heh, well this is the -only- debate happening right now, so I guess I'll step back in.
Science doesn't have answers for this, my point is is that it couldn't, because the origin of the universe must extend beyond natural entities, and science is only concerned with natural enitities.
Yes. I know that's your point. And I have a HUGE problem with that. I am going to step back again a second here:
Science does not equal Scientific Technology.
Ok, I do this, because while I remain skeptical that there are any possibilities outside the realm of science, I feel that your take on what Science is, is flawed. Science is merely a means to an end. It is a way of analyzing events, physical materials, phenomenon, etc. By saying that Science can never explain what happened "before" BB (quoted for sake of argument and assumption there even is a Before) or to explain what "caused" it, is to say that Humans can never know these things, without Faith. I have a HUGE problem with this, see. I am not atheist, as I mentioned earlier. I have Faith, in God almighty. However for the purpose of this debate, I am willing to entertain the idea that the BB indeed happened, one, and that two, we will one day either have the ability to witness it first-hand (by Time travel experiments) OR at least without-a-doubt prove what it even really is, was, and what "caused" it. We also, may find out what things were like, "before it happened."
Also, there are certain facts which science did not conclude. It is fact that there is some spiritual or supernatural element to the world. I personally know people, one of whom is an atheist, who have been to psychics (not cold-reading frauds) who have spoke in intricate detail of their dead relatives without the person saying a single word at all to the psychics, or filling out any questionnaire (they do that for John Edwards apparently).
Also, over 8 million Americans alone have been deemed been clinically dead, with the common account being they were in a dark tunnel and were experiencing a euphoric sensation.
Again, my godmother had a dream where her late father spoke to her in a language she didn't understand, she had never heard the words before, she later found out he said 'your soul will always live on'.
Even just recently, an old lady terminally ill with cancer, attained a relic somehow related to Mary Mckillop (can't remember what it was, but Mary Mckillop was an Australian woman soon to be ordained a saint incase you didn't know). Upon attaining this relic and praying frequently, instead of dying, she began regaining her health until she became completely healthy yet again. Several medical experts were brought in to examine this, and none of them could account for her sudden boost of health, it was medicallyunexplainable. I'm not suggesting the Catholic Church speaks the truth, just showing there is some form of spiritual element in the world.
There are plenty more of these phenomena, yet none of these were concluded by science, yet are facts. Therefore, if you believe in evolution, I'm guessing you must believe that humans, as mere animals, must have 'evolved' souls, the ability to speak to the dead, the abiltiy to exist in some form of afterlife, and to come to people in dreams etc., yet science concludes none of that.
Yeah, I kinda forced you down this road if you'll notice my previous posts, which is another debating tool known as "rail-roading." I felt this to be the case all along, but to make you say it, is to beat you in this debate. The moment you mention "well there was this dude this one time that I know personally that jumped to the moon and back" kinda thing, it's over. I think most of the past 2 pages have been spent sub-debating why personal anecdotes are inappropriate. We can admit things about the self, like whether or not we're Christians or atheists, etc. But to cite personal, or otherwise unverifiable events, is a debating no no.
That said, I'll go with it, anyway.
"It is fact that there is some spiritual or supernatural element to the world. I personally know people, one of whom is an atheist, who have been to psychics (not cold-reading frauds) who have spoke in intricate detail of their dead relatives without the person saying a single word at all to the psychics, or filling out any questionnaire (they do that for John Edwards apparently)."
Okay, again, any time you want to say such-n-such is fact, you must provide a source. K? You may not personally believe it's necessary, but for the purposes of debating on SWF in the DH, please please please do this. For our edification if not your own.
Now your "factual" example here, can actually be explained without the use of the words "spiritual" or "supernatural." It is possible that psychic power is in fact rooted in biology and, ironically, evolution. -
Your next several examples continue along the same vein, near-death experiences, holy relics, spirit dreams... these things though strange, may have a basis in the physical world, and be observable by Science. The point is, there's too much wiggle room in these citations, to be useful in this debate, and so should not be used.
And why exactly would I need to offer new angles when no one, apart from your Looping theory, provided any answers to the challenge I offered?
I explained why I thought a higher being must've been responsible, because natural entities cannot cause themselves and are not self-necessary. This was explored in pretty much every post I made in response to everyone's counters.
New angles offer a way around circle-stalling, for lack of a better term, lol. Your arguments have been revolving around the same basic point and without coming at it from a different perspective, namely, your opponent's perspective, you cannot hope to win them over.
What you've explained, unfortunately, is too hypothetical to hold water. Natural Entities CAN cause themselves, it is our lack of scientific understanding that prevents us from seeing WHY. It is this same lack which forces us to rely on Faith-based creationism to plug in that hole. This trend can be traced back for thousands of years. "The world is flat" or "The Earth is at the center of the Universe" ... these types of "facts" are just as impossible to prove otherwise, until Science (and the Technology it avails) and Engineering, etc are able to breech that ignorance. In fact, did you know that it's actually quite difficult to prove the Moon goes around the Earth, and not the other way around? It takes some lengthy observation and a protractor and a weighted string and patience and data collecting, and ultimately the information is VERY close, so close that you still could say, the Earth revolves the moon, it's just we know better. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
Even if BB is fact, whether it caused UPs to exist, or it was caused by the UPs (which then whose existence is not accounted for) is not fact. My essay aimed to show that BB could not have caused the UPs to exist, but rather the other way around, and then to show that only God could have caused the UPs to exist. I really don't see how it could have been clearer.
Your OP states:
"The problem with the Big Bang Theory is that it suggests that something came from nothing, when in fact there was no such potentiality to allow such a phenomena to occur."
My counter is that you're wrong, basically, because your statement is an opinion, and even so far as to say, it's an inaccurate portrayal of BBT. Big Bang doesn't -suggest- ... it states. There was Nothing before the Big Bang. And by Nothing, BB theorists mean "Nothing" that exists AFTER Big Bang, not Nothing nothing. There obviously -was- something before the bang, or there wouldn't have been one, lol... but the posit requires you to define your Universal Princicples of time, matter, energy and space as post-bang items, and pre-bang existence is simply Everything that is not post-bang, which is the same as Nothing. why? Cause we Don't Know! There's literally no scientific evidence of any pre-bang matter, energy, space, anything... this is where you say "and we'll never know it, cause science can only observe post-bang things" and this is where I say "wrong again, Today's science can only do this, tomorrow's may be able to."
You further conclude:
"1. That the first motion occurred at some point in time.
2. That time began when the first motion occurred."
I say this is also opinion. Has it occurred to you that they both began simultaneously? And that that is why space and time aren't separate, but a continuum? The Space-Time Continuum! This is what irked me about your whole thesis. This ... chicken and the egg philosophy you've stapled onto "atheistic belief" ... in an attempt to discredit it. I don't buy it, friend. No one likes to think about which came first, the chicken or the egg, why would an atheist purposefully back themselves into such a terrible corner? Answer? They don't.
I responded to every counter put in front of me. Everyone just tried to condescend me, instead of actually explaining why my theory that natural entities cannot be self-necessary, and therefore cannot cause BB is wrong.
No one, apart from your LT, even attempted to argue why it would be more logical that the universe created itself than having God create it. So if no one does that, what do I have to refute? You gave me LT, and I responded to that, dissecting the theory and showing why I thought it was wrong.
Alright, fair enough. I apologize for my condescending attitude. I will admit to being a bit harsh back there. It's for your own good, though... it was my last ditched effort at getting you to re-posit your idea using a different approach, because your current approach ends in circles.
The Loop theory is only 1 theory, actually... there are others. Big Bang is a... reference point from which man can gauge the age of the "known" universe, and it's would be fate. True it's never been eye witnessed, and so only scientific method can be used to say "that's what happened" but that is why it's a Theory (and a good one, all considering.) Creation theory, is less theory, and more Faith-based... and Atheists in particular will balk at this, because Faith is ... often times misplaced, as is evident in such historic events as the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, to name but two. Now I won't say Science is NOT guilty of this. Look at the invention of the Atom bomb. What I will say is, that science avails us a truer outcome. The Atom bomb wasn't just willed into existence because enough people prayed on it. And the origin of the Universe, and the reason for its existence, the reason for the Big Bang, will one day be explained, not by God, but by Man.
You guys admitted science has no knowledge of what happened before BB, and what happened before BB was the only issue I addressed. Therefore, why would I require scientific knowledge, when there is no scientific knowledge in the area?
lol ok no, science cannot explain what happened 'before' the BB, but to say it therefore HAS to be divine in nature, is the problem. It's not that you have to have scientific knowledge in pre-BB existence, cause you're quite right, NO ONE DOES, but you DID attack Big Bang theory, and did not just focus on pre-BB ideas. To say otherwise is inaccurate. You must therefore read up on what you're attacking before doing it.
Well for it to be indisputable fact that the universe created itself, I assumed there would have been some experiments or testing that showed that an original natural entity somehow transformed into matter and expanded.
It's not fact, yet, just theory. Tests and experiments and scientific method will continue to expound on this theory, but it's in no way fact, yet.
All I'm saying is that it's impossible that the universe, comprised entirely of natural entities, could have caused itself to exist. Therefore, I'm saying that even if BB did happen, it must have been caused by a higher being. As I said before, your LT was the only time someone ever attemtpted to show that the universe creating itself was more logical than God doing it.
Yes and I will admit that when I came down to it, it was inevitable that the question would arise "Well if God didn't create Universe, then who did?" Which begs an answer, and Loop theory is the best answer -I- have ever come up with, and read about. I can therefore understand your frustration, as you are not wholly incorrect on this point. My theory IS the only true alternative to yours as such in this debate. One for one. So we're at a tie on this point.
I tried to refute was the idea that BB could of happened without God. So, if you defend this theory that I'm attacking, instead of condescending me, why doesn't someone actually tell me why it's more probable that the universe created tiself rather than God?
THIS is something that cannot be debated by either of us, legitimately. If it was God, cool. If it was itself, cool. Either is just as plausible. Evidence can be supported (and has been) on both accounts. I would say that this type of argument is best left inside your own head, and soul... because it's highly unlikely one will convince the other theirs is more right.
The thing is, you throw all your scientific content at me, yet you know there is no scientific content on what caused the BB, so all that science is irrelevant. If you guys are atheists, and not agnostic, then you should be able to explain to me the question I mentioned above, but if you say you're an atheist yet have no logical reason to believe that God couldn't have created the world, and that the universe itself must have done it, then your atheism is not well-founed. Saying that science will eventually prove that the universe created itself is not a well-founded reason, because considering that we have no scientific knowledge of the question at hand, there is no scientific proof that in the future there will be scientific proof that the universe created itself.
Ugh, you were doing pretty good until this... Again the "attack" you perceived was mine and others' dismay that our points were being missed due to your lack of what we're talking about, nothing more. It's not that it's irrelevant, it's actually quite relevant. Science is used to learn about things. To learn about the BB and "before" the BB, one must either deduce based on Faith-based ideology, or on scientific method. I choose scientific method because it's done so well to explain so many other things, such as the creation of Earth, the moon, the sun, the planets, why things go up must come down, etc etc etc. Given this track record, I want science to have a crack at the Ultimate question, where did it really all come from? And that answer lies in wait. So yes, waiting for science to catch up a bit, or a lot as it were, is essential. Patience is essential. In the meantime, sure, we can all believe God did it, but simultaneously, we should also be seeking out evidence of this. And in that journey, we may very well find that to be the case. Imagine. Scientific proof of His existence. How terrible that would be, for so many, whose Faith requires the Question to exist, not The Answer.