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Doktur Sea's List of my Picks for Brawl of Doom


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
O_o Skull Kid was the main villan of Majoras Mask...
Exactly he was from a game that was overshadowed, All 3 of Vaati's games had nothing to be overshadowed by and Vaati will keep reoccuring throughout the cellda series I would say there is an 85% chance of him being in Phantom Hourglass further boosting his already high chances of being in Brawl and plus he is a wind mage, how many other characters use wind none! (unless cellda link is added) Skull Kid would be fine AFTER Vaati.

Vaati, to me, seems to really have been someone Nintendo just pulled out of their butt as an alternative villan to Ganondorf. He just...appeared one day. In Four Swords, it was just like "Oh no, this guy stole Zelda! He's bad...really..." You knew and still know nothing about him.
No in the Minish Cap he mysteriously came to the land of Hyrule to enter the sword competition for a chance to steal the box which contains the Picori Sword for it contained great magic when he saw that Zelda possesed great magic from her family he turned her into stone and left. The King then sent Link to the Minish Forest so he could speak to the Picori and ask for a new blade where he met Elzo a talking hat that also had a grudge towards Vaati so they teamed together to destroy the evil mage. I havn't played Four Swords yet but that would only add to his background.


May 15, 2006
Ah.. well I guess it woulden't be so bad if he was able to aquire some item that let him enter the twilight zone in normal form.. but I have a feeling thats not how its gonna be. I dont know.. am I the only one that doesn't like the idea of Link turning into a werewolf? I would prefer him to be strong on his own without having to rely on werewolf form to get the job done.. to me that takes something away from the character.
Thats totally how it's gonna be. He's gonna get to the Dark world, turn into a wolf, meet that dark fairy, then wander around until he can get back to the light world. Eventually, he'll find a Moon pearl-like item that'll let him enter the dark world without changing. After this he'll pwn the final boss.


Smash Cadet
Feb 9, 2006
It's disapointing that nobody ever mentions Ray from Custom Robo in thier rosters... And I've never played the 4th generation pokemon games so I have no idea what Munchlax looks like. Also for Twinrova, while they would work like the IC's, it would make more sense to me if you could change which one you controlled during a fight because they while the IC's seem the same except for gender, each of the witches should have thier own B move set. Of course you could just give each one the same move list but just different color and effect... I suppose... And I'm against the Duck Hunt Dog. I would much rather have someone else. Anyways... good list.

Crazy Ace 01

Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2006
Manchester, New Hampshire
No in the Minish Cap he mysteriously came to the land of Hyrule to enter the sword competition for a chance to steal the box which contains the Picori Sword for it contained great magic when he saw that Zelda possesed great magic from her family he turned her into stone and left.
Vaati is a Hyrule character, not a Wind Waker character. Why would he be in Phantom Hourglass? Now he can time-jump too?

Skull Kid for SSBB. He's just cooler.


Smash Ace
Oct 27, 2005
holding it
Vaati is a Hyrule character, not a Wind Waker character. Why would he be in Phantom Hourglass? Now he can time-jump too?

Skull Kid for SSBB. He's just cooler.
That's what I was thinking, nobody said Vaait could move through time. I really doubt he'll be in PH.

I Googled for Vaati pictures, thinking I'd find one that wasn't an overhead view that looked like a stumpy little ******, but even those didn't look cool. So yes, I must concede that Skull Kid looks cooler; but I predict that if Vaati shows his mug in TP, the realistic style will make him look better than Skull Kid's TP design. Now I'm a bit psyched about that, I want to see every reasonably known Zelda villian in TP, thickening the plot's mystery over who's causing the Twilight.

And Crom, I think Link turns into more than just a wolf. In this vid, when in wolf form right and left on the d-pad say "Sense", but there's a part with what looks like a dragon flying (which I've never seen before in Zelda), and it still says "Sense" on the HUD. I don't see Link anywhere in that clip, so... I guess you'll have to decide for yourself. http://javascript:void(window.open('http://media.wii.ign.com/media/748/748589/vid_1672472.html','ign_playlist_player','width=998,height=726,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,resizable=yes'))


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Vaati is a Hyrule character, not a Wind Waker character. Why would he be in Phantom Hourglass? Now he can time-jump too?

Skull Kid for SSBB. He's just cooler.
Well it's assumed that he was the one that freed Ganondorf in the Wind Waker and not all the zelda games have the same timeline except the ones that miyamoto or iwata have said are in continuation with each other so that's OoT-MM-TP-TWW-PH.

Just because he was in one continuaty doesn't mean he can't be in another *points at Ganon* I think he will be in Phantom Hourglass and doubt he will be in Twilight Princess but that would be awsome.


Smash Ace
Oct 27, 2005
holding it
Vaati freed Ganon in WW? Who figured that? That would definitely argue against McFox'x postulation that Nin just pulled him out of their butt, as if the fact that the three most recent Zelda games having him as the main villian don't disprove that already. If there actually is evidence that Vaait freed Ganon in WW, than I can easily see Vaati in PH (and not to mention maybe get a better looking image of him, if that were the case). Before, I just didn't see it really happening because MC, FS, and I Forget the Other One didn't seem to be in the same continuity as the OoT line.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005

OK, let's do this thang.


1. Skull Kid
Ah yes, the Skull Kid. My all time numero uno pick for Brawl. I saw him suggested on some random website a few months ago (before Brawl was announced) and I absolutely LOVED the idea. LOVED it. I adore the creepy factor Skull Kid has and would bring to his gameplay. The lack of visible emotions just gets to me and I think it'd be the coolest thing ever. Plus, he has so much potential for a moveset. He's got two fairys, who could easily be used for something, a blowgun, magical powers, and, a suggestion brought up by McFox, tentacles. And for "all" of you who want Majora *shudders* in the game as its own characters, consider this. The Skull Kid wears Majora on his face. He could have all of Majora's powers and look better pulling them off. A win/win situation, I think.

Skull Kid vs Vaati
Ugh...Vaati. Some of you may know that I DESPISE the idea of Vaati being in the game. Hate. And not just because most Vaati supporters rag on Skullie. I mean, that pisses me off and everything, but it's just the fact that Vaati hasn't really DONE anything. Want reasons?

~Vaati has appeared in three games. Skullie has appeared in one. OK, seems fair, but you're forgetting one thing. Skullie appeared in the sequel to Ocarina of freaking Time, a game that is generally regarded as the best game to ever have been created. Vaati has appeared in some random handheld Zelda games that haven't been all that popular (or so it seems to me). All three seem to be games Nintendo just whipped up to boost sales. Majora's Mask was a very important Zelda game and tons of people played it, therefore making Skull Kid a little more famous.

~Vaati, to me, seems to really have been someone Nintendo just pulled out of their butt as an alternative villan to Ganondorf. He just...appeared one day. In Four Swords, it was just like "Oh no, this guy stole Zelda! He's bad...really..." You knew and still know nothing about him. Skull Kid, on the other hand, has a backstory. You meet him in Ocarina of Time and he's got an INCREDIBLE storyline in Majora Mask. Also, its been reported that he's also appeared in a Twilight Princess trailer, although I've never seen him myself.

~Skull Kid is just all around cooler. I know that sounds very opinionated, but really, look at them...

Skull kid with the mask would be cooler then Vaati. I agree. Skull kid should also be in Brawl. Vaati is a more reoccuring villain and his use of wind powers would be welcomed, but his design seems boring to me. And with more colorful designs and as Doktur said with a higher creepiness factor, Skull kid (and even Midna) would in my opinion, be the better choice for Brawl. I agree. I definately want him in


2. Bowser Jr.

There is WAAAAY too much Bowser Jr hate on this forum. Waaay too much. And I honestly can't see where it's stemming from. I think for one, he's adorable, and two, he'd bring a great style of gameplay to Brawl. And no, I'm not for some crappy Shadow Mario transformation. Although that IS one of his defining traits, no thanks. And let me just shoot something in the mouth right now, Bowser Jr would in NO WAY be a clone of Bowser. He has a FREAKING MAGIC PAINT BRUSH. Please, show me which moves Bowser uses that involve a magic paintbrush. And yes, Kyrstal also has a staff and yes, I think she's has priority over Bowser Jr, but it's Bowser's son, and he deserves some credit. With a mixture of staff-based fighting and paint-powers (wow, that was lame...paint powers?), he'd be a totally original and unique character.

His design is very similar to Bowser's. He has the same body structure, he has the same abilities. So do Kirby and Jigs. I understand this, but they represent different franchises. Adding a paintbursh to Bowser Jr. doesn't really do it for me. Smash will have limited space for characters.

As I said in many other threads, I am predicting that the amount of noncloned characters will be double the amount there was in Melee. There was 8 in Melee, so I am hypothesizing that will the amount of time available, the design team might be able to fit 16. This isn't scientific, this is just my opinion. But follow me as I try to explain. 5 characters were revealed for Brawl. Now the number 16 goes down by 5. We have 11 spots left. 1 to 2 of these will be filled with 3rd party characters (most likely). Lets say only one gets in. Now we have 10 spots to throw new villains in, more popular characters, more franchise representation, and more females. Only 10 spots. I don't think Bowser Jr. offers enough in order to rectify him having one of these spots. I also would ease off on the Mario franchise. Geno and Toad are the only ones from the Mario World that I see as having enough uniqueness, support, and a high enough fun factor to be included.

Plus I don't like villains that are either dark forms of heroes, that only exist as deterents in the heros life. Blood Falcon, Wolf, Dark Samus, and Shadow Mario are examples. Wario is different enough and has enough games not involving Mario to make him a fleshed out, original character. Bowser Jr. is simialr to this dark form, in that he is a smaller version of the Big Koopa.

3. Duck Hunt Dog

Yep. Duck Hunt Dog, the dog from Duck Hunt, in case you didn't get that. If I had a "signature" wanter character, DHD is probably it. Also known here as "Laughing Dog", I think DHD would be PERFECT for Brawl. I started the support thread here kind of as a joke, but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like an awesome idea. I think the worst arugments against him that I've heard are these two...

Originally Posted by notftomearth7
I think honestly, that people have forgoten about the duck hunt franchise altogether.


Originally Posted by The Basement Dweller
They would have to edit him to much and he would be an awkward charcter. He won't fit in Brawl.

Well, the first one is just stupid. Either you've played Duck Hunt, or you haven't. But no one's forgotten it. It was on the same cartridge as Super Mario Bros for cryin' out loud! It wasone of Nintendo's most popular games! Plus, there was even a Duck Hunt trophey in Melee (which lacked in the DHD department, though)

As for the second one, I didn't know they had "too much editing" when it came to the inclusion in Brawl. Yeah, he'd probably have to be in 3D and they might even make him walk on two legs, but um, hello, Pit, maybe? And the "not fitting" thing is just bull****. I think we can all agree that argument holds absolutly no water.

For more information on Duck Hunt Dog, check out my Duck Hunt Dog Thread.

Original character, but I don't see enough potential for his inclusion. Not that I necessarily hate the idea. But I am not sure if there is enough from the game and his small apperance to include him as a fighter. He could be in the game, somehow. I am not arguing that the game Duck hunt is not part of Nintendo's history, because it was famous. Maybe the gun could be included as an item?

4. Toad

Toad is my absolute favorite Mario character, next to Wario. And I'm tired of his exclusion in SSB. He deserves a spot as a fighter, not a B move and a background NPC. He has so much potential for a moveset and is oh so recognizable. I could sit here and argue all the common anti-Toad statements, but I think digifreak642 said it best...

Originally Posted by digifreak642
Point: Toad is a generic character.
Counter Point: There is one Toad that is believed to be THE Toad (SMB2, Mario Kart, etc.)
Point: Toad is Peach's B-move.
CP: That can easily be replaced by Toadsworth or Perry, Peach's umbrella.
Point: Toad is a filler character and has no big roles.
CP: Toad was playable in SMB2, had a huge part in Mario Party, and was the main character for Wario's Woods.
Point: Geno is more deserving.
CP: Geno had only one big role in one game, and he may be 3rd party.
Point: But Geno was in SuperStar Saga.
CP: Toad was PLAYABLE in SuperStar Saga.
Point: There are too many Mario characters.
CP: The Mario series is the flagship series for Nintendo. Plus, Wario, DK, and maybe even Yoshi don't count as a Mario character.
Point: Why Toad? Why not Waluigi, Daisy, or Birdo?
CP: Toad was part of the 'big 8' and is the only character from Mario Kart 64 not to be in Smash yet.
Point: Toad isn't a fighter! He is a weakling!
CP: Toad was the strongest character in SMB2 out of Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad. In the game, he killed shy guys and other creatures.
Point: Just because he killed shy guys doesn't mean that he is a fighter.
CP: Other characters have not had a fighting backround before Smash either.
Point: Toad wouldn't have an original moveset.
CP: An example B moveset: B natural: Throw star. B left/right: Bazooka. B down: (Peach's move with shyguys and other things.) B up: Suprise from SMB3
Point: Toad is way too small and light.
CP: It's called resizing. And, in Mario Kart 64, Yosh in Toad were in the same weight class. Yoshi is not the heaviest in Smash.
Point: Toad has an annoying voice.
CP: Use it to taunt your enemies.
Point: Why can't he be the tutorial guide?
CP: Toad fans want more than that. Toad deserves better than that..
Point: Toad sux.
CP: If you don't like him, don't play as him.

*applause* Everything the man says is true.

Nice arguments. I would say yes to Toad. I am not sure if he would be on my pick if I made a list, but he would get an honorable mention. I think he is the only Mario 1st party character that kinda deserves a spot. If Toad gets in, he should have rocket shoes to incoparate his MarioKart moves. Plus he should be strong like he was in Mario 2. Just because that would be a new mix. A strong, fast character with horrible jumps and light weight. I say maybe.

5. King DeDeDe

So we've reached the almighty King of Dreamland, have we? This penguin kicks ***. And really, he's as good as confirmed. He was meant to be in SSB64, he was the number one choice for Melee, and is now the number one choice for Brawl. In addition, Kirby needs more representation, because Kirby and Metaknight alone aren't cutting it. I still don't get how Metaknight, a minor boss, made it in before DeDeDe, the main character/boss in many of the Kirby games. Plus, he's a penguin. With a hammer.

I am afraid his moveset would be a hyrbid or Kirby and IC. There are only so many things you can do with a hammer. And his specials seem like they would be similar to Kirby's. The vacuumm mouth, the hammer swing, and even the Down B drop. While a penguin is original, I don't think he would be. The more I think about this, the more I am opposed to his inclusion. But still I am not totally against him. He is a giant penguin in a robe.

6. Ridley

Now, I'm not really a fan of the Metroid series. I don't have anything against the games, I've just never played any of them (well, I played Hunters for the DS for about five minutes...but I didn't know what I was doing, so I quit). But apparenly Ridley has appeared in all of them except for two. I know almost nothing about him except for the fact that he looks AMAZINGLY cool and holds EXTREME potential for a unique moveset. And please, none of this "HEZ WAI 2 BIG!!!!!!!" crap. Do I need to whip out the Boswer-Size argument? Ridely could be simply scaled down and he wouldn't look awkward at all.

Yea, he has to be in. He looks like a villain, he looks frightening. Better then Dark Samus by a long shot.

7. Tom Nook

Yes. Tom Nook. Not the Animal Crossing main character. Nook. I think Nook is more of a mascot of the Animal Crossing series than the human player by far. And he could use the things he sells (Shovel, Sligshot, Net, Fishing Rod, Umbrella) as attacks, which would be awesome. Just imagine a walking, talking Racoon whipping out a fishing rod and starting to smack a Pikachu around with it. Yes, pretty bad@$$. I honestly think that most of the hate for Nook out there comes from the fact that people haven't played Animal Crossing. It's a good game that NEEDS good representation. Of course, that's not really the reason I want Nook in. I just want to start smacking people around with a shovel. A freaking SHOVEL.

Yea, I say he uses his fishing pole as a grab to reel in oppenents for a throw. His specials would be so random and hilarious. G&W will get some competition. And he represents a popular, non represented series. I never played the game, but just by reading about ideas concerning him, I have to agree. Throw him in.

8. TwinRova(IC-Type Duo)

Ah yes, my wild card of the top ten. Most people haven't even considered them for Brawl, but in my opinion, they'd be the BEST IC-Type Duo possible. For those who don't know, TwinRova is the final boss (excluding Ganondorf) from Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time. One, obviously, has ice powers and one has fire. I think they just scream moveset. I've also heard people saying they don't "want to play as ugly hags". Um, since when do looks play such a big role in the entry into SSB? Look at Game & Watch. He doesn't even have a face. And is Ganondorf exactly something pleasant to look at?

I don't know. They seem like generic bosses to me, despite their history with Gannondorf. I think one extra villain for the Zelda series is enough. And I say either Midna or Skull kid deserves that spot.
9. Munchlax

Whooooo, the Pokemon of my list. I really love Munchlax. Really. I don't understand why there's so much anti-Munchlaxism out there. I think he could bring so much to the game. He has Metronome, Yawn, Fire/Ice/Thunder Punch, Rest, Body Slam, Thick Fat, and so much more. And plus, as an added bonus, he's the pre-evolution of one of the coolest Pokemon around, Snorlax. He's also one of the most popular Pokemon in Japan. He has his own section on the Pokemon jet, I'm pretty sure he has his own ride in the Pokemon theme-park, and he's quickly become the mascot of the 4th generation games, alongside Lucario, who I also want in, just not as much as Munchlax.

Your moveset has potential, but Munchlax does not. I think his design is lame and uninspired and he is another normal pokemon. Metronome could be given to Jigs or maybe even Mewtwo. But I think if another pokemon is added, certain conditions have to be met.
1.Pichu has to be taken out.
2.The new pokemon has to be of at least one new type (if its a dual type then overlapping is alright).
I say a fighting hybrid pokemon would be the best choice.

10. Diddy Kong

And so we reach the last, but certainly not least character on my list, Diddy Kong. I know the link in my sig says "Diddy and Dixie tag team", but I need to change it. I'd much rather have Diddy alone. Diddy is pretty much the main charater of the DK series (next to DK, of course), which needs more rep. He's been in almost every game and has even had his own spin-off series, Diddy Kong Racing, which is in fact, a very fun little game. He has so much potential for a moveset, with his peanut popguns, barrel rocket, cartwheel, and guitar. So basically, Diddy FTW.

Yea, his time is probably here. I say he should be alone if he is included. And DK is lonely, give him a pal.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
I'm glad to see someone besides me who wants to se Bowser Jr. get in. I mean, come on, his paintbrush is practicaly a magc wand. Don't tell me you don't want to play a smaller Bowser with vaugely magic-like powers.

But I've gotta dissagree with the Vaati. Come on man, he's a wind sorcerer who can swordfight and turn people to stone, that's awesome. Also, his entire backstory is told in Minish Cap, he's got his very own sword needed to seal away/defeat him (the four sword), and he seems to be the default villan for the cartoony Zelda games.
All Skull Kid has going for him is his pointy shoes, some fantastic character art, and the mask, which are all awesome, but...

And Diddy should be a team with Dixie. Sereously, there are so few good choices for team characters (no, not twinrova, I mean team characters who actually have a chance in hell) that when you've got something as golden as a fighting team of monkeys who aren't obscure or anything like that, you've just got to go with it.
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