Who put the "bop" in the "bop-shoo bop-shoo bop"?
If the pen is mightier than the sword, then why do actions speak louder than words?
Why do they sell cigarettes at gas stations if you're not allowed to smoke there?
If 7-11 is open 24hrs a day 365 days a year, how come there's locks on the doors?
If drinking and driving is illegal, why do you need a driver's license to buy alcohol?
What is the meaning of life?
How come the alphabet is in that order? Is it cuz of that song?
Do blind people see their dreams?
Why is it called a TV set, when you only get one?
Do you think they tried other flavors for toothpaste before they settled on mint?
Does a bear **** in the woods? What if he has other options?
Favorite genre of music. You can only choose one!
Why is the word "abbreviated" so long?
Two ducks walk into a bar... finish that joke.
How come when you buy lemon juice at the store, it's made with artificial flavor, but dishwashing liquid is made with real lemons?
How come the sun makes your hair lighter, but your skin darker?
Cats or dogs?
Monkeys or penguins?
Pedophilia, or incest?
You can only watch one TV show the rest of your life. What show do you choose?
If 2 wrongs don't make a right, but 3 lefts do make a right, does that mean the "2 wrongs" guy just gave up too soon?
Why is it called a "building" even after it's already built?
Why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?
Why do drive-thru ATMs have braille directions?
Why do people say "cold as hell"?
Are you as bothered as I am by the constant misuse of "your" and "you're" in this thread?