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Drack's Wolf Guide - now maintained by Kashakunaki


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Thanks for the guide. I've chosen my brawl mains based on two factors. A- Their play style similar to my melee mains (Fox/Falco/Sheik [I know, I'm a ****]) and another factor separate from the first game, because this game is more balanced-

Their metal factor. Dude, wolf seems totally metal, and thats awesome. With more balanced gameplay, players are free to play characters they like and not just characters with spammable great attack sets. I'll be playing Starwolf and Meta(L)knight.

See y'all online!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2007
Columbus, GA
I included the explanation (I can tell from your name that you've at least dabbled in Japanese) because it's a public forum and wanted anyone reading my answer to understand it. Yeah, it seems as if the "WOOOO!" is the crowd imitating a howl.
That would be so funny if the crowd howl.:laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2008
the only thing missing now is a credits section...
Everything I didn't find out on my own has a link nearby (Foxtrot for example). If someone wants credit for "discovering" something before me, that's fine, I'm not claiming that I'm the first person to ever play wolf, but I don't see a need to specifically point out that we both found out the same thing at different times in the guide.

If someone wants to contribute to the guide, they will be acknowledged.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 27, 2007
Thats not the way it works man. I'm trying just as hard to boost Wolf's metagame. The point is, I discovered and made mention of both before you did. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your work. But I'd like people to appreciate mine, too.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2008
Thats not the way it works man. I'm trying just as hard to boost Wolf's metagame. The point is, I discovered and made mention of both before you did. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your work. But I'd like people to appreciate mine, too.
Both what? I seriously don't know what you're talking about. Everything in my guide is my original research. If it's yours too, great, but if we both discovered something within a week of playing the game, it's safe to say it's common knowledge.

Looking through your posts to see what wolf info you have, it seems you want credit for illusion cancels? Sorry bro, but I did this myself before seeing your thread. I didn't know about the waveland or the different lengths you mention in your post, but I don't mention those in my guide anyway. If you want, I could add and credit THAT info, but not the fact that illusion cancels exist.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 27, 2007
Ah what the heck. It doesn't matter. I'll just contribute with the stuff I've got and keep adding things as I find them.

-The up-tilt goes through most platforms. Its like Marth's sword used to be in that way. Same thing applies to a short hopped u-air.

-The laser bayonet can be used as anti-air and is comboable.

-His bair is best used from a turnaround jump since that gives the most range (when approaching).

-The u-air is good for juggling.

-The Shine reflects projectiles at twice the speed. Dunno if you mentioned that.

-The Illusion comes in three lengths and causes you to waveland, but you can't attack during landing.

-The Illusion changes angles to sweetspot.

-It also sends enemies to the opposite direction of where you are coming from if you sweetspot a hit, so if you touch them from the top, they get sent down, if you make contact on the left, they get sent right and so forth. (Right now it says the angles seem random in your guide)

-Wolf's roll is excellent.

Just minor things but every little helps right? I don't care if you mention me at all in the guide, just add this stuff so this guide can be even better.

Also, I'm not mad at you or anything, I just want Wolf's metagame to be the best it can. So peace, man.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Glad to see my favorite newcomer plays so well. I know who I'm maining. :bigthumbu

So foxtrotting might be considered a "must-have" technique for Wolf players? Meh, I think it looks silly, but I'll do what I must.

Anyways, great guide Drak! Keep up the good work!


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2008
Ah what the heck. It doesn't matter. I'll just contribute with the stuff I've got and keep adding things as I find them.

-The up-tilt goes through most platforms. Its like Marth's sword used to be in that way. Same thing applies to a short hopped u-air.

-The laser bayonet can be used as anti-air and is comboable.

-His bair is best used from a turnaround jump since that gives the most range (when approaching).

-The u-air is good for juggling.

-The Shine reflects projectiles at twice the speed. Dunno if you mentioned that.

-The Illusion comes in three lengths and causes you to waveland, but you can't attack during landing.

-The Illusion changes angles to sweetspot.

-It also sends enemies to the opposite direction of where you are coming from if you sweetspot a hit, so if you touch them from the top, they get sent down, if you make contact on the left, they get sent right and so forth. (Right now it says the angles seem random in your guide)

-Wolf's roll is excellent.

Just minor things but every little helps right? I don't care if you mention me at all in the guide, just add this stuff so this guide can be even better.

Also, I'm not mad at you or anything, I just want Wolf's metagame to be the best it can. So peace, man.
Don't worry about it. I'm sure it LOOKED like I read your post and threw in the illusion cancel info without credit so I can understand where you were coming from. I'll add this info with credit, thanks. Question for you. You say that the illusion changes angles to sweetspot. Are you talking about sweetspotting a ledge or an opponent?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 27, 2007
You say that the illusion changes angles to sweetspot. Are you talking about sweetspotting a ledge or an opponent?
Sweetspotting a ledge (wow changing angles to auto sweetspot an opponent - that would indeed be sweet :laugh: ). The angle between the Illusion and the horizontal increases if a ledge is close by (it never decreases though).

Also, his boost kick (up-b) sometimes traps him underneath the edges of FD and other stages. You need to try and sweetspot the edge without letting anything (like a sloped wall) getting in your way in such cases.

As soon as I discover something new I'll post it here.

And thanks a lot for crediting me for my stuff, I appreciate it.

EDIT: You're right his roll isn't exactly "excellent" as in "the best" but its still one of the better ones.

- Wolf can Ledge-Hop Single Laser! :laugh: it may seem gimmicky, but it makes coming back to the stage from the ledge easier.

- since the up-smash is a decent move it makes sense to do it from a dash. You achieve this by pushing the c-stick up while dashing. Doesn't work with other smashes though.

- Addition to the bair approach: if properly executed, you can turnaround short hop bair over a very long distance. To get the most out of the jump, use the c-stick to initiate the bair and hold the direction you want to jump in on the control stick. This will further increase the kick's range (not the hitbox but the jump distance).
In general you can make full use of the decent range of Wolf's aerials by using this technique. You can also better aim with this imo. But its the same in Melee and common knowledge actually. The difference is that in Brawl you no longer keep the momentum from a dash but influence the way you move by using the control stick only.

- after juggling someone (with u-air or the likes) you can KILL with his up-b at about 130%. If you aim it straight up that is, kicking them to the upper edge of the screen and then to the side with the final hit. Not sure about how practical this is or if you can DI out of it or something. Might be rather hard to properly hit with because of the short lag before Wolf starts his up-b. Situational - Requires a little more testing.
EDIT: So far it has worked several times. It takes advantage of the fact theres not much space left at the top of the screen to survival DI once you've kicked them upwards and then away.

- a little more on recovering: If you aim the boost kick at a point above a ledge, you can use the control stick to get a little closer to the stage and grab it. This is similar to M2K's angle for the Melee firefox for those of you who used to play Fox. BUT it makes you a little vulnerable while falling to the ledge. On second thought, the side-b actually has roughly the M2K angle! :laugh: So you can use that too and aim at a point above the ledge to gain more distance (because of the massive ledgegrab-range in brawl).

- side-b is definitely better for recovery than up-b when NOT trying to sweetspot a ledge but rather getting on to the stage directly because of lag after the up-b. The side-b has some lag too but not nearly as much.
Even when trying to grab a ledge the side-b is more reliable because again it doesn't leave you vulnerable for as long (the Illusion's starting lag is shorter than the boost kicks). The best use for the up-b is when you're trying to sweetspot a ledge but you know the side-b won't cut it (it can only adjust the angle so far) and to recover from below the stage. Alternate between the two to prevent predictability.

Sloped walls (think Smashville - he handles that easily) aren't really the problem with Wolf's up-b, its rather..weird corners like the ones on FD. I find that going straight up from beneath the ledge(if possible) is the best option in theses cases.
If you're under a stage and its name is not FD, you can direct the boost kick up and away from the stage and Wolf will usually sweetspot the edge.

I'm meeting most of my crewmates on sunday. I will try to find good counter-pick stages for Wolf.

Guide's excellent :)


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Say, aside from the trophy, what does Wolf earn after clearing classic mode?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2008
Say, aside from the trophy, what does Wolf earn after clearing classic mode?
I didn't receive anything out of the ordinary (Trophy, challenge cleared if it's the first time I beat Classic on whatever difficulty I played as, etc.).


Smash Apprentice
Dec 27, 2007
I added more things a few posts above. Might want to look into them.

Post all your ideas on Wolf people! This needs a sticky!


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
From our fights earlier today:

Wolf eats through most of Sonic's attacks but is vulnerable to homing attacks during blaster spam.

Lucas can Psi Magnet his Blaster Spam and has projectiles of his own, it's better to shine and force Lucas to come in for the attack. Psi Magnet has a bit of post lag so spam, wait for the Psi magnet to pop out and rush in for the attack.

Zamus has range on you, but inferior power.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2008
From our fights earlier today:

Wolf eats through most of Sonic's attacks but is vulnerable to homing attacks during blaster spam.

Lucas can Psi Magnet his Blaster Spam and has projectiles of his own, it's better to shine and force Lucas to come in for the attack. Psi Magnet has a bit of post lag so spam, wait for the Psi magnet to pop out and rush in for the attack.

Zamus has range on you, but inferior power.
To clarify, TheMagicalKuja (Lucas main) came over to my place and we had some friendly battles today. I don't have quite enough data to make a matchup section for your charaters yet, but a few more 1v1 fights should be plenty.


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
hahah great guide, still when brawl comes out i will play for fun for some months... and then will try to play more competitive...

nice touches the quotes next the matchups!


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2008
-Added ledgehopping section, changed dash attack description.

Ledgehopping: This is a pretty common technique and isn't Wolf-specific, but fits better here than in other categories. Ledgehopping is when you're hanging off the ledge, but drop fomr it by pushing away from the stage with the control stick, then using your double jump and an attack to agressively get back onto the stage using a different attack than your reguilar "A" ledge get-up attack. There are 3 attacks Wolf has that are practical for ledgehopping.
-Blaster. Vegeta214 brought this to my attention. Ahh, the good old ledge hopped blaster. Melee Falco players know this technique all too well. Wolf's blaster in particular is good for this because it threatens both people stanging on top of the ledge (with the blaster's bayonet as a bonus) and those a bit back ready to counter a get-up attack. This is the most difficult ledgehop to do, as the timing is a bit tight to blaster towards the stage and get enough air to land on it. Back Jump B Forward.
-Neutral air. One of the few uses for neutral air in my opinion. At low percents you can generally combo a ground attack after this hits. Back Jump A Forward.
-Forward air. My personal favorite and easiest to pull off. Since the knockback is upwards, you can often jump up and back air them to turn the tables, or kill with this alone if they're at high percent. It's also the easiest ledgehop to perform. Back Jump Forward (hold) A.

Dash: (9%. Star KO 191%) This is a flip kick that resembles Fox's up smash in its animation. Direction of knockback is more vertical the closer you are to your opponent when you use it. Of course, it's not nearly as powerful as a fox up smash. If you miss or get shielded, this leaves you wide open to a counterattack. For this reason, I prefer up smashing out of a dash (Use the C-stick and you don't have to stop the dash), which is a more powerful upward attack with a bigger hitbox and less lag afterwards.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2008
Here's a terrible quality video of me beating a level 9 CPU in a Wolf ditto on Battlefield.


I'm the blue Wolf with DRACK over his head. I wish I could post better quality vids, but my cell phone camers just isn't up to it. Also, I had the game sound off, and on top of that my roommate's phone rang a minute in. My apologies.

The AI for Brawl is really good. You'll have to really work to beat a Level 9 CPU. It's a lot tougher than Melee's AI. This is the first time I've faced a Brawl computer (There is no shortage of human opponents where I live) so this took me by surprise and I won on the last of my 3 stock.

At 1:16 I do the Ledge Glitch unintentionally.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
A note on ledgehopping that I noticed.

When you ledgehop you retain a few invincibility frames... nothing practical enough to be useufl, but you do retain a few invincibility frames.

Also, my opinions:
Fair has, unless you are feeling particularly spicy or you know it is going to hit, has too much landing lag to ledge hop. You can do it, but I think it is just WAY too punishable.

And for the Nair to the stage... I'm still trying to figure this move out. I've noticed in a few matches it seems not to stun. I've also been using Nair to Jab as an approach. You can be shield grabbed out of it if they shield the nair, but not all the time. Again, however, sometimes it seems this attack doesn't make them flinch, so it is risky. Again, I think this is a little to punishable for ledge hops.

What's the "Ledge glitch"?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2008
What's the "Ledge glitch"?
The Guide said:
Ledge Glitch: If you Side-B recover enough above the ledge so it doesn't sweetspot the ledge but not enough to put you on the ground, sometimes you won't ledgegrab, but fall straight down. This is interesting in that it does NOT put you ito special fall. You can recover by Up-Bing straight up which will sweetspot the ledge. I don't know any practical use for this, though I suppose it can be a mindgame if it's reliably repeatable.
As far as nair goes, I've noticed that too, but haven't figured it out well enough to document info into the guide.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2008
I have confirmed Kashakunaki's "Wolf Wall" technique and added it to the guide.

-You can full-hop double aerial most of Wolf's aerial attacks. Kashakunaki contributes the following application of this technique, which he calls the "Wolf Wall"
Kashakunaki said:
I have an approach for Wolf... I've been tinkering around with him and I found that Wolf can control the match very well as long as another character doesn't have very good projectile spam (Falco comes to mind).

Call it something if you want to, don't call it anything if you don't think it should have a name. I call it the Wolf Wall, or WW. It's basically a WoP (Wall of Pain) with Jigglypuff, but Wolf style. Rather than WoPing horizontally, you Wolf Wall (wall = vertical) up and down.

Still clueless? You should be. His Bair is by far one of his best moves. Decent knockback... can kill at about 130% and does decent damage, but that's not the point... I don't think his bair should be used as a kill move. It should be your combo move, your match controlling move, and just a tool you use to your advantage.

You see, I noticed that wolf can double aerial full jump most of his aerials. For example, full jump bair bair, or bair fair, or uair uair, or bair uair, or dair bair, etc. The only thing you can't do is fair fair (his laggiest aerial next to dair, and besides, I think fair should be reserved as a killing move.).

Again, what am I getting at? Well, I'll make a video to show you more in-depth later, but you can short hop (or if you're Sakurai, small jump) his bair. Yes, hurrah, go you. But if you do it quickly and time it correctly, you can also double jump after this and bair again, and again, maybe even a third time, but I doubt it, or as an alternative you can just full jump bair > bair or full jump > bair > double jump > bair bair. His move comes out so fast and has long enough reach you can use it to space and combo people. You don't have to worry about it losing damage and knockback.

I think this will be a huge part of Wolf's metagame... so please heed me here. I, Kashakunaki, think this is an important aspect to Wolf's metagame and should be paid attention to. Wolf Walling, or WWing.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Sweet. Thank you very much, Drack.

I seriously hope this contributes to Wolf as a character and his metagame for the future. It seems like a dead serious application for his character to me. I played Melee competitively, so I'm not just some scrub... I will get a video up as soon as I can to demonstrate my points (as well as other things) soon.

Thank you.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
I thought his fsmashes are fast enough, as well as his dsmashes.

But yeah, I must me imagining. XP


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2008
Wolf is not a slow character. He's slower than fox, but about the same speed as the new Falco. His play style revolves around quick attacks, not quick travel (he's average in travel speed). He's much faster than average in terms of attack lag before and after.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I couldn't have put it better myself, Drack. What he said.

And in regards to your question, no exactly. Playing aggressively with Wolf works very well, but you can also spam lasers for a defensive approach (or gay, which is how matches are won sometimes).

But so far I've found that THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT TO WOLF'S GAMEPLAY is spacing. He has long reach and quick attacks use them!


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
I don't think I was able to outreach Wolf's laser spam with PK Fire as Lucas. I tried a couple of times but was always just out of reach, or decided to Psi Magnet instead.
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