I doubt we'll see another Kong. Diddy was a stretch, another one would be kinda over the limit.
Diddy seemed like an obvious addition, to me. DK DESPERATELY needed another rep from his franchise, and if it was going to be anyone, it was going to be Diddy. And it is. If they decided to fit in one more, I think they totally could. Though
that might be a bit of a stretch.
I read some of the earlier posts in this thread and saw that some people thought Diddy would be a DK clone if he got in—a laughable thought, in my opinion. I'm not a huge fan of Kongs in the first place, but Diddy is, by far, the one I'd most like to try out. If there's one monkey I'm going to frequent, it'll be Diddy.
But is anyone else bothered by the Nintendo plug on his hat? Why does Diddy have to be a walking, fighting billboard for the company when the whole game does a great job of that anyway?
Also, I have an idea for how his peanut pop gun might work. Press B (or whatever combination the gun may be) and he pulls out the gun and kind of "locks" to the ground. Then, press A to shoot a peanut (moves slowly but is not effected by gravity) and move the cursor to control what direction you fire. The peanuts bounce of things at odd angles, kind of like Dr. Mario's pills (so if you aim the gun at the ground, the peanut will bounce up and his someone in the air). Then press B a second time to get out of "gun mode".
If Diddy's in the air, then the gun works much more like Luigi's fireballs.
Just a thought.