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Don't Blink ~After Story~ 4


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
Hey I went All rob in doubles. I didn't use Mario once. I did go mostly Mario in pools and rob once in singles before I forfeited, just clearing that up :O.

Shoutouts copied and pasted from last thread.

Shout outs to all my peeps I haven't seen in like a year! I missed all you guys and it was great seeing you all again! I had a lot of fun and so did all my friends who went.

Arty: It was nice seeing you again! You were the last person I'd expect to beat xD. I loved that set.
Kappy: Kap Strats! I must share to the Mario boards! it helped me beat arty! lmao.
Quik: Your Wario is still beastin man, it was nice seeing you again!
Meneil: I shall have my revenge! I should have won that last match xD Your Ike is still great
Zswarm. Why didn't we chat more
Quaz: Nice seeing you again man, keep repping peach!
Akashi: I shouldn't have lost to you in Marvel lol. It was great seeing you again as well!
Krystedez: I didn't expect to see you there man, it was great seeing you again. Good job winning the tourney, geez you're ridiculous.
Hades: Most intense guy ever, carrying a yoshi everywhere. I need to bring my Mario to show my passion for the character lool. Great games! And nice meeting you.
Legan: Great Link man, I was so free vs you 2nd game. Next time I'm beating you, :D. Great games.
YoshQ: Your luigi is still pro man. Nice Up Bs lol. I'm totally not using Rob against you again.
RRR: Nice to finally meet you! You and Yoshq gave us the most challenge in dubz, and we also had the most fun!
Kennispam: I hate Zelda now.. lol. And You're totally right, I should have went Mario, lol. My rob is now way too free and no longer viable in singles. Time for me to whip out Mario again!
Breezy: You're a freaken Beast omg.
Kain: Still pro I see. I hate you now for ****** me in MVC lol.
Kirk: Good job getting 5th man! Beasting again with Ike I see!
Sago: I can't believe I didn't see your Marth all tourney, good job getting first in dubz!

Great tourney, great smashers, you guys will see me again!

And Hunger you're lame for not showing up. Gadam.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 24, 2011
Rockford, Illinois
Excuse me, captain oblivious, please send me that replay.

I heard ya maaaan, it was just super late when I saw it, I'll get it to ya ASAP broooo

EDIT: Is there anything special I need to do to it before I send it? I've never had to mess with replays before.

Another Edit: You know what? I'm a complete noob and don't know how to send it or even view it outside of my wii. So give me some advice and I'll send it right out, sorry maan :urg:


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
Bourbonnais (hour S of Chicago)
Okay, super late shout-outs, BUT LET'S DO THIS!

1)Krystedez (192$) - Grats on winning man, you definitely deserved it! You played spot on whenever I saw your matches, and your critical thinking skills are incredible. The times you came back on Meneil was super respectable, albeit lame (in a very good way, as Pit should be haha). Also, you're honestly the first smasher to compliment Meneil and I the way that you did. I want to personally thank you, and tbqh, that was the highlight of my night. I hope to see you soon! =)
2)Kain (88$) - Always nice talking to you, my good man, and it was a blast seeing you play once again. Our dubs matches were close, and I'm glad Sago carried you! DIP :p
3)JJRockets (56$) - I'm glad my advice helped, and I was 100% serious when I said I wanted you to take down Arty. You improved so much, but then again, you were always good. I think our match could have gone either way, but regardless, the better man won. Good job :)
4)Arty (32$) -
Arty said:
Akashi, you gotta stop stealing my Snake strats. Run up to your C4 and explode it? Run off stage and whiff back airs??? Don't tell me you're gonna start doing back-throw to spike on DLA DKs??!!
Wrong, you stole that sh*t from me ;)

5)Legan (16$) - Thanks for the $MM, I always feel like I learn something from the MU when I play you. And I'm always kidding when I talk about you not knowing random stuff about Marth - understanding your opponent/commonsense > understanding ATs (Hunger would know this - dude is dumb as a rock when it comes to that [only calling him out so he'll namesearch himself LOL])
5)Kirk (16$) - Good job with 5th! Not much else to say other than that. Get ready to lose next time in doubles though, I'm gonna counter your Pit strat! ;D
7)YoshQ - Mmm, I don't remember the advice I gave you, but you're welcome nonetheless. Next tournament we're stealing a TV and we're playing a ton of friendlies with your Falco. Idc if you learn my habits and destroy me in bracket - I just want to see good players get even better. Real talk
9)DtJ Oro?! - You may have beaten me in pools (and dubs!), but Meneil got the last laugh! FD is mad stupid though, but them's the ropes. Good job on 9th and 1st seed =) I'm proud of your Marth, no sarcasm
9)Meneil - Good job beating Oro, but you tied in placing with him?! FOR SHAME!!! Nah, I love you sweetie <3 and you kicked some serious a**. Good job beating DLA too!
9)Quik - We need to get, "I beat Kennispam in bracket" shirts! ;D Nice talking to you like always<3 come to more, plz?
9)KenniSPAM - Lol, New Pork City hates you. Gg's though, and sorry we played in both pools and bracket.
13)Sago - I'll PM you some Marth related stuff to help you out. I know you're obviously going through an identity crisis, so I want to encourage you in anyway possible. I am serious though about Marth being 50% smarts and 50% technical ability.
13)Kappy - My man :( don't get discouraged, please. Motivate yourself, and don't have so much expectation! You're an amazing player, someone who I seriously think can place top 5 at any local/regional, but you have to understand taking a loss is just as important as taking a win. Learn from it, and meditate on it. I did like how you played against MegaRobMan though =)
13)RRR - It was really nice playing you, and our matches were great. Arty or Quik was mentioning I had a glaze look on my face... all I could think of was Nappy when I played him. I miss him. I hope to see more of you soon =)
13)DtJ Hadesblade - HADESBLADE!!! That's all ;D
17)BoX7 - It was great seeing you man, plz come to more! Also you should have beaten me in Marvel xD my "I'm going to choose Hulk b/c Idk how to use this controller" got lucky :p
17)Breezy - Thanks for letting me be so salty with those runbacks LOL! I love seeing you dude, and I'm looking forward to seeing that sexy ganon soon ;D
17)7FO - Likewise with Bo, it was great seeing you! Next time you come, let's play friendlies :)
17)DLA - Mannnn, I'm sorry you lost to Yoshq the way that you did =(. I'm not taking anything from him though, but I will say random stuff happens. I hope you just brush this off though, and in MY eyes, you're better than what you're placing. Also, I only troll you b/c I love you <3. However, I'll troll less from now on, promise
17)Norm - Nice seeing you! And thanks for TOing :)
17)Zwarm Great $MMs man, sorry we had to play in bracket :/. Play more Shiek, she's a good pocket character!

Big shout-outs to all of those who TO'd!

Also big shout-outs to the NIU guys (Metroid, Deb, and Dan) for hanging out with us on the train, it was awesome! You three are really chill :)


Smash Master
Jan 14, 2009
WauKe$ha, WI
Maybe kappy wouldve beaten me if you coached him more :kirby2:

Ill perfect my new pork city strats for next time. Im never losing there again!!



Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
If you mean the one in the forum here:

It's my profile picture; my friend had an artist from Second Life draw my character Spectrum as a commission.

If you didn't well know by now I'm an anthro artist myself and my "fursona" is Spectrum, aka "Krystedez", his human-name (and form).

The more you know in a tourney results thread.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Yo, where the pools stuff? I need to know the names of the people I played in pools so I can properly shout out.



Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
If you mean the one in the forum here:

It's my profile picture; my friend had an artist from Second Life draw my character Spectrum as a commission.

If you didn't well know by now I'm an anthro artist myself and my "fursona" is Spectrum, aka "Krystedez", his human-name (and form).

The more you know in a tourney results thread.
Oh Sweet, another fellow Anthro artist! Coolbeans. How did I not know this all this time?

Btw idk who's wii it is, but I believe YoshQ saved the entire set of me and Freddy vs Him and RRR. Rob+wario Kirby+Luigi. If anyone has that replay I wanna know.


Smash Master
Nov 18, 2005
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
I heard ya maaaan, it was just super late when I saw it, I'll get it to ya ASAP broooo

EDIT: Is there anything special I need to do to it before I send it? I've never had to mess with replays before.

Another Edit: You know what? I'm a complete noob and don't know how to send it or even view it outside of my wii. So give me some advice and I'll send it right out, sorry maan :urg:
Just copy it to an sd card if you have one, then plug the sd card into your computer and upload the bin file of the replay to www.mediafire.com, then send me the link.
If you mean the one in the forum here:

It's my profile picture; my friend had an artist from Second Life draw my character Spectrum as a commission.

If you didn't well know by now I'm an anthro artist myself and my "fursona" is Spectrum, aka "Krystedez", his human-name (and form).

The more you know in a tourney results thread.
You're weird...


Smash Master
Jan 27, 2006
did we have a recorder during doubles?

i thought it was installed some time between singles pools and singles bracket starting


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
Stop hatin Yosh.

So yea, if anyone has that set, send it to me or Yosh or w/e, me and freddy barely have any offline teams matches.


Smash Master
Jan 27, 2006
i completely forgot to shout out to all your brawl kiddos

kain: you adjusted to my anti-air DPs and i didn't re-adjust. good stuff with that guy, kano
zwarm: sakura is such a ****, you just gotta work on some BnB combos and you'll be golden
kappy, red ryu, DLA, legan, and yoshq: good seein' you guys!
grimace, hunger, and fatboy: wtf? no johnssss


Smash Cadet
Nov 2, 2011
I AM THE ****!


sanchaz: man, you are such a cool person. you even bought me 3 pizzas. I'll take a stock next time.
yoshq: garbage
orly: your okay
fruitloop: where's applejax
zwarm: awkard
castlevania 4: you are such a great game
pizza: so broken
cowboyfromhell: generic smash name = LOSER!
john9blue: (see yoshq)

I'll work on my pikachu in the lab for next tournament

team moonwalk.


Smash Hero
Nov 9, 2008
Mount Prospect, IL
I've literally been at work/school since this tournament, I'll get the replays up soon though, Yosh.

Fun Fact Chris: I used to main Sakura before Cody, remember that? I was terrible though... not that much has changed. I just actually need to practice this game again now that 2012 is out. I'm surprised I was getting as many combos with Sakura as I was.


Smash Master
Jan 27, 2006
Her cr.FP is like the best AA in the game. It's seriously why I keep losing to Sakuras.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Yo, I gotta like go to some girls birthday party and pretend I give a **** about things for a while, but I was doing SO's and they aren't finished. So here's the response to the quotes until I get back, which should be soon, why would I want to be at a bar downtown when I could be playing Mega Man Rom hacks on a friday night.

As a major side note, god I hate league of legends, that's all anyone plays and a lot of the smashers quit to play that ****ing game. AND THEY ALL SUCK AT IT, WTF!!!!

I almost started crying when you guys started playing league because I was completely irrational due to no sleep for 3 days at the tournament and league just makes me manic depressed in that state of mind.

MegaRobMan - Great games in pools man, I was not expecting you to be so good since you came off as just a Brawl player! It was fun playing you, hopefully we'll get in some friendlies next time we meet.D
EDT: I wonder if people actually read everything I type >.>.
our set sucked :/ You had a chance to sit and watch me play for a while so any mind games or advantages I may have from being unorthodox was gone from the start. However, you did an excellent job punishing a lot of my bad habits with Marth, you were more inside my head than anyone else. gg's

I'd like to play my Ness against your mains and see how I do tbh. My Ness is fierce.

I haven't decided whether to stop playing brawl for a month, or to play brawl several hours a day for a month.
The fact you have the option is nice. I have to take a bus 9 hours to get irl practice.

megarobman - ggs, fun matches at the end of the tourney. shinegrab too good
Yeah it is.

17)MegaRobMan - Good games! Wolf is starting to become really frustrating to play against. LOL.
Yeah, like I said to you, typical Kirby set for me. Get a big lead 2nd stock andddddddddddddddddd it's gone! GG's though, you beat me twice.

17)MegaRobMan:wolf: i wanted to play you in bracket :( wolf is such a hard matchup for sheik!
You should have given me advice on how to either

A. beat Ike (hint, don't approach)
B. beat Kirby (hint, don't approach)

Then I would have played Marth against you, LOOOOL. My Marth is undefeated in sets during tournament play btw. 1-0 against sheik. I've thought about going Marth against Wario/Pika/Kirby before but I don't usually because I like the matchup. I HATE the sheik matchup with Wolf, but I've been told how to win it, so idk if I won game 1 I may have gone Wolf game 2 to test it out.

17)MegaRobMan - We gotta play friendlies at Joker's next time lol. Hope you had fun coming out to Chicago to play and you should def come again
Yeah dude and yes dude for sure. There's a decent chance I'll be smoke free at Jokers so I'll be craving games for sure.

13)MegaRobMan:sheikmelee: - it was fun to stick around after everyone else left. it's neat to hear that i have a different luigis than the other ones you play against. he's mah boyyy. maybe i'll see you at the next smym whenever that happens
Yeah, you didn't just run into my f-tilt :( I like luigi in 64 and brawl, I didn't like his feel in melee as much, but tbh the only character I like to play is Sheik or Zelda for competition sakes.

I'll be at smym unless I can't but yeah, gonna start practicing teams here.

Might even level up to 2006 sheik.

Like this (CG's Wolf 5 times and follows up with anything) :pit:
Yeah, my only advice to Kain was "Don't get grabbed". I did a good job of not letting you get those grabs in against me in our MM because ShermantheTank has me used to taking arrow damage at lower%'s.

I wish Wolf had some lame gimmick to his damage racking.

13)MegaRobMan - Didn't play you in singles, but I heard the legends of the 2003 Sheik!
Yeah, ooohhh boy was I mess in teams, lololol. That's what I get for not playing doubles in a few weeks.

17)MegaRobMan - Sorry no friendlies. Almost though.
We'll get it in at Jokers.

17)MegaRobMan - :D fun teaming and seein ya again.
Dude, my bad in teams. We probably shoulda won that set but lolol I did a baaaaad job leading our team. I'm usually the support role because I play with at least 4 people who are always better than me and a few people about even.

I just found it hilarious I asked you to team and we ended up teaming together. Just not in the game I wanted :p

Why can't you say d.ick, that can be a persons name. What if I wanted to give my buddy **** a shoutout. Dumb imo.
You can say blowjob, which is weird.

@ YoshQ and Krystedez-Being weird and weirder is a good thing imo.
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