W/E happens don't panic...
There is no reason not to bring back the Twilight Realm...or Lorule...or Termina....a lot of these alternate worlds contain some very interesting backstories and lore and a lot of fans are very interested to see them return in another game....ESPECIALLY the Twilight Realm and the character Midna...It isn't really a huge problem if sequels and/or prequels are made to extend the storylines or expand upon them...See, the problem I have with Midna is she's so limited in context. There's other characters who could be handled well, but Midna is essentially like Blaze the Cat. If you give her a story role, you have to excuse the fact that she's supposed to be trapped in the Twilight Realm, and you'd have to keep bringing the Twilight Realm back over and over to justify her inclusion.
Meanwhile, other characters like Darunia, Groose, Ruto, Nabooru, Malon, Tingle, can all be justified as just being descendants/ancestors of other characters of the same name, like most other major recurring characters. And other characters like Ghirahim (or Saria :D) could just be the same character from game-to-game.
There's a ton of characters who could fill in this notion of being a recurring character in the Zelda games without major problems. Midna, due to where she originates, is EXTREMELY difficult to pull off story-wise. So the only thing that Midna could do is appear in non-canon games or very, very few games where the Twilight Realm is involved (and there's a slim chance of that happening).
I do want Nintendo to make more recurring Zelda characters, there's plenty of potential there. Unfortunately, Midna is a huge problem point when it comes to storylines, and Zelda games tend to rely heavily on the story (even lame stories). Its difficult to even put Midna in as a minor character who just shows up because it would have to be justified by the story.
I imagine a sequal to TP titled 'Return to Twilight' or a prequal that features events that transpire into the story of Twilight Princess ending when Midna first encounters Wolf Link...the thing is there's a lot of potential for what Nintendo already has as opposed to making new stuff all the time, not that I'm complaining....why do you think Hyrule Warriors did so well we not only got to see fan favourites from the Zelda series but we also got to play as them (save for Skull Kid