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DMT 13: Charity Smash


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2009
Denton, Texas
Thanks to everyone who came to play some good matches and give a little back to charity. We raised over $125! *which is a lot coming from a bunch of broke college kids*
This tourney was so much fun and I felt I learned a lot. Can't wait to See everyone again

Singles * also remember that these payouts are after half had been taken out for charity*
Singles Bracket Image
20 Entered

1: The Bassem ($70.00) -Wario
2: Denti ($20.00) -Olimar
3: Dakpo ($10.00) -Zss
4: Infinity -Falco Metaknight wario diddy
5: TypeX -Falco
5: FK -Zss
7: ALSM -Diddy
7: D@ B@ -Metaknight
9: Chozo -GnW Falco
9: Boom -Snake
9: Sonic Storm -Sonic
9: Turdox -Rob
13: HyperHavoc -Marth
13: Craeter -DDD
13: Batou -Rob
13: FTP -Yoshi
17: Clown -Kirby
17: Nomad -Diddy
17: Brned -Marth
17: Clown -kirby
17: Drinky -Marth


1: The Legendary Super Camp ($24.50)
2: Its just luck ($7.00)
3: Unicorn Power (Fk and bassem) ($3.50)
4: vampire explosion
5: Special tactics
5: Nomadic eggs
7: Team Bob

Triforce Of Chozo

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2009
Norman, Oklahoma
Everyone really needs to see the vid of Bassem timing out Denti and winning by 1%, I hope it's up soon.

Oh, and I didn't actually win any games with G&W. I did however win a game with MK, and played a whole set with him.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so hype at the last 30 seconds of Frigate on set 2, especially the last 8 seconds. Would watch again.

GGs all, had fun.


Smash Master
Feb 4, 2009
Brawl Monsters Club House
That's probably going to be the only time an Olimar is ever going to counterpick somebody to Frigate. It was actually a damn good strategy compared to my other options. XD

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Olimar under a platform = "what the hell do I do."

I'd take you to Frigate though. But that's just me. :C

F-Tier Player

Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2008
Austin, TX

0: FTP- Congrats on taking the tournament!
1: The Bassem- Congrats man! Clutch waft on Dakpo!
2: Denti- Congrats Denti, you've come a long way but y u get timed out? JK, **** happens. Don't lose your composure, that I can tell you
3: Dakpo- Hey dude, sorry I really didn't help you run bracket, I know there were hold-ups like Bronson playing Magic, but I think everyone was glad they played a lot of friendlies. Great tourney as usual, are you moving soon? I'll keep you posted on the next DMT
4: Infinity- Great seeing you Sean! Your mastery of 4-5 different characters is inspiring, didn't get to play you though. :(
5: TypeX- Did OKL not play doubles?
5: FK- Nice seeing you man. Hope to see more results from your return! I got wrecked hard, no johns!
7: ALSM- I was afraid you'd forgotten how to play link, but I was completely wrong and got annihilated! GGs man!
7: D@ B@- MK!!!
9: Chozo- Our friendlies were so entertaining! There's nothing like trying out different characters for the lulz. I think I may have to pick up another character as you did if I don't step up my game
9: Boom- NOW!!!
9: Sonic Storm- We didn't get to play! Sorry Kevin couldn't make it to this
9: Turdox- I will beat you...with Yoshi..........soon
13: HyperHavoc- It was nice talking with you man. Sorry I couldn't really give you advice on your play, but for the time being, practice makes perfect
13: Craeter- MK!!!
13: Batou- Man, wish we had gotten to play more friendlies. My ICs choked on it
17: Clown- Didn't play you
17: Nomad- Our plan for next time will catch everyone by surprise indeed
17: Brned- I didn't play you in singles, but you almost came back in our doubles set. GGs
17: Clown- Hey, there's 2 of you!??
17: Drinky- Dude, you deserved to win our set. Don't autopilot man, you could do so much better! Did you get any "tips" from Trent?

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
I totally forgot playing you was my 2nd priority after playing BadKarma, and then Denti once I found out he wasn't going. Damn. Sonic vs. Yoshi is such a fun matchup.

We'll have to do that next time I'm in the area. I'll make a note of that.

F-Tier Player

Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2008
Austin, TX
I was hoping you'd call ups as Chozo and I were playing but I think you were watching loser's finals or something. Yes, next time!

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
I rarely call ups, lol. I consider it a sign of disrespect and negative assertiveness if I try to butt in when people are engrossed into the game at hand. I rather have someone ask me to join in. Nothing against anyone, it's just how I function. XD

F-Tier Player

Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2008
Austin, TX
Well, I saw you and Chozo playing friendlies, so I thought since you both probably play each other often, why not butt in?


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
Fun tournament. GG's to everybody I played. Sorry about the grandfinals/winner finals. Its the only way wario can deal with a defensive olimar ;)

Hopefully I can come to the next dmt!


Smash Ace
Sep 29, 2009
Fort Worth, TX
Sonic Storm

Just to let you know, I would rather lose the options to get an easy win than sacrifice my honor of a clean, good fight.

Controller johns are stupid, and I don't like to exploit the easy win that way.

Glad you advanced though, your Sonic is great.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2009
Denton, Texas
1: The Bassem ($70.00) -Wario Great games XD I still have to learn a lot about this match up. Glad to hear I came closer than nick and such
2: Denti ($20.00) -Olimar -<3 i love you denti. Really great to see you! I still just can't quite figure the match up, but maybe in due time. Thanks for the MM with my luigi and your free Drunk fox :)
3: Dakpo ($10.00) -Zss- ....you know what..ya dun good son.
4: Infinity -Falco Metaknight wario diddy- <3 those deep relationship conversations. Sean i always love seeing you. And thanks for the shirt! hope to see you guys real soon
5: TypeX -Falco <333 we gonna be stylin in Japan my friend. PLz plzplz come and visit me and we will train so hard for it XD
5: FK -Zss Im really surprised that you came, my friend. One of the best moments of this whole tourney was hearing you say that you had a lot of fun. Go put in some work with the tech skill!
7: ALSM -Diddy - Keep thinking and working hard to step your game up. You lack mind games and hard reads, but your basics are really solid! watch out for habits and you will be on top in no time.
7: D@ B@ -Metaknight WAH!
9: Chozo -GnW Falco - always a pleasure to see you! hope you guys come back
9: Boom -Snake- phil!!! we shall play more later
9: Sonic Storm -Sonic - haha next time ill use my zss against your sonic! keep it up
9: Turdox -Rob You wont even read this...stupid whomping willow
13: HyperHavoc -Marth- Good to finally meet you! We are going to whip that marth into shape!
13: Craeter -DDD Colin, shame we didnt get to play
13: Batou -Rob Harold! also a shame we didnt get to play. Next time my friend. Im coming to you!
13: FTP -Yoshi hai egg lizard
17: Clown -Kirby Your not even going to read this
17: Nomad -Diddy you either
17: Brned -Marth and you
17: Clown -kirby and.....wtf why are there two of you?
17: Drinky -Marth and you


Smash Rookie
Nov 20, 2010
Lubbock, Texas
Dakpo- Sounds great! Those lv9 computers aren't a good influence...
FTP- Looking forward to talking to you again, hopefully you can offer me some advice this time, I'm gonna need it... Lol


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
OK didnt play teams for two good reasons that i can think of.

1. didnt have that much money dedicated to brawl (lot of it was towards eating nicer)
2. a few concept teams were made, but that went another direction.

I am glad that dustin and dakota have overtaken me. I might actually take dustin to delfino next time, lylat was such a good counter pick. I wouldn't have taken seans advice and taken me to frigate for obvious reasons.

I can't wait for me and dakotas set to be uploaded. although I wish all my rainbow cruise matches were recorded.

sergio your diddy is much better than i expected it to be. its a shame that it was my favorite matchup for my first 3 years of playing that game. you were doing great when you were on that platform.


Smash Rookie
Sep 14, 2010
1: The Bassem- You really brought out my best game, please oh please come to the next DMT, I wanna beat you :)
2: Denti ($20.00) - Thanks for being so kind-hearted, a simple hug works wonders. You can beat Bassem, put some serious thought into the match up.
3: Dakpo ($10.00) - Something changed in the way I see things. I'm not quite sure what it is yet.
4: Infinity - You are a patient, encouraging teacher, thanks.
5: TypeX - I never play you, but I would like to discuss the idea of cheering in brawl with you.
5: FK - Good games. If you ever decide to money match, i'll be ready for you.
7: ALSM - I've got a new perspective on facing Diddy thanks to you. I can't wait to practice with you again.
7: D@ B@ - 806!
9: Chozo - Your praise gave me a much needed boost. Hopefully it won't be so long before I see you and your friends again.
9: Boom -Snake
9: Sonic Storm - Next time!
9: Turdox - **** you. **** you for not even talking to us, **** you for waving goodbye like nothing happened, and **** anyone that encouraged you. I wish I would have said this to your face.
13: HyperHavoc - Cash money.
13: Craeter - RatDuck stalks the night.
13: Batou - Go beat the lead player of street fighter.
13: FTP - You are better than 13th.
17: Clown -Kirby
17: Nomad - Peach, huh?
17: Brned -Marth
17: Clown -kirby
17: Drinky - Calm your nerves during matches. I'm glad you called me the morning of the tournament.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
i am all for cheering for dakota. perhaps next time ill grow some balls, cheer, and overcome the adversity that is a slap in the face


Smash Rookie
Jan 25, 2012
awww just cause i wasn't in the tournament doesn't mean i don't deserve some shoutouts... well maybe it does haha
this was the most fun tournament ive been too, a big thanks to all the dallas and oklahoma people who graced me with a few friendlies, i greatly appreciate every game i played
Lol @boom im sure turdox ment nothing personal by what happened (i hope),...and btw next tournament im challenging you to a money match so be there!

Triforce Of Chozo

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2009
Norman, Oklahoma
It's okay, I'll still cheer for bassem (or any Oklahoman) no matter what. Maybe next time me and Tom can cheer against each other during ya'll's match, and it can revert to one of our good old trashfests.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
May I ask what ruleset was used at this tournament?


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
apex, and may i ask for a link to your super easy cg that works on everybody 0% tripping?


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
Where are your shout outs Bassem!?
Im a lazy procrastinating *******. Here.

1: The Bassem ($70.00) -Wario (sup dood, gj)
2: Denti ($20.00) -Olimar (intense gf's set, sorry for camping you, only way to beat the gay character known as olimar...or the way you play him anyway LOL)
3: Dakpo ($10.00) -Zss( Super close games. I cant believe I killed you at 57% with a toot on that bf match. Wario is clutch. Ggs though, like I said before, you are the zss who came closest to beating me ;) )
4: Infinity -Falco Metaknight wario diddy ( fun wario dittos, keep playing him, I would like to see more of your wario :))
5: TypeX -Falco(you didnt pick up the pieces like you said you would! Lets train more to be the very best like no one ever was)
5: FK -Zss(fun teaming with you, unicornpower4lyfe)
7: ALSM -Diddy(fun games, nice diddy)
7: D@ B@ -Metaknight(lets play LoL together sometime)
9: Chozo -GnW Falco(ghetsisssss)
9: Boom -Snake( scared me a bit that game on ps1, your snake definitely has potential!)
9: Sonic Storm -Sonic ( thanks for the support during gfs, always nice to have a friend cheer you on)
9: Turdox -Rob (thanks for the smash mansion housing, was a lot of fun)
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