect me to post back here alot more than usual. I feel so Hyped!!!
might not be this time around buuut... ya never know. if not this game then SURELY next time.
dragonite is definitely one of my favorite non legendaries. buuut..... mewtwo beats it. :p
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
Smashbro596 Smashbro596 , i understand what you mean. Dragonite is all but a pseudo Legendary Dragon-type Pokemon, who has been shown as a popular Fan favorite for Super smash brothers. However, each year the fans want Dragonite for smash, He does'nt get in. This Year, that has got to change for the better. I'm truely hoping that Mashiro Sakurai will decide to add Dragonite to the playable DLC chracter Roster, becasue if he does'nt, i will be dissapointed with Nintendo and the Smash Bros series. Honestly, I mean not to be rude to all of those fans who support their own character getting into Super Smash Bros as DLC, but when it comes to priority on my opinion, Dragonite is the First character that comes to my mind. Dragonite will forever be a rare Dragon-type Pokemon who has great potential to turn the tables in Smash Bros.

BTW, The reason that I ONLY support Dragonite, is because of so many times that I have used him in the Pokemon series. I understand that he is certainly not the most popular Pokemon in the world, but the least people can do for me is to vote to support Dragonite on my thread! I just hop that with the remaining time for the ballot, Dragonite achieves some substantual help to win. Expect me to post back here when I get some spare time.


Smash Master
Feb 28, 2015
Smashbro596 Smashbro596 , i understand what you mean. Dragonite is all but a pseudo Legendary Dragon-type Pokemon, who has been shown as a popular Fan favorite for Super smash brothers. However, each year the fans want Dragonite for smash, He does'nt get in. This Year, that has got to change for the better. I'm truely hoping that Mashiro Sakurai will decide to add Dragonite to the playable DLC chracter Roster, becasue if he does'nt, i will be dissapointed with Nintendo and the Smash Bros series. Honestly, I mean not to be rude to all of those fans who support their own character getting into Super Smash Bros as DLC, but when it comes to priority on my opinion, Dragonite is the First character that comes to my mind. Dragonite will forever be a rare Dragon-type Pokemon who has great potential to turn the tables in Smash Bros.

BTW, The reason that I ONLY support Dragonite, is because of so many times that I have used him in the Pokemon series. I understand that he is certainly not the most popular Pokemon in the world, but the least people can do for me is to vote to support Dragonite on my thread! I just hop that with the remaining time for the ballot, Dragonite achieves some substantual help to win. Expect me to post back here when I get some spare time.
Almost nobody cares about Dragonite getting into Smash.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
Almost nobody cares about Dragonite getting into Smash.
I understand your knowledge and facts about Dragonite not being as popular Furret24 Furret24 , but I will still keep recruiting new followers to support this thread. I'm just saying that Dragonite has a very small potential to won the DLC ballot, that's all. Likewise, all of my fans have been telling me to keep up my good work in campaigning for Dragonite to be added as a DLC character. This is no easy task to win, but i can reassure you that I will not be humiliated or dissaproved. I'm going for a simple, yet reverent character for the smash bros series, and Dragonite has won my true support. Without him, I just don't see why i should play the smash series. Everbody else wants their character to win, and so do I. So expect me to post back here after while explaining how I can achieve my goal to ave Dragonite added for Super smash Bros.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
Furret24 Furret24 I know that Dragonite isn't very popular, and his chances are slim. But still, I'd like it if you didn't say things that are so discouraging and negative.

But... Then again... It doesn't seem like BoltDragon is going to give up any time soon. He's clearly fighting until the very end, and I really like that. :)

Anyway, BoltDragon BoltDragon the ballot is almost over... What do you think about that? Do you feel determined? Nervous?


Smash Master
Feb 28, 2015
Furret24 Furret24 I know that Dragonite isn't very popular, and his chances are slim. But still, I'd like it if you didn't say things that are so discouraging and negative.

But... Then again... It doesn't seem like BoltDragon is going to give up any time soon. He's clearly fighting until the very end, and I really like that. :)

Anyway, BoltDragon BoltDragon the ballot is almost over... What do you think about that? Do you feel determined? Nervous?
Yeah. He's certainly got determination. He didn't give up even when he was a one-man army.

If you so desire, I will stop being so negative here.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
I agree BlueZard BlueZard ! Thanks for all of the help in getting me a significant thread position. Who knows? If Mashiro Sakurai doesn't select Dragonite for Smash bros 4 DLC, I will be dissapointed. At least I know that Dragonite MIGHT have a large chance of getting in super smash bros 5! I just hope that Dragonite manages to make all of the other Dragonite fans like me, Happy. Nintendo would honestly be better if Dragonite ws added, because he is not like Charizard. After all, as i said earlier in the comments section on this thread, Dragonite is Charizard's Rival Dragon-type. Not to argue with all of those people who support other characters, but my future main smash bros DLC character is still going to be Dragonite forever. I still support Shantae, Snake, Issac, and of course, Bandana Waddle Dee! Hopefully I will be able win this time, becasue if not, I will just have to start all over again. Wish me luck everybody!

BTW, i feel very determined to win this thing! If i lose, I'l, regret this whole vote that Didn't win. Heck, I might just write a fan letter to Nintendo telling them I want Dragonite for Super Smash bros 5! I'll see what happens this Saturday at Midnight! On the bright side, I have made enough descent progress to make lots of friends on this thread! I sincerely wish everybody well with their threads, and I hope for the best possible outcome.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
Hey, you shouldn't feel bad if Dragonite doesn't make it. It isn't your fault. After all, you voted for him, right? That's really the only way you can directly increase his chances, and you have been trying your best to get more supporters. And besides, you won't even be the only one. There are countless other characters who have been voted for, and most of them won't actually make it.

And plus, you are supporting other characters too, right? You listed some! So, even if your primary choice, Dragonite, doesn't get added, at least one of your secondary choices might end up being among the lucky winners instead. :)
I mean, of course there are still no guarantees, but it's very possible that this could happen.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2015
Georgia, USA
Hey, you shouldn't feel bad if Dragonite doesn't make it. It isn't your fault. After all, you voted for him, right? That's really the only way you can directly increase his chances, and you have been trying your best to get more supporters. And besides, you won't even be the only one. There are countless other characters who have been voted for, and most of them won't actually make it.

And plus, you are supporting other characters too, right? You listed some! So, even if your primary choice, Dragonite, doesn't get added, at least one of your secondary choices might end up being among the lucky winners instead. :)
I mean, of course there are still no guarantees, but it's very possible that this could happen.
This is a great way of thinking.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
Thank you BlueZard BlueZard , Yoshister Yoshister , and @dangeraaron10 for your useful support! With the ballot ending in less than a day from now, I will see what I can do to achieve my goal. After all, I have trued to secure as many fans and followers as possible. IOt may be a Longshot, but the effort was well spent into making this thread! Hopefully Tomorrow at Midnight, Mashiro Sakurai will announce the results for the ballot on the Smash bros website. I'm extremely eager to know the ballot results, and where Dragonite stands, so please expect me to keep posting here about Dragonite's updated status for smash. I feel the true battle has started, bnot just for a character, but for my entire smash bros life. I have played many games, including N64 Smash Bros, Super smash bros Melee, Super smash Flash, Proect M, Super smash bros Brawl, and last but not least, Super smash bros for both the 3DS/Wii-U. I feel welll accomplished in recieving so many positive comments, and i would lie to give one last shoutout to all of my followers: BlueZard BlueZard , Mighty Minotaur Mighty Minotaur , FalKoopa FalKoopa , @Desert Croc, Furret24 Furret24 , @dangeraaron10, Yoshister Yoshister , smashkirby smashkirby , Smashbro596 Smashbro596 , @Zero Soul, and many other supporters that follow me!!! I expect to do well, so please make sure to leave a few final comments on this thread.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
This is it. The final countdown has officially begun. There are less than 24 hours left until Mashiro Sakurai will add the DLC to the Wii-U/3DS! I am so eager to find out who wins this thing! I hope that by a longshot, Dragonite might actually win, but if he does'nt, at least i had the courage to know that my vote was not in vain. I hope everybody enjoys the new DLC, and may your characters make an everlasting impression on the Battlefront of DLC!!!

BTW, I feel honored that all of my fans have taken me this far to gain more ballot votes. Dragonite is, and will always be my favorite Future DLC character for Super smash bros. Expect to here some comments out of me later tonight about what i predict will happen. Until then, Good luck for DLC!!!

Mighty Minotaur

Smash Cadet
Jun 30, 2015
Hey buddy! I forgot to head here and support your thread, so here I am!
If he hasn't said this yet, me and BoltDragon are pretty close in real life. It's really cool to see how far you've come. I remember when I introduced you to this after talking about how I was supporting Shantae, and said you could make a thread to. I remember when you made the thread, I was nervous to show up and support because of all the sheer amount of hatred. Trust me, I do feel Dragonite's chances are pretty dagum slim, but it's BEAUTIFUL how much determination you have. Not once have you backed down from a bout with nay-sayer's. Not ONCE. That is one of the marks of a true hero. You've got it in you, BoltDragon old pal'. You've got it in you.
So if it's not clear already, I show my support for Dragonite being in Smash. I'm sorry to say I don't have much faith in his inclusion, but he still would much-needed rival for Charizard, so they can finally settle it in Smash.
The final hours are upon us. Who will be included? Who won't? Who will be sentenced to the 6-year death-sentence of waiting for a new game, a new chance, to see your favorite character among Nintendo's greats. Who will get the beautiful time of basking in the sun with their favorite character in the roster? All shall be decided tonight.
Not saying the characters will be announced tomorrow, but just that the voting will end.
Good luck BoltDragon. Good luck everybody. And as for me: #Shantae4Smash
And as for you: #Dragonite4Smash
(P.S. BoltDragon you need to play Fire Emblem Awakening)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
Thank you Mighty Minotaur Mighty Minotaur san. You are truely a warrior of peace and justice. I feel sincerly liked by my fans, and i hope that Dragonite:149: Wins the vote to be an OFFICIAL DLC character!!! I have great faith that his addition to the smash bros crew will make all of the Dragonite fans of the Pokemon Universe feel really happy! Wish me luck everybody! and Be sure to cast your Final Vote for Dragonite!



Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
I'm back everybody! Things have been on edge lately with the ballot vote ending today. I am sincerely hoping that Mashiro Sakurai will come to announce the DLC character(s) this week, because the suspense is killing me. On the bright side of things, I have to say that my Fans support was pretty good for this thread, and I enjoyed having Dragonite added as a potential Smash bros Character. I know that for certain, he is bound to win something, maybe like a Pokeball, or an assist Trophy, IDK. I feel obliged to thank everybody who was a Dragonite fan or not, and i would like to say that i have been through many rough times over these last 2 month's. May all of your character predictions for Smash bros become true legends that will forver change the game of Smash bros Forever!

I'll be sure to include a small reason why I personally think Dragonite should win, even if he did'nt get selected by Nintendo as a DLC character. Fee free to leave any comments regarding how you felt toward supporting my thread, or how you would like to help me improve Dragonite for Super smash bros 5 future DLC! Until then, enjoy smash, and stay frosty.

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Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
I'm back everybody! Things have been on edge lately with the ballot vote ending today. I am sincerely hoping that Mashiro Sakurai will come to announce the DLC character(s) this week, because the suspense is killing me. On the bright side of things, I have to say that my Fans support was pretty good for this thread, and I enjoyed having Dragonite added as a potential Smash bros Character. I know that for certain, he is bound to win something, maybe like a Pokeball, or an assist Trophy, IDK. I feel obliged to thank everybody who was a Dragonite fan or not, and i would like to say that i have been through many rough times over these last 2 month's. May all of your character predictions for Smash bros become true legends that will forver change the game of Smash bros Forever!

I'll be sure to include a small reason why I personally think Dragonite should win, even if he did'nt get selected by Nintendo as a DLC character. Fee free to leave any comments regarding how you felt toward supporting my thread, or how you would like to help me improve Dragonite for Super smash bros 5 future DLC! Until then, enjoy smash, and stay frosty.

Well, it's nice to see you're not letting this get you down too much. Also, I love that pic of Dragonite! It's really cute!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
Thanks smashkirby smashkirby for your help in achieving part of my goal toward victory! The only thing left to do until the DLC is announce, is to chat here casually about what I should have improved on Dragonite's status, and his abilities for smash bros reference.
Be sure to check you conversation I starrted with you! I will write there shortly! And be sure to leave another few comments on my thread about how you liked Dragonite!


Smash Master
Feb 28, 2015
I'm back everybody! Things have been on edge lately with the ballot vote ending today. I am sincerely hoping that Mashiro Sakurai will come to announce the DLC character(s) this week, because the suspense is killing me. On the bright side of things, I have to say that my Fans support was pretty good for this thread, and I enjoyed having Dragonite added as a potential Smash bros Character. I know that for certain, he is bound to win something, maybe like a Pokeball, or an assist Trophy, IDK. I feel obliged to thank everybody who was a Dragonite fan or not, and i would like to say that i have been through many rough times over these last 2 month's. May all of your character predictions for Smash bros become true legends that will forver change the game of Smash bros Forever!

I'll be sure to include a small reason why I personally think Dragonite should win, even if he did'nt get selected by Nintendo as a DLC character. Fee free to leave any comments regarding how you felt toward supporting my thread, or how you would like to help me improve Dragonite for Super smash bros 5 future DLC! Until then, enjoy smash, and stay frosty.

That's a lovely double post you got there.

That's also a loving picture of Dragonite.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
Hello again everybody! It's BoltDragon BoltDragon here with a small update about my thread and how the DLC ballot went for me. I have the courage to speak up about how i honestly did in voting for Dragonite, and I got to say, I really am proud that I have achieved a mental victory with all of the votes that I received!!! BTW, I am hoping that When Mashiro Sakurai updates the DLC, Dragonite will win a spot on his list of Pokemon.
Things for this thread have been going so well, that I feel obliged to thank the entire SmashBoard's crew for letting me post a thread here about Dragonite! As always, feel free to leave any personal idea's or thoughts about Dragonite, and how he should be a great potential fighter for the smash bros series. Until then, expect me to get working on future idea's for Dragonite to get into Smash bros 5, if he doesn't win a Spot for DLC in Smash bros 4.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
Well, the ballot has finally been taken down.
Even if Dragonite doesn't win a spot as DLC in SSB4, do you think he still has a chance in a future Super Smash Bros. game if they ever make one?


Smash Master
Feb 28, 2015
Well, the ballot has finally been taken down.
Even if Dragonite doesn't win a spot as DLC in SSB4, do you think he still has a chance in a future Super Smash Bros. game if they ever make one?
Not much. They are much more popular Pokemon candidates for Smash 5. This isn't even including potential Gen 7 (maybe 8) that might end up being really popular too.

Let's hope he atleast gets a cameo or trophy though.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
Things have been going so well for Dragonite lately. I am impressed by what comments i'm hearing on this thread. Even though I understand that Dragopnite might not necessarily win the DLC vote, I'm pretty sure he would at least get a runner up spot in the ballot; Moving on, I have some great idea's and recommendations on how to Get Dragonite into Super smash bros 5! My very first thought on this matter, is that Dragonite should recive more SPEED, and more AGILITY. I am explaining this because Dragonite weigh's at maximum, 463LBS, and he is Bulky and stronger than expected. I also feel obliged to add on the fact that Dragoniote has been a major fan favorite idea on Nintendo's social forum: MiiVerse for the Nintendo 3DS/Wii-U. I for once feel as though Mashiro Sakurai will have to make some very tough decisions on who wins this ballot. I can guarentee alot of his fans will be very happy that their character they are voting for will get into the DLC caracter spots. On the other hand, My thread needs a MAJOR Upgrade! I'm going to see if i can make some more postings thast include animated GIF's, and some Fan Art from the internet to draw some more people to vote for Dragonite in Super Smash Bros 5! Unttil then, Good hunting, and good fighting shall abound on the Smash bros series!!!
Well, the ballot has finally been taken down.
Even if Dragonite doesn't win a spot as DLC in SSB4, do you think he still has a chance in a future Super Smash Bros. game if they ever make one?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
I'm back Everybody! Sorry about the long wait for not posting here for a while, I was busy with my own life. Anywho, I would like to say that I feel deeply pleased that You have all supported me throughout the balot's end. I have to add on the fact that all of you guys were true fighters, and you helped me never give up toward my goal of Dragonite being added to the Smash bros DLC ballot! I'm sorry that this post is a double post, it's just that my thread went unnoticed for a while, so i thought that i would update it with a small chat session about Post DLC thoughts. Also, be sure to check out Nintendo's official website to see what future DLC content awaits us. You just might be wondering why I came back onto this thread after the vote was over. I'm simply here to remind everybody about supporting my thread, and thanking everybody about the compassion they have given me for SmashBoards.
BTW, sorry about the Double post, it's just that my thread needs more comments about chatting, and tips for the next DLC for Smash bros 5! I hope that everybody wins their character into the DLC ballot!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
I wonder when the ballot characters will be revealed... Hopefully it will be soon, because I'm tired of having to wait. In fact, I've been tired of waiting for a while now. I'm really eager for news.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I would find Dragonite super unnecessary...
But it would be quite a hoot to have in as a character.
I do not think he offers anything new to the table, however. Let's bring him bac as a summoned move for Pokemon Trainer.

...or at least as a Pokeball.


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2015
Georgia, USA
I'd want Dragonite In Smash if there weren't already there other pokemon I want as DLC (Pichu, Ivysaur, and Squirtle).


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
Don't worry everybody! I know that Dragonite might not exactly win a top spot on the DLC ballot, but we can still hope for a possible NPC item, such as Dragonite becoming a Pokeball, or maybe a Mii fighter DLC costume, or maybe even an Assist trophy? I honestly don't know, but i feel as though Dragonite still has a small, yet relevent chance to wn something. Anything playable would be nice. In the Meantime, expect me to keep updating my thread about Dragonite, with some interesting thoughts and concepts that I have in store for the future of Smash. BTW, BlueZard BlueZard , be sure to check your conversations later tonight, I will leave you a message. Until then everybody, I wish you all a good time in Smash Bros!
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
Oh, speaking of which... If Dragonite was a Pokeball Pokemon, what do you think he'd do?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
Thanks smashkirby smashkirby for your idea! I''l see to it that I can possibly change Dragonite's status movers and abilities. Honestly, the DLC vote is killing me. I need to know what the actual results were, so that I can find out if I won or not. Hopefully my smash request was verified by Nintendo, because if it was NOT verified, I will be relatively dissapointed. I want everybody to enjoy the Smash bros eries, and I would appreciate it if more people could comment on this thread. I'll be sure to post back here later.


Smash Master
Feb 28, 2015
Thanks smashkirby smashkirby for your idea! I''l see to it that I can possibly change Dragonite's status movers and abilities. Honestly, the DLC vote is killing me. I need to know what the actual results were, so that I can find out if I won or not. Hopefully my smash request was verified by Nintendo, because if it was NOT verified, I will be relatively dissapointed. I want everybody to enjoy the Smash bros eries, and I would appreciate it if more people could comment on this thread. I'll be sure to post back here later.
It was if you sent it before October 5th.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2015
Brooklyn, New York City
  1. Thanks Furret24 Furret24 ! I really do appreciate your Positive support for this thread. I undertsand That even though Dragonite is not the most popular Pokemon for the Dragon-types, He still does get alot of Comments, and he receives alot of Fans Support! Honestly, think of what He could've brought to the Battlefield of Smash bros 4. Dragonite really would have alll of the Pokemon fans riled up for more Pokemin to be added into the game in the future. With some consideration, Mashiro Sakurai probably put at least 1-5 More Pokemon into the game. I'll keep checking on Nintendo's website to see if the DLC has been added for more characters.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Thanks smashkirby smashkirby for your idea! I''l see to it that I can possibly change Dragonite's status movers and abilities. Honestly, the DLC vote is killing me. I need to know what the actual results were, so that I can find out if I won or not. Hopefully my smash request was verified by Nintendo, because if it was NOT verified, I will be relatively dissapointed. I want everybody to enjoy the Smash bros eries, and I would appreciate it if more people could comment on this thread. I'll be sure to post back here later.
Well, it's like they said, this isn't exactly a popularity contest, but more of a suggestion box. As long as you suggested someone who would be considered a legit choice for a character, they'll take it into consideration. Dragonite seems like a pretty legit idea for a playable character, don't you think?
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