J liking my slot? Absolutely unconscionable.
Have you read my slot post-Ran? The short blurb in your 596 says no.
Joey, this is something we talked about in AIM recently -- pointless questions. If questions seemingly have no point, and their answers can do no harm, then there's no harm in answering them, yeah? And you should do so, imo. If you question the point of the question at the same time you answer it, that's cool.
I wouldn't be pursuing you about the name claim if you weren't making it a bigger thing than it is. This was originally a feeler question; since then, your flat refusal to entertain my reasoning, along with isolated points against you, has made this an issue.
Is it a monkey see, monkey do issue? I'm Pipsy. Can I have your name? Thanks.
X1, I don't think names have anything to add to roles. Your claim, for example, of Dixie Kong the day cop -- no flavour reason for Dixie Kong to be a day cop. Maybe you have something in your PM regarding the flavour, but I'd imagine it's a blurb that the mod could've created for any character that thinly justifies Dixie as a cop. On the other hand, a nameclaim means that scum has to put their cards down on the table.