Just a quick update on my Adderall experiences:
I'm on Day 2 of it now, and I've noticed a significantly positive increase in mood, noticed by both my friends, my parents, and myself.
I've also noticed a significant increase in my energy level in the mornings. I was on cloud 9 around 11 AM yesterday, and despite only sleeping 1:45 - 6:35, I'm wide awake in my 9 AM class where I'd normally be falling asleep. I've also noticed a lower level of fatigue even later in the day when I'd normally be crashing, even on a normal sleep level.
In terms of paying attention, I haven't noticed much yet.
And as some of you may know, Adderall abuse in eSports is a thing due to increase in concentration/focus level and preventing fatigue.
Played some Smash with Jesse (My buddy, DK main) yesterday, and he commented that I seemed to be ****** him harder than usual when I got into my aggressive attack strings. (I play Marth) I've also noticed a slight increase in reaction time, and I've found I make decisions faster during gameplay.
And those are my observations so far, as of Day 2 of my 5mg Adderall XR treatment.