It's hard to make informed E3 predictions without knowing who will have a presentation. There's that impressive list of attendees, but out of those, only Nintendo, Microsoft (+Bethesda), Ubisoft and Square Enix have historically held their own presentations in the past few years. Suddenly we have the likes of Capcom, Sega, Bandai Namco, Take-Two and WB all slated to show up? I'd like some clarification. Because on one hand, Konami's statement about their absence hints that they would have held a press conference, and EA delaying theirs from just before E3 to a month later could suggest they don't want to be outshined. But on the other hand, there's companies like Deep Silver, Gearbox, and Marvelous (and some even smaller ones I don't know), and it's hard to imagine all of them having their own press conferences.
I'm really looking forward to the coming weeks as the companies announce dates and times for their respective showcases. For one, because it's a bit like planning a trip, you know how you'll be having fun each day of the schedule - it's exciting! But more importantly, we'll finally know who will have their own dedicated conferences and therefore who we can expect to show up at someone else's (basically either Nintendo's or Microsoft's). That has the potential to be really exciting, because if, say, Capcom aren't having their own conference, they could just turn up at Nintendo's with The Great Ace Attorney trailers and call it a day. But! If they do have their own press conference, then you know they're bringing the big guns.