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doo-doo's all purpose fat a$$ thread

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2006
newnan georgia
please feed doo doo as many huny buns as possible, for he needs then to be louder, more obnoxious and less funny. doooh dah...your not funny. your just a fat a$$ loser that still dates ugly hoes and plays smash. get a life, and learn what emo is. i would be emo if i dated ugly b!tches like you do...im sorry for all of this...dooo-doo. your really just a old f@g-bag playing a video game with a buncha kids.

ps-last time i seen your girlfriend in gainsvill i called my girl's parents and thanked them for not making a ugly baby.

pss- i dont give a fvck about mods, or your ugly *****.

psss-did you dump that ugly excuse for a girlfriend yet??

later, d-bag

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
hey daniel, trash talk is fine an all but try not to make it personal attacking Sasha(his lady)

but what do I know? I dont even play this game anymore anyways, I just come here for the lulz.

edit: *just realised hes walked into the lion's den*


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
hey daniel, trash talk is fine an all but try not to make it personal attacking Sasha(his lady)

but what do I know? I dont even play this game anymore anyways, I just come here for the lulz.

edit: *just realised hes walked into the lion's den*
It's ok. I've got a chair and whip to keep the lion at bay!


Mike wtf you should like... get a 360.... get Halo 3... and get XBL.... and play online with me and G-Reg and Chaddd.... and when we lose to pros and crap, we can all say "yeah well... we can beat your ***** in SSBM!" It'd be fun :)


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
Don't get which part? The whip and chair? Or the Halo 3? I'll explain both?...

Whip and chair = classic cartoon version of a Lion Tamer :)

The Halo 3.... well, I play with Chaddd online sometimes, and I got G-Reg on my list too. I'm a higher level so I end up playing a lot of good people. If I had Mike/Chad/Greg on my team, we would probably lose greatly because those three play Smash and not Halo lol. It's always fun to **** talk teams when you know you're going to lose haha.
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