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Doktur Sea's List of my Picks for Brawl of Doom


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
I find it hilarious to see a list of character that includes several characters I included in the Burning Pit of Doom. I like your wild card characters (Twinrova, Duck Hunt Dog). Of course Munchlax is still uninteresting, and Bowser Jr. I just see as being too low on the totem pole, but hey, that's why these topics come up.

And Majora is the ugliest thing ever. Skull Kid owns all other Zelda villains, possibly even Ganondorf himself. He's got so much style, while Vaati and Majora have... well... nothing.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Like dmost of them, execept twinrova and munchlax, add megaman, sonic, machrider, geno, deoxys, lucario, krystal and wolf and u will get it right...


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2006
In your house
Yes. Even ppl who haven't played that LoZ game will look at Skull Kid and be able to tell he's a villain. I think if they are going to add any more LoZ chars it should be him.


May 15, 2006
6. Ridley

Now, I'm not really a fan of the Metroid series. I don't have anything against the games, I've just never played any of them (well, I played Hunters for the DS for about five minutes...but I didn't know what I was doing, so I quit). But apparenly Ridley has appeared in all of them except for two. I know almost nothing about him except for the fact that he looks AMAZINGLY cool and holds EXTREME potential for a unique moveset. And please, none of this "HEZ WAI 2 BIG!!!!!!!" crap. Do I need to whip out the Boswer-Size argument? Ridely could be simply scaled down and he wouldn't look awkward at all.


You really should play some 2D Metroid. They are so much better than the 3D ones (Then again, I hate FPS, so thats just me). Pick up Metroid: Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion for the GBA. You could probably find some "
legal" copies on the internet fairly easily. You could also try to find Super Metroid for the SNES.

What Metroid needs to do is go the way of Castlevania and keep doing 2D Metroids on handhelds.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Wow. . . This reminds me of something. . .

But w/e. You know I dissagree with Blaziken so thats aready said. . . But I have to dissagree with Wolf Link. WHERE on this site has Wolf Link even gotten a thread or even became a hot choice(let alone been asked for by more than I and a few others)? He's the most unique new Zelda character we know of from TP and as soon as we see his moves we will be able to make some good move-sets.

But the simple fact that both you and McFox kept Lucario off your list shows me that it's from your personal veiws (so they both bore me in the end).


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2006
Plucking Pikmin
acctualy i love snorlax, hes one of the top 10% of pokemon
titanic hp (ive seen some reach 500+) attack avove average, spcial def by the tons, low normal defense but meh use counter & with his hp u got 1hit kos

& seeing as how munchie is sooo **** popular (& look cooling & snorlax pre-e) i just cant deny i want him in brawl


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Tom Nook: I think we should put in the fighters before we put in characters like this. Like Geno and Diddy and etc. Sakurai said he didn't want only popular characters so you can't use that argument and as for making a moveset for a person for someone who hasn't fought, Captain Falcon is a popular character and Zelda is a popular character. At the time when they were making the first two games these characters were in demand and it is now that they will not be concentrating so much on popularity although is still think they will take the advice of fans and put in the higher ranked characters on the poll. Tom Nook was not all that highly ranked.
Because you were so graciously calm, I'll be calm.

Your argument is horrible, to say the least. You contradict yourself all over the place. You say Sakurai won't go by popularity alone, but you go on to say that he WILL be going by which character gets the best ranking, ie how popular he is...

Black/Light said:
But I have to dissagree with Wolf Link. WHERE on this site has Wolf Link even gotten a thread or even became a hot choice(let alone been asked for by more than I and a few others)? He's the most unique new Zelda character we know of from TP and as soon as we see his moves we will be able to make some good move-sets.




Smash Cadet
Jun 11, 2006
Nice list. I can't exactly say those would be my exact picks, but your reasoning makes me consider them, except the Dog, which for some reason, I can't see in Brawl.

And one more thing...

It's a little thing called Pokémon NetBattle, you ought try it out.
No. That place has been infested with stupid people and foreigners, there's only about 0.00001% intelligence overall.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Wow, 3 whole threads (only one of which had more than 1 page) is enuff to make you say " This character chioce should die!". . .


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Wow, 3 whole threads (only one of which had more than 1 page) is enuff to make you say " This character chioce should die!". . .
So...? Please show me where it is written that I can't not like an idea because there aren't a lot of threads about it?


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
So...? Please show me where it is written that I can't not like an idea because there aren't a lot of threads about it?
Show me where I said you shouldn't disslike a idle because of lack of threads about it. . . .

It just seems odd to me that a character that is rarely spooken of (on THIS site) could up-set you enuff to put them on your list (I can see Blaziken getting on someone's nerves cause she's broth up alot when talking about pokemon but Wolf Link doesn't get much support here because he's 4 legged so he shouldn't get on anyone's nerves).


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Show me where I said you shouldn't disslike a idle because of lack of threads about it. . . .
Um, the rest of your post?

I'm still trying to grasp why you're trying to make me admit my opinion is wrong. I don't like the idea. That's my opinion. Take it or shut up. I never once said "I hate this idea because people keep bringing it up." I've heard it a few times and I really don't like the idea.


Smash Lord
May 26, 2006
It's different, that's for sure. Not too big on Twinrova, doesn't seem like it's that important a character in the Zelda universe(and makes me wonder where all the Aganihm lurv is.) The rest is fine. Still, I continue to refer to Skull Kid as Majora because I consider Majora to be the dominant part of those two when together.

Now, I probably could make a thread like this, but I won't. My Ten faves are in my sig, and anyone who wants an explanation can just ask for it. (LOL BLATANT HIJACKING LOL)


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Um, the rest of your post?

I'm still trying to grasp why you're trying to make me admit my opinion is wrong. I don't like the idea. That's my opinion. Take it or shut up. I never once said "I hate this idea because people keep bringing it up." I've heard it a few times and I really don't like the idea.

In my first post I was just saying that he's not a hot choice and is brong up very lil. I also stated that he is unique.

2nd post, I said (in a way) that it seems odd a character gets under your skin when very few people even talk about said character(only 3 threads. . .all under 3 pages).

3rd post, I said the same thing as 2. . .

When did I say "your opinion is wrong" because the most I said about Wolf Link being unique is in my first post (which didn't flow into the last 2 I might add). I don't give 2 F^^^s if you don't like him, Blaziken, Lucario or any other character I like so I don't care enuff to try to make you "admit your opinion is wrong".

And would you kindy stfu telling me to shut up (^_^). Nothing gets on my posting-nerves more than when someone replies (ON topic) to a thread and is told to shut up because someone doesn't like their opinion.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2006
My Replies


ON YOUR BIG TOP 10 PICKS FOR BRAWL you said you want responses, so here is my mine:

1. Skull Kid
This villain could actually work! It just needs a little lovin' is all. This character could transform into three forms! In the first form, it is just skull kid, with all its attack however the developers should put them. In the second form, it is the speedy-lookin' majora's form. Skull Kid is there, just that he is transformed with Majora. To transform into second form, it could be a Down+B move or a Ultimate Smash Power move. Which ever works. And his third form is another Ultimate Smash Power -or- another transformation with the Down+B move. To change back into Skull Kid just press Down+B once more. This form will permanently stay until the match is over. The attacks are excellent and accurately fast. Either way, you can have SKull Kid transform with the use of DOWN+B maneuver -or- he transform using his Ultimate Smash Power. I would use Majora's Mask character design for Brawl.

I know you don't like Majora, but please be reasonable, this character is ugly looking and we need an ugly looking smash character. Either way, Skull Kid without making it use the mask would upset people for not making the mask have a part in the game. But if you were discussing about the Ocarina of Time character idea, then it would seem like a very bad idea.

YOU'RE RIGHT! Skull Kid is more interesting looking TO ME than Vaati. Skull Kid has a powerful mask and I have no clue what VAATI does. Never heard of him or it.

2. Bowser Jr.
This little guy is tough to say about. He was a bad guy from Mario Sunshine. And this is where they use his design for the games he appeared in. I have nothing to say about him, but his possibility of appearing in Brawl is 50%.

3. Duck Hunt Dog
I'm sorry for saying this, but using that dog is just ludicrous. I told my brother about this and he plays more cooler and killing things game and stuff than me and he said it would be well . . ., stupid to have as a fighting character. Besides, some don't know what its true name is.
I'm sorry man, but a D-O double G wouldn't work. You may either ignore this one or rant about it.

4. Toad
The guy who wrote that about Toad is totally right! He is a good character. But don't you think he was just there to represent those statistics in the games he played. I mean he is small, light, and speedy. A perfect match for having a small character representing those stats. Having a medium sized character will mess up the reality of a game. If people had rumors about him being Melee, than Nintendo will surely add him, just like Sonic, where people thought he was going to be in there. I mean just like what digifreak642 said "if you don't like him, don't play as him."

5. King DeDeDe
The reason why Meta-Knight got in, was because he wields a sword. There is not that many sword-wielding characterS yet. So they showed him in the game clip. King DeDeDe wields a hammer and the Ice Climbers wield hammers. Maybe they would add him for the hammer- wielding characters, maybe?

6. Ridley
This boss character should be what he be called; a boss character. He won't be playable though, but maybe it has a spot for the expanded Adventure Mode for when they do a Metroid stage. For me, it doesn't FEEL RIGHT for it to be a playable character.

7.Tom Nook
Isn't he the guitar playing dog that plays tunes you make? Because if it is, that's a bad idea for that little innocent hippie dog to do. The character being able to fight looks weird. Tom Nook is too cutesy for him to star in. The dog's design looks like he doesn't fight. Plus, I don't want to see that doggy fight.

The characters from Melee have a history of fighting. The Pokemons fight, bounty hunters are meant to fight, females that were in SSBM are there to add some femininity to the game, all fighting games must have a weird character and that is why Mr. Game & Watch was added, and finally, all fighting games must have a clone from their originals.

8. Twinrova
These old hags look like a good boss character idea. But, I doubt it they would appear in Brawl. Maybe in Super Smash Bros. All-Star?

9. Munchlax
It is famous for being one of the first Pokemon from Diamond & Pearl to appear in the North American & Eurasia regions. But isn't Munchlax just a pre-evolved Pokemon? There are other Pokemon from Ruby & Sapphire/Emerald version that need to appear in Brawl. Munchlax is a sixth generation pokemon. The game should have one Pokemon to represent a generation and appear in the Smash series at least once.

10. Diddy Kong
I want Diddy to appear no matter what, if he doesn't appear in the game. Then I'm going to work for Nintendo and tell something bad about Sakurai and then they will have to fire him and I will take over his place of developing anymore Smash games and when we start a new smash brothers game, I am going to put diddy in first before I say Mario or Link.

Majora................................I don't know what you said about him.
Plusle & Minun..................Neat idea. But there should be only one Pikachu character design.
Waluigi................................He is not well-known just yet.
Daisy...................................She could be the alter-ego to Peach. Hard-@$$ and rough. But no.
Blaziken..............................It would be cool. But I want more Pokemon creature villains instead.
Missingno...........................Completely stupid idea ever thought of for the entire forum.
Master Chief......................THE Master Chief of Halo? Why would Microsoft let him join their game?
Vaati....................................Not well-known.
E. Gadd................................That old guy can't even fight! He'd break every bone in his body if he did!
any Punch Out! characters other than Little Mac................LITTLE MAC AND ONLY LITTLE MAC.
Wolf Link............................If they made a character out of it, it would look like Okami for PS2.

There you go DokturSea, my responses.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
1. Skull Kid
This character could transform into three forms! In the first form, it is just skull kid, with all its attack however the developers should put them. In the second form, it is the speedy-lookin' majora's form. Skull Kid is there, just that he is transformed with Majora. To transform into second form, it could be a Down+B move or a Ultimate Smash Power move. Which ever works. And his third form is another Ultimate Smash Power -or- another transformation with the Down+B move. To change back into Skull Kid just press Down+B once more. This form will permanently stay until the match is over. The attacks are excellent and accurately fast. Either way, you can have SKull Kid transform with the use of DOWN+B maneuver -or- he transform using his Ultimate Smash Power.
No. Just...no...

daisythirdeyeW33 said:
2. Bowser Jr.
This little guy is tough to say about. He was a bad guy from Mario Sunshine. And this is where they use his design for the games he appeared in. I have nothing to say about him, but his possibility of appearing in Brawl is 50%.
Yeah, I agree that he doesn't have much of a shot of getting in, but I still like 'im. ^_^

daisythirdeyeW33 said:
3. Duck Hunt Dog
I'm sorry for saying this, but using that dog is just ludicrous. I told my brother about this and he plays more cooler and killing things game and stuff than me and he said it would be well . . ., stupid to have as a fighting character. Besides, some don't know what its true name is.
I'm sorry man, but a D-O double G wouldn't work. You may either ignore this one or rant about it.
Oh well, since you discusses it with your almight overlord of all video games brother, I guess you're right.

daisythirdeyeW33 said:
4. Toad
The guy who wrote that about Toad is totally right! He is a good character. But don't you think he was just there to represent those statistics in the games he played. I mean he is small, light, and speedy. A perfect match for having a small character representing those stats. Having a medium sized character will mess up the reality of a game. If people had rumors about him being Melee, than Nintendo will surely add him, just like Sonic, where people thought he was going to be in there. I mean just like what digifreak642 said "if you don't like him, don't play as him."
Yeeeeeeeeah. I like digifreak too.

daisythirdeyeW33 said:
5. King DeDeDe
The reason why Meta-Knight got in, was because he wields a sword. There is not that many sword-wielding characterS yet. So they showed him in the game clip. King DeDeDe wields a hammer and the Ice Climbers wield hammers. Maybe they would add him for the hammer- wielding characters, maybe?
Wuh...uh...you're...you're serious? There isn't ENOUGH sword-weilders? So Link, Young Link, Marth, Roy, Metaknight and Pit aren't enough? And ICs ARE enough hammer weilders? :dizzy:

daisythirdeyeW33 said:
6. Ridley
This boss character should be what he be called; a boss character. He won't be playable though, but maybe it has a spot for the expanded Adventure Mode for when they do a Metroid stage. For me, it doesn't FEEL RIGHT for it to be a playable character.
Oh, we won't be playable, for a fact? Another thing said by the almighty overlord of all video games brother, I presume?

daisythirdeyeW33 said:
7.Tom Nook
Isn't he the guitar playing dog that plays tunes you make? Because if it is, that's a bad idea for that little innocent hippie dog to do. The character being able to fight looks weird. Tom Nook is too cutesy for him to star in. The dog's design looks like he doesn't fight. Plus, I don't want to see that doggy fight.

The characters from Melee have a history of fighting. The Pokemons fight, bounty hunters are meant to fight, females that were in SSBM are there to add some femininity to the game, all fighting games must have a weird character and that is why Mr. Game & Watch was added, and finally, all fighting games must have a clone from their originals.

Tom Nook

You're thinking of KK Slider.

daisythirdeyeW33 said:
8. Twinrova
These old hags look like a good boss character idea. But, I doubt it they would appear in Brawl. Maybe in Super Smash Bros. All-Star?
Oh, I had no clue you knew the name of the next (if there even is one, which I doubt) SSB game? Wow, you're brother is amazing.

daisythirdeyeW33 said:
9. Munchlax
It is famous for being one of the first Pokemon from Diamond & Pearl to appear in the North American & Eurasia regions. But isn't Munchlax just a pre-evolved Pokemon? There are other Pokemon from Ruby & Sapphire/Emerald version that need to appear in Brawl. Munchlax is a sixth generation pokemon. The game should have one Pokemon to represent a generation and appear in the Smash series at least once.
The "generation representation" argument is ****. There is NO need to rep ANY generation.

daisythirdeyeW33 said:
10. Diddy Kong
I want Diddy to appear no matter what, if he doesn't appear in the game. Then I'm going to work for Nintendo and tell something bad about Sakurai and then they will have to fire him and I will take over his place of developing anymore Smash games and when we start a new smash brothers game, I am going to put diddy in first before I say Mario or Link.
I finally agree with you.

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
DokturSea, I respect your opinions but you don't need to be an a** about everything. Or do you honestly expect us to completely agree with you?


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
O_o Skull Kid was the main villan of Majoras Mask...
and was, in fact, a specific character in OoT.
Vaati was the main character in Minish Cap, Four Sword Adventures and Four Swords 3 games and the Skull Kids in OoT where Kokoris that got lost which is why there were several of them.
The reason why Meta-Knight got in, was because he wields a sword. There is not that many sword-wielding characterS yet. So they showed him in the game clip. King DeDeDe wields a hammer and the Ice Climbers wield hammers. Maybe they would add him for the hammer- wielding characters, maybe?
Marth, Roy, Link, Young Link, Kirby (one move) and now Metaknight and Pit! there are way more sword weilders, let's look at the hammer weilders Ice Climbers and Kirby (one move) now are there more sword weilders or hammer weilders.
This boss character should be what he be called; a boss character. He won't be playable though, but maybe it has a spot for the expanded Adventure Mode for when they do a Metroid stage. For me, it doesn't FEEL RIGHT for it to be a playable character.
No he would be too good a playable character.
Vaati....................................Not well-known.
That was stupid, the main villain of the 3 most recent Zelda games is completly unknown

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
Also, Ganondorf was a boss character and then, what? He was playable! God help us, he should have been a boss character because he was one in his games and can be nothing else. (sarcasm is going to be the death of us all).


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
DokturSea, I respect your opinions but you don't need to be an a** about everything. Or do you honestly expect us to completely agree with you?
Oh, I'm getting a lecture on being an a** from the guy who posted in dr.neo's thread in the Pool Room, am I? I am tired of having my opinions ragged on by someone with a false sense of authority.

Ok, that was low. I'm sorry for being an a**. I do it sometime. I apolgize to anyone I've offended. Truly. I'll try and be more open minded. This thread is getting off track. I apologize and can we please just try not to get this thing closed...

Crazy Ace 01

Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2006
Manchester, New Hampshire
Yes. Tom Nook. Not the Animal Crossing main character. Nook. I think Nook is more of a mascot of the Animal Crossing series than the human player by far. And he could use the things he sells (Shovel, Sligshot, Net, Fishing Rod, Umbrella) as attacks, which would be awesome. Just imagine a walking, talking Racoon whipping out a fishing rod and starting to smack a Pikachu around with it. Yes, pretty bad@$$. I honestly think that most of the hate for Nook out there comes from the fact that people haven't played Animal Crossing. It's a good game that NEEDS good representation. Of course, that's not really the reason I want Nook in. I just want to start smacking people around with a shovel. A freaking SHOVEL.
Animal Crossing is a good game and, if any, Tom Nook would be THE representing character in a Smash game. However, I really think it is a lame idea. I mean, he runs the department store! Animal Crossing doesn't need representation in SSB, because Animal Crossing isn't about fighting in any way. Every other character in SSB-SSBM has been involved in some kind of fighting/battle, from jumping on Goombas to fighting 10-story bosses to wacking moles. Tom Nook isn't amazingly popular, he doesn't really have a major role in Animal Crossing besides selling you your house and running the store(no one has a major role in that game except the players), and it seems like he was picked from mid-air as a character for SSBB. I think there are many other characters that deserve to get in before Nook, even third party characters like Sonic. I just can't see a fighting Tom Nook.

I agree with your whole hate-list, though, good choices there, and Nook is really the only character I have a problem with on your wish-list. Good work on the whole thing, it looks like you put a lot of thought into all of it.

P.S. Sorry if I stole any prievious anti-nook arguments, I haven't read the thread all the way through.

Edit: After reading through the thread...

Nook would be a unique character, but he is low on the "totem pole" as McFox put it. And he isn't a fighter. The Animal Crossing world just doesn't have the right stuff, imo.

I don't know about the DHD. he is also a bit low on the pole, I would imagine, but I suppose he could make a unique character. I think a Duck Hunt item would be cool.

There are better Pokemon than Munchlax that I think deserve a spot before him, like Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Meowth, ect... I am a big fan of the pokemon series, but I think Mewtwo, Pikachu, and Jiggly are just fine. If anything, I suppose a newer pokemon like Munchlax could replace Pichu... nothing could be worse, at least.

Diddy Kong and Dedede FTW. (Diddy Kong rancing rocked, can't wait for the DS version) They have both had major appearences in their series' and are great characters with definite personalities. I think the guitar would be a great super-final-smash move for Diddy.

The Twin Witches from OoT were great bosses and fun to fight. I think a remade gannondorf stands a better chance of getting in first, though.

Ridley has always been the classic boss from the Metroid series and I think he would be a great addition to SSBB. If he does get in, I hope Samus can still missle him to death for an easy win :)

If another Zelda character was to be added, you have convinced me to vote for Skull Kid.

Bowser Jr. is a great character, but I don't think he has much of a chance over many other characters.

Toad is the man. Nuff' said. It was embarrasing to watch Peach use him as a move. He should be fast and have great strength, but have lame jumping, just like in... well, I played the remake for GBA.

And no, there is no particular reason I listed them in that order. Oh, and I've never played SMRPG, so I would like to see Toad in before Geno, but I don't really know much about him.


Smash Ace
May 15, 2006
Hiram, Ga
You know, as much as I doubt it happening i think Twin Rova would be really cool. I also think they should transform into the second form. so really you would have Koume and Kotake which transform into TwinRova.


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2006
No animal crossing characters and what the hell the duck hunt dog you must be out of your ****ing mind to put him in brawl.

Pvt. Falcon

Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2006
London, ON
It's weird how everyone hates Waluigi. He's a pretty cool guy, even if he is just another char. in the sports/party games. Even he has moveset potential (but everyone wants to kill him).


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
I don't think you realize how important Vaati has become to the Zelda series. He's starting to become an ongoing villain, just like Gannondorf. We will probably see him in many games to come. I doubt will ever see Skull Kid again. Although, I would like to see a sequel/prequel to Majora's Mask.

DokturSea said:
Vaati, to me, seems to really have been someone Nintendo just pulled out of their butt as an alternative villan to Ganondorf. He just...appeared one day. In Four Swords, it was just like "Oh no, this guy stole Zelda! He's bad...really..." You knew and still know nothing about him.
That's pretty much the exact same way that Gannondorf came about. Are you saying that he shouldn't be in brawl. Plus, they gave Vaati a background and story in The Minish Cap. He's an evolving character, just like Gannondorf.

Also, TwinRova? I can at least understand you putting Skull kid before Vaati, but not TwinRova.

I completely agree with you about Tom Nook. I think he would make a great character.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
So far, there has been no mention of Vaati in Twilight Princess, which is being promoted as being the biggest and best Zelda game ever, not to mention one of (if not THE) best game of all time. On the other hand...

By the way, I was able to find the information about the Skull Kid appearing in Twilight Princess:

Skull Kid - A regular in the N64 Zelda games, he became a major character in Majora's Mask, but it is still unknown what kind of role he will play in this game. It is, however, known that Skull Kid will be Link's enemy in Twilight Princess, as he is seen blowing a musical instrument that summons the Skull Kid Creatures. He is also seen here holding a lantern, leaving no space for him to carry any weapons of his own. Perhaps this tells us that you will not be fighting Skull Kid directly, but will instead be only fighting the monsters he summons.

Skull Kid Creatures - These creepy creatures are summoned by the Skull Kid's musical instrument. Their weird smile is very off-putting, but do not be fooled - they are definitely your enemies! The Skull Kid Creatures hover in mid-air with their limbs hanging at strange angles, and the best way to defeat them is to parry around them and jump up to slash at their backs. They have the same kind of style to them as the Skull Kid, and this could suggest that we will only see them when the Skull Kid is near to summon them.

Those are both pictures from a trailer.

So now Skull Kid summons stuff too. Kafei can summon yellow foxes that ask riddles? Skull Kid summons monsters who (ironically enough) have numerous tentacles with which to attack you.

Sorry, but Kafei sucks. At least Sheik was a ninja. Kafei was a little kid who stood on switches, and could also (gasp!) roll and slap things.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
So far, there has been no mention of Vaati in Twilight Princess, which is being promoted as being the biggest and best Zelda game ever, not to mention one of (if not THE) best game of all time. On the other hand...
Right, but as far as we know he's just a minor enemy, as far as we know. I'm not surprised by Skull kid, especially since this game takes place soon after Ocarina of time. Just as Zoras, Gerudos, and Gorons will show up. It is not the major villain Skull Kid, though.

This makes me wonder, though. Who is going to be the major Villain of Twilight Princeess? And what about Phantom Hourglass? If we knew, it might help shed some light on new Zelda characters in Brawl.


Smash Ace
Oct 27, 2005
holding it
Oh, I'm getting a lecture on being an a** from the guy who posted in dr.neo's thread in the Pool Room, am I? I am tired of having my opinions ragged on by someone with a false sense of authority.

Ok, that was low. I'm sorry for being an a**. I do it sometime. I apolgize to anyone I've offended. Truly. I'll try and be more open minded. This thread is getting off track. I apologize and can we please just try not to get this thing closed...
Hey, thanks for taking my advice and posting in a mature way.

Yes, that was sarcasm.
Anyone who makes a thread like this has to expect to be flamed like a Bush supporter at a Greenpeace senior citizen's party. It's your wish list, don't worry about other people's opinions or get so worked up over them. Now having said that...

I really can't believe you'd rather have Munchlax than Blaziken, or any other fighting Pokemon, for that matter. You made the point of DHD, or anything else, being worked in, but moves are created basically only when a char really doesn't have anything to work off of to start with, i.e., Fox, Falcon, Shiek, (Ganon as a clone doesn't count). Munchlax's main characteristics are drawn from sleeping, and to work it into a fighting game, would fundamentally change Munchlax. I don't care about popularity, I'm talking logistics. Blaziken could be like Falcon with ranged attacks, don't tell me that's a bad idea.

Twin Rova and Skull Kid were about the only good suggestions I thought, especially the Twin Rova, I actually hadn't heard that one. And even though Skull Kid looks cool, I'd still prefer Vaati just because he'd have a sword as well as magic. Look at Mewtwo and Zelda, and those are not unlike how Skull Kid would come out without good physical attacks. A lot of ranged attacks, even broken ones, are never a substitute for melee ones.
Just imagine a walking, talking Racoon whipping out a fishing rod and starting to smack a Pikachu around with it. Yes, pretty bad@$$.
I seriously hope that is a sarcastic statement about being bad***, otherwise your whole list is bunk imo, but hey, it's your wish list, like I said, so personal opinion ftw. :/

EDIT: I also realized that with Link being updated to the TP look, any other Zelda chars likely would also, so Skull Kid might not look the way you want him to. I'm not saying this is a reason not to include him, you just might be somewhat dissapointed if he was included, that's all. :) But if for his supermove, whatever they're being called, he could bring the moon down on everybody else, that would be totally freaking awesome. :cool:


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2006
Orlando, FL
So far, there has been no mention of Vaati in Twilight Princess, which is being promoted as being the biggest and best Zelda game ever, not to mention one of (if not THE) best game of all time
Hmm.. one of the best games of all time? It looks pretty good but that werewolf thing really bothers me. Why can't they just make a true sequal without there being some weird catch every time. No cell shaded cartoony children that have nothing to do with link, masks, or werewolves. Link grows up after he's turned into a child (OoT) and some new problems arise. Bam, perfect sequal.

This makes me wonder, though. Who is going to be the major Villain of Twilight Princeess? And what about Phantom Hourglass? If we knew, it might help shed some light on new Zelda characters in Brawl.
I hope Ganondorf comes back and wins this time. Then they can make another sequal where link learns that turning into a werewolf is stupid and goes into solitude to master himself and truly perfect his combat style. Then he comes back and saves the world from Ganondorf.. maybe. Ganondorf is the man so I would like to see him win and rule the world.

Oh yeah, just so this isen't totaly off topic from this entire thread: Skullkid for brawl! No Pokemon! Waluigi for brawl!


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Hmm.. one of the best games of all time? It looks pretty good but that werewolf thing really bothers me. Why can't they just make a true sequal without there being some weird catch every time. No cell shaded cartoony children that have nothing to do with link, masks, or werewolves. Link grows up after he's turned into a child (OoT) and some new problems arise. Bam, perfect sequal.
If it was the same thing every time it would get BORING. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. I enjoy change.

And about the Skull Kid, the only real requirement (for me) for him appearing is him wearing Majora's Mask. If they want to update him to look like TP, that's fine, as long as he's got the mask. :)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2006
Orlando, FL
If it was the same thing every time it would get BORING. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. I enjoy change.

And about the Skull Kid, the only real requirement (for me) for him appearing is him wearing Majora's Mask. If they want to update him to look like TP, that's fine, as long as he's got the mask. :)
It doesn't have to be the same, but you don't have to turn him into a werewolf. Him growing up and facing a brand new evil (after the events of OoT) would be completely new and awesome. You know what would be cool though? Playing through OoT on Ganondorf's side of the story and then defeating link at the end and ruling the world.

Skullkid is good for me anyway he's represented


May 15, 2006
Hmm.. one of the best games of all time? It looks pretty good but that werewolf thing really bothers me. Why can't they just make a true sequal without there being some weird catch every time. No cell shaded cartoony children that have nothing to do with link, masks, or werewolves. Link grows up after he's turned into a child (OoT) and some new problems arise. Bam, perfect sequal.
Every Zelda has a catch. Zelda 1 was a strong first game and set up most of the important conventions, Zelda 2 was a side-scroller, LttP had the Dark world(where Link would turn into a Pink bunny if he didn't have the moon pearl, BTW. Link's Werewold transformation isn't as out of left field as you think), LA has all that wind fish stuff, The Oracle games have Time and Seasons, OoT has the Young Link/Old Link catch, MM had the 3 day time limit thing, WW had Sailing, 4S had 4 links, and now, apparently TP will have a Werewolf transformation and equestrian combat. if every Zelda game had a different hero, you wouldn't even be able to tell that each game was an entry in the same series. Thats one of the lovable things, Zelda games are never the same twice.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2006
Orlando, FL
Ah.. well I guess it woulden't be so bad if he was able to aquire some item that let him enter the twilight zone in normal form.. but I have a feeling thats not how its gonna be. I dont know.. am I the only one that doesn't like the idea of Link turning into a werewolf? I would prefer him to be strong on his own without having to rely on werewolf form to get the job done.. to me that takes something away from the character.
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