What are your dreams for the future? One realistic one and one overly ambitious one, please.
Most embarassing thing about you that your parents know?
Ever seen something you knew you shouldn't have seen? What was it and what did you do?
Would you consider ever name-changing? If so, what to?
What's your guilty pleasure?
Name 5 things I don't know about you.
If you were a girl, what would you like to be named? Would you name your daughter like that?
What's your "life philosophy"/slogan?
Make a Rockin gay joke :D
Choose a picture to describe yourself.
Choose a song to describe yourself.
What is your greatest accomplishment in life?
You are infected by a parasite. This parasite makes it so that you get a new biological rhythm.
You wake up at 9:30am, you live until 11pm and then you die. You wake up again the next morning.
From the moment you wake up, you know you'll die the same evening. You don't know that you'll wake up again.
Imagine that it's possible in this society.
Now, after a year of this, you get offered the opportunity to have the parasite removed. Do you do it?
What is the most comfortable feeling in the world?
What are the things you enjoy most? (i.e. drawing, taking a walk, playing games)
What do you pride yourself in most?
You are walking with ___. Suddenly, ____ asks you "Say Alex, ___ do you _________?"
You respond, "Well, ____, I ______ for ________, so __________."
fill in the blanks.
You can learn one other language. Which one is it?
You're born in another country. Which one is it?
You're given the chance to find your true love in trade of everyone you hold dear at that point in time. Do you do it?
Truth is a silly concept. Why do people cling to it?
Learn to Jugemu with me, please.
Pick 5 dGamers to chill with.
Remember those 5 dGamers you were chilling with? Pick a quote to describe each of them. Movie, book, something you heard. Anything goes, as long as it's not your own words :v
Are you an optimist, realist or pessimist?
Are your friends optimist, realist or pessimist?
What type of girls are you attracted to? Like, give us some defining characteristics.
Anyone you look up to? Famous or not, doesn't matter.
What is your favorite word in the English language?
What REALLY sucks?