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Discussion thread for the 2024 USA election


Cyber Bunny
Feb 27, 2019
Snow Hill Zone
Biden does have leverage over Israel the aid we are giving them can be given with conditions. Stop bombing Gaza, agree to a ceasefire and let the aid in along with letting the UN in to the strip to investigate the atrocities committed by the IDF and Hamas. These are very reasonable demands that Biden could make,

In the eyes of the world it doesn't matter which party the president belonged to. Both parties are responsible for supporting the war.

Cannon I want to ask where do you get your news from.

I told you that Biden forced Netanyahu to walk back his statement. It shows that Biden has some power over the Prime Minister.

If that's what it takes to get aid into the strip and to force the ceasefire then fine cooperate with Israel in fact I would prefer if the US sent troops to ensure that the aid gets to where its suppose to go and to stop the settlers from destroying the aid trucks like they have been doing while the IDF looked the other way.

and lastly there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq the point of the invasion was to stop Saddam from getting those weapons. It was only until we didn't find any weapons so it was a misguided lie instead of an outright one.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
The last little paragraph makes sense, but it does not change that the Middle East has hated the US long before.

By the way, the rest of what you said tickles my funny bone. Seriously, what good will Biden’s actions be if Israel does not cooperate? Their cooperation is needed for something you did, and Israel’s leader backing down on his comments after what Biden said to him? He did that on his own accord. Biden did not do it for him.

That said, Biden does not have much, if any power and control over Israel. You’re exaggerating. Biden can’t make everything happen on his own. It’s not like Netenyahu will cooperate with Biden’s every request. Otherwise, the attacks on Gaza would have ended long before now.

Anyway, Alicorn, I don’t think I need to show you where I get my sources from, for you’ll just dispute or say they are bad, anyway. I am pretty sure they are reliable.

EDIT: I just saw the presidential debate.

I noticed Trump was lying, trying to blame Biden for things Trump himself actually did, talked more about money and even talked more about himself when accusing Biden of things, and was avoiding questions. He is trying to hide a lot. His lies tell me he does not care about America at all.
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Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
Big Talking Volcano
For Christ's sake, put them both in a home. Why do we not have a law against letting senile old ****s remain in office? If you're not gonna be mentally conscious in ten years what makes them qualified to run our country?

They're an embarrassment to our country.


Cyber Bunny
Feb 27, 2019
Snow Hill Zone
CannonStreak CannonStreak If you really believe the sources are reliable you would tell me what they were. By withholding that information you are giving the impression that you do not really trust the sources or that you are ashamed of them.

I'm asking so that I can get a better understanding about what your views are instead of making surface level judgements.

The debate was bad. There was no point getting around that. Biden is too old for the job. Any other politician would have hung Trump out to dry but because of Biden's speaking skills he made Trump look good even though Trump was just dodging questions and lying throughout the debate.

I feel the Democrats are reaping what they are sowing. They went with a candidate that was safe, staking their bets on a man who's main selling point is that he has connects with Obama.

Does this change the outcome of things? No people will vote for Biden to keep Trump out of office but it really makes the Democrat political machine look subpar. This will hurt Democrats in 2028 no doubt about that.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
CannonStreak CannonStreak If you really believe the sources are reliable you would tell me what they were. By withholding that information you are giving the impression that you do not really trust the sources or that you are ashamed of them.

I'm asking so that I can get a better understanding about what your views are instead of making surface level judgements.

The debate was bad. There was no point getting around that. Biden is too old for the job. Any other politician would have hung Trump out to dry but because of Biden's speaking skills he made Trump look good even though Trump was just dodging questions and lying throughout the debate.

I feel the Democrats are reaping what they are sowing. They went with a candidate that was safe, staking their bets on a man who's main selling point is that he has connects with Obama.

Does this change the outcome of things? No people will vote for Biden to keep Trump out of office but it really makes the Democrat political machine look subpar. This will hurt Democrats in 2028 no doubt about that.
Well, I am more inclined to not give sources now, but if you must know, my main ones (sources) are NBC and MSNBC.

As for the debate, I am inclined to not disagree, which means for once, we agree. Maybe except for a few things, but I will say, politicians can't nominate the right people for president anymore.

Though I do support Biden, I have reasons to only support him by so much, so to an extent. I mean, that debate he was in and his performance did not help. Thing is though, I don't truly care if Biden wins...

...I just want Trump to lose.


Cyber Bunny
Feb 27, 2019
Snow Hill Zone
I figured as much I also watch those sources and Pod save America I know that Biden is out there trying, I know the republicans are gumming up things.

Politicians only think of things in the short term. That's the price a country pays when one party silo's itself off from the rest of the world (GOP) and one is afraid to take chances (Democrats) Its something that I feel comes with the times. Political strategist are working with little data since very few people actually answer polling questions. This is very noticeable on the Democrat side because Democrats do not have the networking that Republicans have.

Trump will lose. People hate Trump more than they like Biden. People who were going to vote for Trump most likely already had their mind made up.

We most likely agree on a lot of things. Just not foreign policy.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
I figured as much I also watch those sources and Pod save America I know that Biden is out there trying, I know the republicans are gumming up things.

Politicians only think of things in the short term. That's the price a country pays when one party silo's itself off from the rest of the world (GOP) and one is afraid to take chances (Democrats) Its something that I feel comes with the times. Political strategist are working with little data since very few people actually answer polling questions. This is very noticeable on the Democrat side because Democrats do not have the networking that Republicans have.

Trump will lose. People hate Trump more than they like Biden. People who were going to vote for Trump most likely already had their mind made up.

We most likely agree on a lot of things. Just not foreign policy.
Perhaps so. It is still good to see we have the ability to agree on plenty of things, even if foreign policy is not one of them.

But yeah, politicians do think too much and only on the short term. Otherwise, we could have had a candidate in 2024 from the democrats that was NOT Biden. But yeah, I am not sure about you, but I am worried about Biden's age. That said, the politicians who nominate presidents, among other things, really need to do better, and maybe in any way, give the people what they really need. I mean, regardless of MY stance in foreign policy, I do think Biden has a lot going against him there, and that is not the only thing against him.

Speaking of foreign policy, I must admit that while I stand by a few things, there are, and I mean are likely to to be things I am missing in that area. I have not exactly passed judgement yet fully on the foreign policy, since I don't know everything, but yeah.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
There is something I need to get off my chest now: I know this does not completely have to do with the presidential election, but I am mad a the Supreme Court for their immunity ruling today! I know they did some not so great things, but they have gone too fare this time. It makes me wonder if we should have a Supreme Court with this kind of corruption in it. It's like those Justices do not know how to stand up to Trump or are too loyal to him, which is likely to be the case for both cases.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I have zero sympathy for a former President who made political violence one of the core aspects of his rhetoric/campaign and was supposed to have been on trial for before the election.

Sadly I fear that this will just embolden more people within the political extremes, especially at the local level in swing states where right-wing extremists already show up to intimidate voters dropping off ballots or waiting in line.

My only hope is that this encourages more people to vote to elect officials who both want to do something about gun violence and put the increasing normalization of political violence within our system behind us.


Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
My family supports Trump, but they aren’t like Trump’s crazy supporters at least and my Dad even thinks he’s an idiot despite wanting him over Biden, so seeing people vilify Trump supporters as a whole makes me feel bad/anxious (a lot of people do little to no research, and aren’t aware of all the bad stuff like those who spend a lot of time online are), but I get hating Trump himself. I don’t like the idea of trying to kill him, though, I’d rather see some other way to overthrow him.

Personally, I don’t like him nor Biden, and idk if our future is gonna be good with either of them. Maybe it will be better with Biden, however; supposedly foreign leaders may want to start a war with us if Biden wins again, but maybe that’s not true. Even so, if Trump wins, we’ll still be much worse as a whole if that Project 2025 thing succeeds. I just REALLY hope no war happens, my brother just HAD to listen to the military recruitment guy at our town’s highschool…

I’m gonna vote Biden, if I can. I really don’t understand why our country had to end up with these two as our candidates, though…


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
I wish to say something about the shooting. I don't know how much of this I have down right, but...

I am kind of glad that Trump was not killed. Not that I support him, for I don't by 100%, but I think I would make sense that if he died yesterday in that shooting, he would become something of a martyr. Now, for those who don't know, a martyr is someone who dies for having their religious or in this case, political beliefs, and they are usually admired after their death by people. It does not really matter if the person is a good guy or a bad guy, as even bad guys have become martyrs before. Anyway, not only could he become one and be admired by people, but people would continue to carry out his beliefs and practice them, and here, that is not a good thing. I can see people do that when he eventually dies naturally, (if he does so), as that is the sad case, but in the case of a possible natural death, after what he could go through, I can see Trump's beliefs and such be carried out and practiced by less people than if he were to be killed yesterday. It is like I said in another topic I made: Bad guys, in this case, the guy trying to kill Trump yesterday, are less remembered between the killer and the victim, and the victim is more remembered than the killer.

Plus, assuming he doesn't win the election, Trump still has a lot of legal woes that he will likely lose, and he can get in trouble for those, and with that, he has not gone through them all yet. To me, it is better to see him potentially get in such troubles before (ideally) his natural death than see him die prematurely before he gets to those, for reasons I explained above.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
we're also talking about a demographic that got riled up over the idea that the Dems were going to take away the gas stoves that half of them didn't have and that didn't happen and that any remotely sane person knew was never going to happen

at this point, "but what if it angers the Republicans!!!?" is not a reason to not do something, they are going to be pissed off at anything and everything they're told to

we're really at a point where the idea of legitimate self-defense is considered evil while Israel's genocide of Palestinians is considered "self-defense", and that's in some ways why there is absolutely no hope for the US and the entire world really


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2021
I guess we will finally get a Madame President. I just hope Harris can gain the confidence of public to secure her second term
LOL you have no ideal. KH is the MOST HATED Democrat on the national Level. She doesn't even have any close competition which is an amazing feat considering how every Democratic state turns incredibly communist.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Alicorn Alicorn Don’t listen to MasterCheef. I have been told that they are a hardcore republican who goes by wrong conspiracies that attack the democrats.

Not that I am bashing MasterCheef or anything or attacking him, just letting you know.


Cyber Bunny
Feb 27, 2019
Snow Hill Zone
LOL you have no ideal. KH is the MOST HATED Democrat on the national Level. She doesn't even have any close competition which is an amazing feat considering how every Democratic state turns incredibly communist.
Kamala Harris is actually viewed favorably because Trump is just that bad of a candidate. Harris will also get a boost because Biden actually did what the voters wanted giving voters some much needed confidence in the Democratic party. Because for years voters have felt their politicians have been taking their votes for granted.


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2021
Kamala Harris is actually viewed favorably because Trump is just that bad of a candidate. Harris will also get a boost because Biden actually did what the voters wanted giving voters some much needed confidence in the Democratic party. Because for years voters have felt their politicians have been taking their votes for granted.
You are totally exceedingly either ; gullible , or , delusional. I just can't tell which.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Kamala Harris is actually viewed favorably because Trump is just that bad of a candidate. Harris will also get a boost because Biden actually did what the voters wanted giving voters some much needed confidence in the Democratic party. Because for years voters have felt their politicians have been taking their votes for granted.
Ah, nice. Assuming she becomes the democratic presidential nominee, I would say this gives me hope. The democrats would be unwise if they did not nominate her for president.
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Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2021
Ah, nice. Assuming she becomes the democratic presidential nominee, I would say this gives me hope. The democrats would be fools to not nominate her for president.
This is Hilarious. Also this Website does not recognize Kamala's name spelling.

Kamala's menu of VP Picks

Light Crisp Dry Whites

Light medium bodied off dry whites

Rich Dry Whites



Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
This is Hilarious. Also this Website does not recognize Kamala's name spelling.

Kamala's menu of VP Picks

Light Crisp Dry Whites

Light medium bodied off dry whites

Rich Dry Whites

You got that from someone from Twitter/X, which is not the most reliable place to back up claims with, especially since that seems to be Elon Musk, who really is not reliable. Plus, that is someone's (Elon Musk's) point of view, and their method of doing so, and the image they posted seemed nothing more than something from something from a menu of a restaurant, which, to me, is a poor choice to use for an argument against someone, as there are better ways of doing it. Plus, that seems to be a meme, which does not help your claims either, since memes are not meant to be taken seriously. (They are supposed to be funny)


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2021
It seems to be a meme, which does not help your claims either, since memes are not meant to be taken seriously. (They are supposed to be funny)
You have no taste. This is going to be a very enjoyable election season

Everyone should read this…

They’ve Successfully Replaced Joe Biden on the Ballot — but How is the Next Nominee Going to Get on the Ballot in Two States?

The Heritage Oversight Project Highlighted They Cannot Take Biden off the Democratic Ticket in Two States, for any Reason other than Death or 25th Amendment 👀

Joe Biden did not die, nor has he been removed via the 25th amendment…

🔴 There are Two (Or More) Problematic States Now

• Nevada
• Wisconsin

• Wisconsin: does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death.
—— Biden hasn’t die

• Nevada: no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year or 'a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.
—— It’s past June, and Biden has not died, nor 25th’d

• Georgia: If Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election, his name will remain on the ballot but no votes will be counted.
—— not applied here.

• Texas, the two party's nominees have until the 74th day before the election to withdraw from the ballot.
—— As of today, there are 106 days til election. The next candidate can be added.

• Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow candidates to withdraw for political reasons.
—— This is still up in the air. No indication if they will allow the change.

• Some states don't have any laws on the books for dealing with a presidential nominee withdrawing, and there is little precedent for such a situation occurring.
—— the next two weeks will be interesting

So unless they use the 25th amendment to remove him, or kill him, the next Presidential Nominee won’t be a choice in the next election.



Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
You have no taste. This is going to be a very enjoyable election season

Everyone should read this…

They’ve Successfully Replaced Joe Biden on the Ballot — but How is the Next Nominee Going to Get on the Ballot in Two States?

The Heritage Oversight Project Highlighted They Cannot Take Biden off the Democratic Ticket in Two States, for any Reason other than Death or 25th Amendment 👀

Joe Biden did not die, nor has he been removed via the 25th amendment…

🔴 There are Two (Or More) Problematic States Now

• Nevada
• Wisconsin

• Wisconsin: does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death.
—— Biden hasn’t die

• Nevada: no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year or 'a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.
—— It’s past June, and Biden has not died, nor 25th’d

• Georgia: If Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election, his name will remain on the ballot but no votes will be counted.
—— not applied here.

• Texas, the two party's nominees have until the 74th day before the election to withdraw from the ballot.
—— As of today, there are 106 days til election. The next candidate can be added.

• Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow candidates to withdraw for political reasons.
—— This is still up in the air. No indication if they will allow the change.

• Some states don't have any laws on the books for dealing with a presidential nominee withdrawing, and there is little precedent for such a situation occurring.
—— the next two weeks will be interesting

So unless they use the 25th amendment to remove him, or kill him, the next Presidential Nominee won’t be a choice in the next election.

I don't know who that person is whose post you linked to, but I do not think it is going to be much of a problem, especially since the candidate is still a democratic democratic candidate. Either way, they still have time to take Biden's name off the ballot in those two states, as I have been told, so I don't think that is going to be a problem.

BUT, it seems to me (No offense when I say this) that you seem unable to form your own opinion on things and just take the word of others who say things you agree with. With those conspiracy theories you trust and all, I am not sure (again, no offense when I say this) if you are able to not listen to others and do proper research on things and form your own arguments rather than use others' words to do the talking for you. It just seems you are only going by what others say instead of forming your own words here.
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