So I have decided to start playing Smash 4. I have never played a Smash game competitively.I have played a lot of Street Fighter and UMVC3 Competitively, and even won a few tournaments here and there.
So I have a WiiU, a Pro Controller, and a copy of the game, and I'd like to learn to play Little Mac.
I have started learning the Bidou Control scheme, since allegedly it makes learning techniques easier, and I am coming into the game fresh, with no previous bias to the traditional smash control scheme.
Where should I start?
1. I´d not recomend you start with playing bidou. It will make advanced techs more easy to preform, that is true. However you should start with learning the fundamental basics of the game first. Its only really usefull if you understand how the game works in the big picture.
2. Learn about little mac and how he plays. Read some guides, watch some videos, and play some for glory. You know all that good stuff.
3 Learn how the game works. What the current meta is, DI, smash DI, matchups and stuff like that.
4 Just play the game. Even if you are just fighting level 1 CPUs that is still something. Play classic mode, or other modes that are in the game. Just get a good feel for how the game works and plays.
5 Join the Little mac discord group. We have lots of good mac players here, feel free to ask any questions. Find other good mac players to play with and learn from. Link exspires after 24 hours: Ask for a new one if you are too late.
Hope that helps! Hope to see you around soon.