Isn't Larry Lurr a competitive player? What makes his take worth listening to? Not asking as to dismiss the video, I just think it's kinda weird to see a competitive player do something done by the kinda person who thinks they're the **** because they once got a spike off after 50 attempts
Larry's a old-school Melee / Brawl / PM player (active in Melee between 2007-2018) who transitioned to 4 / Ultimate starting in 2014. He's known for being a consistent force regardless of the game being played, and very adaptable to the cirmcumstances at hand. He's not been regarded as "The Best" IIRC, but he's usually hovered rather closely in the upper ranks.
It's going to be case-by-case really: One can be good at playing the game but not good at other aspects at the game (see: Michael Jordan or Wayne Gretzky, who were absurdly dominant players in their respective sports but not great managers. There are those who can do multiple things very well, though).
In Larry's case, he seemed a bit uncritical, even if he summarized his thoughts with "I don't know" (if the leak's true or not). He did mention that the leaker had gotten the Hero stuff right, and he did go into potential issues with Disney in regards to Sora... but he didn't get into judging the leak's validity, it seemed. Of course, he did focus a bit on how Lloyd, Yuri and Chun would play (which, granted, competitive players and those who lean towards that like me would gravitate towards), and the video was short, so I'm not giving it a final verdict. Still, the video might be a bit iffy - partly since it's not the kind of videos he usually releases.