My concern is that while humans are one variable in the equation, every variable acts upon every other.Assuming quantum physics work in a predictable way that is just beyond our grasp, and therefor everything truly is predetermined, that doesn't mean humans lack self control.
When people say everything is predetermined, they look at the world as one long equation, all the factors are guaranteed to have a certain result and therefor it's predetermined. However in such an equation, the person is a factor, and therefor they partially dictate what the result is, what they do still matters, if it is predetermined it's just because they are who they are, and they make the choices they want to. Maybe put in the same situation they always make the same choices but that is inherent to who they are.
Emotions are reactions to prior stimulus. And emotions motivate us in certain ways. We are bound by the rules of space, time, biology, matter, energy, weather, and various other overlapping and intersecting systems.
So the question is how much of an influence do all of these things in tandem have on our actions, thoughts, emotions, and experiences? How bound are we to antecedent causes?
This is why I find agency to be a bit suspect, at least in the sense the term is usually used. To say that we have free-will is to say that, to some extent, we are exempt from cause and effect. That somehow, we are independent of the causal chains in and around us, such that they don't necessarily impact what we say and do.
This is a vexing notion. Why would we humans be any more, or any less, exempt from the thrust of antecedent causes than anything else? Is it consciousness, or self-awareness, that allows for such a phenomenon? Do minds, like quantum phenomena, possess a certain amount of indeterminacy or probability that allows for the expression of more than one outcome, even when antecedent causes come knocking at the door?
This is why I think elucidating how time (and timelines) are actually structured is the best bet for figuring out the influence of antecedent causes. But I also think we're a long ways from getting to that point, such that I'm not holding my breath for it to start happening within my lifetime.
But anyway, just thought I'd bring up this point. Does anyone else have insights on the Problem of Antecedent Causes?