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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2014
Jacksonville, Fl
I’ll throw in a last minute Byleth review.

I was a bit disappointed that Byleth was the final character in FP1, but definitely not as much as most people. I haven’t gotten around to Three Houses yet but it’s a respected entry in the series & I like Fire Emblem, so I was cool with it. It’s not like Corrin who came from a crappy game.

I’m not really a fan of their moveset, it doesn’t really suit my playstyle. But I respect it for trying to do some new things with a FE character. Though, I would’ve preferred one of the house leaders; I think they would’ve turned out more unique than Byleth did. But girl Byleth is a cutie so it balances out. 👀

The stage is reeeeeally ugly IMO & I don’t really like fighting on it either. There’s a couple good tracks but I usually listen to those on other FE stages.

Byleth has somehow turned out to be my “favorite” Nintendo DLC character in Ultimate.

… I have been severely disappointed with the Nintendo character selection for the DLC lmao. I actively do not want a Nintendo character as the final fighter because I know it’ll just be more of the same.
Aug 7, 2021
my office, probably
Guess I'll do a last minute review for FP1 and Plant since I didn't say anything on their days

:ultpiranha: - I liked them more than Incineroar and it was a really funny moment in what was otherwise, in my opinion, the lowest point of Ultimate's reveal cycle, but the joke wore off and now they're just kinda there. However, I do think it's important to not just have the most important/requested/relevant characters and Plant does deliver on that front

:ultjoker: - The only thing that made The Game Awards 2018 not a complete waste of time. That reveal blew me away because I saw some of my online friends talk about Joker in Smash as a pipe dream but never thought it would happen. I have no personal connection to the Persona series, but Joker's inclusion in Smash made me want to pick the series up and both P4G and P5R are games I plan on playing in the future. Joker is also a character I really enjoy using from time to time and he brought a killer OST with him.

:ulthero: - I was rooting for Geno so I can't pretend I wasn't a little bit disappointed that they picked Hero over him as the second Squeenix character, but it's completely understandable considering how big Dragon Quest is in Japan. Akira Toriyama's iconic art style looks amazing in Smash and Hero brings one of the most unique and bat**** insane playstyles into Smash, for better or for worse. It's fun, but not really my thing. I haven't picked up a DQ game yet but I did buy DQ8 on the 3DS since it was on sale, and I plan on playing it one day to see if the series does it for me. I like JRPGs so I assume I will enjoy it.

:ultbanjokazooie: - I was lowkey rooting for them since they were such a big request, but didn't really care too much if they got in or not since I have never played their game. However, their reveal trailer was incredibly heartwarming and the reactions from Banjo fans were amazing. Their playstyle is alright, but it does leave something to be desired (I do wish some of their attacks had crunchier sound effects), and I like the music, especially the remix of the Spiral Mountain theme by Grant Kirkhope. One of the two DLC characters whose amiibos I bought.

:ult_terry: - I have seen the names "Terry Bogard" and "SNK" mentioned in Smash speculation exactly once before the leak happened, so this was one character I was almost completely unfamiliar with, but at that point I already stopped caring about who gets in and accepted Terry, even if I wasn't big on traditional fighting games at the time. The music he came with is great (with my favorite being the Psycho Soldier theme), and the KOF stadium is one of my favorite stages as well. I only recently picked up Terry himself and he was surprisingly easy to use as his inputs are simpler than the SF shotos, and he's really fun too. One day I will play a KOF game.

:ultbyleth: - I'll admit the trailer was terrible and not very well timed, but like I said, at that point I didn't care who got into Smash. I greatly enjoy playing as Byleth, being probably my favorite DLC character in terms of gameplay, and like I said they also got me to pick up FE3H which I loved a whole bunch. I rate them Where-the-****-is-God-Shattering-Star/10
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Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
I got 2 things to say here...

-Was it ever determined if the "Metroid V" and "Master Chief" Eshop code things were fake or real? This was a thing before the E3 Direct in which there were codes that needed to be deciphered, and 2 out of 4 were decoded, which were these 2

-One thing I realized about the Fighter Pass 2 compared to Fighter Pass 1, is that I think the Fighter Pass 2 characters are much safer choices in Nintendo's Eyes than the characters in FP1

What I mean by safe is that I think the characters in Fighter Pass 2 were overall less risky, and perhaps in very much less risky than the Fighter Pass 1 characters. In FP1, I would say that Joker, Banjo, Terry, and Byleth all had some risk to the characters

-Persona is something that has not had much presence on Nintendo, and while it was a hit, it's not the most insane blockbuster out there.

-Banjo is mostly irrelevant to the more casual audience. Granted people who play Xbox probably have played Rare Replay

-King of Fighters and SNK have been long running, and at the time of Terrys inclusion, they were having some great success compared to early 2010's as an example. with that being said, The franchise is niche, especially to the Nintendo audience. I think unlike something like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and even Tekken, King of Fighters doesn't have the most appeal to people outside hardcore FGC or SNK fans

-For Byleth, if Three Houses had somehow turned out to be a Bad game, I Imagine Byleth's inclusion would have went off much worse. I Imagine Nintendo had confidence that Three Houses would turn out good, and for what it's worth, at least they didn't have to pay Licensing fees since Fire Emblem is 1st party

I think Hero was the Only character that I think was a safe choice going into things. I think in spire of it's more niche appeal to the West, I actually heard it had great sales in West anyway in the past and of course it being a Phenomenon in Japan I think make things much safer

The good thing about all the FP1 characters is despite the risks to the characters, there was enough merits in each characters inclusion to minimize those risks and make them viable choices for Nintendo

In FP2, I think the only character that could be considered somewhat risky is Kazuya. Tekken is a very highly selling franchise, and is still heavily relevant to this day, perhaps being in it's most relevant with Tekken 7 in a while (Since Tekken 5 back in the Mid 2000's), but Tekken is not something that Nintendo audiences are most familiar with

-Min Min and Pyra/Mythra were safe choices, not only because they were Nintendo owned, but also because these games had already proven to be Successful hits on the Switch, unlike with Byleth who was decided before their game came out.

-Steve was especially a Safe choice. Minecraft biggest game of all time, and continues to be best Seller even on Nintendo to this day.

-Sephiroth, if not Steve, Might actually be the safest choice in the DLC so far. The main thing for this is that There was already an audience for Sephiroth due to Cloud already being in the game, and Cloud has been proven to be one of the most used characters in the game. FF7 is a Legendary game, it has sold well on the Switch at this point, and FF7 Remake was a game on the Horizon, making the FF7 Universe very relevant

When it comes to this and CP11, it paints quite a picture. I Imagine CP11 to also be a very safe pick in terms of the merits and Appeal of the character. This is part of why I really don't expect someone like Nahobino or someone from Metroid Dread to be the character. I think those picks are especially risky, especially in Nahobino's case since his game won't even be out by the time CP11 is revealed, and he's owned by a 3rd party, so licensing fees would need to be paid

Minecraft and Tekken were the franchises that Nintendo were the most prioritizing for getting into the Roster with FP2. To use Sakurai's line about "1 or 2 extra fighters intially" they might have been the only fighters after FP1 if FP2 wasn't greenlit. I think because of Smash Ultimate being quite an old game by the time FP2 would be finished, and the fact they usually don't do extended DLC to this degree, Along with the costs of developing a New fighter for Smash Ultimate, I Imagine they wanted to Minimize risks with FP2 to the best degree, and such

I trust in CP11 to be a character that's very exciting because of this prospect. I think this character is gonna appeal to people already in the Ecosystem. I think Steve and Kazuya were the characters that were made to be appealing to New audiences, which is why I think Nintendo focused on those 2 the most, but I think the other 4 FP2 characters were characters that would hit home with the ecosystem that's been established in Smash already, including CP11


I don't want to speak in Absolutes, because I think it's unwise to do so when there are many characters in the running. With that being said, I think there is one Character that fits all the criteria laid out in FP2, and I think there has been some actual evidence for the inclusion of the character, and while I can say this character's name and be laughed out of the room as I've been for a long time now, I think if, and perhaps when they are finally included in the Game as CP11, I think people will realize that they set an Ultimate Ending to the Last Bastion of Fighters in Smash series so far

I'm saying this, knowing that the conclusion I have been brought to is very likely to not be the conclusion we end up with, as the many possibilities are too realistic and possible to Ignore. The thing I say, and I say it before the day is coming, is that the Idea of this character coming, looking at it from an unbiased stance, is actually one of the most reasonable conclusions to come too. I think people have been brought up in certain Barriers and Misconceptions that cannot stand against the Philosophy of what FP2 is all about

We've seen the Company this character comes from be proven to be still in works with Nintendo in Smash through trailers, yet not have new pieces of Content show up yet. We've seen this character have evidence that has pointed towards a Playable character, and the first instance of a Special Mii Costume months in advance. We've seen this character be among the few that could be affected by the takedown of a relic that might have predicted the future of it's Inspiration, a Prediction that popular heads have received communication from apparently the most Credible of the credible that holds ground in taking notice of

The Notions and barriers against the idea of the character have been brought down many times, and are nowhere a Factor to consider them such an unlikely scenario, especially since the character in question has the merits to be held up with the Legendary characters like Sephiroth

At the end of the day, I've been doing me for the time Smash Speculation has been a thing. I've met and talked to some really good people. even the people that have been challenging to talk to, I cherish the conversations that have been cast. The whole point of Smash Speuclation is to speculate on what you think is gonna happen with the game, and that is what I've been doing since the start

I have made many guesses, many of them have been wrong, many of them have failed. I've propped up some insane comments and theories. I think though at the end of the day, the Confidence I have felt in this character has been one that, while has been faltered at times, has not gone away, and I think in the advent of CP11 coming in less than a Week, I have achieved such confidence that I'm willing to crash and burn hard if it turns out to be all for naught. I know there are others, even if Small, that also share in the Philosophy of the idea of this character being not just a Possibility, but perhaps a likely reality

At the end of the day, No matter what happens, I had fun with Smash Ultimate Speculation, but to end this off, I personally think that alot of us already know that what I have shared about this character is not all rooted in delusion, but is rooted in some truth, perhaps enough truth that Sub-consciously, you already know I might (key word, Might) be right about this character being CP11. It might not be shaking you to your core the conclusion, and you might not exactly buy it, but perhaps in the coming days, it will set it on you, just like it has on me and other people. Yes


Sep 26, 2013
I got 2 things to say here...

-Was it ever determined if the "Metroid V" and "Master Chief" Eshop code things were fake or real? This was a thing before the E3 Direct in which there were codes that needed to be deciphered, and 2 out of 4 were decoded, which were these 2

Metroid 5 was already going nuts on everyone's radar during the time, they weren't even close to the first person to 'leak' it.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Been a long time since I dropped by these forums. Felt like lurking around in these final days of speculation, just to see what ultimately happens. But it's been one wild ride, hasn't it? I remember first coming here around the time of Robin and Lucina's reveal in Smash 4, but now here we are now getting ready for the final character to end Smash Bros on.

If we're reminiscing on Fighter Pass 1, I suppose I'll toss in my share.
:ultpiranha:: Pain Piranha. After the emotional roller-coaster of the Grinch saga and the final Assist Trophy massacre leaving Isaac as an Assist, I was livid at this plant. It took very long for me to even consider warming up to Piranha Plant, with me finally giving them benefit of the doubt because of who the first fighter of the DLC proper ended up being. ...It still boggles my mind a Piranha Plant is an actual playable character. At the end of the day, probably still my least favourite newcomer to Ultimate.
:ultjoker: : I was pre-occupied with some tennis lessons so I couldn't see it live, but oh man Joker was an incredible way to start off the DLC. Persona 5 was incredible and Joker had been one of those "Would be legit amazing if it happened, but they'll probably go with Yu Narukami" dreams. But man Joker just aced it for me. I was instantly sold on the pass thanks to Joker, and to this day he's still my main. Mementos is stylish and his playstyle is a lot of fun too.
:ulthero::ulthero3::ulthero4::ulthero2:: The Heroes draw near! I like the Dragon Quest games (still playing XI:S) and thought the series was well worth an addition to Smash's line-up. Since all the leaks were so prominent it was easy to guess it was going to happen or have too much hype for the Hero. I originally thought it would be just Erdrick, but instead we have 4 Heroes which was an even better surprise. I still enjoy playing the Heroes casually and have fun with them.
:ultbanjokazooie: : Insert "WOOOOOOOOOOO YEAH BABY!! That's what I've been waiting for that's what its all about, Woo-hoo!!" Having grown up with Banjo-Kazooie this is indeed a dream come true. A truly wonderful addition to Smash thanks to his long history and legacy with Nintendo and how well he translated to the game. That said, I do think his gameplay has a few imperfections and I tend to gravitate towards other characters like Joker, but Banjo is a character who was well-deserving the invite to Smash.
:ult_terry: : As much as I love Joker, Terry is just an absolute blast. He's a love-letter to SNK's history and his fighting style is great. Out of all the fighting game characters we have - Ryu & Ken and Kazuya, I always go with Terry because he's so much fun to play. Not to mention he has the best stage of the DLC, heck I'd dare say the game in KOF Stadium and the 50 songs. I'd say he rivals Joker in being my favourite character of FP1.
:ultbyleth: : Byleth... is in a weird situation for me. I love Three Houses and I definitely wanted Byleth to be in Smash... but the timing was just a huge oof moment. I would have preferred it if Byleth was later in Fighter Pass 2 and swapped with someone from that pass. Outside of timing, the biggest gripe is that we didn't get God-Shattering Star with the songlist, but I still enjoy playing Byleth from time to time.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Min Min is one of my favourite characters to play as because my brain can grasp spacing better than it can combos but I also realise that makes me a minority.

Games always have a bias towards fast combo based rushdown fighters in both player preference and audience reaction and if a character of another archetype becomes meta, then the complaining will be relentless.

Or it could be that I'm salty that every character I click with gets hit with the nerf hammer.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Updated the poll again. This time it's for your favorite Vol 2 character so far; and yes you're being made to choose between Pyra or Mythra. :EvilBub:

King of Fighters Stadium won in a landside for Vol 1 stages. Not my personal favorite to play on but I won't lie that Sakurai has gotten me on a SNK music binge because of that stage. I've been picking up what I can from the recent remastered releases from Brave Wave. I already have copies of Fatal Fury & Samurai Shodown and KoF 94/95/02 on pre-order.

Hopefully at some point some of the DLC stages will be used in regular competitive play.


Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
Min Min IMO sucks from a gameplay perspective to fight against. She's super lame and probably my least favorite zoner to fight. She's one of my least favorite characters period in the entire game because of her gameplay alongside :ultolimar:. I genuinely think CP6 should have been anybody else who's not from ARMS. ARMS is such a different fighting game and her range is really annoying to deal with.

For an ARMS rep, she was a good choice, but I just wish we didn't get an ARMS rep at all.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Min Min IMO sucks from a gameplay perspective to fight against. She's super lame and probably my least favorite zoner to fight. She's one of my least favorite characters period in the entire game because of her gameplay alongside :ultolimar:. I genuinely think CP6 should have been anybody else who's not from ARMS. ARMS is such a different fighting game that I think the amount of range the character has went way too far.
Imo the range would be more tolerable if she wasn't so ****ing good at it and given all sorts of special treatment. She has wide hitboxes unlike the super precise Belmonts, she packs more of a punch with sourspots than most characters of this archetype, has an option that means you can't even jump over the arm if Ram Ram's out, not that it matters as she can jump with you and toss her other arm, they're disjoints meaning she can't be punished unless you're close despite her ability to kick Arms away justifying a reflector meaning you can't use a reflector to ruin her like you can on Mega Man. And finally, her CQC is ****ing ridiculous for a character of this archetype, ESPECIALLY that up smash, legit the best up smash in the game, intangible, strong, fast, hurtbox shifting and it's a reflect. **** that move lmao

Deleted member

Min Min is cool. I would’ve preferred Twintelle but Min Min was my 2nd choice so it’s fine.

But god do I hate how ARMS translated into Smash. One of the most annoying characters in the game. I like everything about the pick except the implementation. 6.5/10.
Aug 7, 2021
my office, probably
Min Min is okay to me. I've never really played against her so I don't have that kind of resentment towards her, and my friends resent Ness because of the way I play as him so I don't think it would make a difference to me either way.

It's just that I don't really care about ARMS. I didn't really like what little I've played of it and I don't see myself picking it up, especially since it's not the type of game that's enjoyed well while playing alone (which is usually what I have to resort to since my friends usually aren't present and I don't have NSO). I think the cast is pretty fun and Min Min was probably the best choice, I just don't care for ARMS too much.

She's probably my least favorite DLC character other than Plant.


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
I got 2 things to say here...

-Was it ever determined if the "Metroid V" and "Master Chief" Eshop code things were fake or real? This was a thing before the E3 Direct in which there were codes that needed to be deciphered, and 2 out of 4 were decoded, which were these 2

-One thing I realized about the Fighter Pass 2 compared to Fighter Pass 1, is that I think the Fighter Pass 2 characters are much safer choices in Nintendo's Eyes than the characters in FP1

What I mean by safe is that I think the characters in Fighter Pass 2 were overall less risky, and perhaps in very much less risky than the Fighter Pass 1 characters. In FP1, I would say that Joker, Banjo, Terry, and Byleth all had some risk to the characters

-Persona is something that has not had much presence on Nintendo, and while it was a hit, it's not the most insane blockbuster out there.

-Banjo is mostly irrelevant to the more casual audience. Granted people who play Xbox probably have played Rare Replay

-King of Fighters and SNK have been long running, and at the time of Terrys inclusion, they were having some great success compared to early 2010's as an example. with that being said, The franchise is niche, especially to the Nintendo audience. I think unlike something like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and even Tekken, King of Fighters doesn't have the most appeal to people outside hardcore FGC or SNK fans

-For Byleth, if Three Houses had somehow turned out to be a Bad game, I Imagine Byleth's inclusion would have went off much worse. I Imagine Nintendo had confidence that Three Houses would turn out good, and for what it's worth, at least they didn't have to pay Licensing fees since Fire Emblem is 1st party

I think Hero was the Only character that I think was a safe choice going into things. I think in spire of it's more niche appeal to the West, I actually heard it had great sales in West anyway in the past and of course it being a Phenomenon in Japan I think make things much safer

The good thing about all the FP1 characters is despite the risks to the characters, there was enough merits in each characters inclusion to minimize those risks and make them viable choices for Nintendo

In FP2, I think the only character that could be considered somewhat risky is Kazuya. Tekken is a very highly selling franchise, and is still heavily relevant to this day, perhaps being in it's most relevant with Tekken 7 in a while (Since Tekken 5 back in the Mid 2000's), but Tekken is not something that Nintendo audiences are most familiar with

-Min Min and Pyra/Mythra were safe choices, not only because they were Nintendo owned, but also because these games had already proven to be Successful hits on the Switch, unlike with Byleth who was decided before their game came out.

-Steve was especially a Safe choice. Minecraft biggest game of all time, and continues to be best Seller even on Nintendo to this day.

-Sephiroth, if not Steve, Might actually be the safest choice in the DLC so far. The main thing for this is that There was already an audience for Sephiroth due to Cloud already being in the game, and Cloud has been proven to be one of the most used characters in the game. FF7 is a Legendary game, it has sold well on the Switch at this point, and FF7 Remake was a game on the Horizon, making the FF7 Universe very relevant

When it comes to this and CP11, it paints quite a picture. I Imagine CP11 to also be a very safe pick in terms of the merits and Appeal of the character. This is part of why I really don't expect someone like Nahobino or someone from Metroid Dread to be the character. I think those picks are especially risky, especially in Nahobino's case since his game won't even be out by the time CP11 is revealed, and he's owned by a 3rd party, so licensing fees would need to be paid

Minecraft and Tekken were the franchises that Nintendo were the most prioritizing for getting into the Roster with FP2. To use Sakurai's line about "1 or 2 extra fighters intially" they might have been the only fighters after FP1 if FP2 wasn't greenlit. I think because of Smash Ultimate being quite an old game by the time FP2 would be finished, and the fact they usually don't do extended DLC to this degree, Along with the costs of developing a New fighter for Smash Ultimate, I Imagine they wanted to Minimize risks with FP2 to the best degree, and such

I trust in CP11 to be a character that's very exciting because of this prospect. I think this character is gonna appeal to people already in the Ecosystem. I think Steve and Kazuya were the characters that were made to be appealing to New audiences, which is why I think Nintendo focused on those 2 the most, but I think the other 4 FP2 characters were characters that would hit home with the ecosystem that's been established in Smash already, including CP11


I don't want to speak in Absolutes, because I think it's unwise to do so when there are many characters in the running. With that being said, I think there is one Character that fits all the criteria laid out in FP2, and I think there has been some actual evidence for the inclusion of the character, and while I can say this character's name and be laughed out of the room as I've been for a long time now, I think if, and perhaps when they are finally included in the Game as CP11, I think people will realize that they set an Ultimate Ending to the Last Bastion of Fighters in Smash series so far

I'm saying this, knowing that the conclusion I have been brought to is very likely to not be the conclusion we end up with, as the many possibilities are too realistic and possible to Ignore. The thing I say, and I say it before the day is coming, is that the Idea of this character coming, looking at it from an unbiased stance, is actually one of the most reasonable conclusions to come too. I think people have been brought up in certain Barriers and Misconceptions that cannot stand against the Philosophy of what FP2 is all about

We've seen the Company this character comes from be proven to be still in works with Nintendo in Smash through trailers, yet not have new pieces of Content show up yet. We've seen this character have evidence that has pointed towards a Playable character, and the first instance of a Special Mii Costume months in advance. We've seen this character be among the few that could be affected by the takedown of a relic that might have predicted the future of it's Inspiration, a Prediction that popular heads have received communication from apparently the most Credible of the credible that holds ground in taking notice of

The Notions and barriers against the idea of the character have been brought down many times, and are nowhere a Factor to consider them such an unlikely scenario, especially since the character in question has the merits to be held up with the Legendary characters like Sephiroth

At the end of the day, I've been doing me for the time Smash Speculation has been a thing. I've met and talked to some really good people. even the people that have been challenging to talk to, I cherish the conversations that have been cast. The whole point of Smash Speuclation is to speculate on what you think is gonna happen with the game, and that is what I've been doing since the start

I have made many guesses, many of them have been wrong, many of them have failed. I've propped up some insane comments and theories. I think though at the end of the day, the Confidence I have felt in this character has been one that, while has been faltered at times, has not gone away, and I think in the advent of CP11 coming in less than a Week, I have achieved such confidence that I'm willing to crash and burn hard if it turns out to be all for naught. I know there are others, even if Small, that also share in the Philosophy of the idea of this character being not just a Possibility, but perhaps a likely reality

At the end of the day, No matter what happens, I had fun with Smash Ultimate Speculation, but to end this off, I personally think that alot of us already know that what I have shared about this character is not all rooted in delusion, but is rooted in some truth, perhaps enough truth that Sub-consciously, you already know I might (key word, Might) be right about this character being CP11. It might not be shaking you to your core the conclusion, and you might not exactly buy it, but perhaps in the coming days, it will set it on you, just like it has on me and other people. Yes
pretty sure it was fake. The person who Made it up, made it for clout and then when it backfired they put their account on private
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Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
People keep saying the last character won't be that hot. What the opposite of hot? You already know the anwser. Chill is opposite! And do you know who is the chillest of them all?

Kuai Liang aka Sub-Zero.
Sub-Zero is no doubt one of the chillers characters in gaming but I’d argue that Glacius is even more so considering he’s actually made of ice.


Smash Master
May 19, 2021
The ARMS rep should’ve been Kid Cobra

Jk lol in all seriousness Min Min’s alright, though as a Bowser main, she is a character I can struggle to fight against a bit.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2008
Switch FC
But at the same time, Rex would’ve made the roster if it weren’t for Hardware Limitations, so yeah. Still, that said Hentai Artist is also Female so…… eh? Xenoblade is weird lmao.
Masatsugu Saito isn't female.

Also, I don't see the point in labeling him a "hentai artist" every time he's brought up considering hentai is something the vast majority of Japanese freelance character designers dabble in. Them capitalizing on the fact that people are more willing to pay for porn than regular art is standard procedure. And yes, while Pyra and Mythra were certainly designed to sexually allure people in the same way as Xenosaga's KOS-MOS and T-elos (both of which were designed by an even spicier artist), Saito was more than anything chosen to be XC2's main character designer because his designs were proven to translate well to 3D (see Expelled from Paradise) which had always been something Monolith struggled with.

Tetsuya Takahashi said:
We felt that in Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and X, the facial expressions [were] kind of a little bit hard, a little bit stiff. We really wanted to put a little bit more focus on creating facial expressions and for the characters to be more expressive, and so that's why we went with the direction we did, which I guess you could say is a little bit leaning toward something like Japanese animation.


Smash Champion
Oct 30, 2018
Canada, Québec
My thoughts on Min Min are pretty much the same as everyone else. At first I was pretty curious to see how a Arms character would play. I'm not the biggest Arms fans, but I was happy to see a new first party ip in the game after Splatoon and I really liked Arms character design. But then I started playing as and against her... and yeah she's just not fun. The fact that she pretty much don't have special moves makes her so boring and she's so annoying to counter.

Her stage is alright, I think there's nothing really special about it and they should have tried something more fun like Ramen bowl, Ribbon ring or Snake park but wathever. Also I wasn't a huge fan of the music selection for this pack. Well this is more a Arms problem than Smash, but most of them sounds very similar and are pretty much remixes of the main theme but in different style so it gets boring pretty fast.


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
Honestly it's genuinely noteworthy that Min Min managed to show the world you can have an unga bunga character that's boring to watch
On the plus side, we have a character that we can mod Dhalsim over now. I’m pretty indifferent to Min Min and Arms in general. I have no interest in ever playing it but her inclusion made sense and didn’t really bother me. I’m just glad we didn’t end up with Spring Man because I find his design really stupid.
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