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#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
sorry about the inactivity in my games guys, it went from harmless laziness to negligent laziness to actually have too much **** on my plate

my bad. Looks like i'll have to take a break from mafia for a while till i have a lot of free time like i did this summer.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
college for me was just the right choice, i am getting a comparable education to the university equivalent and the college itself is pretty well accredited. Plus, it's not that bad cost wise, i'm done next december and have burned through about 6000 $ , plus the school gave us cost estimates and pretty much said : look here's what you pay each term, here's a general number overall.

I did try to get a student loan, but thanks to shiesty banking i ended up getting loaned all of 200 $ while the bank used the rest of my money (despite me explaining what i wanted to do directly to my loan manager) to pay for college, i then said **** that and have used my job to supplement what i have been spending on college.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Excluding trade schools and skill oriented sciences such as computer science, most curriculum will not prepare anyone to transition successfully into the job market. Most classes involve textbook work, however rarely will this textbook material actually be applied anywhere except on an arbitrary paper test. A wide majority of undergraduate primarily consists of survey courses. A science that involves briefly going over many concepts, with very little attention dedicated to the relative value that these concepts have in modern markets. It is more important to schools that these concepts have some consistency and relevance to each other as a theory, rather than bring focus to the pragmatic value that each of these ideas have in telling someone how to make bank. Even if you go to school full ride or your school ends up paying you some money to attend, you have dedicated four years of work to an institution that has zero obligation in setting a context for success. It is and always has been up to the individual to make do with the knowledge gained and to bring themselves closer to some ideal conclusion.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Depends on your criteria for what gives an individual "human capital." If it's in terms of pushing society forward, I would say academic achievement is a decent estimate of someone's ethic/intellectual capacity. But I'd have to be an idiot to take a bachelor's degree at face value when looking to hire someone of merit.

Of course, there are those who don't go through school and subsequently lack accreditation, however they are equally important, if not more so. Bill Gates is the very obvious example to be using here.

Acrostic, I gotta ask you, do you just downright hate the school system? How well did you do in academia? You got me curious.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
i agree with the above by acrostic and would like to add in that i feel courses with co-operative work terms should be the trend of the future, class rooms do not prepare you for the workforce, being in the workforce does. You can be a brilliant coder, but if you can't interact with fellow employees or explain to someone your code so they can help you fix it, you'll be in for a bad time.

Not to mention that just because you can do theory, doesn't mean you can apply it to real life situations (i know it can be done, the distinction here is usually being successful on the theory side is more or less non indicative IMO of how you'll be able to apply it in practice )

curse you bardull, your bear with a hat and glasses gets all the ninja's

allll the ninjas


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Why do you think I chose a black bear? Helps me sneak around and **** during the night.

subsequently getting all the ninja babes in the process

Get *****.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Also, you can make assumptions abut a person human capital, but then again when you assume you make an *** out of you and me

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
come at me bardull, i got a raging demon with your name on it.

in hindsight, this post is extremely sexual, and i'm alright with that

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Depends on your criteria for what gives an individual "human capital."
The established definition as used by economists.

Wikipedia said:
Human capital is the stock of competencies, knowledge, social and personality attributes, including creativity, embodied in the ability to perform labor so as to produce economic value.
Bardull said:
If it's in terms of pushing society forward, I would say academic achievement is a decent estimate of someone's ethic/intellectual capacity. But I'd have to be an idiot to take a bachelor's degree at face value when looking to hire someone of merit.
I'm not addressing this at all. I'm talking about individual advancement, like what you can be guaranteed to get out of paying other people to give you homework for another four years.

Bardull said:
Of course, there are those who don't go through school and subsequently lack accreditation, however they are equally important, if not more so. Bill Gates is the very obvious example to be using here.
Bill Gates is a horrible example to use since his social status and personal attributes are far from comparable to your average Joe. He went to one of the wealthiest prep schools which gave him access at a young age to start using one of the earliest computer models available, a rarity. Another reason why Gates is a bad analogy is because he isn't someone who is referenced because he dropped from Harvard and found a means to live. He is referenced because he is someone extremely successful who happened to have made a calculated choice to drop out after designing the software system for the altair microcomputers securing himself and Paul jobs.

Bardull said:
Acrostic, I gotta ask you, do you just downright hate the school system? How well did you do in academia? You got me curious.
I believe that the entire education system should be restructured and remodeled. I've been debating this idea where some portion of high school is axed in favor of a technical training portion where in a course like science, people are taught how to apply first aid, administer basic pharmacology, and diagnose health conditions. The class would be covered by an EMT, a pharmacist, and a doctor respectively. I am aware that the previous case is optimistic. However the basic idea is that there should be a trade skill that students of any year learn to perfect regardless of how basic and have the opportunity to apply that in a real life setting so they are able to witness for themselves the applicability of their education.

As for Academia? I think I graduated with a B. I aced all of my biology courses and passed all my chem courses. I took little physics and mathematics, however I did overall better in applied mathematics than I died in chemistry. I did research in my free time and I worked around thirty hours a week to cover gas and basic living expenses. I was originally pre-medicine, but I felt that the whole hospital atmosphere was claustrophobic given my two years of volunteer work in the emergency room.

I didn't really become upset with the college system until I learned that most exams were recycled or used as bargaining tools to benefit students closely aligned with that department or key student advocate groups. I somehow managed to obtain a copy of testing material that was exclusive to each group, consequently acing a biochem final since 99% of the test was word for word the practice material. Public distributions given to students barely had any correlation and if anything threw off students from doing well. This whole idea of an "in" and "out" community completely parallel to any notion of meritocracy caused me to rethink the role of higher learning and the reason why we currently depend globally on such institutions for social advancement.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
When people do the "mfw" thing without an accompanying face...

I don't get it.

Like, I have NO idea what I'm supposed to take from that.
It's like a short-form for the following:

> mfw
> I don't even have a face because what I'm doing this in response to is so ridiculous that no face is appropriate


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
If you don't like the Bill Gates example, I could cite my mother instead. She's capable of doing interstate/intercontinental tax returns, arguably the most nauseating form of accounting in the field. However, she never got a degree. She's capable of doing anything a CPA can do, and even more than that, but she lacks "official" certification. However, even though she lacks certification, that doesn't necessarily make her "less" in terms of "human capital" as opposed to someone with CPA certification. As you said, school doesn't prepare one for the workforce, it's all theorycraft. Another example; there are people on smashboards who know tons and tons of information regarding each smash game, but they can never put theory into practice.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Bardull, human capital is very easy to understand. If she is making bank from her own abilities than that attributes to human capital. If she isn't making bank doing whatever it is she does then that's not a part of being considered her capital.

I'm not stating that school is all theorycraft. I did lab work on a regular basis. However many of the skills I performed were not cross applicable and all jobs required skills I never had the chance to develop in lab. I did specific research on gm plants for increased saline tolerance for use use in third world countries however the areas I worked on were extremely limited and I felt at distance from the project due to professor finishing up his research and requiring absolute quality control so that results published for his paper wouldn't have any human error.

I suppose the main point that led me to this conversation was WL/Rake's comment on comparing a school's worth which led me to assess whether on a pragmatic scale if any school can justify to students that it is a beneficial decision to sink money and time to come out with the guaranty of only a diploma and a transcript. I am to this day awful at putting stock in long-term investments on anyone or anything.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Bardull, human capital is very easy to understand. If she is making bank from her own abilities than that attributes to human capital. If she isn't making bank doing whatever it is she does then that's not a part of being considered her capital.

I'm not stating that school is all theorycraft. I did lab work on a regular basis. However many of the skills I performed were not cross applicable and all jobs required skills I never had the chance to develop in lab. I did specific research on gm plants for increased saline tolerance for use use in third world countries however the areas I worked on were extremely limited and I felt at distance from the project due to professor finishing up his research and requiring absolute quality control so that results published for his paper wouldn't have any human error.

I suppose the main point that led me to this conversation was WL/Rake's comment on comparing a school's worth which led me to assess whether on a pragmatic scale if any school can justify to students that it is a beneficial decision to sink money and time to come out with the guaranty of only a diploma and a transcript.
Oh, I thought it was obvious that she makes bank, otherwise I wouldn't have brought her up as an example. She makes as much as a CPA who has been in the business for at least 10+ years, if not more so.

Depends on what you want to do, what you're trying to accomplish, yada yada. Having a bachelor's is a nice cherry on the top in terms of certification, or so they say; helps you get jobs easier and such in theory, albeit I hear it's hard enough as is to get a job in the state of California even WITH a bachelors. Go figure.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Just a quick update on my Adderall experiences:

I'm on Day 2 of it now, and I've noticed a significantly positive increase in mood, noticed by both my friends, my parents, and myself.

I've also noticed a significant increase in my energy level in the mornings. I was on cloud 9 around 11 AM yesterday, and despite only sleeping 1:45 - 6:35, I'm wide awake in my 9 AM class where I'd normally be falling asleep. I've also noticed a lower level of fatigue even later in the day when I'd normally be crashing, even on a normal sleep level.

In terms of paying attention, I haven't noticed much yet.

And as some of you may know, Adderall abuse in eSports is a thing due to increase in concentration/focus level and preventing fatigue.

Played some Smash with Jesse (My buddy, DK main) yesterday, and he commented that I seemed to be ****** him harder than usual when I got into my aggressive attack strings. (I play Marth) I've also noticed a slight increase in reaction time, and I've found I make decisions faster during gameplay.

And those are my observations so far, as of Day 2 of my 5mg Adderall XR treatment.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Mild trolling detected, but these ARE observations.

I didn't intend it to be an encouragement, but rather an observation (confirmation bias or otherwise) that there seems to be some truth to those claims.



Jun 7, 2009
I might add that all the observations you listed are effects of stimulants, which is what Adderall is.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I've also noticed a significant increase in my energy level in the mornings. I was on cloud 9 around 11 AM yesterday, and despite only sleeping 1:45 - 6:35, I'm wide awake in my 9 AM class where I'd normally be falling asleep. I've also noticed a lower level of fatigue even later in the day when I'd normally be crashing, even on a normal sleep level.
This I have problems with. Like I seem to fatigue even though I get some sleep, and it gets in the way of me actually being productive during the day etc. It may be that I don't get a full cycle of sleep either I don't know. I just hate having to go to the doctor and be like "I'm having sleeping probs" and get that it's just poor sleep hygeine...

I always wonder if it's related to AD/HD


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
Do you have any other sign of ADHD? If not, it's probably something else.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
I woke up at 11am and I'm still tired. I can't get motivated to do anything and I'm so out of focus from anything else other than watching TV and looking up on the Internet. If I do something like laundry and etc, it'll take longer than usual for me to finish. Same with homework and studies. And yeah, I do have troubles when doing studies.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Yeah I can't take Adderrall Raziek. My medication is more of a depressant. When I take my pill, I become more focused and I think more clearly, without it my mind is racing and I tend to choke on my own words in a sense. I don't notice any Video Game Skill changes.

Any physical changes? Upset stomach? Any mental changes? Change in mood?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Do you have any other sign of ADHD? If not, it's probably something else.
Yes, I just don't remember what exactly it is that I have. I know I have been treated for it as a kid and will try to do something about it once I get medical insurance.

I also just woke up at 11:00 AM.

Also misread Nabe as Nabo.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
Yeah I can't take Adderrall Raziek. My medication is more of a depressant. When I take my pill, I become more focused and I think more clearly, without it my mind is racing and I tend to choke on my own words in a sense. I don't notice any Video Game Skill changes.

Any physical changes? Upset stomach? Any mental changes? Change in mood?
You're on Vyvanse? IDR what you said, but I'm on vyvanse and Video Game performance hasn't changed much for me.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I did Vyvanse once. I'm on Strattera. I couldn't even handle Vyvanse. I'm weird like that I guess, I just got really sick on them or I would become really angry and get weird mood swings.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Just a quick update on my Adderall experiences:

I'm on Day 2 of it now, and I've noticed a significantly positive increase in mood, noticed by both my friends, my parents, and myself.

I've also noticed a significant increase in my energy level in the mornings. I was on cloud 9 around 11 AM yesterday, and despite only sleeping 1:45 - 6:35, I'm wide awake in my 9 AM class where I'd normally be falling asleep. I've also noticed a lower level of fatigue even later in the day when I'd normally be crashing, even on a normal sleep level.

In terms of paying attention, I haven't noticed much yet.

And as some of you may know, Adderall abuse in eSports is a thing due to increase in concentration/focus level and preventing fatigue.

Played some Smash with Jesse (My buddy, DK main) yesterday, and he commented that I seemed to be ****** him harder than usual when I got into my aggressive attack strings. (I play Marth) I've also noticed a slight increase in reaction time, and I've found I make decisions faster during gameplay.

And those are my observations so far, as of Day 2 of my 5mg Adderall XR treatment.
This I have problems with. Like I seem to fatigue even though I get some sleep, and it gets in the way of me actually being productive during the day etc. It may be that I don't get a full cycle of sleep either I don't know. I just hate having to go to the doctor and be like "I'm having sleeping probs" and get that it's just poor sleep hygeine...

I always wonder if it's related to AD/HD
Never hurts to take a screening test.


Try that, same one I took. I scored on 4/6 of the primary categories.
Yeah I can't take Adderrall Raziek. My medication is more of a depressant. When I take my pill, I become more focused and I think more clearly, without it my mind is racing and I tend to choke on my own words in a sense. I don't notice any Video Game Skill changes.

Any physical changes? Upset stomach? Any mental changes? Change in mood?
Not sure what you mean by physical, but no upset stomach, and the mental changes/mood changes are highlighted in my above quote in red.

Slightly reduced appetite, as expected.
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